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Oakville Beaver, 4 Feb 2004, D02

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D2 -The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday February 4, 2004 On Frozen Pond Dave Suchanek and the boys are going to be playing a lit tle pond hockey this weekend, and at the same time raising money and awareness for a good cause -- the Right to Play charity. The four-member team, which also includes Pierre Leonard, Denis Desrosiers and Yves Locas are calling them selves the Oakvillian Bulls. "W e are all neighbourhood friends from Oakville," said Suchanek, an Appleby College teacher. "When I saw the feature on Hockey Night in Canada last year. I knew I wanted to sign up a team. Three phone calls later, we were in." And they are heading to a community in New Brunswick called Plaster Rock which came up with this nifty idea of preserving Canada's heritage while raising money for char ity. The games take place on 20 rinks carved out on Roulston Lake which allows for 40 teams to play simultaneously. For more info check out the tourney site at www.plasterrock.com. If you'd like to support the Oakville players, check out the Right to Play charity site at www.righttoplay.com. House league hockey ATOM RED (Jan 24) RO LEX C A N A D A W IN G S 2 (goals by Kris Burnside. Ryan Stegm aien assists by Adam Macdonald. Brent M cM anus). PROCOR W O IJP A C K 5 (goals by David Robinson. Evan Hudakoc 2, Jake Cussen. Ryan Lees; assists by Mitchell Hatfield 2. Russell Moore, Jordan Leslie 2. Scott M cLaughlin. Siephane Brochu. David Robinson). IMPAC A SSESSM EN T EAGLES I (goal by Dallas Smith; assist by Patrick Arnold). ROYAL LePAGE / WAYNE M U N D EN V IKIN G S 1 (goal by Brody Langley; assists by Ross Costandsc, Nick Powidajko). W IRETRON H OUND DOGS I (goal by Stephan DiCamillo unassisted). M ARK S W ORKW EARHOUSE W RANGLERS I (goal by M ichael Lundcr. assist by Max McLartv). JUVENILE RED (Feb. 1) HAMILTON PAPER BOX LTD. 0. BEHAVIOUR IN STITUTE 1 -w o n bv defaultSTARFLEET CONSTRU CTIO N 4 (goals to Shane DaRosa 2. Kyle Sidock, Jack Tripp; assists to Jeff Bentley 3. Kyle Sidock. Jack Tripp and mark Dvemechuk). BANK O F NOVA SCOTIA I (goal to M ike Webster, assists to Josh Drazilov and Reuben Boissiere). SURECUT CONVERTING 9 (goals to Josh Smyth 5. Paul Sallows 3. Brent Higgins; assists toPaul Sallows 3. Greg Bar*evich 2. Anthony Cappuccitti. M an Civak. Josh Smyth, and Chris Snow). DATEX. CA 13 (goals to Tyler Legein 4. Cam Foley 3, David Bruce 3, Taylor Stevens. Sieve Reinhardt. Josh See; assists to Cam Foley 6. T^lcr Legein 6. David Bruce 2, Taylor Stevens 2 and Josh See). These boys will be playing a little pond hockey this weekend (from left to right): Pierre Leonard, Denis Desrosiers, Yves Loeas and Dave Suchanek. MINOR ATOM REI) (Jan. 31) OPUS REHABILITATION INC. WOLFPACK 4 Ryle Cam eron (2g). M ichael Morley and Cory Marsh ( Ig each). Alexander Kalopsis and Robbie Driscoll (2a each). M ichael Tillm an. Derek Sergas. Hunter Kunow and C hristopher Zankowicz ( la each). MITRON HOCKEY C EN TR E GATORS 2 - Ryan M ullins (2g). Patrick Hickey. Simon Harmgardt. Christopher Scverin and Carson W heeler ( la each). M OORE S