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Oakville Beaver, 29 Sep 2004, Community Update, C03

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Contact: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 25 0) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com W K D M IS D A Y . S I .I T H M H I IR 2<). 2< K >4 · ( i.'i C O M M U N IT Y IPDATE Please forward announce ments o f non-profit and free events fo r Community Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L 6 K 3S4; Fax 905-337-5567; e-mail blokhuis@haltonsearch.com or call 905-845-3824 Ext. 250; BEFORE NOON MONDAY to he included. Free listing. WEDNESDAY SKIT. 29 Oakville African Violet Society, 7:30 p.m.. Horticulture Room. White Oaks School North Campus. 1055 McCraney. west entrance north of green house. Visitors welcome. Call Barbara Post. 905-845-1550. Taking Charge o f Your Arthritis, free seminar. 7 p.m.. at the 707 Galaxy Banquet Hall, presented by Halton Healthcare Services in partnership with The Arthritis Society. Speakers: Dr. Elaine Soucy, rheumatologist, Halton Healthcare Services; Irene Rand, physiotherapist. The Arthritis Society; and Tricia Riddell, a person living with arthritis. To reserve a seat, call 905-338-4379 or send e-mail to elittle@haltonhealthcare.on.ca. THURSDAY SEIM. 30 Ghost Walk with Oakville Historical Society. 7:30 p.m. or 8:30 p.m. Cost: S12 each. $6 child. Refreshments. Walk starts and finishes at society's office and archives, 110 King St. Register at 905-844-2695. VON Halton Volunteer Training, 10 consecutive Thursdays for those interested in visiting people suffering lifethreatening illness at home. Call 905-827-8800 ext. 2310. Hands on History - at Oakville Museum at Erchless Make a pair of `apple of your eye' eyeglasses. Apple stories and songs. Two sessions. 9:30 --11:00 a.m. or 1 - 2:30 p.m. Fee: $20. Ages: 3-5 years. Pre-registration, call 905-338-4400. Epilepsy Ontario and Epilepsy Oakville Support Group meeting for people living with and affected by epilepsy, 7-9 p.m.. Oakville Central Library, Navy. Tanis at 1-800-463-1119 trideout@epilepsyontario.org. VOICE fo r Hearing Impaired Children, support group for parents of hearing impaired children, at Appleby United Church, 7 p.m. Call 905335-1069. HAPPEN - Unking People and Opportunities networking support group for unemployed business professionals, 8 a.m., in Mississauga. Speaker: Monika Jensen, Instant Rapport. Members $10, non-members SI5. Call 905-339-0268 or www.happen.ca. LK1DAY OCTOBER 1 Christian Healing Mission, Oct. 1 - 3, St. Simon's Anglican Church, 1250 Litchfield. Going Deeper in the River of Christian Healing with Rev. Dr. Jack Sheffield and Anna Marie Sheffield. Deep River Ministries. Call Kathy Parker at 905-8454840 or fax 905-845-9103. Concert in the Park present ed by The Oakville Beaver in support of the Bronte Butterfly Foundation will kickoff Bronte Village's Harvest Fest weekend at 7 p.m. Anthony Von and The Beale Street Band bring Elvis to the Butterfly Gazebo at Bronte Waterfront Heritage Park. Free. Kin Clubs of Oakville Patio sell ing food and refreshments, pro ceeds to Butterfly Foundation. SATURDAY OCTOBER 2 Super Gigantic Rummage Sale, 9 a.m. - noon at St Paul s United Church. 454 Rebecca west of the Oakville YMCA. Red Cross CPR, leam how to respond to emergencies involving the airway, breathing and circula tion at Oakville Branch, 167 Navy, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., call 905845-5241. Get Real and Eternal Life: Moira Brown from 100 Huntley Street brings message of faith and decluttering at Walton Memorial United Church. Lakeshore and Bronte, 9 a.m., continental break fast. Cost: $5, at church office. 