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Oakville Beaver, 21 Dec 2004, Classified, C 6

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C6 - The Oakville Beaver, Tuesday December 21, 2004 To Place an Ad Call 905-337-5610 1 Fax: 905-632-8165 Email: classified@haltonsearch.com Mon. to Fri. 8:30am-5:30pm BONUS! All classified ads also appear on www.oakvillebeaver.com Index: Real Estate 100-135 · Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure 200-239 · Community 240-299* Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400-470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION Call 905-845-9742 ^ Vv ! _ asafjl* Ad submission bv mail o r in person: Oakville Beaver. 467 S peers Rd.. Oakville. ON I.6K 2S4. D eadlines: M on.. 5 p.m ., for W ed. publication. W e d , 5 p .m ., for fri. publication, T h u rs., 5 p.m .. for Sun. p u b lication. Special Feature d eadlines may vary. Payment: We accept cash, ch eq u e, In terac. Visa. M asterC ard, A m erican Express. Business accounts can be o p e n e d w ith an approved cred it application available from yo u r Sales C onsultant. CHECK YOUR AD T H E FIRST DAY IT RUNS to e n su re th e inform ation is c orrect. C ontact your Sales C onsultant w ithin 24-H ours if an e rro r appears. An e rro r in a Fii. publication m ust be rep o rted n o later th an M on., d :30 p.m. houses for sale FIRST Time Buyers- Free list of homes available for under $1300/mo. With as little as zero down! Free recorded m essage 1-888-684-9509 ID#4051 P rudential Town Centre Realty HOT MARKET. Sell private. Save thousands! No realtors, no com m ission. R esults guaranteed Call 1-866*4140017 www.fizbo.ca Think Home, Rent Minto 2220 Marine Drive, Oakville 9 0 5 825-9616 - B U R L O A K 3 bedroom , ground floor. 4 appliances. S895/m o.**»* D ow ntow n B u rlin g to n 1-bedroom , second flo o r, p arkin g, S 6 95/m o~ * New/ Walkers, deluxe 2-bedroom basement. 4 appliances. S725/mo." ** Albert McDonagh Ltd 905632-5690 UPPER Middle/ Eighth Line. Newly Renovated furnished bedroom w ith k itchen , bathroom, large family room, targe study area Landscaped backyard with pool. 2-min. w a lk to shop ping. 5-m in. drive to Sheridan. 5-min. to GO Bus stop across street. $580/mo. Inclusive. 905-8451471 LARGE furnished bedroom w /e n s u ite . q u ie t O a kville ra v in e clo s e to O a kville P la c e / S h eridan. S hared k itc h e n , la undry, cable, internet, m ale non-sm oker $475/mo. 905-337-7387 KEYBOARDS, digital pianos, used pianos starting at $799. Steve 905*631*6200 Halton Conservatory 3031 Hwy#5. Burlington KING p«Wow-top mattress set. New in plastic Cost $1600. S a c rific e $450. 905-5679459. Can deliver LOSE weight. Fast, safe & easy. For more information phone 9 0 5 -8 7 5 -9 9 4 4 www.2bthin4life.net or e-mail: nancy Ocogecoca M A T T R E S S E S -50% OFF R E TAIL! Tw in set $225.. Queen orthopedic pillowtop set. $295; King pillowtop. $455.; Can deliver! Luxury Memory Foam Beds Pocket CoM avaHable lOyr warranty 905-632-0283 MERCEDES C Class 96-99 snow tires (4). steel rims, hub caps, great shape, reta ils $1500. as k in g $600; M ercedes CD 6*pack trunk mount, retails $900. asking $450 905-257-1789 PIANOHOUSE Burlington 200 new/ used Pianos and G rands. Yam aha. Kawal, Samick. others www.pianos. ca 905-631-9259 PIAN O Baby G rand. Like new. $2400 C all 905-3719494 PO OL T ab le 8 ' 3-pce. r S late. A ram ith B a lls. S om onis C lo th . 4-cues. Bridge. Rack. Chalk. Cover. Brand New in Boxes. Cost $6,900. Sell $2,500. 905304*8217. PO OL tab le plus a c c e s s o rie s . U sed/ New Buy/ S ell/ Service. Choose from 40 ta b le s ! 905616-5159 www.billiard-serv ice.com SNOW T ires (2) Dunlop G rand T rek SJ5 P265 50R 20. W ill fit Dodge Ram pic k -u p tru c k . Used one season. Excellent condition. $400 905-630-3821 I articles wanted M eloche M o n n e x Where Insurance is a science ...and service, an art Insurance Home and Auto A Job at Home $529.27 Weekly. Mail work. Assemble products or Computer work. (416)703-5655. 24hr m essage. ww w.TheH om e Job.ca Or write: Consumer. 