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Oakville Beaver, 22 Aug 2003, Classified, p. 41

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The Oakville Beaver, F rida y A u g u s t 22, 2003 - 41 to mum u rn BONUS!All classified, ads appear @ WWW. C lassified houses for sale oakvillebeaver.com The site your community clicks on! E-mail: classified@ haltonsearch.com TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: 905-632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Circulation: 905-845-9742 ·Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-1% · Leisure living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 T----- OPEN HOUSE Sunday 12-5pm 3336 Cardiff Cres. Burlington North 3-bdrm. C/A, 2.5 baths. upgraded in '02 throughout incl. roof. $269,000 905-331-5666 evgs. B U R LIN G TO N R aised bungalow. 3+1 bedrooms. Updated kitchen and bath rooms, C/A. Double garage. All season sunroom. Land scaped treed lot. Private surroundings. Schools. Near amenities. $269,800. 905631-0362 WANTED TO PURCHASE.. Profitable Business in Halton area Either involved with printing and publish ing or dependant upon promotion and publicity or delivery to homes in area. Interested in business clearing more than $200,000 in annual profit. All inquiries treated in confidence. Please forward information to: APARTMENTS STARTING AT ONLY $875 Studio, 1 bedroom, 1+den and 2bedroom Convenient location near 6 0 Stn · Gorgeous views · Indoor pool & sauna * Newly renovated suites · Tenant controlled Heat and A/C · Security · Includes all utilities and cable. BURLINGTON SQUARE 760 Brant St. (at Ghent Ave.) Call us at 905-639-4677 FURNISHED bach elor C oach house apartm ent availab le im m ediately. Short or long term. Dundas/ Trafalgar. Nice quiet re si dential area, very clean. No smoking, no pets. Included utilities, cable, local phone, app lia nces, and parking. $1000/m o 905-257-4146 for app ointm ent m ust be seen. DOWNTOWN B u rlington. 1275 Elgin Street. 2&3 Bedrooms available Sept./ Oct. Freshly painted, (some with new kitchen cabinetry), spacious, w ell m aintained & quiet with upgraded fire alarm system for safe highrise livin g . C all 905-637____________ 0021 1 & 2-BEDRO O M a p a rt m ent. stove/ fridge, 1-car parking, included. 110 South F oster Park. O ak ville. Available Immediate ly. 905-849-8411 LA K E S H O R E / M aple. September 1st. 1-bedroom from $825/mo. Parking ex tra. H eat/ hydro included. Lakefront view. Indoor pool. Bus stops at door. Near Maplevtew/ hospital Great highway access. 905-6325258 ______________ ___ LAKES H O R E/KE R R ST. 2 storey apartments: 3-bedroom-f den. $1375/m o., 2 bdrm $1100/mo. (-futilities, p arkin g in clude d). C all 905-337-7135. HEART of Bronte. 50 East St., close to la ke / Bronte Harbour. Sept & O ct.: 1bedroom from $950/mo.; 2bedroom from $1095/mo. (+ parking) 905-825-0816 TYANDAGA Terrace, Bur lington. Situated on private, park-like grounds. Freshly painted with private w a lk outs to cedar hedged p a tios. 1,243 Bedroom Apart ments available Sept./ Oct. at 1440, 1450 & 1460 Tyandaga Park Drive. 905336-0015; 905-336-0016 2-bedroom apartment very nice location close to eve rything in Bronte. No pets. Sept/Oct. 905-827-3340 2 Bedroom Apartments avail able im m edia tely/ Oct. $745/m o. C o nveniently located Woodward/ Guelph Lme, Burlington 905-632^265 B U RLING TO N 2-bedroom basem ent, near YMCA. Newly painted, 5 appliances, yard, no p e ts/ sm oking. Sept. 1st $795/m o. 905632-1804 B U R LIN G TO N . 