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Oakville Beaver, 12 Nov 2003, C7

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The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday N ovem ber 12, 2003 - C7 articles for sale articles (or sale auctions, sates auctions, sales B E Y O N D the Classroom -is looking for oxporloncod Math and English tutors To apply visit www beyondtheclass room ca A G E N U IN E S H A F E R E STA TE ATTENTION SALES PEOPLE! AUCTION SALE SATURDAY NOV. 15/2003 PREVIEW 8:00 AM.. AUCTION 9:30 AM caneers2004 THE NBWAKVILLE d E > is lo o kin g to put to g e th e r the rig ht sales team ! W e're lo o kin g fo r sa le s co n s u lta n ts w ith a u to m otive sales background but w ill also consider training the nght candidate. Is this you! 00 YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO BECOME SUCCESSFUL? (antiques and collectables etc. from 1130am) AT THE MAINWAY REC. CENTRE 4015 Mainway Dr. (at Walken Li) Burlington. O N LUjlack Norti ol lht QEW Qit Ihe Walters Line w ill morecHoiCES M a n u f a c t u r e r Of F r a m e d Pr i nt s & M i r r o r s OPEN TO THE PUBLIC L A S T 4 D AYS!! WHOLESALE PRICES 1 0 0 0 ' S of P ic tu r e s & M i r r o r s Come Early for Best Selection Custom F r a m i n g A v a i l a b l e Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 13 14 15 16 5-9pm 5-9pm 10-5pm 11-5pm An excellent ottering featuring items from several local estates Our usual quality selection in our usual format Now in new location on a new day. at a new time. A good selection of vintage furnishings, original artwork. Royal D oultons'. Dinnerware. Assorted Glass and Chine, Pottery Collection large Moorcrott vase. Also Modern furnishings and household effects, including a large assortment ol Christmas Decorations Cash, Visa, Interac. 5°. Buyers Premium. Forward your resume Attn: Jim Ringer oakvillekiaQbellnet.ca Fax:905-827-1564 M A T U R E person w drivers license, required immediately to gel my 2-children ready/ driven to school 1-day/wk. 905-336-1963 w/references GoodAccess, Abundant Parking, Delivery SHAFER AUCTION CO. LTD. 905-634-6300 ftcrores www.auctionsfind.com/shafer RECEPTIONIST IN CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Looking for an energetic & friendly personality Computer knowledge an asset. Flexible hours. Available immediately Burlington location E X P E R IE N C E D , honest reliablo . dependable cleaning lady availablo to clean your house or apart ment. Margarot. 905 -57 57678 C A R E G IV E R ava.iable pari time 905-573-2764 E X P E R IE N C E D cle anin g lady Excellent references Reasonable rates Call Bar bara 905-637-1878 Medical & 1 Dental Reception Courses ·C E R T IF IE D ·C O M P U T E R IZ E D Please call 905-333-1308 540 hotel restaurant 540 hotel restaurant P L U M B IN G R epairs. New Installa tions, a lte ra tions. Basement drains, bathroom s, dryw all. fram ing. tilin g No Job Too Sm all Frank. 9 0 5 -6 3 9 3874. B A S E M E N T S - Buy quality basem ent finishing . Licensed, insured contrac tor Reliable, fair pnce Win ter special Walter 416-277- CELADON 4 3 5 0 M a i n w a y D r ., B u r l i n g t o n Between Walker's & Appleby Line · 335-6444 HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE 905 · 6 3 7 · 3 4 1 5 S L Y E Fox Public House re quires Kitchen Staff Show us you have tho experience and wen provide competitive wages winning atmosphere Com e soe us at Eastway Plaza (New/ Walkers), fax 905-639-3029 S E R V E R S 4 Hosts, parttimo Apply in person, ask for Mike. QB's. 4460 Fair* view. Burlington 905-637________________ 9797 G R IL L / Deli Cook required full-time Straight days- no weekends Kitchen exper ience an assot Apply in person to Shawn at the Cafeteria. 