905-827-1643. Relationship With Self with Patricia Hurst The primary rela tionship is with ourselves and it is the only one that can provide the foundation for wholeness. In this The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday September 29, 2004 - C3 Nursing student volunteer in Africa speaks at AIDS benefit at St. Jude's God's Golden Acre is a beautiful as it sounds, if you look past the poverty and squalid living conditions into the faces of the children being lovingly cared for in the organization's orphan age in Cato Ridge, about halfway between Durban and Pietermaritzburg on the east coast of South Africa. Laura Partridge, a nursing student, has recently returned from a five-month volunteer placement with G od's Golden Acre in South Africa. She also volun teered at a hospice there. "1 learned a lot about HIV/AIDS and its complications," said Partridge, a four-year BScN student at the MohawkMcMaster degree program. Partridge decided to volunteer at God's Golden Acre after learning about it from the Oprah Winfrey Show, and raised the money she needed from local Rotarians and St. Jude's Anglican Church. "I lived at Gold's Golden Acre prop erty at the hospice." she said, "plus I did a bit of traveling to Cape Town and Swaziland. "Life is extremely different there, with extreme poverty and extreme weather," she said, adding "there are also a lot of cultural differences and the emotion of dealing with a lot of death." Most of the children in the orphan age have lost their parents to HIV/AIDS. "The orphanage has no funding - it runs on 55 a week for 13 children. Partridge said winter in South Africa consists of warm days and cold nights, "and because it's very dry, there are a lot of wildfires." Summers are the coun try's 'rainy season.' Partridge will speak about her expe riences during a fundraising concert. L a u ra P a rtrid g e of O akville with two o f the children at the orp h an ag e ru n by G o d 's G olden Acre. AIDS Mission to Africa, on Saturday Oct. 2. at S l Jude's Church. William and Thomas Streets, to raise funds for a palliative care clinic for children with AIDS in Africa. "I will be speaking about my trip and where the money is going," said Partridge. In concert will include the Joiuj L«f»g" -Sirtgers, soprano Marian Sjolander, flutist Joan Browne, violinist Robert Miskey, the Oakville Children's Choi^Ghamhei.Group and the Oakville Youth Christian Strmjr-finscTfiftle. Tickets cost $20 at the door, or call 905-844-3972. For more information about G od's Golden Acre, visit its Web site at www.godsgoldenacre.org. workshop leam to balance and release behavioural patterns from the past. Four Saturday sessions, 10 a.m. - noon. Cost $25. The Women's Centre. Ste. 210, Hopedale Mall. 905-847-5520. Creativity and Innovation with Anne-Thea Villemin. How to be creative at home .and at work. 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. Cost $10 The Women's Centre, Ste. 210. Hopedale Mall. 905-847-5520 Open Dance, sponsored by Parents Without Partners Bumhamthorpe Community Center one block south Bumhamthorpe. one block east Dixie. Members $ 12, guests $ 15, Buffet, DJ is EJ, door prize. Dance 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. SUNDAY OCTOBER 3 Annual Blessing of the Pets, Walton Memorial United Church. 2489 Lakeshore at Bronte, 2 p.m. Main Street o f Old Oakville, 2 p.m., leam about the Old Town of Oakville in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Cost $12 per per son. special rates for children. Tour leaves Oakville Historical Society at 110 King. Call 905844-2695 or 905-845-5865. JZ> yioga Workshop: Relaxation with Yoga Nidra (Yoejc bleep'* October b - J am to Noon Ramada Inn. Oakville Cost: W j.0 0 Leam a method for easily achieving deep relaxation that will hep you to boost your energj, and improve your physical, mental, and emotional well being C a ll f O f - S iZ - t f t f or email raymondc@leipga.com to register "P lanning your w e d d in g sta rts a t th e R egion's larg est Fall Bridal Show ..." Voted # I Yora Instruction 7th Annual Ham ilton-H ahon Master Kim's Taekwondo Back To School Special The school year is the best time to join martial arts. Your child will improve confidence, self-esteem and become a positive winner. Invest in your child today I Learn fro m th e le ge nda ry G rand M a ster H.C. Kim Teaching in th is c o m m u n ity fo r 20 years Classes start in September! CALL FOR INFO RM ATIO N Fall Bridal United Way o f C J a f e v iC C e Saturday & Sunday O ctober 2nd & 3rd, 2004 Hamilton Convention Centra® Downtown Hamilton, Ontario Show hours 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily Fashion Show Times 1:00 p.m. & 3:30 p.m. daily Tickets $ 10.00 