2-bdrm . C lean, quiet, w e ll-m a in tained. Excellent central lo cation. Parking. $789/mo. + hydro. September, and No vem ber (No dogs) 905572-7631; 905-664-2659 BU R LIN G TO N . Bright new basem ent bachelor, separate walk-out entrance w /patio . Laundry, parking $620/m o. Sept. 1st. or Oct. 1st Suit fem ale. 905332-1715.________________ JO S H U A C reek, brigh t 1200sq.ft. basement apart m ent in la rge execu tive C h ristia n hom e. N on sm oking, p rofession al fe m ale. $900 first/la st. 905257-1698__________________ E XTRA la rge 1&2 bed room suites ava ila b le in beautiful O akville building. Large balconies. Close to schoo ls & profession al services. Easy access to QEW & 403. Very reason able 905-844-2646 BURLINGTON- Extra large, bright one bedroom unit of lower level home. Including appliances, fireplace, A/C, garage, u tilitie s extra. No pets, no smoking. $795/mo. Sept 15 905-510-6518/905331-8490 N E W LYR enovatedfor rent 1. 2 & 3 bdrm. apart ments. Close to all am eni ties. $1150 to $1390./m o inclusive. Parking extra. Im m ediate occupancy. 205 Queen M ary D rive 905844-9670 _____________ NEW LY renovated, fu r nished 1-bdrm, Jacuzzi, tile flo o rin g , near dow ntown Burlington. GO, $850/mo.. Call 905-632-3828. *2 -B E D R O O M S : $87 0./ mo. (U tilitie s in cluded). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. R ental O ffice Open 11am-7pm, Mon.-Sat. 905639-5761__________________ BURLINGTON- 3-bedroom ava ila b le Oct. 1st. M aster bedroom w /2pce. ensuite. 5th floor, near all amenities. 905-637-3921_____________ B U R LIN G T O N - Brant St tow nhouse to share, ap pliance s, shared kitchen, parkin g included, non sm oking /pe ts. $500/m o. First/last, references. 905510-1538__________________ B U R LIN G TO N . Large 2bedroom. QEW/ Brant, near Fairview GO. P arking. Laundry, $750/mo. -fhydro. Sept. 905-639-8436. BURLINGTON 3020 Glencrest Rd. 1 bedroom ava ila b le O ctober $79 5./ month Upscale quiet building dose to major shopping 905632-0129 BURLINGTON downtown. 2-bedrooms, lowrise building, tenant pays hydro. Parking. Laundry. $780/mo. Available immediately. Call 905-6326948 BURLINGTON Downtown Spacious. 2-bedroom apt. Clean quiet building. Avail able Oct. 1st $856/mo. 905336-1061 BURLING TO N easy QEW access, near Downtown. 1bedroom , brigh t spacious apartm ent, Sept. 1st. Nonsmoker. $675/mo. 905-633B U RLING TO N H ighriseLarge attractive apartment. $250 m ove-in bonus. 2bedroom s $795/m o. 3bedrooms $895/mo. utilities included. (P arking a v a il able). A va ila ble im m e diately/ Sept. No pets. 905632-0961__________________ B U R LIN G TO N , M odern 1bdrm .. bsm t. Private en trance/driveway. Brand new kitchen, bathroom/applianc es. P riva te la undry/p atio. Gas fireplace. A/C. GO and all amenities. No pets. $900/ mo. (utilities incl.) Sept. 15/ Oct. 905-631-1094. BU R LIN G TO N . W alker s/ U p p e r'M id d le . 1-bedroom basem ent, sepa rate en trance. shared laundry. No sm oking / pets. $75 0/incl. 905-331-2699._____________ BURLINGTON. 1 bedroom basement, separate entrance, parking. Prefer single. Nonsm oker/ pets. $575/m o. Immediate. Near amenities. 905-336-1373. BU R LIN G TO N - la rge 2bedroom . balcony in 4plex. 930/mo. heat includ ed Oct. 1. 905-637-0622 Keep this ad. B U R LIN G TO N - Large. 