599B Yonge Street. #259222. Toronto. M4Y 1Z4 10K/MO. Potential income w orking from home. Not MLM. 1-866-473-3021 BRITISH Pub in Burlington for sale: fully equipped, good lease 416-934-2823 PROMOTE your business opportunity to over 4 million adult readers in South Central Ontario. Book your advertisem ent in over 60 M etroland com m unity newspapers with one phone call. C all today for information on weekly word ad packages (internet listings included) 416-493-1300 ext. 237; www.metroland.com A Proven Money Maker!! 6figure potential from home. 1800-537-1931 www.serious advantage.com I mortgage, loans SS Money $S 100% 1st. 2nd and 3rd M o rtg a g e s. Bad c re d it OK C a ll O n ta rio Wide 1-888-307-7799 A 5-yr 0 4.55%. Also equrty m ortgage program s regardless of incom e or credit. Call Norm O 905-8441245 or v is it us at www. sinclaircockbum.com ·Live right on the water overlooking Bronte Harbour and new marina! · Stroll to charming Bronte Village shops · Easy access to shopping, parks and transit 1 & 2 Bdrms from $1,075 m in to BURLINGTON- New prime Orchard location, lovoly 2bdrm layout. 2 full baths. 5 new a p p lia n c e s , in suite laundry, w/o patio, a/c. 905825-8279.__________________ | | ! U i houses for rent T D Insurance H om e and A uto is a brand o f T D M elo ch e M on n ex, offering hom e and a u tom ob ile insurance to em p lo y er groups and non-group clien ts. T D M elo ch e M on n ex has built its reputation on the excep tion al quality o f their se r v ic e s, d elivered by the best in the industry. O ur ex citin g and liv ely Client Serv ice Centre has im m ediate opportunities for enthusiastic team players as: w w w . m i n t o . c o m YO U DESERVE TH E B E S T DOW NTO W N B u rlin g to n . 508 Pearl-2-bdrm. $95(ymo utilities Can Diana at 905631-9748 B U R L IN G T O N -$98 5 /m o . inclusive. 2-bedroom of main floor bungalow. Fridge/ stove, lovely facilities, private back yard. C/A. N on-sm okers. References. First/last. Near QEW/ Brant Immediate. 905632-4042 UNFURNISHED/ Furnished ' Mint*. $1400 & $1600 (all inclusive) completely reno'd u n its a va ila b le D ec.1. O akville. C all Mark Kirton S a les Rep R oyal LePage 905-847-8833 V IC T O R IA B .C .- cozy 2 bedroom home in Fairfield G onzales Beach. 5mm. to dow ntow n, in ner harbour, cook s tre e t v illa g e . F ully furnished, m onthly/ weekly rentals CaH 1-250-595-4084 .or www.baysidecottage.org I lost & found FOUND- Child's don found at Paletta park. Call to identify 905-637-8421 FOUND- Gift Certificates m Mapleview Mall Parking lot on Dec. 17/04. Please call to identify 905-336-2731 FOUND: Black/ white male cat. black teardrop on nose. B ro n te / U pper M iddle. Dec. 18th. Can 905-315-8495 FO UND: G rey cat · white blaze on chest. Found Hwy6/ 403. We c a ll Benjam in. Please call 905-637-7325 FOUND: G rey cat w /white blaze on chest. Hwy.6/403. We call ` Benjamin* Please phone 905-637-7325. FOUND: Orange and white cat- found U p per M iddle/ 407 We call Aaron. Please call 905-637-7325 FOUND: orange/ white cat. Upper Middle/ 407. We call ·Aaron*. Please phone 905637-7325. LO S T: S o lid G rey Cat. Fem ale short-ha ir. named M oxie. D rury Lane area. Reward. Janet 905-637-3607 Client Service Representatives R eporting to the Team Leader, C lient S erv ices, the R epresentative w ill cou n sel in d ivid u als in regards to their auto and property insurance needs and will m aintain the h igh est level o f serv ice for our ex istin g clien ts. You have a m inim um ^of 2 years' ex p erien ce in sa les and/or cu stom er service. You have superior clicn t service sk ills, ex cellen t verbal/w ritten com m unication sk ills and the ab ility to thrive in a fast-p aced , m ulti-faceted environm ent. E xp erience w ith h om e and auto insurance is an asset. In return for your com m itm ent and contribution to our su ccess, w e w ill offer a ch a llen g in g and rew arding work en v iro n m en t, lea d in g -ed g e tech n o lo g y , and co m p etitiv e co m p en sation. BURLINGTON TOWERS A P A R T M E N T S T el: 905-639-8583 ^ I I 1 ,2 & 3 B e d ro o m S u ite s I Sum mer never ends w ith our indoor I heated pool! On-site maintenance too. .I w w w .b u rlin g to n to w e rs .c o m J C A R E F R E E L IF E S T Y L E 190 townhouses for rent Q u a lifie d c a n d id a te s a re in v ite d to a p p ly on -lin e at: Quality Living in Burlington U T IL IT IE S IN C LU D ED Looking lor a new apartment is like a walk in the park with HOMESTEAD Alfordably priced 1,2 & 3 bedrooms at ORCHARD- Appleby/ Upper M iddle. B u rlin g to n . New townhouse. impecable!! 