1151 Bronte Road (Halton Regional Building). J U D G E & Jury requires a line cook, all shifts, mature, m inim um 2 years e x p e ri ence C ontact Kevin 905319-1655 OW P IA N O "Sam ickV double brass bed with mattress sot. c re a m colour sofa and c h a ir A ll like new 905335-2753 P O O L table plus accesso rie s U sed/ R efurbished B u y / se ll. P rofessio nal service for all models 9056 1 6 -5 1 5 9 www b illia rd service com P R E S S E D back chairs set of 4, & table with East Lake detail on legs $650 905332-3469 R A D IA T O R S , hot water. 37x26x7 simple, not ornate, prossure-tested. thermostat v a lv e s, upd ated bieedor valves. $100/ea 905-8420543 R IM S (4) 15 inch Mustang nms $75 each or best offer 905-827-5184 R O X T O N bedroom suito. trip le drosser. chest on chest, bedside tables, plat form rocker, and lamps. $1850 905-332-3469 S C O O T E R , Ultram atic. 3w h eel, asking $600 905332-9383 S N O W T IR E S . 2 P205/ 65/R 1 5. fa cto ry M ustang m ini bra & factory Mustang floor mats, all new condition $285 905-689-0163 SPEAKERS' Bose* A co utim a ss 10 S e rios-2 Hom e T heater Speaker S ystem 10-speakers & subw oofer with 4 speaker stands New $2000 $800 firm 905-920-1020 SPO RTS: T ae -kw on-do sparring equipm ent, fits 810 yr old $100 . W avemaster. $100 . snowboard. Rage, and size 8-1/2 mens boots, used 4 times. $175 905-332-9383 U P R IG H T Yam aha piano 44". e xce lle n t cond ition. $3900. 9-pce diningroom set. b uffe t, hutch, oval table. 6 chairs $1800; sofa. $400; love seat $300. Ya m aha keyboard $99 905825-8902 W IN T E R tires. 4 Motomaster Wintertrac. 215/70/15 used one winter $300 All season tires. 4 used Mtchelin Pilot. xgt-h4 195/65/15 $250 obo Crib (Ragazzi), change table dresser ex cellent condition. $600 obo 905845-4329_____________ C l l e i a rticle s w anted cars fo r sale We are seeking.... 1 9 9 1 Ford M ustang LX. auto. 2.3L, red, very clean, no rust, hatchback, e-test ed May 23 No accidents B lizzard w inter tire s inc. Little to certify Service re ceipts avail As is $2800 obo. 168.600k. 905-847-0904 2001 red Cavalier 2-door, a/ c. lurry loaded, cd. 50k. ta keover lease, 1 5yrs left 905-332-8193 1 9 8 9 Oldsmobtle Delta 88 214.000km . no rusl. c e rti fied. runs porfoct $1800 No work needed 905-6167807 1991 Toyota Camry station w agon. V6. 240,000km . new e ng ine, tim in g belt, water pump, runs like new $3500 firm 905-616-7807 S U N B IR D - red- 46k. 1993 4 door, autom atic. A/C. etested ABS brakes Excel lent cond ition $3,650 obo 905-842-3943 1994 Pontiac Sunbud. blue.Auto 4 doo r, 194k. 2L4cyim der. e-tested, Runs well S1200./obo 905-6395007 1 9 7 1 MGB m echa n ic a lly good, n ee ds bod yw ork H ave p a rts to com ple te Best offer over S3500 Call 905-257-8024, evenings. 1 9 8 9 P lym o uth V o yagerair. seats 7. cert./ e-tested. original owner, great family tra n s p o rta tio n $2000 905-637-2638 1 9 9 7 Plymouth Breeze bur gundy, auto., power options, air, 142.000kms . certified, emission tested. $5900 obo MORTGAGE SPECIALIST who is highly motivated, self starter for our Burlington office Must have successfully completed FSU101 and have working knowledge of IMAC/LSS software. Please fax resume to: 905-681-3300 A tte n tio n : Mortgage Department COMING: th e w e e k o f January 26,2004 ADVERTISING DEADLINE: Ja n u ary 8,2004 r T T !l P IIH I teaching opportunities A C C R E D IT E D M oving/ Packing/ Storage. Domes tic/ International. Free war drobes/ picture cartons Ur gent jobs welcom e. 905829-1282.866 666-1313 © Ontario Ontario Early Years Centre Burlington Family Resource Centre Early Childhood Educators Part-Time and supply positions J H a jl For m o r e