2bedroom (825 sq.ft.) Clean quiet building near dow n tow n. P arking. $750/m o. Call Annie, 905-634-5885. ONE bedroom basem ent apartm ent, utilities in clud ed. »$650/mc · Call M arg rfW f9^3^^9 #2S View picture #18 at www.alhomescanada.com THE O rchard. Open House. S a t./ Sun., 2-4 2225 Bluegrass Lane. Bur lington. Premium Mattamy home on large pie shaped lo t. M ature landscaping. Open concept great room, 3-bdrm s, 4 bathroom s, 1550 sq.ft. finished base m ent. loads of upgrades! $279,900. 905-336-8832 www.bluegrasslane.com GORGEOUS 3-bdrm sidesplit on beautiful tree lined street. Ideal for families, d a. c/v, wood burning fir e place. Large backyard, clo se to schools. Q EW / shopping. Asking $256,900. Drive by 615 Jennifer Cr.. visit www.privatereal estate ca or call 905-632-1203 for an appointment today!! BURLINGTON (Aldershot). Top quality renovated semi detached raised bungalow. 3-bedroom s, 2 baths, new hardw ood m aple floors, heated tiles. 1 block from lake, w a lkin g distan ce to LaS alle Park. Reduced p ric e - $272,000. Private sale. 905-631-8300. BU RLIN G TO N South, 3+ 1 bdrm bungalow on desir able court location w/huge kitchen, fam ily room addi tion. Hard wood floors, ce ram ics, skylig h ts. Low er level in -law suite w /separate entra n ce and a p pliances. Won't last long at $275,000. A ppointm ents only at 905-639-3692 BUCCI built in the orchard, living rm., dining rm. eat-in kitchen, fam ily rm., one 2 piece bath. 2 four piece bath. 4 bdrm ., laundry rm. C/A, C /V, $359,000. 905-3360876 ______________ NO money down - Free list of properties available with no down paym ent. Free recorded m essage 1-877848-3941 ID * 2053. Royal LePage Burloak Real Estate S fvfc» 6 ______ PRIVATE sale: Ranch bun galow on half acre on Muskoka-like cul-de-sac. Near Appleby College. $589,000. Open house Sat/Sun Aug 23/24 12-4pm . 268 W est wood Drive. OPEN House August 24th 1-4pm . 2042 Oak G rove Place, B u rlington. Newly listed 4-bedroom home for sale. For more info call .905319-7400 or visit www.privaterealestate.ca ALDERSHOT- private sale. 2 bedroom all brick bungalow, hardwood floors. 75* wide lot. detached garage. $225,000. 905-331-7857 BRANTFO RD custom -bult home. 1 year old. Owner tra n sfe rrre d . 3-bedroom , hardw ood, kitchen island. 2 full baths, colonia l trim, 1.5 garage, all b rick, gas heat, cedar deck, fenced yard. $250,000 519-752-5187 GLEN Abbey, 3-bedroom townhouse. all appliances & window treatm ents, c/a. deck. $185,000. or $1500/ mo. to rent. (416)- 804-7692 BURLINGTON, townhouse. w alk to lake. M aster bed room , lo ft w ith ensuite, vaulted c eilin gs/skyligh ts, gas fire p la c e , la rge prof. fin ish e d basem ent w / 3 piece bath, C/A. Price re duced $181,900 1275 Ma ple Crossing *29 905-6394364. To view www. priva terealestate.ca Open house Sunday 2-4pm BURLINGTON Brownstones. B e a u tifu l, s ty lis h 2 bdrm. updated townhome. Shutter blinds, fireplace + main floor fa m illy room .W alk out to priv a te patio . C /A . C/V. $169,900 Call 905-681-9575. TOW NHO USE fo r sale 2bedrooms, 3 baths, applianc es. garage. Glenada Cres., Oakville, behind plaza. Pri vate. 416-626-3922 Box 2133, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 Come Seethe Difference! 511 Suelph Line. BURLINGTON 1&2 Bedroom, Sept., from $865. 161 franchises 161 franchises Sunken livingrooms, breakfast nooks, windows in kitchens, 2 outdoor pools.... 640 Guelph Line. BURLINGTON 2 Bedroom, Sept., from $950. C o u n try S ty le Own a franchise in one of the most dynamic segments within the QSR industry! Currently, we have a new store available at: Very spacious freshly painted suites with hardwood flooring. Call 905-637-9725 www.OAKVILLERENTERS.com · Oakville: 190 Kerr at Rebecca. Downtown living Large 1 & 2 bdrms from $845/mo 905-845-1777 Speers & Kerr, Oakville CO LLING W O O D W aterfront Condo: Luxury condo with water view from every window . 