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Oakville Beaver, 12 Mar 2004, p. 37

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The Oakville Beaver, Friday March 12, 2004 - 37 Ice drop opener to Brampton Thunder, host must-win game tonight at Ice Sports By Norm Nelson B E A V E R S P O R T S E D IT O R House league report M IN O R P E E W E E W H IT E W E S T (Feb 28) EDW ARD JO N ES W O LFPA C K 1 (goal to Russell H orton. A ssists to Justin B eairsto and Stefan Birtch. Shut O ut to M ichael Burw ell). B M O B A N K O F M O N T R E A L V IKIN G S 0. G LEN LEV EN C H R Y SLER W IN G S 5 (goals to W ill C ox 2, B randon R ipco 2 and Tyler Janeiro: A ssists to Ben Stem and Tyler Janeiro). C O N N EC T L U M BERJA CK S 2 (goals to M arc Bazerghi and Taylor Smith. A ssists to Patrick Strzelec aind Ian C ochrane). F E L T M A T E /D E L IB A T O /H E A G L E LA W Y ER S EA G LES 5 (goals to M atthew M cM illan, B rett Roblin 2, H arm an A tw al and M atthew N ovis. A ssists to H arm an A tw al 3, M atthew M cM illan 2 and Jason G alvao).E N T E R T A IN M E N T L IQ U ID A TO R S H O U N D DOG S 1 (goal to A ndrew Fell. A ssists to Ryan Lutzko and M arc Ovsec). (M arch 6) G LEN LEV EN CH R Y SLER W IN G S 1 (goal to C alum W ing. A ssists to Ryler Janeiro and W ill Cox. Shut O ut to M att M arner). EN TERTA IN M EN T L IQ UIDATORS H O U N D D O G S 0. FELT M A T E /D E L IB A T O /H E A G L E LA W Y ERS EA G LES 5 (goals to M atthew N ovis 2, Jason Galvao, Alex C am eron and B rad Bow en. A ssists to Jason G alvao 2, C hristopher B eaulieu 2, M atthew Novis, Alex C am eron and Cal Ptashnik). EDW ARD JONES W O LFPACK 1 (goal to Jeffrey Slasor from Jonathan Zdero). C O N N EC T LU M B ER JA C K S 4 (goals to M arc Bazerghi 2, Jesse V anbetlehem and A ndrew Verissimo. A ssists to Patrick Strzelec, Taylor Sm ith 2 and Ryan O 'Leary). BM O BA N K O F M O N TR E A L VIK IN G S 2 (goals to S ebastian N o v ais and F ranklin D om sy. A ssists to R om an Benin and A ndrew G arvey). M IN O R A T O M W H IT E W E S T (M arch 6 playoff gam es) R oblar Enterprises W ings 6 (goals by Ryan Scott 2, C orey Sim m ons, Spencer B assett and Joel M acBride, assists by Jake N icoll 2, B assett, Scott, M acBride, G rant M axw ell, Justin Shaver, D avid Berger, G reg W alker and M ark D e R an g o , sh u to u t by Jake Anderson), A cadem y o f M usic Vikings 0. M D P Eagles 9 (goals by Joshua B rough 4, Taylor W illiam s 2, Luke Velluso 2 and D ylan M aissonneuve, assists by W illiam s 5, B rough 3, K yle N evins 3, Velluso 3, Jonathan W ilson, Jacob B am s, Ryan Jackson and Spencer C reed), Clem ents R adiator W olfpack 2 (goals by Stephen Perkovic and Ian Patterson, assists by Jack M cCrim m on, Steven Sm ith, Jack Lindsay and Jesse Pecore). Poirier 3 and John W assell, assists by Paul B ukovcan 2, Ryan W eech 2, Sam Poirier, N icholas Stathers and B randon V ienneau), P rocor L um berjacks 1 (goal by Bradley N oonan, assist by M ichael Eckstein). M IN O R A TO M W H IT E E A S T (M arch 6 playoff gam es) C hoice H otels C anada Vikings 3 (goals by Cole V aodenbygaart, A lex Zahrai and M ariano Stasiak, assists by Stasiak, M atthew Teague and Jake Testani), M itro n H ockey C en tre G ators 1 (goal by M ark A shbourne, assists by Ryan Kilburn and B randon Paul). Halton R oller H ockey Eagles 7 (goals by Christian L ester 4, A drian Cuksts, M ichael H ow ard and John ' W ipperm an, assists by W ipperm an 2, Cuksts 2, Lester, M atthew Straley, M ichael H organ, O w en C ain, Joseph Leong and Jam es D em elo, shutout by Roni Zarfati), T he Fam ily -Channel Fivers 6, Bunzl C anada The Oakville Ice opened