3* bdrm . 2.5 baths, w ith top floor laundry. Short walk to schools. Jan. 1st. or Jan. 15th or Feb. 1st. $1450/mo utilities. 905-719-5621 BRANT/ OEW area. Burling ton. Condo townhouse- no grass cutting! Quiet mature secluded street 3-bedrooms. 5 appliances, c/air. garage, dnveway. fenced rear patio, new p a in t, v e ry cle an. $ 1 145/m o + u tilitie s . C all Warren Hill. Trafalgar Group. 905-338-1130. Ext.36 www.melochemonnex.com/en/careers M elo ch e M onnex is an equal opportunity em p lo y er and values general help wanted 685, 695 & 705 SURREY LAN E Close to schools, near Mapleview Mall Across the Road from Ikea & Fortinos Secured entry, on-site laundry. Move in allowance on select units 510 general help wanted 510 general help wanted 535 hospital, medical, dental 905 639-0456 - w w w .h o m e s te a d .o n .c a SUPER C lean Bach. 1&2 bedroom. Close to Oakville Place M all and highw ay access. Great for seniors, young couples and students Call 905-845-7545 to inquire about our Dec/ J a n / Feb. specials. PRIME Downtown Burling ton. Upgraded suites 1&2 Bedroom. New window s. M oderni26d elevators. Scenic views 478 Pearl. 477 Elizabeth: 905-634-9374. 905-632*1643 _________ OEW/ W alkers. New 2bedroom basem ent (900 sq.ft.). quiet, laundry, park ing. no sm oking / pets. Separate entrance. S860/mo. all inclusive. Jan. 1st. Suit Asian culture 905-639-5883. PROSPECT Park. Burling ton. 2-bedroom. Adult living, in cludes utilities, parking. S875/mo. 905-631-9748. NORTHSHORE Towers. 2 bedroom. Jan. l-bed roo m Feburary/ M arch (+$33. parking). Utilities included. No Pets. Q uiet B u ild ing. Diane. 9am -7pm . 905681-1307* Burlington. OLO O a k v ille T otally renovated building, walk to lake & downtown amenitites. 2 bedroom apa rtm ents a vailab le sta rtin g from $ 1 149/mo. No le a s e /la s t month paym ent required. Non-smokers. 905-330-2770 BACHELO R Apt on Leighland. quiet street, walk to downtown. $695/mo. heat, hydro, parking in cl. Avail Jan.1. 905-531-4996 W ATE R D O W N - C e ntral location, walk everywhere 1& 2 bdrms from $770/mo. 75 John St: 905-690-4454; 50 John St: 905-689-1647: waterdownrenters.com BRONTE. 2-bedroom basem ent apartm ent, separate entrance, c/air. firepla ce, steam show er, parking. Jan. 1st $880/mo. inclusive. 905-465-0857. NEW Year Special!!! 1. 2 & 3-bedrooms (+den) +2-bdrm penthouse. (R easonable rates for 1-bdrm ). Pool, weight room, saunas, 24 hour video su rveillan ce. Oakville. 905-338-3342 LOCATED at 291 St. Paul Street. Burlington. 2-bedroom from S880./m o.. includes hea t/ hydro/ parkin g. For appointment. 905-632-2661. Well- maintained by Jordan & Williamson 1& 2Bedroom s newly renovated, hardwood, quiet. Close to schools, daycares & downtown. From $795/mo. Available now. Speers/ Kerr. 905-339-0668 GUELPH Line/ Woodward. 2 bedroom apa rtm ents availab le D ec./ Jan.1. $845/mo. Utilities included. Clean, quiet building. 905632-4265 LAKESHO RE elegance. W alk to Joseph Brant Hospital, excellent Lakeshore location. Suits d octor's, nurses, paramedics. Quiet, secure p rofession ally managed, huge 1 bedroom suite, only $949/m o. C all 905-637-8431 B Sm MR* LUBE F U L L T IM E , PART-TIME SERVICE TE C H N IC IA N S Flexible .hours... competitive wages... benefits... computerized systems... Professional Certification... scholarship program and incentive plans. We are looking to TRAIN motivated individuals who enjoy customer interaction as well as servicing vehicles. Please apply in person at: 3520 Fairview St. (Fairview & Walkers'Line), Burlington JA N IT O R IA L positions availab le Part-Tim e even ings. Burlington/ Waterdown area. S u itable for hom e makers & students. Call 905336-8829. TIM Hortons. 