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Oakville Beaver, 17 Sep 2003, B3

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The Oakville Beaver. W ednesday September 17, 2003 - B3 Johnny Bower at Saturday's Kids Day International Please forward announcements fo r Vpdate to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd.. Oakville. Ont. I j6 K 3S4; e-mail blokhuis@haltonsearch.com. fa x 905-337-5567, or call 905-S45-3S24 Ext. 250, BEFORE NOON Monday to be included. Notices listed free. WEDNESDAY SEPT. 17 2nd Oakville Scout Group regis trations and renewals at St. John's United Church, Randall and Dunn. 7 - 8:30 p.m. Call Scouts Canada. 905828-7781 ext. 21. Free Artists Hay Orientation Evening, 7 - 8:30 p.m.. Oakville Central Library, 120 Navy, in the Auditorium. Pre-register by calling Oakville Arts Council 905-815-5977 ext. 2. Oakville Arts Council running two 12-week Artist's Way Group ses sions. based on Julia Cameron's groundbreaking book. The Artist's Way. Morning sessions start Sept. 30. 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.: evening sessions start Oct. 1 . 7 - 9 p.m. Fee is S200. Burlington Miniatures Club monthly meeting. 7 p.m. at Holy Cross Lutheran Church. 3455 Lakeshore. Burlington. For informa tion call 905-634-6596. Anger Management, a six-week educational program for people who recognize they have a program deal ing with anger and other negative emotions. The cost is S85. Offered in Burlington from 7 - 9 p.m. For more info, or to register, call the Canadian Mental Health Association at 905693-4270. VON Halton Family Caregivers Education Program in Burlington for four consecutive Wednesdays, 7 9 p.m. Call 905-827-8800 ext.' 2310 or www.vonhalton.ca. Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) board meeting. 6:30 p.m.. open to public. 440 Elizabeth St., 4th floor, Birch/Balsam Room. Call 905639-5228 ext 8921 to confirm. Halton Community t^egal Services Open House, 4 - 7 p.m., followed by annual general meeting, at newly renovated office at 72 Mill St.. Georgetown. 905-875-2069. T IU RSI)AY SEPTEMBER 18 Come see the treasures in Alison Curtis' trunk at the Oakville Quilters Guild monthly meeting. Non-mem bers $5. Central Baptist Church. Morden and Rebecca at 7:30 p.m. Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Oakville Seniors Recreation Centre. 263 Kerr St.. I - 4 p.m. Cost: $20. By appointment only, call 905-8155966. International Association o f Administrative Professionals (IAAP) invites office administrators for a presentation by professional organizer Mandi Crawford 5:30 - 9 p.m. at Burlington Holiday Inn. 3063 South Service Rd. Dinner and pro gram S30. Call Loma Taylor at 905845-6601 ext. 3167. or by e-mail at Secretary @iaap-burloakbav.com. Halton And Peel Professional Executive Network (HAPPEN) net working support group for unem ployed business professionals. 8 a.m.. in Mississauga. Speaker: Theresa Syer. How to Market Yourself fo r Success. Members S5, non-members S10. Call 905-3390268 or www.happen.ca. Mississauga Symphony Annual Used Book Sale, Sept. 18 - 21. at Sheridan Centre, 2225 Erin Mills Parkway, Mississauga. More than 35.000 items to be sold including rare books, editions dating back to 1800s, vintage pocket books and records. Sale open Thursday, 7 - 9 p.m.. Friday 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.. and Saturday 1 2 - 5 p.m. FRiDAY SEPTEMBER 19 Oakville Christian String Orchestra registration meeting. 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. at Chartwell Baptist Church. 228 Chartwell, for string players from Grade 6 through high school w ith either Book 3 Su/uki or Grade 5 Royal Conservatory level. Conductor Robert Miskey: perform ing classical and contemporary sacred worship music. Call 905-3391489 for further info. Glen Abbey Recreation Volleyball League looking for expe rienced players, every Friday. September to June. 8 - 10 p.m. Cost: SI20 per season. Call Neil Parle. 905-469-2931 after 6 p.m.. or e-mail nparle @cogeco.ca. Burlington Social Club weekly dances. Fridays 8 p.m. to midnight four couples. $7 each; Saturday 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. for singles. S10: and Sundays 5 - 1 1 p.m.. for couples. $10. at Twin Towers. 5100 South Sen. ice Rd.. Units 15.15 and 16. east of Appleby Line. Burlington. Call Kav. 905-681-0128. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 20 Art on the Bluffs at Sovereign House. 7 West River St.. presents Carol Sanders to Oct. 1. Harvest Fest in Bronte. 9 a.m. 11 p.m. with carnival rides, pumpkin caning contest. Belgian waffle breakfast ( 9 a.m. - noon at Vinnie's Cafe), chili cook-off and tasting, live entertainment and street dance (7 11 p.m.) Cost:55 for chili tasting and admission to dance. Learn to be a great babysitter. Red Cross Babysitting Course, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cail 905-845-5241. Kid's Day International. 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.. rain or shine. Alliance Healthcare Professionals. 