in form ation, c o n ta c t Rose Scapin, M e troland C orporate Sales O ffice 416-493-1300, e x t 335. rscapm @ m etm land.com a r M n r u lu n d Community Vm^pupm www.metroland.com * * * * technical help l- M - l ·ECE, CPR and First Aid certification ·Minimum 2 years experience ·Able to work flexible hours, including some evenings and Saturdays. Send Resumes to: 5353 Lakeshore Rd. E. #8 B urlington, 0 N L 7 L 1 C 8 o r oeycburllngton@ beltnet.ca C U S T O M -M A D E 'd ra p e r ies valances, sheers bed/ ta b le / chair co-ordina tes, fabrics, installation. 11yrs exp Sherry. 905-634-6706 general help wanted P A R T - T IM E r e c e p tio n is t r e q u ir e d , e v e n in g s fro m 58pm, in a m u lti d ls ip lin a r y clinic m O a k v ille F a x r e s u m e to 905-337-1912 C O S M E T IC M e r c h a n d is e r re q u ire d f u llt im e M o s tly d a y h o u r s in c lu d in g S a tu r d a y s E x p e r ie n c e n o t e s s e n t ia l S o m e l if t in g r e q u ir e d W a g e s c o m m e n s u r a te w ith e x p e r ie n c e p lu s b e n e fit A p p ly S h o p p e r s D ru g M a rl. 5 2 0 K e rr S tre e t. O a k v ille , o r fa x re s u m e 905 -8 4 5 *3 4 0 7 IN D E P E N D E N T a d u lt e a r n e rs re q u ire d . W e d /F ri/S a t to d e liv e r a p re s tig io u s p u b lic a t io n d o o r - to - d o o r N o c o lle c tin g G o o d p a y C a ll S al 9 0 5 -844-057 7 O A K V IL L E c o n t r a c to r r e q u ir e s 5 e x p e r ie n c e d o p e ra to rs fo r sid e w a lk cle a n n g fo r th e T ow n o f O a kville c o n tr a c t P le a s e fa x re s u m e ; 905-825-0472 S H IP P E R R eceiver w ith m in im u m 2 years e x p e ri ence, some com puter know ledge, valid fo rk lift certificate, ability to lift up to 50ibs.. and and safety shoes. Day shift. 20-30 hours a week. Monday thru Friday C o m pe titive pay and benefits Email resume to emartinez@manbw.ca G IF T W A R E Assembler F/T & 1 G eneral Labourer re quired lor a Burlington com pany $ 10/hr Fax resume to John 905-332-3676 IM M E D IA T E O penings for entry level positions in a retail setting for promotions. Full time, part time in Port Colboume Dundas Grimsby and Burlington Must be m oti vated ana have reliable transportation for an inter view call Maureen at 1-866273-3426 ext 444 A R E A supervisor required for residential cle anin g com pany Salary + car Please call 888-367-8204 L O O K IN G tor work? Are you unem ployed? 9 Q \ or our particip ants get em ployment or training oppor tunities Call the YMCA at 905-681-1140 R O O F E R S & Labourers needed. Must have own transportation Call Dave 9 05 -33 6-66 79 O akville / Burlington area___________ 515 skilled & technical help Classified E-mail - PAYROLL CLERK Attention Ford Factory Trained Technicians Tired of paying PST. 2 hour commutes to work, crowded schools & high price real estate Heie the air is clean, traffic is less & work is plentiful R equired by O a k ville-based payroll se rvice . P a rttim e o r fu ll-tim e R e q u ire s e x c e l le n t c o m m u n i c a tio n and data entry skills with at te n tio n to d e ta il and a ccu ra cy. P le a se fax re sume: 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -2 5 1 9 A1 A ir C o n d itio n in g & H e a t in g 5 5 7 C h a r t w e ll R o a d . O a k v ille R ecep t io n is t / A d m in is t r a t iv e A s s is t a n t E x p e r ie n c e d , r e q u ir e d im m e d ia te ly , fu ll lim e . O r g a n iz e d , s e lf m o tiv a t e d . m a tu r e in d iv id u a l w ith e x c e lle n t c o m m u n i c a tio n s k ills , to o p e r a te a b u s y s w itc h b o a r d I n t e r m e d ia te W o r d / E x c e l F a x re su m e 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -9 