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Oakville Beaver, 12 Nov 2003, A8

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A 8 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday N o vem b er 12, 2003 Two new Oakville faces on public school board By Craig MacBride S PE C IA L T O TH E BEAVKK Official count should be ready Thursday (C o n tin u e d fro m page A l ) dent Joe Stevens. The vote was 3.180 for Chapin to Stevens' 1. 101. The Halton District School Board will feature two familiar faces from Oakville. Mary Chapin (Ward 3) and Kelly Amos (Wards 5 & 6) and two fresh ones, Bruce Jones (Wards 1 & 2) and Susan Sheppard (Ward 4). in the wake of Monday's municipal election. In combined Ward I & 2. political first-timers, but not newcomers to school board politics. Bruce Jones and Don Vrooman battled in a race that could have gone either way. but saw Jones top Vrooman with 3.320 votes to Vrooman's 2,425. "Mr. Vrooman and I rather like each other." said Jones. "1 like to hope I can look forward to his adv ice." The most handily-won race was in Ward 3 where more than 2.00(3 votes separated incumbent Mary Chapin and her challenger. Burlington resi "I'm pleased. I would've been sorely disappointed if the guy from out of town won." Chapin said. "I was fairly con fident my credibility was strong enough." In Ward 4, where a quartet of candidates offered the largest slate of trustee candidates, there was the closest race, one that saw Susan Sheppard edge out second-runner Marlene Newell with Sheppard's 1.401 votes to Newell's 1.172. "It's exciting. It's numbing." said Sheppard. "The other can didates ran really good cam paigns." Ward 5 & 6 incumbent Amos earned 2.518 votes to her second-runner Craig Ferguson's 1.972. While Ferguson, a 2 1-yearold art student and pizza store employee, initially led. Amos made a steady comeback to take the lead. Only about 30 per cent of eligible Oakville voters cast their ballots Monday. "It is a great silver election anniversary as far as I'm concerned." said the mayor, who told her support e r she'd actually sent her son Robert to take a woman who'd called her election campaign office to vote Monday night. Town Clerk Cathie Best declared Mulvale the winner in announcing unofficial results shortly before 10 p.m. The Clerk's office is now validat ing those results before making them official, which could take until tomor row. Best said she has had inquiries about a recount, which is automatical ly done only on a tie vote. A recount can be ordered by Town council resolution within 30 days or by a successful appeal to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice so long as cause can be shown to the court that something could have affected the final tally. Mulvale said she'd leave the counting to the Clerk's Office and prepared to get on with business -- leading a 12-member council w ith six new faces. The mayor's election campaign focused on a new deal for municipal ities - getting secure revenue streams and legislative changes -- to give municipalities like Oakville more money to meet local needs and the ability to have more say when it comes to issues like growth. "I'm pleased with the outcome. Obviously you always take it person ally when it's people in your family and some things are said that can get under your skin, but I'm pleased by the outcome." said Mulvale's son. Robert. Mulvale had come under fire by Burton's campaign, particularly on the growth issue with pointed ques tions about developer ties. Late in the evening with no offi cial word that her 12-vote lead would last. Mulvale told her supporters. "I'm proud of our campaign. It w a s a people-based campaign." Mulvale then announced. "1 do not claim victory and I certainly do not concede anything at this point." to loud applause. "1 live by the one word motto of the town. Avancez. and whatever hap pens tonight. I believe each one of you, as I. will continue to work for this town." said Mulvale. "We are 12 votes ahead and I remain optimistic and I remain satisfied that we led a positive campaign. "I will sleep well tonight and the sun will rise tomorrow. It's Remembrance Day and we have much to be thankful for." Back on the tight election race. Mulvale said. "1 saw the possibility of this right from the beginning." noting Burton "had a base, had a lot of money." On the possibility of losing the mayor's chain of office. Mulvale said. "I am committed to this town whether I have a title or not." While Mulvale said she expected a tight race, many o f her fellow coun cillors were surprised. "It was a real nailbiter. I knew it was going to be close, but I didn't know it would be that close." said successful Ward 5 regional councillor Jeff Knoll. Long-time Ward 3 Councillor Keith Bird who was returned to his seat said. "I was surprised to see how close the mayoralty race was though there was certainly an element of dis content. You felt it at the doors and you could see the signs." Ousted Ward 5 councillor Janice Caster said. "It will be interesting to see where Oakv ille is going to go for the next little while. I knew it was going to be a tight race, but anybody would be surprised by 12 votes. "It puts the mayor in a difficult position on having a mandate to move forward. In w hich direction does she g o ? ' pondered Caster. Police still looking for driver of hit-and-run car H alton Regional Police are hunting for the driver w ho jum ped a dow ntow n Oakville side walk Friday evening, struck an 85-year old man then tied the scene. A ccording to investigators, the incident took place around 10:20 p.m. when a vehicle described as a red. early '9 0 s four-door sedan travelling eastbound on Church Street ran a stop sign at the "T ' intersection at Allan Street. The car continued over the sidewalk. where it struck the elderly pedestrian, slammed into a steel mailbox and continued south on Allan not before colliding with a parked white van. The vehicle - possibly a General M otors prod uct sim ilar to a Sunfire or Cavalier -- was last seen heading eastbound on Lakeshore Road. One door on the passenger's side is report ed to be white or cream in colour. It will also have substantial dam age to the front right cor ner. bum per and w heel areas. It may also bear gray or w hite paint residue from the collisions. The victim rem ains in Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital in serious condition but is expected to recover. Anyone with inform ation is encouraged to contact police or call C rim e S toppers at 1-800222-TIPS. A jf .££& D n te rio r d e s ig n ^W arehouse cordially invites you to our Annual Christmas Open House Fri, Nov 7 10 am - 9 pm Sat, N ov 8 10 am - 5:30 pm Sun, N ov 9 Noon - 5 pm A s m e r e 's a w h o le n e w w o r ld o u t th e r e . d is c o v e r i t t o d a y . 1k it special guests, you have a great selection o f our fahulixis Christmas decor and gift items. W e look forward to seeing you. Mjrme lYjrmjn iNTERIOi )e s i g n W a r e h o u s e ^ IlM riwDeipu Himf famt-himy n B H J W Store post W W W .O il a division of HaltraiSearch.com H JR M l-R iy P IS tTX 'N T INTERIOR I)£SKjN W A KIi/KX S E Mon-Wed 10- 5: 30. 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