up their best of three National Women's Hockey League (NWHL) playoffs Wednesday night with one of their worst defeats of the season, 6-0 to the host Brampton Thunder. And now, if the Oakville Ice want to keep their season alive, they'll have to come up with one of their best games of the season tonight (Friday), 7:30 p.m. at Ice Sports Oakville as they host Brampton in game two of the series. In a cavernous and near empty Brampton Sports Centre -- home of the Brampton Battalion of the OHL -- the Ice seemed to get a reasonable jump out of the gate and were even with Brampton in the opening minutes. But a couple of incidental contact penalties, away from the play, seemed to put the Ice on their heels, even though only one of Brampton's two goals came with the extra man. Brampton then extended their lead with two goals in each of the second and third periods, getting stronger with each goal. Brampton, with their three 2002 Olympic gold medalists in the line-up, went into the series as the better team on Bryon Johnson · Special to the B eaver Oakville Ice goaltender Tania Pinelli had to keep both the puck and 2002 Olympic gold medalist Jayna Hefford of the Brampton Thunder out of the net, on this play. paper, having finished well ahead Of the Oakville Ice in the standings and having beaten them in their regular season series, 6-2. Mind you, that was also the case in the previous two sea sons with the Oakville Ice upsetting the higher placed Thunder in the playoffs. They'll no doubt be hoping the friendlier and more inti mate confines of Ice Sports Oakville will be able to light a fire on Friday night. Oakville was missing its 2002 Olympic gold medalist Therese Brisson. Ice coach Keith Murray would only say she is also working on her MBA and had a crucial, unavoidable educational com mitment. "She normally plays 30 minutes a game on the back end and when you have to fill her spot it makes it tough." On Wednesday night, her teammates could not rally around her absence, he conced ed. "What everybody has for gotten in this Bertuzzi thing, is that Vancouver got beat 9-2 that night. These things hap pen. Over the course of a year, you're going to have an off night. And that was probably our most off-night of the year, unfortunately." "Our players have lots of character, and there's a lot of veterans in that dressing room, so we'll bounce back," he said. If the Ice can win game two tonight, game three would be back in Brampton on Saturday night. Ice show on tap April 2 4 at Oakville Arena, tickets on sale The Oakville Skating Club holds its huge ice show only once every two years and it's on tap, for this year, from April 2-4, at Oakville Arena. Entitled `Come Play With Us', it will feature 500 club members from all levels -- from Preschool Canskate to the club's very talented competitive skaters, some of whom competed this year at the national level. Tickets are now available through the club office at the River Oaks Arena and are sold on a first come, first served basis Ticket prices are $17 for adults, $15 for seniors and $10 for children under 13. Don't miss this wonderful Oakville tradition. There will be two evening shows (Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m.) and two afternoon shows (Saturday and Sunday at 1:30 p.m.). For more information, please call the Oakville Skating Club at 905257-7771. The Oakville Ice Expression novice team has put the club back on the map in synchronized skating on a national level. Fresh off their appearance last weekend at the nationals, they will also be performing at the Ice Show April 2-4. BACK ROW: Rachel Nadalin, Kerri Stewart, Erin