7 2 2 A tten tion Lon W a te rs A N IM A L H osp ital (S W M iss.) r e q u ir e s P/T R e c e p tio n is t e x tra o rd in a ire . Evenings 38 p m & alternating Saturdays 9-4pm . M ust be detail oriented with excellent multi tasking and customer service s k ills Subm it resum e in person 1659 Lakeshore Road W (b/w M iss Rd & Southdown) No calls please. B O O K K E E P E R experienced for manufacturing company in OakviHe. must be comput er literate, have a strong ac counting background and be familiar with month- end pro cedures. knowledge of Ger man an asset. Please fax resume with salary expecta tions to 905-825-0070 Ann Controller. dassified@haltonseaidi.com Internet: www.bur1ingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.com Only qualified applicants will be contacted for interviews. LOST & FOUND Found S om e th in g ? Place your " F o u n d "a d FREE ot charge. B url. & Flam b. 905- 6 3 2-4440 O akville 90S- 845-3824 Fax. 905 632 8165 Community Notices Deaths NAIRN, Edna M ae - Former International Zonta President Passed away peacefully in her 94th year, at the Waterford in Oakville, on November 9, 2003, with her sister at her side. Survived by her sister Lillian Naim and numerous nieces and nephews Friends may call at the Oakview Funeral Home. 56 Lakeshore Road West (one block east of Kerr S t.) O akville, on Wednesday, November 12,2003 (today) from 1 p.m until time ot the Service in the Chapel at 2 p.m THOMAS, Garry Tony Mr Garry Tony Thomas, formerly ot Oakville, beloved husband ot Brenda and lather ot Shane. Jillia n and Richelle. passed away after a courageous battle with cancer in Lloydmmster. Alberta on Sunday. November 2, 2003, at the age of 43 years Along with Brenda and his children, Garry's memory w ill be cherished by his parents Rolland and Laurie Thomas: two brothers. Mark (Zena) Thomas, Dave (Heidi) Thomas and their son Derek: one sister Sandra (Bart) Seaton and their children Terra Lynne and Christopher as well as numerous aunts, uncles and other relatives, all ol Ontario He was predeceased by one niece. Sydney Thomas. Garry was active in many sports. He tiu ly valued his circle of friends and shared his love for life with all those around him. Funeral services were held in Medicine Hat. Alberta on November 6.2003 Memorial tributes may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. 102 - 1865 Dunmore Road, S.E.. Medicine Hat, Alberta. T1A1Z8 We need good Techs. Earn up to $70K/yr+ Our business is booming with the oil patch and major fleet business We are Western Regions largest vo lume retail/ commercial Dealer, and Metro Edmonton's only Presidents Award Winner. We have a 31 bay full service shop, paid training. You want a change: your family wants a change We want you here We'll even help with relocation costs. Call us. e-mail us or fax us now! Legal Notices Notice To Creditors and Others All claims against the Estate of KENNETH VICTOR TAYLOR also known as Kenneth V. Taylor, Kenneth Taylor, K. V Taylor and Ken Taylor, late of the Town of Oakville, in the Re gional Municipality ol Halton, who died on or about the 9th day of July. 2003. must be filed with the undersigned personal representatives on or before the 15th day ot December. 