2 bdrm , 2 bath, whirlpool tub. 6 a p p l. Private beach, underground parking. $225,000. C all Donna Kearns. C o ldw ell Banker Trinity Realty Inc. 1-800-2956401 _________________ call: 1-800-563-6688 · Oakville: 1265 6th Line Overlooking goll course 1,2, & 3 bdrms from $845/mo, 905-842-8960 BU SINESS Finance Specialist. Business loans fo r all purposes. From Pnme 1%. 905-690-9875 C A L L SCFS - 905-8441245. 1-yr 3.85. 5-yr 4.80, ARM 4.35. A lso equity mortgage programs, regard less of income or credit. I flats for rent O A K V ILL E - Kerr/ Speers. 2 bedroom apartm ent $938/mo. includes utilities. A v a ila ble im m ediately. 905-849-4782 PR INCESS & Regency Apartments. Lovely & spa cio us 1,243 bedroom s. Steps to B u rlington Mall. R efined tenants. M arble Lobby. Parking & Hydro In clu ded 905-63 9-80 09; 905-681-8115 SP AC IO US 1.2&3 B e d room s. F reshly painted, brigh t. C o m pe titive rent. Burlington high-rise. W ellmaintained. Convenient loca tion. 905-333-9846, Noon8pm E k l r l ots & DUNDAS- 5 lots, most on cul-de-sac. 50*+. $115,000 and up. E xclusive agent Blue Phoenix Realty, 905628-5100 WANTED by private partyhouse lo t/a c re a g e in the B u rlington; Flam borough East; Campbellville/ Milton area Fax:905-319-0688 B U R LO A K / New area. Bachelor apartment, sepa rate entrance, fireplace, in ternet. cable, laundry, park ing in clude d. S uit sin gle p rofession al. No pets/ smoking. $680/mo. Sept. 1st. References. 905-633-9307. O AKV ILLE Place area 6plex on North Service Rd. 2-bedroom , im m ediate. $800/mo.+ utilities; 1-bed room. Sept. 1st, $650/mo.+ utilities. Call Sal. 416-9906100 O AKVILLE Southwest near Lakeshore. Private entrance 1-bedroom basement apart ment. parking, $750/mo. all inclusive. 905-825-0223. O A K V ILL E spacious re furbished bachelor 1 and 2bedroom available. Minutes from QEW, GO S tation, shopping, dining. U tilitie s included. Please call 905845-7545 to inquire about our lim ited tim e rental in centive. $ 1 0 5 0 /M 0 .* $ 2 0 0 u tilitie s A v a ila ble im m ediately. Main floor of house, 2 bed room , FP. No sm okers/ pets. W alk dow ntow n & GO. Tenant maintains lawn & shovels snow. Barbara Beers, A ssociate Broker, Royal LePage Burloak. R E S 905-634-7755 O AKVILLE-New Bachelor. $675./m o C able parking included. Laundry. NonSmoker First/ Last Available immediately 289-259-0488 BA CH ELO R apartm ent, basement. Suitable for one person, private entrance. Non-smoker, no pets. Oak v ille. $690/m o. 9 0 5 -8 4 5 3756. BURLINGTON, Downtown. 1366 Elgin Street. Large 1bedroom. Sept. 1st. $725/ mo. Parking included. Brant/ Lakeshore 905-633-9253 O A K V ILL E . Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Im m ediate & S e p tBachelor. 1.2&3 bedrooms starting from $780./mo. (+ parking). 905-844-9006 BACHELOR. W alk to GO New thro ughout. P rivate entrance. Backyard. U tili ties. Non-sm oker m ature sin gle Fem ale. $700/m o. 905-842-3562. NORTHSHORE Towers. 