5051 Harvester Rd. Burlington. Night Shift Full-Tim e/ Part-tim e; Parttim e S u pervisor. B enefit Package. F lexible Hours, Above A verage W ages Apply in Person or Fax 905681-3823 or Call 905-6811841 RECOVERY S p e cia lists. P erform ance o rien ted , successful That describes us and should describ e you H irin g C o lle cto rs and exceptional trainees. Very co m p e titive wages & commissions. Join the A.R.C. team. Call Ms. Pulkowski. 1888*248*9615. Ext 3000 www.arc.ca EARN S50*$75-$100+ per day. part-time. Newspaper home delivery. Call Richard 416*568*9056 EARN $50-$75-$100+ per day. pa rt-tim e O akville newspaper home delivery. Call Cathy 905-616-5774 WE are lo oking fo r a Shipping receiving/ Driver to ship /re ce ive repairs, barcode, taa parts leaving the facility. Must have a oood driving record, some lifting included. Must be organized responsible and com puter literate. Fax resume w/salary requirement to: SRD 905465-0412 ENERGY Fitne ss in Burlington is now filling the following positions: Fitness C o n su lta n t. Custom er S e rvice Rod. Sales/ M em bership C o ord inator. Personal Trainers. Nutrition Consultants. If you have a dynam ic and e ne rae tic perso n a lity apply to §353 Lakeshore Rd. Unit 18 or fax: 905-333-5031 TRAINEE wanted for Auto Prep Shop in M ilton, Candidates w ill learn from ground up. $10/hr to start. Call: 905-875-3248/ Fax 905875-1157_________________ E y E l office-clerical PART-TIME purchasing on contract basis. Hours from l:0 0 p m *5 :3 0 p m M ondayF riday. E xp erience * in computer industry preferred but not mandatory. Must be able to work in fast paced h ighly dynam ic custom er focused organization. Must be com puter lite ra te w /accurate typ in g skills. Respond to hr @telecomputer.com PU BLISH IN G com pany, located in Milton, requires pa rt-tim e office help. Computer skills necessary. Fax resume: 905-875-2864 RE CE PTIO N IS T. W e re looking for an enthusiastic, positive, focused individual, typing skills, great w/people, not afra id of working w /num bers. M edical experience an asset. If you have these attrib utes and w o uld like to w ork in a medical office, fax resume Dianne 905-637-7850. FOOD SERVICE MANAGER Required for LTCC in Oakville. Supervisory experience, CSNM required. Familiarity with MOHLTC standards. Trafalgar Rd. & Whiteoaks Blvd. Extra Large 2-Bdrm Suites Available in beautiful Oakville bldg. Lrg balconies. Close to schools & professional services. Easy access to OEW & 403. Very reasonable Call for appt to view 905-844-2646 or 905-845 0987 O A K V IL L E M odern 1&2 Bdrms apts from $845/m o 1265 6-lme: 905-842-8960; 190 Kerr St. 905-845-1777; 392 Pine: 9 05 -33 7-09 10; www.oakvillerenters.com BURLINGTON 2 bedrooms. D e cem b er 15. J a n u a ry / February 1st. $870-$792/mo md. hydro' heat/ parking 905631-1826.905-827-4766. BU R LIN G TO N 3020 G le n c re s t Rd. 1 -bedroom av a ila b le Jan. $795/m o. Upscale quiet building close to major shopping 905-6320129 BURLINGTON- Lakeshore & M aple. La k e fro n t vie w st E xce p tio n a l value. 1bedroom $95 0/m o and 2bedrooms from $ 1050/mo. a va ila b le im m edia tely. U tilitie s in clude d. Pool, sauna Near all am enities 905-632-5258 DOW NTOW N O a k v ille 2bedroom apa rtm e nt, very cle an b u ild in g , hardw ood floors, ceramics throughout. $805/m o. in c lu d e s heat, water, parking. Immediate. 416-330-2952. leave message DOW NTOW N O a kville - 1bedroom apartment or offices w/deck. $ 1300/mo. inclusive. Also large 1-bedroom open concept. A/C. Jan/15th. $ 1500/mo. inclusive. 905844-8581 No pet/smokers FREE Rent for a limited time only! Oakville. Kerr/ Speers Rd. Newly renovated b a c h e lo r. 142 -be droo m s. Close to lake, schools & all amenities, utilities & parking included. 