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Oakville Beaver, 4 Jun 2003, C4

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C4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday June 4, 2003 Students exemplify true meaning of spirit St. Joan o f Arc School Daniela M ejia was chosen because she exhibits Catholic val ues on a daily basis. Daniela demonstrates respect for others, per sonal integrity and she interacts very well with the staff and stu dents o f St. Joan o f Arc Catholic School. TIMKA SZOBOSZLAI St. John School Tim ea consistently exem plifies Christian values in all aspects of school life. She strives for academic excel lence and has an enthusiastic desire to learn. Timea is an inspirational leader for her peers. GILM A N KNAP St. Joseph School Gillian exemplifies Catholic leadership qualities, a strong Catholic faith and a · deep family commit ment. Gillian guided, encouraged, motivated and is a positive role model to both team mates and classmates and. as such, she is a positive vocal leader within the school com munity SHEILA LACF.Y St. Luke School Sheila behaviour and effort reflect her dedi cation to learning, her love and respect for her family, her helpfulness to her peers and her commitment to her Catholic faith. Together with these attributes and her ongoing serv ice as an altar server exemplify the Catholic values we try to model and teach. Last month, the Halton Catholic District School Board celebrat ed its 15th annual Sharing the Spirit Student Awards of Excellence at Georgetown's Christ the King Secondary School. Each Catholic school in the region had a single recipi ent of the award. Among those honoured were 19 students from Oakville. The following profiles of each of the local recipients of the award were provided to the Oakville Beaver by the school board. JO EY CICCHINI St. Marguerite d'Youville School Joseph is an outstand ing young man who consistently dem on strates Gospel values in his daily interactions with teachers, students, and all other people in the school community. A student at the school since kindergarten, his teachers speak proudly o f his academic, athlet ic. social, and spintual achievements. CHRISTINA SIOBHAN DASILVA Holy Trinity Secondary School Siobhan. a Grade 11 student recognized for providing outstanding leadership and spirit within her school com munity as well as the community at large, volunteers with special needs students, is a Peer Minister, Student Prefect and is the cur rent President of the Holy Trinity Student Athletic Council. WILSON Holy Family School The Catholic Graduate Expectations are given life at Holy Family Catholic School through the daily exam ple of our Grade 8 stu dent. Christina. As pres ident o f the Student Council, she is involved in all aspects o f school life and encourages those around her to exercise their own Christian leadership. AMANDA BARTUCCI M other Teresa School A m anda recognizes the importance o f aca dem ic. social and spir itual developm ent and sets and achieves goals in these areas. Her positive behav iour. inside and out side the classroom, show s her respect and appreciation for the Catholic Faith and Catholic Education. KRISTEN RUNCIMAN Our Lady o f Peace School Kristen has been involved in many stu dent volunteer activi ties at the school. She is also a mentor to chil dren with recently diagnosed cases o f dia betes in our school. Her conduct is always mature. Christian and supportive of her peers and staff here at the school. Jl'L IA N RESTIVO St. Andrew School Julian was chosen for this award because he exem plifies Gospel values in his relation ships with staff and peers. He contributes to our school com m u nity and to his parish community through his involvement as an altar serv er. SAMANTHA SFF.RLAZZA St. Bernadette School Samantha is well deserv ing of this award because she is a dedi cated student who always tries her best to work to her fullest potential. She is extremely polite and very helpful both in the classroom and around the sch<x<l. Samantha exemplifies a true Christian behaviour in her everyday life. Jonathan Silver is a respectful student who demonstrates Catholic values. He is a polite and gentle leader. Jonathan goes out of his way to include oth ers in all activities. Since the primary grades Allison has dis played exceptional Christian values. She is involved in school, church and community activities, including peer mentoring, basket ball. volleyball, year book. altar serv ing and swimming. Allison also spends a great deal o f time mentoring y ounger students. Holly graduated this year, leaving a long list of accomplishments behind her. She is extremely generous in sharing her many gifts and talents so that oth ers may benefit. This has been shown in her dedicatioino fundrais ing efforts at the school and her willingness to be a part of the Athletic Council and support many school activities. ROCHELLE GOUR St. James School Rochelle is an excel lent candidate for this unique and special award, as she consis tently exemplifies Catholic leadership qualities. Rochelle works diligently to make her environment more Christian. She accepts each person as they are. recognizing the Christ within. CHRISTINA HYLAND St. M atthew School Christina is a very well mannered, unas suming. Christian per son who