1&2 bedrooms. Sept./ Oct.. (-»-$33. parking). Utilities in cluded. No Pets. Q uiet Building. D iane,*9«r»-ipin. 9 0 5 . - 6 0 1 , - * ' · Oakville: 392 Pine Ave., al Trafalgar & Cornwall Large 1 & 2 bdrms from $845/mo 905-337-0910 Burlington TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT A GREAT LAKE! BRONTE, ON THE LAKE. 1&2 Bedroom suites w ith lake view s and upgrades.... hardw ood, ceramics, window coverings. Flex, avail, dates. Underground parking, pool & tennis included. For info, call 905-827-9169 www.ontim.com O AKVILLE/ Bronte- 1 & 2 bedroom s. A v a ila ble im mediately. Near amenities, call 905-847-3564 BURLINGTON 2 bedrooms Well located, quiet building near dow ntow n, buses, highway, lake. 905-333-0869. BRONTE- 2 bdrm . $900/ mo. + hydro. A/C, parking. No pets. E xce lle nt c ond i tion. Oct.1 C all 905-469- TOW ERS 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms Individually controlled A/C! 905-639-8583 www.ontim.com (Sir f Qietwrd K Qotoeti. O FFICE & W arehouse Space: 1,800 square feet o ffic e $1 ,800/m o gross. 2,200 square feet W are house. 20 ft height, no posts $850/m o plus heat. Appleby & Harvester. 905681-6899 ____ ________ BU R LIN G TO N sm all in dustrial units for rent. 750 & 1250 sqft. over head door, central, clean use. 905333-6525__________________ LO W EST RATES: Short, long term . W arehouse, light industrial. 50,000 sq. ft. or less also 2100 sq. ft. Joe Luyk 905-616-8866 Oakville C A N ADIANA. Q uiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1.2&3 bedrooms available im me d ia te ly / S e pt./ O ct. 5220 Lakeshore. B u rlington. 905-632-5486. 360 Torrance St. Stunning view s in dow ntow n B u r lington. Beautifully renovat ed, spacious 1.2 & 3 bed rooms suites at affordable prices. Walking distance to lake, parks & shops, o u t door pool w alking trails & much more. From $899 in clu sive. For app ointm ent call 905-681-8506 2 & 3 Bedroom Suites Low Rise Condos Wall to Woll Carpet Vertical Blinds Balconies or Patios 5 Appliances LOTS of sunligh t in la rge basement apartment. Close to shopping & buses. North Burlington. $750/m o. 905SI 5-7584. ALD E R S H O T (w est B ur lin g to n ) new ly renovated b a ch elor w ith fu ll kitchen available immediately. $625/ mo. +hydro 905-633-8547 ALD ER SH O T. Large fu r nished 1-bedroom . D e s ig ner bathroom , near La S alle Park/ GO. Parking, cable, heat, hydro, $795/ mo 905-333-8287 MUST see to app reciate! 3055 G lencrest R d., B u r lington. C e ntrally located, well- maintained, spacious! 1.263 Bedroom Apartments a va ila b le S e pt./O ct. 905637-3921__________________ BEACH Blvd. 5-ple x, 2 bdrm. C/A, W hirlpool tub, dishwasher, microwave. By beach bike path. $900 + utili ties. Call 905-634-2883. LA K E View & Park View! Old Oakville, close to lake. Shopping just outside front door! 1-bedroom from $985 No deposit & no lease. Please call 905-844-6952 W ATERD O W N: John St. Walk everywhere. New Appliance s& w indow s. U p graded 1. 2& 3-bdrm s sta rtin g $770. U til. Incl. 905-689-1647. 905-6904454 w w w .w aterdow nrent ers.com PRIM E Downtown B u r ling to n . Upgraded suites 1.263 Bedroom . New windows. Modernized ele vators. Scenic views. 478 Pearl. 477 Elizabeth: 905634-9374 O A K V IL L E - 2-bedroom sm all bungalow near D ow ntow n/ bus/ shops. Ideal fo r cou p le / room m a te -$«90/mo. -Mrtilrties Pilgrims Way 905-847-5043 UPGRADED 3-Bedroom Available SEPT.15 C all Now! 905-639-8583 Glen Abbey 905-825-332/ O A K V ILL E D o rval/ North S e rvice Rd.,- 2 bedroom apartm ents. $964/m onth in clude s heat, hot water, water, hydro. Quick access to QEW. A va ila ble SeptNov. 