905-339-1154___ 2-BE DRO O M a pa rtm e nt. E xc e lle n t c o n d itio n , very quiet b u ild in g . P a rking/ Utilities included. Available Jan.1/Feb. 1. $125<ymo. 905844-1934 BURLOAK SHORES 2-Bdrm - 4 Appl. lake front property at Reasonable Rent 5370 Lakeshore Rd Unit #8. Burlington 905-681-0355 2-BD R M (F in is h e d b a s e m ent) Im m e d ia te /J a n .1 .. B oth- H a rdw ood flo o rs . 4 appliances, familyroom. parklike setting. Arlington Blvd.. Burlington. 905-681-0070. www.pmonline/viewit ca BRONTE- Oakville, steps to lake and harbour. $1475/mo. executive townhome. lovely de c o r. 3 bed roo m s. 1.5 baths, raised d ining roo m , liv in g ro o m w a lk -o u t patio do o rs to rear deck. 4 appliances, a/c. garage. Feb. 1st. Call Carman Munro 905847-5677 APPLEBY M all- 2-bedroom cond o rec-room $1020/ m o»***Lakeside P la z a - 3bedroom condo. 1.5 baths, recro om . garage $1065/ m o*~* Off Guelph Line 3bedroom. 2 storey condo. 1.5 baths, rec-room $1040/mo. Albert McDonagh Ltd. 905632-5690 TICKET Winners for the Holy W reath B a zaar Knox P re sb yte ria n C h urch. N o vem b er 27. 2004. 1st prize (Q u ilt) Dianne D onovan, 2nd prize (M uskoka C h a irs ) P atty Kirby. 3rd prize (G ourm et Basket) Susan Hogeboom. WANTED- All China. Silver. Crystal. Tea Cups. Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Glass. J e w e lle ry . old toys, co lle c tib le s , es ta te s . C all John/Tracy. 905-331-2477 B E ST cash for all china, s ilv e r, je w e lry , fu rn itu re , p a in tin g , p rin ts , old toys, cameras, watches, clocks. CaH 905*522*4727 WANTED- Upscale furniture, loveseats. occasional tables, le a th e r, c u rio c abinets, ch a n d e lie rs , d ining roo m , antiques, bodroom. O ther fine quality pieces. Trading Places 905-815-1949. WANTED: 36 gallon fish tank & rat cage. C all 905844-4623 I firewood HA R D W O O D c u t/s p lit, clean/neatly piled on skid. + S e eking re ta ile r to se li bagged firewood. Cut-Rite Firew ood 1-877-268-3666 www.cutritefirewood.com I cars for sale 1993 Honda A cco rd LX. 269.000km. A/C. Automatic, runs great, will certify/ e-test $2950.obo 905-632-0609 1993 Toyota auto., mags, p/s. p/b. 151K . exc e lle n t condition, motor needs work. $2,000 obo. 905-257-0150 1196 GMC Sieara Truck- No rust, well maintained, good condition. 197.000 highway m iles. A ll new brakes: shocks & tire s . 6.5 0 0 certified obo 905-319-1859 1994 M ercury Sable GS. 174.000km . V6, auto. air. pow er package, e-te sted, recently c e rtifie d . $1,500. 905-336-3521 1993 Ford Probe- 5 speed. E-tested, runs w ell. $600 obo 905-869-8890 anytime 1995 BMW 325I black, automatic, loaded. 118k. 6 CD. sunroof, e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n . $13 ,000 . 905257-0658 or 416-843-8322. B J J ^ W a u t o parts. L L U I supplies & repairs SNOW T ires. 4 G oodYear Ultra Grip Ice. P235/60R16 like new. approx. 800 kms., S90/ea. 905-339-0992. TIRES, Michelin Pilot (Alpine) snow. 245/45R18-96V. used 3-m os., $4 5 0 /s e t (new $1200). 905-335-4920 after 7 pm. ALUMINUM Racing Wing fits m ost m odels. All hardw are. Ready to paint. $120 obo. Factory set of 1994 Eagle Talon tail lights $150. obo. 905-336-7051 Fax resumes to R. West 905-669-6724 PHARMACY Technician required fulltim e for p rofession al building in Burlington. Attractive hours, w ages and ben efits. Fax resume Attn: Manager 905637-5520; email: eakersQmedicaipharmacies. com FU LL-TIM E experienced Dental Receptionist required w ith level II. com puter knowledge. Harp Certified. Please call: 905-257-4910 MEDICAL Secretary- FullTime. Endocrinology Clinic & Research Centre. Trafalgar at QEW. Fax 905-337-0044 HEARTHSTONE Burlington's premier retirement residence h iring F/T RPN Evenings. A p ply by fax O 905-3339646 A Class Agency No agency fees. Life can be easier- hire a liv e -in Nanny. HRPAO member, www. northemleaf care.com 519-653-0702. NANNY (live-out) required M ond a y-S a tu rd a y every oth e r w eek, in c lu d in g 2 evenings. Car required. Start January 4th. 905-379-1875 NANN Y needed In my Burlington home to care for a c tiv e 1-yr old . Live-in preferred* live-out considered for perfect candidate. Drivers lic e n s e , e x p e rie n c e & refe ren ces required . 