232 South Service Rd. E. beside Holiday Inn. Fingerprinting by Child Find Ontario, free food, balloons, prizes, giveaways, silent auction, free spinal screenings and foot alignment analy sis plus dental whitening and mouth guard information. Also free safety lips from Halton Regional Police Service. Oakville Fire Department and Halton Emergency Medical Services. Special guest at 11 a.m.. Hall of Fame goalie Johnnv Bower. Call 905-845-2291. Oakville Curling Club. 224 Allan St.. Open House. Sept. 20 and 21 from 1 2 - 4 p.m. and Sept. 22 and 23 from 7 - 9 p.m. Qualified coaches will be on hand to help those inter ested in curling. For more informa tion. about the curling club's pro grams. visit www.oakvillecurlingclub.com or phone 905-844-6982. AGAPE M en' s and Women's Outreach free continental breakfast at Burlington Convention Centre, 1120 Burloak Dr.. 9 a.m. - I p.m. Speaker: Molly D'Andrea, founder of Set Free If You Want To Be. Free will offering. Call 905-332-1056 by Sept. 18 to register. 20tli Milton Farm Craft Show, Sept. 20 - 21. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.. at Country Heritage Park, 8560 Tremaine Rd.. Milton, with 135 crafters. Call 1-888-307-3276. SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 21 Cheerio's Mother Daughter Walk fo r Heart and Stroke. Bronte Creek Provincial Park. Registration 9:45 p.m.. walk 10:45 a.m. Register online at www.heartandstroke.ca/ walk or call Heart and Stroke office at 905-634-7732 ext. 27. Oakville Historical Society walk ing tours. The Houses o f Old Oakville. Sept. 21. . and The Main Street o f Old Oakville. Oct. 5. Walks begin 2 p.m. at Oakville Historical Society office and archives. 110 King. Cost: S10 includes tour book le t/C a ll 905-844-2695 or visit www.oakvillehistorv.org. BULLETIN luidies Marathon Bridge Club in support of Big Sisters of Oakville is accepting new members for the evening group. If interested in friend ly bridge twice a month throughout the winter, call Patricia 905-2714185. learning Disabilities Association o f Halton has relocated to the lower level of the Rotary Youth Centre. 560 Guelph Line, Burlington. The office is open on a regular basis, however, people inter ested in visiting the library should call 905-333-1977. Oakville Suzuki Association accepting applications for instrumen tal program - violin, viola, guitar and flute. Individual and group lessons. Call 905-338-7128. Openings in preinstrumental Early Childhood Music classes on Friday and Tuesday morn ings. Saturday morning September to December Early Childhood Music classes full, but registrations accept ed for classes in January. Call Jean Grieve for Friday and Saturday class es. 905-827-6737 or Moma Snair. 905-825-3165 for Tuesday classes. Hall o f Fame goalie and for m er Toronto Maple L eaf Johnny Bower will be at Alliance Health Care Professionals, 232 South Service Rd.. on Saturday to sign autographs during K ids Day International at 11 a.m. Kids Day International is a health, safety and environm ental aw areness day. The day, from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., will feature free finger printing by Child Find Ontario, and inform ation from H alton R egional Police Service. O akville Fire D epartment and H alton E m ergency M edical Services. There will also be food, den tal w hitening and mouth guard in form ation, balloons, spinal screen in g s, foot alignm ent analysis, m uscle testing, and a silent auction. Sunrise Assisted Living, with more than 340 locations worldwide, offers top-notch care for seniors at manageable rates. The Best Senior Care Is Surprisingly Affordable... H elcom e to Sunrise Assisted Living, w here families find great care, great hospitality an d great living environm ents. Here, residents enjoy personalized program s o f care to m eet needs th at are light, com prehensive o r som ew here in between. Services include w heelchair assistance, m edication supervision an d incontinence m anagem ent. S unrise is a positive alternative to an in stitu tio n al setting, o r to o th er assisted living h o m es that accom m odate only residents w ith m oderate care needs, ask a b o u t o u r Reminiscence Program for those w ith m em o ry im pairm ent. Visit or call us today to see firsthand that our comprehensive range o f services can be exceptionally valuable to the senior in your life. All T h is a n d M o re S ta rtin g at $90 p e r d ay Ja M fc r Su n r is e a s s is t e d O f L iv in g * O a k v il l e (905) 337-1145 456 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6J 3H9 www.sunrisesertiorlivitig.cotn x per ien< Has Limited Openings for Fall Term l* r c | K i r a t i o n s t o r -- I * R .C .M . E x a m s · F estivals · A uditions i Call: 905-827-4803 Please come and celebrate our WIN FRESH FLOWERS FOR A YEAR! (Come in and fill out a ballot) 4g fc FREE flowers to every customer that comes in. ENTIRE 2003 NURSERY PLANT INVENTORY ^ ROBSON RD. FARM. W A TER D O W N L O C A TIO N O N L Y % 1 0 % off fresh floral arrangements for coming holiday festivities. FLOWERS for all occasions. MJ Gallery o f Flowers 359 Kerr Street, Oakville (905) 901-0101 OUR DAYS ONLY /ed.-Sat. (Sept. 24-27) SPECIAL THIS WEEK at the GARDEN CENTRE TUJPBULBSMUE Selected Tulip Bulbs 7k Cash Cv C arry 7*r L a n d s c a p e rs W e lc o m e PLEASE NOTE: NO SALES BEFORE GATES OPEN WARRANTY DOES NOT APPLY. NO CREDIT VOUCHERS the m II mm North Americas most .tvarded Newstiatier CONNON NURSERIES C. B. V A N D ER KR U K HOLDINGS LTD Hwy. #5, Just east of Waterdown Phone: 689-4631 FARM SALE HOURS: Wed. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Ttiurs. - Fri. 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Sat.- 8 am-5 pm

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