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Oakville Beaver, 29 Sep 2004, A08

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A 8 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday September 29, 2004 Town wants specifics about intensification (Continued from page A1) regional context, we're already seeing what drives OPA 198 (the controversial Official Plan Amendment that provides for growth north of Dundas Street)," said Mulvale. The mayor said, "1 haven't seen anything, despite listening very intently, about the Province changing the num bers." Mulvale added that if the numbers were changed and most of the future growth was put south of Dundas, "It would mean intensification the likes of which Oakville has never seen and you'd definitely have a full council chamber if that were getting discussed." The Province wants to save the Niagara Escarpment and so growth will occur in Milton and north Oakville, said the mayor. Mulvale pointed to the densely populated Bronte and said it works because of the har bour. the waterfront park, and the Bronte Athletic Field. The mayor said it's key to maintain balance and choice between residences and employment, as well as the environment. The provincial paper ear marked downtown Oakville a "priority urban centre." Local officials were keen on correcting that first. Critics have also said the paper lacks detail. However. Town Planning Director Peter Cheatley said it's better if the Town leaves things open rather than getting too specific since it's "a high level" document. Ward 3 Councillor Chris Stoate said he believed in some specifics, however, since, in his opinion, the principles set out in the growth paper and the inac curate wording about down town Oakville could be used against the Town. He noted the redevelopment of Sharkey's that's now before the 0MB. Council clarified that priori ty urban centres in Oakville would be the Trafalgar corridor north of Cornwall Road, and in the area of the GO Stations -- at Cross Avenue. Bronte north of Speers Road and one planned for the Ninth Line area. While council approved its response Monday, it also left the door open for future comments to be filed with the Province. Town planners called for the Province to establish its pro posed 905-area Greenbelt. Ward 4 Councillors Allan Elgar and Renee Sandelowsky wanted north Oakville's planned natural heritage areas to be proposed for inclusion in the greenbelt. Cheatley, howev er, .said they haven't been approved in the secondary plan ning process yet. so they could n't be part of such a request. Veteran Ward 3 Councillor Keith Bird said "I'm hoping the new Greenbelt is not a Parkway Belt and won't suffer the same fate." Bird suggested that the Province be asked to encourage study of obsolete school sites becoming community parks as a means of addressing the need for recreation areas within builtup communities. Bird reflected on land dona tions made by citizens like Gairloch Gardens and Lawson Park, but said that's unlikely to occur in future, so school sites should be re-evaluated. While Cheatley favoured not getting too detailed, he called for specifics from the Province on intensification. The provincial paper calls for 40 per cent of the population to be housed in existing areas, although it doesn't specifically say if it means the town's popu lation or the new growth popu lation. "We need to know 40 per cent of what." said Cheatley, advocating it would be best to say 40 per cent of new growth in Halton would have to be in existing areas. The planner said Burlington has no new areas so it would have to put new growth in existing areas. Oakville how ever couldn't fit its tai^et popu lation. even 40 per cent of it, in existing areas. Ward I Councillor Ralph Robinson didn't like the inclu sion of the Bronte GO Station as a priority urban centre. "Maybe the reason nobody is here from Bronte is that this document mentions downtown Oakville and now we've got ourselves expanded all the way over tot he Bronte GO Station without even a definition of the word vicinity," he charged. Mulvale said most people realize transit-oriented intensifi cation will occur in the area of transit hubs like GO Stations. Photos by Peter C. McCusker · Oakville B</iver 'y Fire Prevention Week kickoff At left, Sean M edd, 9, tries aim ing a sm all firehose with help of E rik Kovessy of the D u rh am -F ire -Gettoge. Above, Jack Kanalec, 3, gets to look like S piderm an th an k s to the efforts of facepainter Lessia Szulga of Sheridan College of Technology and Advanced Learning cosmetology program at last S a tu rd a y 's open house at the QakviU* Fire D r p a r tm tn t's T raining Cam pus. T he event kicked off O akville Fire Prevention Week th at runs Oct. 3-9. Below, Hayley K eenan, 8, and Riley K eenan, 3, get a closer look at the controls on a fire truck. ^r.v-r.V" S T . L O lftS S W t & U faitt P R O F IL E off the W establishments in the area S in n f f f k w w tte [R e st a u r a n t & B A N Q U E T H A LL T ry O u r F a m o u s l/Vinas fo r FREE! Buy o n e Single o rd e r o f o u r su c c u le n t w ings an d g et th e second o rd e r o f eq u al o r le s s e r value Serving Oakville for 26 Years 'S ° ne of ,he ^ e s t Indian \ \r continue to fi^hl inflation with low piitcs «\ lop <|tialil the worlds besl moot ssstss * TM 9 Kal authe" * dishes £ 5 2 ? a" l and elW * "The ( llim atv Prime liib H xperivncv" · Daily lircakfasl SjRt lal M .2 " » · l.uncli & D inner Prim e R ib Specials · Steaks i? Seafood FREE! 2 5 0 8 Hampshire C ate, Oakville (In Hm H « « « D epot P la in ) Dr pot ,, S S Ste toSr'^,'1 * Exotic Tastes 4 0 7 Speers Rd. unit 4 4 s 3 B e a u tif u l B a n q u e t R o o m s f o r u p to 2 0 0 p e o p le . 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