905331-5760. NANNYL iv e -in / out. Mtfwnum 3 years experience Triplet boys 3.y.o. and 4.5y.o. brother. Must drive, swim, be energetic. High salary/ car. S.E. O akville References. 9 0 5 -84 2-13 38 e m ail: me 1marshall 9 sympatico.ca N A N N Y / H o usekeepe r in O a k v ille . 16-20 hrs/w k.. a fte rn o o n . 2 s c h oo l-aged children, car needed. Start immedmtely. 905-844-7021. CURVES FOR WOMEN Is accepting applications for 4-9pm weekdays & Saturday mornings. We are looking for someone energetic and self-motivated who loves to work with people. This part time position is a perfect opportunity for someone returning to the work force. South Burlington and South Oakville loca tions. Send resume to curves,,forwomen@hotmail.com or fax: 905-631-9098 OAKVILLE 1130 Queens Ave Apartments avail Starting $800/mo Utilities included. Indoor pool/sauna, ravine setting, quiet building. 905-844-1106 O A K V ILL E D ow ntow n 2bedroom large apartment, 2 washroom s. 5 appliances. C /A, $ 1 100/m o. u tilitie s . Immediate. 10A Lakeshore, west of Kerr. Ambrose. 416543-3875 OAKVILLE Downtown. Large newly renovated bachelor, 1& 2-bdrm from $725/m o. w/spectacular lake view. 121 Allan Street. 905-842-3076; 105 Allan Street. 905-8490808 _____________ OAKVILLESouthwest.. near Bronte GO, bus. Lake/ QEW. Im m aculate 1-bedroom basem ent apa rtm ent. $850/m o. Inclusive. V isit www.2rent.ca 416-451-2063 O AKV ILLE, Kerr/ Stewart 162 bedroom apartm ents, b alcony. J a n ./ Feb. 5850/mo.. 3950/mo. includes parking/ utilities. 9am-6pm, 905-339-2437. OAKVILLE. QEW/ Trafalgar. Spotless upper level semi, large 2-bedroom , 5a pp lia n ce s, parking, S995/m o. + u tilitie s . Immediate. 905-845-9279. O A K V IL L E . 2-bedroom basem ent a pa rtm e nt, separate entrance. S950/mo. in clu s iv e . No pets, no smoking. Available Jan1/05. 905-829-1721 O A K V IL L E . 199 Q ueen M ary. B a ch e lo rs, 1&2 bedroom s. ava ila b le immediately from S780/mo. Lake/ river views. Must see! 905-844-9006 BURLINGTON. Maple A v e 163 bdrm. 1 month free, very s p acious, walk to lake. Starting $750/mo. inclusive. 905-681-3564 B U R LIN G TO N 985 K ingsw ay Dr. Newly renovated 2-bdrm starting $850/m o. +H ydro. 905333-1753 Joe. 905-802-3054 Jen BU R LIN G TO N . Brant St.. Small 1-bedroom, parking, heated, laundry. $685/mo., -t-hydro. First/ last. Available January 1st 905-681-0440 B U R L IN G T O N - G rande Regency. 1-bedroom +den. Breathtaking view of the lake. 2 4 -h r se c u rity . A v a ila ble immediately. 905-632-8354; 905-632-6189 B U RLING TO N h ighrise. $500 m ove in bonus for lim ite d tim e only. Large attractive 2 bedrooms. From $795/mo. Carpeted. No pets. U tilitie s in clude d. Im m ediate / J a n .1st. 905632-0961. M on.-Fri., 10-8. Sat., 9-5. Closed Sunday BURLINGTON. 2-bedroom Clean, quiet, well maintained. Excellent central location. Parking. $795/mo. +hydro. Jan. (No dogs). 905-5727631.905-664-2659 Open House Mon -Wed.-Fri. 10-4 & Sat.-Sun, 11-2 Ask About Our M ove-in Incentive! GEORGIAN COURT ESTATES 611 Surrey Lane. Burl. Immaculate 2&3 Bfis. with full basements! Utilities included. Tel: 905-632-8547 www.realstar.ca GUELPH Line/ Upper Middle. N o tting ham A venue. 2 bed roo m s, frid g e , s lo ve, S850/mo utilities, firit/ last. Dec/Jan. 1st No pets. 905* 336-7901 9-am -6pm Burlington VERY large 3-bedroom, Feb. 1st. 5 appliances, garage, pool. From $1199-$1259/ mo.+ utilities. Longmoor Dr., Burlington. 905-681-0070 www.pm online/viewit.ca O A K V IL L E - 3 Bedroom townhouses available Imm ediately through January. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, 905-876-3336 FR ESH LY painted 3 bedroom tow nhouse maisonette, outside parking. $975mo. +utilities. Feb. 1st. North Burlington. 905-3199104. BURLINGTON: 2-bedroom, 5 appliances, c/a, fireplace, garage. Great location, close to mall, shopping, highway access. $1,150/mo. +utilities. Available January. Call 905577-3220 BU R LIN G TO N . B luefields D rive. R enovated 2 or 3bedrooms, hardwood, yard, la undry. From $850/m o. Immediate. No dogs, 905339-2471. EX EC UTIVE tow nhom e. .N o rth B u rlin g to n . 