TIRE CEN TR E WINGS 3 - Doug Bonar (2g), Douglas M acK en/ie llg ) . Drew Hartman (2a). Jordan Milner. Mitchell Bleaklev. Daniel M cKeown and Hugh Parker ( l a each). C A R D IN A L HEALTH VIKINGS 2 - Ryan Cookish ( lg .la ). Stephen McPhaden ( Ig). Russell Collins. Connor Jensen and Karl Everen ( la each). OAK LAND FORD LINCOLN LUM BERJACKS 2 - Tommy Hubbs and Anthony Sorgiovanni (Ig each). Brett Ulbikas (2a). Jacob Nunno and Andrew G m nw aid ( la each). RHOD1A SILICA SYSTEM S EAGLES 1 Patrick Douthan ( Ig ).T ro y Findlay and Ja k e T h e rie n (la each). TACA C O R P H OUND DOGS 2 - James Sasso and Alex G rolmus ( lg each). William Thrall. Ryan Stanton. Luke Spivak and Erik Husar ( la each). SHOPPERS DRUG MART W'RANGLERS I - G raham Copeland (lg ). M in ja e C h o (la ). Roller hockey registration Halton Roller Hockey is holding its registration this week end at Oakville Arena. Times are listed below. This season will ring in a slightly new house league format, which basically features two divisions -- one for rep and red level players (called H U B) and one for new and white level players (called HO USE). Placement of the players is at the dis cretion of the individual player and his family. ``We feel this change will add to the enjoyment of roller hockey for all our league members," noted league president Jay Labelle. " As always the Oakville Coyote select program will select the best of our H U B and House players to represent Oakville in tournaments throughout North America." The age groups are U-26, U-18. U-15, U-13, U-11 . U-9 and U-7. Here's the registration times at Oakville Arena: ·Thursday. Feb. 5, 7 - 9 p.m. · Friday, Feb. 6, 7 - 9 p.m. · Saturday. Feb. 7, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. · Sunday, Feb. 8. 1 - 3 p.m. ATOM WHITE (Jan. 31) SYM BO L TECHN O LO GIES VIKINGS 4 (goals to Nathan Smofsky 2. Austin Reusch. Scon Barrett; assists to Jam es Hilchey 2, Eric Voskuil. Stuart Charlton and Adam Kelly). BLU E LEAF LUM BERJACKS I (goal to Michael Laskaris; assists to Brandon Hazineh. Phillip Strother*). HOCKEY M OM S HOUND DOGS I (goal to Luke Naim ; assists to Chris Wcilcr. M ichael Brown; shutout to Kyle Armstrong). DEM OLITION EQUIPM ENT WOLFPACK 0 FUTURE STARS SHARKS 7 (goals to Michael D avey 2. C had Ross 2. Anthony Puhl. Adam Brunelle. Kevin M axwell; assists to Adam Brunelle. Jacob Beluz, Alex Byme. Matthew Hamel and Joel Edmiston). BMO N ESBITT BURNS W RANGLERS 6 (goals to Erik Liptok 2. Kurtis Galant. Jesse Maiurro, Robert Mickus. Robert McLaren; assists to Josh Richard-M unro. Robert McLaren. Robert M ickus. A dam Skiland. Kurtis Galant. Jay T. Vandevenne). STELLAR STARS W INGS 5 (goals to Adam Smith 2, Austin M acLcllan 2. A lexander Hill; assists to Austin M acLellan 3. Alex Hill 2. A dam Smith. Andrew Chown, Yjan Raae. M atthew M cEvoy). ROXY'S BURGERS GATORS 3 (goals to Riley Rykhoff. Michael Chun. Ryan Daley; assist to Michael Moors). EAGLES 4 (goals to Dylan Roth 2. Daniel KarlssonAmador. G regory Spence; Assists lo Nicholas Ylkos (2), Devon Pelley, Dylan Roth. M ichael Bailey. Brian Muhl. M atthew G rinton. Evan Sinclair). POLYAIR CANADA FLYERS 2 (goals to Matthew Heidcbrecht, Bryson Perrin; assists to Kevin