consistently puts the needs o f oth ers before her own. both inside and out side the classroom. Christina leads by exam ple and is always willing to help out with classroom duties, with younger students in the school, and with her peers. JU LIA SOARES St. M ichael School Julia has been enrolled at St. Michael School since Junior Kindergarten and. over the past nine years, she lias been a vibrant and endearing individ ual within the school community. While excelling in athletics and academics. Julia exemplifies the model o f Christian dignity and respect for others. VFRONICA W HITE St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School Veronica displays an excellent attitude and spint in meeting chal lenges despite her physical and medical condition o f AVM (arteriovenous malfor mation). She has been instrumental in setting up a foundation at Toronto Sick Kids and Toronto Western and has started fundraising for AVM research. Celebrating student excellence EMILY LAN TING Abbey Lane Public School Emily is an outstand ing student who excels in many areas includ ing: academics, athlet ics and community awareness and involvement. She is a member o f the school volleyball and basket ball team and w as Prime Minister of Abbey Lane's student council. Students representing each o f the Halton District School Boani's elementary and secondary schools were honoured at the 19th annual Celebration o f Student Excellence last month CONNOR M CANUFF B rantw ood Public School Connor is an active and enlhusiaslic partic ipant in all aspects of school and community life. He participates in a variety of athletics, always demonstrating good sportsmanship. He sets and achieves high academic goals. ALEKSANDRA TRIVAN Brookdule Public School Aleksandra has made a significant contribu tion to Brookdale (his year. She is (he depu(y Prime M inister of Student Parliament and an active partici pant on sports teams, interest clubs and the instrumental band. EMILY STEWART Chisholm Public School Throughout her years at Chisholm. Emily has always been a thoughtful and caring student. In her quiet way. she goes the extra mile in all that she undertakes. Emily has extended her lead ership qualities beyond the classroom to other classrooms where she has become a positive role model. M IC H A E L K A I.H H E IS C H -IIA A S CHRISTINE KALATA White Oaks Secondary (South Campus) Christine is an Honours student who consistent ly contributes to athlet ics and coaching, stu dent leadership, and (he student mentorship pro gram at White Oaks. An excellent role model. Christine exem plifies the all-around student achiever and tireless contributor to school life. SAM SWAIN E J . James Public School Sam is an exemplary Grade S student at E J. James. In .ill that lie does. Sam displays leadership, initiative, enthusiasm, respect and intelligence: qualities that have allowed his success to continuously build upon itself. Sam approaches life with such a positive attitude that it can't help but rub off on others. JA COB ZAMORA Eastview Public School Jacob (Jake) Zam ora is a creative young man whose leadership skills and resourceful ness are evident no m atter what challenges he faces. Jake has earned the respect of his peers and the staff at Eastvicw through his com m itm ent to academics, athletics and to his community. EMILY STACEY Falgarwood Public School Emily Stacey exem pli fies excellence daily. She is a self-motivated learner who perseveres at all tasks. Her marks are reflective o f her ability and desire to succeed. Emily is involved in school ath letics. the bands, cozy reading, and office help. Her smile brightens the school daily. ALEKSANDRA SPASIC Gladys Speers Public School Aleksandra has main tained an outstanding level of academic achievement and par ticipates in the life of the school as an exem plary citizen. She is a driving force behind the Green Team (Environment Club) at the school and offers her time and energy as both office assistant and classroom helper. White Oaks Secondary 1North Ciunpmt Michael is a graduate o f the Ford Academy of Manufacturing Science and Ontario Youth Apprenticeship program at White Oaks. A key member o f the award-winning Windstars Robotics team. Michael exem plifies dedication, leadership, and aca demic excellence. T Y LERBA O Heritage Glen Public School Tyler is actively involved both inside and outside o f the classroom. Tyler is a highly motivated learner yet takes the time to assist others. Both teacher and studenLs rely on Tyler's affective enthusiasm as he contributes to many school func tions. MORGAN TRYON Linbrook Public School Morgan demonstrates excellence in her aca demic achievements in both French and English and lias involved herself in many aspects of school life such as choir, read ing club, and cross country. She models outstanding citizenship qualities by helping oliiers and maintaining a positive attitude at work and at play. AMRITA SIVANANDAM L om e Skuce Public School Amrita is an active and outgoing Grade 5 student who gets along well with her peers and with adults. Her career goal is to be a lawyer. A m rita's favourite subjects are spelling, math, gvm and art. Amrita loves reading, sports, eating out. and watching TV. CHRISTINE BANCROFT M aple Grove Public School Choir. Silver Birch Club, lunch monitor ing and being a