3 'b e d ro o m s . 2 .5 baths. 5 app lia nces. C /A.. garage. $1350/mo. + utilities Bob 905SI 9-3838. PINEDALE Townhouse off A p pleb y. 3 bedroom s, com pletely renovated, new k itc h e n , 2 baths, new ce ra m ics and hardw ood flooring, gas fireplace, new b u ilt-in dishw ash er. S l4 5 0 /m o . plus u tilitie s . A v a ila b le D e c/15 th. No sm oking or pets 905-6518857 START THE NEW YEAR OFF RIGHT! JOIN OUR TEAM AT BURLINGTON TOYOTA ON JAN.3RD BAR S te w a rd - P art-tim e (some cooking involved) Must have "Smart Serve*, m ature person preferred. R equired fo r Royal C anadian Legion. Branch 114. 36 Upper Middle Rd.E.. O akville. L6H 7M1 Send resume to the above address or fax 905 -84 5-54 99 Call 905-845-6271, 11am-3pm M ONTFORT O akville requires experienced Chef, kitchen helper, waitstaff for closing and bartender with Smart Serve. W illing to do shifts. Call 416-807-5622; fax: 905-337-7045 or drop off resume: 376 Iroquois Shore Rd. DISHWASHER FT required for The Keg Steakhouse & Bar. C o m pe titive wages, willing to work late nights & w eekends. C all 905681-1810 BURLINGTON TOWERS 1-BEDR OO M Detailer/Lot Person Lube Tech./Emissions Inspector Successful candidates must have a valid O.L. in good standing. Come Grow With Us! SAVE $300. w ith 1 year lease! C ALL TO DAY ECE M oth er pro vid e s daycare, references, lunches, receipts. All ages. Prospect/ G uelph Line. Please c a ll. 905-633-8232. Deliver resume: 1249 Guelph Line, Burlington Fax 905-335-4048 · Tel 905-335-0223 A fast-paced com m ercial sheetfed printer with inhouse bindery seeks a 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -8 5 8 3 iww.burlingtontowersconi ·Double Air Miles . ® AM ER IC A N S tanda rd Shower Stall- new, 1 piece, white, worth over $1000. sell $35G/0b0. 905-515-8460 A P P LIA N C E S -F rid g e s . Stoves. W ashers, D ryers. Like new. Spotless. Under warranty. 905-549-1911 BABY stuff"! Evenflo `On my Way' Stroller with snap n' go in fa n t seat. Blue pa tte rn fabric. Graco Pack n' play. G raco Bum per Jum per, bedralls. Call 905-525-567 BED, A m azing bargain, queen orthopedic pillowtop set. new in plastic, warranty. $150,905-567-4042 BEDROOM set. cherrywood. Bed. chest, dresser, mirror. 2 night stands. D o veta il construction. Never opened. Cost $8,000. Sacrifice $1900 905-567-4042 BEDS. New Double $220.; Q ueen $240. c/w fram e; Futons; W aterb ed parts; Refurbished Electronics; 905681-9496. 905-563-6903 C A R P ET. I have several 1.000 .y a rd s of new Stainm aster & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & haH for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve. 905-633-8192 COAL. hard, soft, all types Bags or bulk. A n thracite/ Cannel/ Blacksmith/ Forging. R e ta il/ W holesale . 905545-2311. DININGROOM, cherrywood. dou ble ped e s ta l table , 8 chairs. Buffet, hutch, dovetail cons tru c tio n . New, s till In boxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrificing $2,600. 905-5679459 DR EX EL H eritage Cambridge cherry bedroom suite. Queen bed, chest of draw ers, night ta b le ,'p a id $10,000. asking S2.999. obo. 905-815-7129. FRIDGES, Stoves, Washers. Dryers, full/apt. size, 1 year warranty parts & labour, free d e liv e ry . No tax. 905458-8808, 1-866-316-9281 P roduction C oordinator w ith e s tim a tin g c a p a b ilitie s , fo r the Burlington/ Oakville area. We are looking for a positive individual with team spirit. Duties would include customer service, estimating and production planning. Email your resume, including salary expectations, to: 2-APARTMENTS Available in private home, Burlington. Basement 1-bedroom; Upper 2-bedroom ; both priv a te entrance. Inclusive. Jan. 1st. 905-481-0246 TUTOR Time C h ild Care (Burlington) requires reliable E.C.E. teachers for full-time and supply staff. Creativity and enthusiasm a must. Fax resume to Paula at 905-331 1331 2 ______________ TIME for Tykes (In Oakville) is looking for a qualified ECE Teacher starting January. Please call: 905-842-4800 for an interview. ECE Teacher, qualified, full tim e, for toddler group at Burlington Children's Centre. C all 9 0 5 -3 3 2 -3 9 7 1 ; Fax: 905-332-9844. I teaching opportunities $800. Burlington Park Towers 2-BEDROOMS Beautiful 2&3-bdrm from $800. util. incl. 2386 New Street at Guelph Line Tel: 905-639-5761 Open 11-7, Mon.