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Oakville Beaver, 4 Jun 2003, C7

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The Oakville Beaver. W e d n e sd a y June 4, 2003 - C7 Iliere's a whole new wecKI oaf mere.. discover it today W W W .^ lhnllebeaver.com tDERIA.N0 Spring fashion St. T h o m as A quinas Secondary School recently held its annual spring fashion show, which fe atu red the sp ring and sum m er clothing of local clothing stores. Tiffany, left, is a d a n c e r from the Sean B outilier Academy of Dance from M ississauga, which provided part of the evening's e n te rta in m e n t. M odels N atalie B louin, top. Amalia G iglia and M auricio C a n ju ra, right, display the coolest fashions of the season. FOR TH F. FIRST 25 ROOM S PER D A Y S 4% * 'per wit. and kids eat Fill "valid H I J«m 30 on select day. FOR THE NEXT 100 R(X).MS PFR DAY y l 1 'p*r tviH ond kidi oat F R E E | "valid H I lvn« 30 on select days Add W onderland tickets &save up to 10. per adult ticket off suggested retail; pay just 41.95 (tax included) per adult ticket ond '25. ind. lax per child ticket (aged 3 lo 6 years) Suite & Sound of Music Deal Photos by Chantal Ayotte Sunday to Friday evenings just 99. p e r person plus taxes · Indodes buffet dinner ond performance of Sound of Musk, one night suite occommodation based on double occupancy and full buffet breakfast · Saturday night '119. per person plus taxes H td in jl(fuflA l Ir.'iV \1ritw *H R e s e r v a tio n s TO LL FREE 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 6 3 - 0 6 8 4 o r 9 0 5 -2 3 8 -0 0 4 2 w w w .s ta g e w e s t.c o m H lU O M TlW M t>:\rM M k.S H M D U »i m i N t n n m iH K iK iu m v\ b i i u n m m t m a n 1. FAMILY MATTERS, Barrie Erskine · Oakville Heaver Space Pandas get their revenge M other Teresa C atholic elem entary school students recently held their pro duction of The Revenge o f the Space Pandas or Binky Rudich and the TwoSpeed Clock. Nick Baron played Bob the Sheep. I.eigh C raw ford played Binky Rudich and Casey Pereira played Vivian. In Rnhin(«ti Mistrv iTnuUpnpn) T H E NAVIGATOR O F NEW YORK. In Wavne Johnston (Atdognifihitll 3. THE LAST CROSSING. In Guv Vanderfiaeglie 4. THF. P O U S H E I) H O E In Austin Clarke t \utugmphai) 5. REVERSIBLE ERRORS, by Scott T un m 6. BAU DOU NO. by U m berto Eco 7. O N E MAN'S BIBLE bv Gao Xingjian 2. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. EXILE. bv Ann Ireland (Autogmphtd) CO SM O SPO U S. bv Don DeLillo THF. KING O F TORTS, bv John Grisham SONS O F FORTUNE, bv Jeffrey A rcher BLUE HO RIZO N, bv W ilbur Smith STUPID W HITE MEN. by Michael Moore O H . T H E PLACES YOU'LL G O . In Dr. Seuss (Graduation) HARRY PO TT E R AND T H E ORDER O F T H E PHOENIX. byJ.K. Rowling (nviiil/ihh- [tine 21) s . u i i i u t \ I 1 \ ( . i i m u m i u n im n : \ t i i i a s \ > » i . k v ih v ik s Harrison Smith · Special to the Oakville Heaver Barrie Erskine · Oakville Heaver Students in Wonderland St. M arguerite d 'Youville Catholic elem entary school recently held a produc tion of Alice in Wonderland which sta rre d Kavleigh G aspari, as Alice, and Virginia Viscardi. as the Q ueen o f H earts. A PRINCESS W IT H NO FORTUNE: ¥.. J. Jam es Public School rehearses th eir production of A Little Princess which takes the stage tonight (W ednesday) and T hu rsd ay at 7 p.m. M ore than 30 students are involved with the play as actors and stage crew. The play is an ad aptation of the classic story Sara Crewe by Frances Hodgson B urnett. In the back row from the left are Joanne Pitkin, Allie C ard and L auren Black. In the front scrubbing, from the left, are A nna Frackow iak, M egan F ife and A m anda Robinson. The school is located at 338 C airncroft Rd. H oliday Inn, B urlington QKVV & G u elp h Line Sun. J u n e 8 at 12 noon [(V ie w in g at 11:30am ) Large Fabulous Collection of Western Bronzes after Frederic Remington Bron/e & Marble Pedestals French. English & Decorator Furniture Collector's porcelain. Onentalia, Crystal & Mirrors Signed Art Glass Unusual Tabic Lamps 1. THF. DONT SW AT GUIDE FOR DADS. bv Richard Carlson 2. T H E D O N 'T SWEAT GUIDE FOR TEACHERS. bv Richard Carlson 3. CHICKEN SOUP FOR TI IE GOLFER'S S O L I. T H E 2ND ROUND, by Jack ( Canfield 4. THE BEST GOLF TIPS EVER. In- Nick Wright 5. DISPATCHES FROM IHE SPORTING LIFE bv M ordecai R ubier 6. TH E RARBECUE BOOK, by Jim Marks 7. OZ CLARKES POCKET WINE G l IDE 2003. bv Oz Clarke S. WHAT C O L O R IS YOUR PARACHUTE? A PRACTICAL M ANU AL FOR JOB HUNTERS. 2003. bv Richard Nelson Bollcs 9. CYCLING IN FRANCE 2ND EDITION, bv ITvsses Travel G uide 10. THE BRUCE TRAIL GUIDE 2003: 22ND E D IT IO N . bv Tire Bruce Trail Association 11. LONELY PLANET EUROPE ON A SHOESTRING. bv Vivek Wagele 12. MY D AD IS AWESOME. In Nick Butterw orth iCJxiUrm i-v 13. T H E BERENSTAIN BEARS AND T H E PAPA'S DAY SURPRISE. In Stan X: Jan Berenstain / Childrm 5-.V ) 14. RAMONA AND HER FATHER bv Beverly ( Jearv (Children S-I2i 15. HARRY POTTER BOXED SET. (VOL 14) In |.K. Rowling (CJiiblmi 8 and oini Sabrina Byrnes · Special to the Oakville Beaver T IM E TRAVEL: S tudents from Sheridan Public School recently perform ed their spring production. It's About Time, a story about fo u r children who travel back in tim e via a tim e m achine to explore ancient civilizations and meet King A rth u r and C leopatra along th e ir way. Back row from the left are Tyler Briggs, A bbie W inger, Addie M atos, L aura Elliot and H eather P ratt. F ront row from the left are Jam es Hollingsw orth and M a n Holshausen. k European Oil Paintings 'an d Water Colours Best Bets provided courtesy of B o o kE R s O O O K | t O l* « » D * O lO l O 'd W l a Q O O k o lu o a

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