The Oakville Beaver, Friday March 12, 2004 - 11 Peace vigil planned for March 18 Oakville peace activists will be protesting the contin uing war in Iraq on Thursday, March 18 during a can dlelight vigil at Towne Square in downtown Oakville from 8-9 p.m. A second Day of Action - which marks the first anniversary of the U.S./British attack on Iraq - takes place on Saturday, March 20. "Oakville and area peace activists will be transform ing the 11:30 a.m. GO train into a peace train," said local community activist Brian Hopkins. "Wear a white arm band for peace and meet with others in the third passen ger carriage from the front of the train. Upon arrival to Union Station, the group will proceed to Toronto City Hall at Nathan Phillips Square for the 1 p.m. rally." Added Stephen Dankowich, Executive Director of the Oakville Community Centre For Peace, Ecology And Human Rights and an organizer of the rally: "War is no solution as it only ever creates even more prob lems. We encourage all supporters of peace in the Middle East to attend the vigil. "We are part of a global movement for peace, no war," Dankowich continued. "As more and more people around the world comprehend the interrelationships between peace, ecology and human rights, the closer we move to our goal of a world free of armies and free of weapons including the ABC bombs -- atomic, biologi cal, and chemical." For more information or to help organize these events, contact Stephen Dankowich at 905-849-5501 or by e-mail: Oakville Epilepsy group launches ribbon campaign Epilepsy Ontario has launched a new chapter in Oakville and will be holding an awareness event Saturday at Oakville Place where they will be handing out information and lavender ribbons. "It's a good way to let people know that we are there for them, and that they aren't alone. And wearing a lavender ribbon is a great way to show your sup port," said Tanis Rideout, Com munications Director for Epilepsy Ontario. Lavender is traditionally asso ciated with isolation and loneliness, plus a symbol for epilepsy. About one per cent of the popula tion has epilepsy - that's more than the number of people with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis and cystic fibrosis combined, continued Rideout. Yet most people have very lit tle idea of what epilepsy is. "A local chapter is fundamental. There are so many issues that people with seizures face, employment, driv ing, safety, public education, finding adequate care, and those supports can only really work if they are based in the community." For more information contact Tanis Rideout at 1-800-463-1119 or e-mail NOTICE OF PUBLIC WORKSHOP Proposed Official Plan Amendment No. 25 An Amendment To Incorporate Official Plan Review Directions and Related Matters Halton Regional Council, through its Planning and Public Works Committee, is holding a Public Meeting to provide interested individuals an opportunity to comment on the proposed Halton Regional Official Plan Amendment No. 25. Purpose: As part of the five-year review of its Official Plan, Halton Regional Council adopted a set of 76 directions in June 2003 as the basis for making changes to the Plan, including: · · · · · · Afirm urban boundary to accommodate growth to year 2021. Enhanced policies to increase the supply of affordable housing. Programs to support the long-term viability of Halton's agricultural industry. An updated and expanded greenlands system. Commitments to improving air and water quality. New thrusts to promote travel by public transit, cycling and walking. Developm ent Charges Roads and Soft Services Evening Public W orkshop The Regional Municipality of Halton is undertaking its development charge (DC) update in 2004. The DC Discussion Paper has been available to the public since December 17, 2003. The Region intends to hold a Public Workshop for the Roads and other Tax Supported Services DC, including police, ambulance, services for seniors, facilities and growth studies, prior to the release of the DC Background Study and statutory Public Meeting. The purpose of holding this meeting prior to releasing the background study is to provide the public with an opportunity to review and comment on technical information included in the DC calculations at an earlier stage in the process. The DC Discussion Paper is available for public viewing and/or pick up at the office of the Regional Clerk, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays, Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario L6M 3L1. We encourage you to join us at the Public Workshop: Date: Time: Place Thursday, A p ril 1, 2004 7:00 p.m. G lenorchy/Dakota Room Halton Regional Centre 1151 Bronte Road Oakville ON L6M 3L1. These directions have now been incorporated into the Plan in the form of Proposed Amendment No. 25. The public is invited to the following open houses to obtain more information and to provide comments on the proposed amendment. Location Tuesday, Mar 23 Wednesday, Mar 24 Thursday, Mar 25 Tuesday, Mar 30 Wednesday, Mar 31 Thursday, Apr 1 St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre Appleby Ice Centre Brookville Public School St. Joseph's Catholic School Halton Hills Cultural Centre Sam Sherratt Public School Address Oakville -1280 Dundas St W Burlington -1201 Appleby Line Brookville -11325 Guelph Line Acton -147 Mill St Georgetown - 9 Church St Milton - 649 Laurier Ave Any questions or requests for further information and reports should be directed to Paula Kobli at 1-866-442-5866, ext. 7184, The Regional Municipality of Halton, Corporate Services Department, 1151 Bronte Road Oakville, Ontario L6M 3L1. (All Open Houses: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. with an open discussion forum starting at 7:00 p.m.) To Participate: Please note the following key events so that you may continue to provide input to Regional Council in the approval of Proposed Amendment No. 25: A pril 9 May 5 - Due date for written comments on Proposed Amendment No. 25 - Release of changes to Proposed Amendment No. 25 based on public & agency input May 19 - Statutory public meeting under The Planning Act (& May 20 if needed) June 16 - Region's Planning & Public Works Committee to consider Amendment No. 25 June 23 - Regional Council to consider approval of Amendment No. 25 For further inform ation: Copies of Proposed Amendment 25 and related Official Plan Review documents can be viewed on the Region's website at, in local libraries, at the Region's Citizen Reference Library (1151 Bronte Road, Oakville), or by contacting Isabel Telford at 1-866-4HALTON( 1-866-442-5866), Ext. 7195. Halton Region receives AAA credit rating We are pleased to announce that Moody's Investors Service has, once again, given Halton Region a AAA credit rating - the highest credit rating available to any issuer of long-term debt in North America. B rent Marshall Chief Administrative Officer This credit rating will allow the local g o v e rn m e n t p a rtn e rs in H alton fin a n c ia l o p p o rtu n itie s to m ake s ig n ific a n t in v e s tm e n ts t o w a r d meeting the needs of our community. Jane MacCaskill Commissioner of Corporate Services and Regional Treasurer Halton Regional Meeting Schedule; H ealth & S o cia l S e rvices C om m itte e P la n n in g & P u b lic W o rks C om m ittee A d m in is tra tio n & Finance M eeting March 23rd March 24th March 24th 9:30 am 9:30 am 1:30 pm 1151 B ro n te R oad, O a k v ille , ON L6M 3L1 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -6 0 0 0 T o ll fr e e : 1-86 6-4H A LT O N T T Y 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -9 8 3 3 o r v is it us a t : w w w , re g io n h a I t o n . o n . ca (1 -8 6 6 -4 4 2 -5 8 6 6 )