DeSousa, Michael Graham · · · · · ROXY'S B U R G ERS PLAYER O F THE GAME - L U K E NAIRN DE)[©NG HO M ES CUSTOM BUILDER & RENOVATOR M 1 C: H A E L Ron Kuzyk ·Oakville B eaver ALL EYES: two #21's -- Brett Lain of Blakelock (left) and Geoff Shugg of Notre Dame have a common focus in S aturday's A-division Bur-Bear final. Notre Dame won the A-pool cham pi onship battle between the Volpe Division high school league rivals. See story on previous page. enhancing )/our life by improving \ /our home© M ichael Dejong 905-332-6711 w w w .dejongho mes.com O akville S ummer M in o r H o c key League M ay - Vytis holding 50-team tournament The O akville Vytis Basketball Association is hosting a boys basketball tournament this weekend (Feb 6-8). More than 50 teams, including many of the top LflURfl STRmm teams in Ontario, and a spe cial guest team from Bedford, Nova Scotia, will compete for medals in seven divisions. Ages, competitive levels, and locations are: · novice (U-10) A: Iroquois Ridge (F ri). Loyola S.S. (Sat/Sun); · atom (U-12) A: West Oak p.s. (Fri/Sat), Q .E. Park H.S. (Sun); · atom (U-12) A A : St. Marguerite (Fri). Aquinas H.S. (Sat/Sun); · bantam (U-13) A: Syl Apps Youth Centre (Fri/Sat/Sun); · bantam (U-13) A A/A A A: White Oaks S.S. South (Fri/Sat). IR H S (Sun); · major bantam (U I4 ) A: White Oaks S.S. North (Fri/Sat/Sun); · major bantam (U -14) AA/AAA: Iroquois Ridge S.S. (Fri), Loyola S.S. (Sat/Sun). Game times at all locations are: · Friday. Feb. 6: 6 and 7:30 p.m. · Saturday, Feb. 7: 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.; 1, 2:30, 4, 5:30. 7 p.m. · Sunday. Feb 8: 10:30 a.m.; noon; 1:30 p.m. (bronze medal game); 3 p.m. (gold medal game) For more information about the Oakville Vytis Basketball Association, please visit www.oakvillevytis.com. BANTAM RED (Feb. 2) A LFR ESH B EV ER A G ES 1 (goal to Nathan Caughlin; assists to Jason Buckley and Joe Ftlice). TECHSPAN AUTOM O TIV E 6 (goals to Neil Revell 2. Alex Thom e 2. Jacob Zamora. Justin Peel; assists to Jesse Herman 3. Andrew Kavanagh 2, Jacob Zamora. Neil Revell and Justin Peel; ). C U N T A R 3 (goals to Patrick McKinlay, Bradley Waller. Charlie M unro;assists to Bradley Waller. Matt Hagglund. Tyler Malenfant and Brandon MacAngus). FRONTIER W O LSELEY 3 (goals to Connor Gamble. Chris Patterson, Chris Canham; assists to Justin DiTrani. Michael Owen and Kirk Johnson). NAIRN SALES & M ARKETING 2 (goals to Taylor M acL ellan. M ichael Zavarella; assists to M arco Rodrigues, Kyle H o w itt Robin Funk and Igor Kolpak). ACROBAT4 (goals to David Josefik 2. Rory Stack. Anthony G reco; assists to Jonathan Sweeney-Bergen. Anthony Greco. Jason Imbrogno and Matt Andrews). ACCEN TU RE 1 (goal to Philip Comeau; assist to Shaun Fitzpatrick ). PROCO R 3 (goals to Adam Davidson. Tyler Nagle. Karl Feltmate; assists to Carson Smnith 2. M ike Tuske and Karl Feltmate). Good Sport Awards presented by Panago Pizza to Ja co b Zamora. Chris Canham. Patrick McKinlay, Mart Hanson and Karl Feltmate. A u g u st Schedule COACHdepot Non-Contact Dhisorn for bov) & girls ages 5-15 I4#aroe tfhcdulc Trophies & awaids No summer weekend* or Friday* Certified officials Prime time evening games Coaching & sponsorship