sold at the door* w w w .BR ID ALSH O W ST O DA Y .CO M Sho w Produced by: B EA U M O N D E PRO DU CTIO NS V e ndor info: 905-524-3689 905-855-7844 'm W T I lA . t V i e U n ite d W ay h a s a lw a y s s u p p o r t e d th e c o m m u n ity by in v e s tin g in its a g e n c ie s . We a ls o w o rk to b u ild th e c a p a c ity o f o u r c o m m u n ity in o th e r w a y s. . T o e n s u r e a h e a lth y O ak v ille fo r t h e f u tu r e , w e 're o u t th e r e w o rk in g w ith k e y p a r t n e r s o n im p o r ta n t c o m m u n ity d e v e lo p m e n t in itia tiv e s in c lu d in g : H a lto n 21 1 O u tc o m e M e a s u r e m e n t L e a d e rs h ip D e v e lo p m e n t S e rv ic e s S ocial r e s e a r c h a n d p la n n in g t 2 6 6 6 ROYAL W IN D SO R DRI (just east of Winston Churchill Blvd.) m www.om accanada.com _____------------ C o t > b l e S l O N E i r i b e r 3 OVER 100 BRIDAL " PROFESSIONALS TO HELP YOU PLAN YOUR WEDDING! \Masonry & F ireplace D esign S p e c ia lists 9 9 QUALITY BRAND NAMES GAS & ELECTRIC FIREPLACES AVAILABLE COUPON 2 fo ri H a m ilto n -H a lto n F all B ridal S h o w 2 0 0 4 Valid only with one S I 0.00 paid admission. One coupon per person. Not to be combined with any other o«et N o cash redemption CREATIVE LEARNING CENTRE 1131 Nottinghill Gate Unit 18 (Glen Abbey) m H A LL M A R K GAS LO G S R O B E R T H . PE TE R SO N C O . ele^crajiame MAJESTIC VERMONT mf F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n c a ll ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 - 5 5 7 1 T h is sp ac e g e n e ro u sly d o n a te d by T h e O a k ville Beaver 406 S p e e rs RcL, O akville (across from Rona Lansing) n n c Q Q r / l / J 'O O 7 v is it t h e s p e c ia l is t s BRAES L E A R N IN G C E N T R E Learning Support for All Students One on One Sessions Available Fall Registration Still Available For 2, 3, and 5 Half Day Nursery School Programs For more information call i * Z lU O O m SEE THE DIFFERENCE PARTNERS IN (905)825-3284 SUCCESS ATHENA O A K V IL L E KCOGECO ^ Student Assessments ^ Tailored Learning Programs Continual Feedback SPONSOR PROFILE Celebrating the potential of all wom en as valued m em bers and leaders o f the com m unity, and recognizing those w ho support them. A T H E N A Oakville enters it's sixth year. W ithout sponsorship, this would not be possible. A T H E N A Oakville recognizes that a huge part of A T H E N A 'S success is duo to the generosity of sponsors. T his ad is an ongoing series paying tribute to our sponsors and in their ow n w ords they tell us w h y they feel involvement w ith A T H E N A is important. Cogeco is p ro u d to be a sponsor o f the A T H E N A Awards Program . As a sponsor, we have the pleasure o f being able to m eet and in tro d u ce the nom inees for the A T H E N A Award to the co m m u n ity th ro u g h television. It is truly -ifr'in inspiring to be in the com pany o f such caring ^ individuals. Each has a story to tell, often o f ^ A, courage and dedication. Each in their own way, has co n trib u ted gready to the com m unity, and each has im pacted th e lives o f w om cnthrough their m en to rin g an d support. W e feel honoured to have this o p p o rtu n ity to illustrate "leadership from the h eart." ^ Progress Reports Liaison with Classroom Teacher · T eachers are certified w ith th e O ntario College of T eachers · Program s are available from K indergarten to Post-Secondary · Will arrange-sessions in your hom e in som e cases Once upon a time... Escape! Lose yourself in a book! Be the first to know! Get a sneak preview of upcoming books for fall and winter by some of the most well-known publishers in the industry. Great fo r avid readers of all kinds. Tuesday, October 5, 2004, 7:30 p.m. Woodside Branch, 1274 Rebecca Str. Cost: Free, but please call the Woodside branch at 905-815-2036 to register. Call for a consultation: R o b y n R o ss, Director Hon. B.Sc. (Psychology), B.Ed... Special Education Located at: Intersection of QEW/Dorval 416-803-8764 or 905-465-3202 For information on ATHENA call Diana Saule/. 905-844-5290 E dith G w ynne-K eaney PUBLIC L IB R A R Y WCOGECO < i t

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