2003, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims ot which the Estate Trustees shall then have notice. Dated at Oakville this 12th day ot November Norm Markowski. Service Manager Phone: 780-462-7575; Fax: 780-468-2719 service@treedomtordsales.com K l f l l trucks for sale 1 9 9 4 Ford Explorer LTD. white, grey leather interior, air. all pow er options, etested $5800 905-339-2442 PLANT ELECTRICIAN The incumbent w ill install, maintain, test, troubleshoot and repair electrical equipment and associated controls. You must have thorough knowledge of electrical systems. Five to ten years' in dustrial electrical experience. You will need to possess inter provincial Electrical License plus courses in mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems would be an asset. Interested candidates may send their resume 1 9 9 0 Dodge Caravan blk cherry 148k Garage kept, excellent condition. $3500 obo 905-637-7475 2003. George Edward Wag net and Frances Irene Leblanc c/o 0 Connor MacLeod Hanna LLP 700 Kerr Street Oakville, Ontario L6K3W5 W ANTED 1-2 car ga rage for storage and minor work area Burl./Oak. preIerred 905-466-5596 B e l l i n i drivers W A N T E D - A ll China. S il ver. C rysta l. Tea Cups. Royal Doulton. Swarovski, Glass. Jew ellery, old toys, c o lle ctib le s, e sta te s C all John/Tracy 905-331-2477 R H IN E S T O N E costum o jew elry wanted. Top cash. A n ything that sparkle s. S ingle item s or q u a n tity Call 905-528-8349 T E A K , rosewood furniture wanted^ diningroom / bed room sets. D anish shag rug coffee table s P refer teak. 905-387-9087 W A N T E D - U pscale fu rn i ture. lo veseats. arm oires. le ath er, cu rio cabinets, chan d e lie rs, glass dining table. King size beds. Oth er fine q u a lity pieces. T rading P laces 905-8151949 firewood F IR E W O O D fo r Properly seasoned. 100% hardw ood. O n ta rio 's la r gest fire w o o d re ta ile r Marc s Q u a lity Firew ood 905-257-6366 Drivers / Owner Operators Human Resources Hanson Brick Ltd. PO Box 668,2170 Torquay mews Streetsville. ON L5M 2C3 Fax: (905)821-2754 to: NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF MARY SOPINKA PETTEGREW All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Sopinka Pettegrew, late of the Town of Oakville, who died on or about the 23rd day ol February. 2003. are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the un dersigned on or befoie November 21 2003 after which date the assets of the Estate shall be distribut ed with regard only to the claims ol which the under signed shall then have notice Dated at Oakville, this 3rd day ol November, 2003 Nancy Ann McGrath Estate Trustee, by her solicitor P William Perras Jr Suite 210 1540 Cornwall Road Oakville, Ontario L6J 7W5 905-827-2700 Needed Immediately! ,76f/mi(US) Due to continued strong growth, we have an immediate opening in our Production Department lor an A F O O T IN T H E DOOR Gam experience in ads./ marketing. We've expanded, so 25 entry level openings need to be fille d w ith adv. to mgmi. We specialize in cutting -ed g e prom o tions for the most pop ular names, with strong locus on sales/ market in g / oust service FT, paid training Call Miranda @905-338-6619 No telemarketing/ Designs Positions Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (90 5 ) 6 31-8784 »2200-3000 mi/week · Future dedicated! 1 Paid base plates & permits ' All bridge tolls paid! '96 or newer w/Tandem axle tractor w/ sleeper req'd. (800)467-6016 S T E E L d istribu tion center has an im m ediate position available for an AZ driver. Successful applicant should have som e s te e l hauling, plus chain and binder exp e rie n ce . Please fax resum e along with current abstract to 905-335-8110. EXPERIENCED WELDER/ FITTER The right individual will qualifications: have the following · Must have experience welding Stainless Steel · Must have experience in MIG & TIG pressure pipe welding · Must have at least 5 years welding & titling experience in a small to medium size custom manufacturing environment · Able to read blueprints & assembly drawings. Located in Burlington, we offer a flexible work en vironment and a comprehensive benefit package If you are interested in the above position, please forward your resume to: The Post Box#1992 5040 Mainway unit #1 Burlington ON. L7L 7G5 JOBS AVAILABLE Production work in the MILTON area. $11-$12/hr. All shifts available. Fax resume to: HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 R E T A I L S d le s S t a l l l u l l / part-tim e W ill train Com p e titiv e w ages B rin g re sume. Factory Shoe Outlet. 