positions available Many fpnes on oKm picm e Rhrr Oaks surface No fundraiflng Balancing of trams Aaration week" to assy nidi hobday planning 3 ON 3 FULL ICE SUMMER HOCKEY * ^ ASK ABOUT O UR 3 ON 3 REP. SUMMER LEAGUE Ato m P m W m B W U M A /A A /A A A F a st p a c e d , n o n * s t o i \ o f f e n s iv e -m in d e d h o c k e y A ^ T A fT WITH SEVERAL YEARS OF COACHING, OFFICIATING Sc 1EAGUE ADMINISTRATION EXPERIENCE GUARANTEES A WEIArORGANKED & QL'AIJTY LEAGUE FOR YOUR ( J i l l J ) . Applications av.ulahlr at R n r r Oak*. Glen Abbev, Mam was & Appleby C-ollege A j c i i .lv F or information o r lo receive an application Skote4Power & Coach Depot Inc. ore taking registrations for Burlington 3 on 3 Full Ice Hockey League. Games will be ot Appleby or Moinway Arena. Spaces ore limited. The season starts in May and ends in July. One gome per week. All oges, all levels. Cool jerseys, referees and lots of scoring. Call 9 0 5 -3 3 1 -7 7 7 4 or 9 0 5 -3 3 2 -8 2 3 3 to register or emoil: sk84pwr@ aol.com or v isit www.coachdepot.com Laura Stamm International Powerskaling is now registering for March Break, Pre-Tryout Clinics and Summer Programs. Emphasis on skating and puckhondling. Clinics do sell out. V isit laurastamm.com or call 9 0 5 -3 3 1 -7 7 7 4 . Laura Stamm Power Skating is interviewing tor assistant instiDCtois. Successful applicants must be 16 years of oge and o proficient skater Col 90S-331-7774 for mote details. 905-849-9712 or www.hmhl.btzland.com 1-3 River O aks Arena R egistration: Sal. Feb. 7 1-3 Sun. Feb. 8 Sun. Feb. 22 Sun. Feb. 29 1-2 1-2 11-12:30 11-12 River O aks Arena River O aks Arena Appleby C ollege Arena MINOR PEEWEE WHITE EAST (Jan. 31) EN TE R TA IN M EN T LIQ U IDA TO RS H OU N D DOGS 4 (goals to Brendan Rowland-Brown. Mark Rausco. Geoffrey Series and Stephen GaunUen. Assists to C hristopher G oldie and Mark Rausco). ENTERTAIN M ENT LIQUIDATORS EA G LES 2 (both goals to Adam Platt. Avsists lo Rvan Ross, A dam Wilson and Spencer Hall). DURON.CA VIKINGS 4 (goals lo Shahbaz Dhillon. Robert Collaton. Lucas Saric and Adam Presulti. Assists to G regory Karpechev 2, R obert Collaton. Shahbaz Dhillon. Adam Prcsutu and Daniel Slillo). NORDAN G R O U P INC. W INGS 1 (goal to Joel LcBrun. Assist to Ian Widcll). O A K V IL L E O RTH O TICS LU M BER JA C K S 4 (goals to Eric Lesiuta. Billy Hunt 2. Michael Caccamo. Assists to Billy Hunt. Ian Cams, Nicholas Defabrizio. Eric Lesiuta, Nicholas Testani. Chris W indsor and Michael Piotrowski). CREATIVE VISUAL SOLUTIONS WOLFPACK 2 (goals to Steven Findlay and Daniel Fevreau. Assist to Daniel Fevreau). Oakville Minor Baseball Association -OAK-VM L E J i ^ 2004 BASEBALL REGISTRATION APPLE FEATURING W IM C M M ia U } ISIPAJR a v S T V M A Complete Baseball Program For all Boys & Girls Bom 1983-1998 A uto Glass' novus LET'S PLAY BALL! · We offer good fun and good value. · NCCP Certified Coaches · Local. Provincial and Possibly International Tournaments · Qualified Umpires W IN D S H IELD S Our Service makes the `D ifference > MINOR PEEWEE WHITE WEST (Jan. 31) FELTM A TE/D ELIBA TO /H EA G LE LAW YERS EAGLES 3 (goals to M atthew Novis and Brad Bowen 2. A ssists lo C onor M unro. Alex Cam eron 2 and Brett Roblm). G