Dodds, Madeline O'Shaughnessy, Shelley Stewart, Christine Olijnyk, Laura von Hagen, Carling Tedesco, Jessica Apap and Carolyn Hyde (coadh). FRONT ROW: Jenna Haydar, Olivia Valtas, Elise Hebburn, Courtney Crawford, Lauren Vendramin, Meghan Mclnerney, Laurie Klarner, Sarah Wood, Natasha Grodecki and Michelle Valtas. ATOM RED (M arch 6) Roval LePage/W avne M unden V iking 2 (goals by Anthony R igato and Colin W icks; assists by A nthony Rigato and C hris R ooney), M arks Work W earhouse W ranglers 1 (goal by K evin R olczew ski, assisted by Jordan Dryden)! Procor W olfpack 4 (goals by Stephan Brochu, Jake Cussen, Mac H ulbert 2, assists Ryan Leslie, Scott M cLaughlin, Jordan Leslie 2, Ryan Lees), W iretron Hound D ogs 0. Impac A ssessm ent Eagles 5 (goals by A aron Jervis 2, Jonathan W hite, M atthew Garvey, D allas Smith, assists by Aaron Jervis, Wesley Lei, D allas Sm ith 2, D irk Sim s, D erek M ikola, Jason French), G illanders C onstruction G ators 1 (D ylan W elfle, assisted G rant M acintosh and A ndrew Brodie). R olex Canada W ings 1 (A dam M acD onald, assist ed by K ristofer B urnside and M atthew Cinq-M ars), Red L obster L um berjacks 3 (goals by Scott C orbett, S pencer Pecar, C harlie Barrens, assists Tyler A lbrecht, M atthew Jackson). M IN O R A T O M R E D (M arch 6) TACA C O R P H O U N D DOGS 2 - Erik H usar (2g), R oss M cLeod, Ryan Stanton and Tyler M olyneaux ( la each). RH O D IA SILIC A SY STEM S EA G LES 2 A lex Routhier (2g), K yle Fischer and C onnor Freris ( la each). O PUS REH ABILITATION INC. W O LFPACK 3 D erek Sergas ( lg ,la ) , R obbie D riscoll and M ichael M orley ( lg each), M ichael Tillm an (2a), A lexander K alopsis and Ryle C am eron ( l a each). O AK -LA N D FO R D L IN C O L N L U M B E R JA C K S 3 - Tom m y H ubbs (2g), Jim m y Shea ( lg ,l a ) and Jake N yhuus (la ). M IT R O N H O C K EY C E N T R E G ATORS 3 Joshua Cicchini, G avin M cLaughlin and M itchell Low e ( l g , l a each), Sim on H arm gardt, H arley Fitzsim ons and C hristopher Severin ( l a each). SHO PPERS D RUG M ART W RA N G LER S 2 - B ennett M agnacca and Aiden W ithers ( lg each) and A ndrew Barrons (la ). C A R D IN A L H EALTH V IK IN G S 5 - M atthew Flahive (lg ,2 a ), M ark W ilush ( lg ,la ) , N olan M etzler, Daniel H unter and M ichael H ucko ( lg each), Ryan C o o k ish (2a), R u ssell C o llin s, Eric G u sh ev and M ichael Sheridan ( l a each). M O O R E 'S TIR E C E N T R E W IN G S 4 - D oug B onar (2g), C onnor D ale and D ouglas M acK enzie ( lg each), D aniel M cK eow n and M att Sheen (2a each ), Z ach ary A n d erso n , J o h n , K eatings and Jordan M ilner (1 a each). Novice Ice Expression at nationals The Novice Ice Expression Synchronized Skating Team recently competed at the 2004 Canadian National Synchronized Skating Championships held in Brandon, Manitoba this past weekend (March 4-7). The girls executed two fab ulous programs, earning them a 7th place finish. This fulfills the team goal of obtaining a berth to nation als and finishing top ten in Canada. In total, there were over 1-600 skaters and 80 teams from all over Canada competing in various cate gories. O akville's Novice Team was thrilled to be competing with the best teams in Canada. They are also thrilled to be showcasing their talents during this year's ice show which is being held April 2-4 at Oakville Arena (see story), Any skaters who are inter ested in joining this exciting team sport are welcome to attend Ice Expression tryouts on May 1,2,8,9. For further information, contact Carolyn Hyde at (905) 891-9651 or Jay da Everett at (905) 318-2958.

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