peer mediator are just a few of the ways that Christine has con tributed to her school. As well, her high aca demic standards and her willingness to help others make her a pos itive influence at Maple Grove. SABRINA AZIZ M ontclair Public School Sabrina is a conscien tious student who is well respected by stu dents and staff alike. She demonstrates com mitment. perseverance, and initiative in all activities. She has rep resented the school at regional and provincial diversity events where she continues to display compassion, under standing and leadership. DEVAN SHIMADA M unn s Public School Devan is a kind, co operative student who always tries his best. Congratulations Devan from your friends at Munn's. All the best in Grade 6. NATALIE ORESKOVICH New Central Public School Na(alie has been an Honour Roll recipient every term and is involved in every com ponent of school. She is the Student Council Prime Minister, a m ember o f the girls' volleyball and basket ball teams. Track and Field (earn and Think Bowl (earn. ALEKSANDRA SAVK Oakwootl Public School Aleksandra is an excellcn( role model and stu dent leader. Her partici pation in extra-curricu lar activi(ies. including Think Bowl, school concerts, journalism club, dance club anil leadership, is malched by tier outstanding aca demic and community effort commitment and achievement. OM AR SAAB Pilgrim Wood Public School Omar has a strong interest in music and also enjoys other extra curricular activities such as volleyball (team captain 1. Student Council and the school jazz band. His is con sistently on the Honour Roll and uses his keen sense of humour and interpersonal skills to make connections with students and adults. AMANDA RUSHTON Pine Grove Public School Amanda sets and achieves high stan dards for herself in all areas. She is doing exceptionally well in the French Immersion program. She is actively involved in the school choir and as a lunch and bus helper for younger children. PHOTO NOT PROVIDED CORBIN LAM Post's C om ers Public School Corbin has been an honour studem during both o f his years at Post's Com ers. He has participated as a m em ber o f the volley ball, basketball, football, soccer, cross-country and track teams. As a sectional leader in the band, Corbin provides leadership for his group and always dis plays a responsible, respectful attitude. ASH!.IE ALTMAN R iver Oaks Public School Ashlie is an enthusias tic student with excel lent work habits. She is involved in the school athletic council, tries out for most sports teams and is involved in a variety of extra-curricular activ ities including: office helper, announce ments. scorekeeping. She always maintains a positive outlook. ADDIE MATOS Sheridan Public School Addie is very active in school life as a mem ber o f the safety patrol and cross country team. She is also a peer mediator assisting students with problem solving during recess es and will star in the school's production of It's About Time as the Pharoah. Outside of the school. Addie is a member of the Red Gaels under 11 Rep soccer team. TANNER MACKENZIE Sunningdale Public School Tanner has earned this award with a com bina tion o f top academic abilities and athletic involvement. His selfdiscipline and great attitude have come to be counted on by his teachers and fellow students. ELNAZ ARF.FI West Oak Public School Elnaz demonstrates on a daily basis that she is com m itted to academ ic excellence and dedi cated to contributing to the school comm u nity. Elnaz is CoPrime M inister of our student council and a member o f the year book and graduation committees, the vol leyball team and worked as a kinder garten helper. C O L IN M U R PH Y W.H. M orden Public School Colin is an extraordi narily enthusiastic when it com es (o endeavours in his school, his communi(y and his church. In school he participates in band, house league sports, and team sports. In the comm u nity he is extremely involved in his church, even baby-sitting chil dren while their par ents are at meetings. APRIL FONG Iroquois Ridge High School Throughout her five years at the Ridge. April has excelled in every capacity: aca demically and co-curricularly. April is an exceptional young woman who lives the values o f her school: a commitment to make a difference both locally and globally. FIONA TAYLOR Oakville Trafalgar High School Fiona is one o f our most gifted students. She is a scientist, a writer, an international caliber Irish dancer, a talented musician and a friend to many o f her peers. Fiona is President of our Wellness Council, is Treasurer o f our Students' Council and is involved in many other leadership and service activities. LAURA SHERIDAN (Jueen Elizabeth Park School Laura is an Honours student and is the grade 11 representative on the Student Council and was the stage m an ager for the school production o f The Lion. The Witch and The Wartlrobe. Laura is on the Board of Directors for the Oakville Youth Advisory Council. ALYA SAAB T.A. Blakelock High School Alya's cheerfulness and high level of involvem ent have made her a prominent m em ber o f both Blakelock and the community at large. She is an honour stu dent. a strong athlete, and involved in Student Council, Athletic Council. Wellness Council, and Multicultural Council.

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