LEN LEVEN CHRYSLER W INGS I igoal to Michael Arrizza. Assists to Calum Wing and Spencer Collaton). ED. JO N ES WOLFPACK 6 (goals to Jeffrey Slasor and O wen Bassett 5. Assists to Ellion Hepworth. Russell Horton 2, C hnstophcr Pearson. Christian Klarcr and M atthew Toppan). BANK O F M ONTREAL VIKINGS 3 (goals to Justin Allaby. Roman Benin and Sebastian Novais. Assists to Andrew Garvey 2 and J.D. Middleton). C O N N E C T LU M B ER JA C K S 3 (goals to Alex Paquette. Christian T^ler and Andrew Verissimo. Assists to M arc Bazcrghi 2. Roy M om s. M ichael Saffran and ChristianTyler). ENTERTAINM ENT LIQUIDATORS H OUND DOGS I (goal lo Dylan Walker). · Ages 6-21 · House league Program · Rep Programs Tier 1 & Tier 2 Final Registration WHERE: Iroquois Ridge Recreation Centre North Ridge Room 1051 Clenashton Drit'e Saturday, February 7th, 2004 9M a.rn.-3M p.m. WHEN: TIME: Registration Fees T-Ball Ages 6-7 (Born 1997-1998)................................... $115 Rookie Ball & Mosquito Ages 8-11 (Bom 1993-1996)..... S185 Peewee & Bantam Ages 12-15 (Bom 1989 -1992)............ $195 Midget & Junior Ages 1 6-21 (Bom 1983-1988)..... ;.......... $195 f'roof of age required for first time registration. Factory O.E.M Urethane Installation Stone Chip Repair Safety Glass (including Heavy-Duty Equipment etc) Auto & Truck A ccessories Sunroofs Anti-Theft Devices & Car Alarm Auto Upholstery (Seat Repair) Remote Car Starters Convertible Tops (Boat Tops) Tinting Free Pick-up & Delivery Open Saturday Mornings MINOR ATOM WHITE EAST (Jan.31) l i w t o .M om Shark) 4 (goals by Jason Darichuk 2, Bradley Smcthurst and Robert McVey. assists by Ryan Carney 3. H armonic Poirier. Robert A ndronico and Anthony B ad e). B u iu l Canada Wranglers 4 (goals by Michacl Chamberlain. Sebastian M aynard. Lukas Machaj and Eric Lombardi, assists by Chamberlain, Maynard. Adam Solis. Sharalynn Missiuna and Ryan Wise) Choice Hotels Canada Vikings I (goal by Alex Zahrai. avsists by Jake Testani and Berkin Cetin). The Family Channel Fivers I (goal by C ole Hartley, assists by Vaughan Wilson and Ben Callaghan) M itron Gators 0 (shutout by Darren Hopkins). Halton Roller Hockcv Eagles 0 (shutout bv Roni Zarfati) 1033 Speers Rd., OAKVILLE 9054424060 V ,S AI Insurance Claims Honoured < ioceH y Ow nedi O perated I MINOR ATOM WHITE WEST (Jan .3 1) M P P Eagles 3 (goals by Joshua Brough 2. and Dylan M aissoneuve. avsists by Jordan Peterson and Kyle Nevins). Rttblaf Enterprise* Wing* 3 (goals by Joel M acBride. Spencer Bavsen and Jake Nicoll. assists by Ryan Scott and William Haxell) BlX3. IAuiy.gQdy Hound Dogs ·* (goals by Jacob Poirier. Cam eron Kotulak. T J . W hibbs and Brandon Vienncau. avsists by Poirier, Kotulak. Ryan Weech. Brandon Kettle and Paul Bukovcan). Procor Lumberjacks 4 (goals by G raem e Clarke 2. Ben Kemp and Kyle Dunn, assists by Bradley N oonan. Connor l-utzko, Corey Sulpizi and Brendan Murphy). Academ y o f Music Vikings 6 C lements Radiator Wolfpack I For more information please call 905-847-5545 Visit us MW.eteamz.com/omba Catch The Excitement Play 0.M .B A Baseball in 2004! "Providing Quality Programs in our Community for over 42 Years"

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