2394 Fairview. Burlington. 905-632-9688____________ ____________________ Bridal Show Bridal Show BOO KS REPAIR ED? Books on the Rebound can help you We Rebind. Repair Restore S p ecializing In Family Bibles & older books. Master Bookbinder. Duncan Fraser 905-338-6431 (Oak) LIG H T A ssem bly W orker58.50/hr 40hrs/week MonFn 9-5pm Call Jonathan at 905*332-8944 Tweed & Hickory Ladies upscale fashion boutique in D/T Buiiingrton requires experienced part-time Telemarketers EVENING SHIFTS L|M salon & spa help 1 525 I ESSSI office-clerical B A B Y G rand, like new $2800 Call 905-227-9458 I cars lo r sale 2 0 0 0 M ercury C ougar. 2 door, silver, black interior V6. 5 speed, loaded. Excel lent condition 57.000kms $13,500 905-331-5251 1 9 9 0 P ontiac G rand AM4dr.. auto.. E-tested/ Cert.. G ood shape, runs w ell $1500 obo. 905-827-2148 2 0 0 0 BMW 323 IA- C e rti fied series. 84K. excellent condition, titanium on black, step tro n ic tra n sm issio n $26,200 905-332-3774 1 9 9 9 M ercedes C LK430Biack on black, exce lle n t condition, AMG. xenon, all MB inspections, glass sun roof. 113K. $34,900 905469-4362 2 0 0 2 Honda C ivic, 2-door black Excellent condition, low mileage, 22k. $18,500 905-338-0696 1 9 9 3 Dodge Spirit- Black 4 dr.. clean $1950 Call 905-332-3905 1 9 8 9 2000 G TX- 4 dr., 5 speed, PW. cruise. 2.0L, 4 cyl.. factory air ride, excel lent con d itio n . Hwy km `s $1450 obo Must Soil! 905-681-9542 1 9 8 5 P ontiac F ire b ird - 2 dr. w hite, low km. Many new parts. S3000 obo 905-333-4163 1 9 9 0 Nissan S entra. 4door. automatic. 230,000km certifie d , new engine, no rust, perfect for winter and sum m er. $2500 905616-7807 Experience preferred willing to train qualified applicant Competitive starting wage plus excellent bonus pkgs. Fa' 905-681-8300 ir call 905-681-8103 ASK FOR ROSIE O U T D O O R Habitat Ltd is an Interior design show room and we're looking for the follo w in g p o s itio n s to join our team! Mature, pro fessional salesperson part tim e, hourly+com m ission. Design assistant, full-tim e, experience or in te rio r design edu cation re quired.Also shipper/receiver/m ainte neace 4days/ week Fax resumes Marcy 905-842-2256 F IT N E S S Source O akville is seeking Part-time & fu ll tim e people, to jo in our w inning team ! A p plicants must perform In a challeng ing re ta il position, work w e ekends, and be w illin g to move heavy equipment Please fax resume to 905815 -01 20 or Em ail Steve © f itnessource.ca W ANTED P ersons for wash bay and lot for Budd's BWM Drop resume off to: M ark Roser. 2400 South Service Rd West. Oakville A T H L E T E S W anted' TV/ C orrtm erical/ F ilm / Print. Looking for athle tes of all sports. E lite A thlete M angem ent. 4 1 6 -7 3 3 1888 www.eliteathlete.ca J O IN M olly M aid, the in dustry leader in profession al housecleaning Competive wage, training provid ed D rivers license an as set Hours Mon.-Fri. 8:304 30 905-681-7484 F U L L - T IM E or part-tim e Registered Massage Thera pist required im m ediatel; Please fax resume to 90! 