905-825-6000 ext.4402 No last month rent deposit required B E A U TIFU L B u rlington 2-bedroom s (adult 4-ple x building) G round flo o r, backyard, private entranc es. w h irlpoo l, appliances. Lots of parking. No pets/ children. Available Sept. 15. $1045/mo. inclusive. Sam, cell# 905-516-6733. MODERN 1 bedroom walk out basem ent apartm ent. Near S heridan College. $7907month, Non-smoker, c e ll* 4 16 -70 9-67 66/ 289259-6490 O A K V IL L E - K e rr/ Elm wood. S pacious 2-bedroom apartm ent in 6-plex, 1-parking. Available imme diately. $995/mo. inclusive. Call 905-338-0491._________ B U R LIN G T O N Large, basem ent apartm ent, p ri vate entrance, immaculate. 1 car parking. Fridge, stove, in clusive, non -sm okin g/ tfefs. f r t ^ / t o / V s o ^ - ^ ? - OPEN HOUSE S atu rd ay, 1-5 2067 Prospect St Burlington (at Brant) DOW NTOW N O akville 1100 s q .ft., office space, vacant, $1,800 inc. utilities, taxes, m aintenance. C all Joan Procher, 905-8589122 ReMax R ealty S p e cialist Inc. O A K V IL L E dow ntow n o f fice/ retail space for lease. A pprox. 1100sqft, $1550/ mo. +-GST indudes utilities. Available immediately. Cell 1-BEDROOM From $860* Immed. 1 parking included ) Corner Suites Avail. » Gleaming parquet flooring » Over-size balconies » Undergound parking and outside parking * On-site customer service.... 905-631-0033 STEPS from dow ntown O akville. 'D e v o n s h ire A p a rtm e n ts ' . 3-bedroom . $1350/mo. Sept. 15th; Utili tie s / parking included. Q uiet building, wheelchair accessible 905-844-1934 O A K V ILL E 1bdrm $950/ mo.. 2bdrm $1125/mo. util ities & 1 parking included. Ava ila ble S e pt/ O ct. 905464-7849. 905-465-3428 OAKVILLE, Kerr Street 1 bedroom, Immediate. Sept/ 825m o.. Includes p a fk irifi: 9am -6pm . 905339-2437. SURREY LANE APARTMENTS 695 Surrey Ln.,Burl NEW MANAGEMENT NEW APPROACH FULLY RENOVATED O A K V ILL E Downtown. Renovated 2-bedroom apartm ent. Fam ily/ senior building. N ear am enities. Immediate. $820/mo. 905339-0623; 416-592-0437. RESTORED four bedroom stone house, in historic vil lage of W aterdown. Large fam ily kitchen with island, m ain flo o r la undry, new heating and a ir cond ition ing. and orig in a l pine floors. Mature treed lot with gazebo. Special home; ex cellent references required. $220G/mo. 613-692-1462 BACHELOR in Burlington, full kitchen, and bath with w a lkin clo set, garage, all services included excluding phone. No smoking or pets allowed. $850/mo 905-3321526, Susana_____________ DOW NTOW N O akville. Lakeshore. Newly renovat ed -1fta bedrooms available Major Upgrades 1, 2&3 bdrm. avail. Irom $705/mo utilities included. 4 1 6 -5 7 3 -7 4 4 6 _____________ DOW NTOW N O akville, prim e o ffice/co m m ecial space. 1100 sq. ft. $1125/ mo. (-fu tilitie s ) ca ll 905337-7135 $250 move in bonus on select units Call our On-site office 905-639-0456 «v*w homestead on ca LARGE 1-bedroom apa rt ment, parking, private en trance, Plains Road. Bur lington. Heat & w ater in cluded. Call 905-333-4447 M ARTHA Street, 3 storey walk up, 2-bedroom , clean.quiet building. $750/ m o.+ Hydro. View ing call Jean 905-637-5139 NEWLY renovated, freshly painted! 1-bedroom, out door swim m ing pool 1363 Lakeshore. B u rlington across from Spencer Smith Park 905-637-8431, 7-davs, 9am-6pm! (fiidgfcjJt. >101) EX EC UTIVE O pportun ity to C reate W ealth. 1-877234-6057, www.developing wealth.com O A K V ILL E E xe cutive- 4 bedroom. 2 F/P, office. Fin ished basem ent. Deck/ Tub. m any extras. $450,000. 416-274-4088 $$ M oney $$. 100% 1st. 2 n d and 3rd M o rtg a g e s . Bad credit OK. OaH* Ontario Wide. 1-888-307-77991 ·0112.-........... '*5-338-5*1 *

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