634-7144. or apply in person at Blair Lancasters Spa. V E N E R E Salon and Spa is expanding' Burlington Spa opening soon Estneticians required immediately Call 905-847-1222, fax resumes: 905 -84 7-38 47 or em ail www.salonvenere.com I o ffic e r lencal Administrative Assistant Part-time, approximately 25 hrs/wk We need an experienced person to handle a wide var iety of clerical and administrative duties for a busy new home sales office, including bookkeeping, general clerical, telephone and reception. A positive altitude and an ability to relate well to the public are essential Very pleasant office work environment, some flexibili ty in hours ol work, solid employer with an excellent track record. Please lax resume to 905-659-3516 or deliver in person to Antrim Glen. Concession 8W, Flamborough. Sales Associate Please fax resume t 905-637-7721 Real Estate Receptionist Part time is required. Evenings and Saturdays shifts. Pleasant telephone manner Computer skills essential Please send resume to: Box* 1993 c/o Burlington Post 5040 Mainway. Unit #1, Burlington, ON L7L7G5 E X E C U T IV E A ssista nt Fast grow ing cons u ltin g lirm needs professional as s istant for the CEO /Sales Mgr. O rga nized , able to m anage m ultiple projects, and prioritize. Word, Excel, min 50 wpm. Experience in ACT an asset Call 905SI 9-2524 L E G A L Secretary required for 1 year m aternity leave for sm all dow ntow n O ak v ille Law office (corporate, wills, some real estate- no litigation). Experience pre ferred Part/ Flex time pos sible Starting December/ Janu ary. P lease fax re sume to 905-338-3810 R E Q U IR E D Im m ediately part-time optometnc/optical assistant for busy practice Good people skills essen tia l, experience preferred but will train motivated indi vidual. Fax resumes to 905639-5896 or send to The Burlington Post. Box 1987. L7L 7G5 " O A K V IL L E surgeons' o f fice seeks part-tim e office help. 12-3pm Tues , Thurs. Fri. until Septem ber, then 12-3pm 5days/wk as of Sep tember. plus vacation relief Fax application to 905-8424118 N E E D extra SSS for Christ mas? We need RN`s and RPN's for p a rt-tim e / fu ll tim e hours. Top wages paid weekly A pply to Elite Hamilton. 212 Ottawa St. North. Hamilton or send resume to Fax 905-5491933 or email elitepersonnel © bellnet ca Inside sales Inside Sales & Telemarketing Required by leading marine engine mfi at their Cana dian head office in Mississauga. The individual will be responsible for selling products and supporting the dealer network in Eastern Ontario and Quebec M ust have sales/ telem arketing experience and strong com m unication/ com puter s k ills . Must be fluently bilingual (English & French). Email your resume in French before Nov 14/03 to: i m / cdn employment ? mercmarine.com CCTF. A Division of Emco Corporation, has an immediate opening in our Oakville Facility for an INSIDE SALES PERSON Candidates must be computer literate, able to work independently in a fast paced environment, and be a high school and/or college graduate Experience m the pipe and fitting business is an asset Please lax resume to: 905-842-1466 or e-mail resume to: kw ilS 0n@ C C tt.C 0m No telephone calls please J O IN G ator Ted 's Team. Seeking experienced kitchen help, apply in person Posi tions available now, Waterdown and Burlington Apply in person Immediate posi tions availablo. Burlington 1505 Guelph J.ine Burling ton Heights Shopping Center Waterdown 419 Oundas St. E C H IL D C A R E Centre seek ing expe rienced cook Flexible hours, menu plan ning. supply ordering, budgeting, enjoys childen valid driver's licence Please call 905-469-2944 SEND THI S FOR M FOR YOUR 2 FOR 1 A D M I S S I O N COUPON BY FRI., DEC. 19, 2003 Send to; National Bridal Shows c/o Premier Consumer Shows 467 Speers Rd.. Oakville, ON L6K 3S4. Fax: 905-337-5571 A DIVISION OF METROLAND PRINTING. PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTING

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