-Sat. P A R K view ! B e a u tifu lly m aintained building in Old Oakville, near lake. Walk to shops. 1-bedroom starting at S998/m o. No le ase, no deposit. All inclusive. 905844-6952; 905-339-4645 jobs@burlingtonpost.com Attn: Plant Manager Parkview Children's Centre Senior Program Staff Applicants must be graduates of a program in Early Childhood Education and have a minimum of three years experiehce in a full day setting. Preference will be given to those who have experience using the Reggio Emilia approach to ECE and experience with special needs. Creative, enthusiastic individuals can forward their resumes, by Jan. 03,2005, to the Director: S4S1 Lakeshore Road, Burlington, L711E1 CARS stored in new, clean barn nea r O a k v ille / Burlington. $75/mo., also boats. Call evenings, 905876-2606. Real Estate Office: Fax 905-634-9850 Manufacturer & Installer seeks PERSONNEL with strong industrial plumbing experience Tasks: Installing & repairing plastic pipe, black iron, tubing, fittings, pumps, filters, valves, tanks, etc. Piping knowledge, determining layouts and ability to follow drawings a must. Welding & elect exp. an asset. Field work required, a valid drivers license & ability to travel globally. Quality workmanship, sell-starting, housekeeping & strong people skills, working closely with co-workers & customers a must. Fax resume to: 905-332-8367 ACTIVE Green + Ross now hiring students for cleaning & general maintenance shop. Must be availab le to work even ings & .w e e ke n d s. D rivers lice n se required . Apply in person 667 4th Line ® Speers. Fax 90^842-6269 P L A S T IC S C o lour Lab Tech n icia n , F ull-tim e position, Burlington location, strong math skills, reliable self-starter. Fax resume 905633-9474 HOUSEKEEPER- Mon-Fri. 6pm -11pm , experience required. Start date Jan 4th. (Orientation 1 week prior to start date). C ontact Mark Porter The Oakville Club 56 Water Street. Fax: 905-8453 1 8 6 - m porter © o a k v ille clu b.co m 9 0 5 -84 5-02 31 ext 201 LIV E -IN C om panion for eld e rly. Car needed. 3-4 days/wk. South Mississauga area. Fax resume: 905-3874592. Part time/ Full Time Administrative Assistant Experience preferred, comp, skills essential. Forward resume to: Box 1993 c/o The Post 5040 Mainway, #1, Burlington. On L7L 7G5 LIVE-IN Caregiver for 80-yr. old, fu ll-tim e . D uties: personal care, general hygiene, adm in ister medication. Oakville. $10/hr. E-m ail: jmann60@ hotmail.com I furnished rentals TRAVELSUITES.NET... Log on!!... ' New* 1-4 bedrooms/ baths. Furnished fully! 48++ lo cations! D aily, W eekly. M onthly! From $ 3 9 ,9 5 7 nig h t, S1295*/m o. "Guaranteed Lowest Rent!" VISA/MC/AMEX. Page Us. 905-681-7355 DRIVERS New Truck Delivery We deliver new trufcks from factory to dealerships throughout the U.S. and return w/new trucks from U.S. plants .41-.42 cpm to s ta rt Plus undecking pay. Must have AZ license & 1yr. T/T OTR Exp. ACS Canada 877-8 93-2 06 6 LAKESHO RE & Bronte. Exceptional value 1-bedroom $895/mo., 2-bedroom from S1045/mo. utilities included. C harm ing and newly renovated. Close to Bronte Harbour and all amenities. 905-825-0816 C A N A D IA N A Q uiet, w ellmaintained lakefront building. Very spacious 1. 2 & 3 bedroom s ava ila b le Dec/ Jan/ Feb. 5220 Lakeshore. Burlington. 905-632-5486 (no dogs) BU RLING TO N- Large. 2bedroom (825sq.ft.) Clean quiet build in g near dow ntown. $750/m o. includes parking Call Anie, 905-634-5885 OAKVILLE apartments. 1&2 bedroom available Dec.1. 416-258-8596. 905-842-9275 EURO C leaning Services lo oking for cleaning contracts. Insured & bonded. Please c a ll H elena, 905573-0128; 905-518-7178. Short-term Clean, spacious 1&2 bedroom furn ished suites at m uch desired lo c a tio n ... B u rlington Tow ers. 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -8 5 8 3 . www.corporatesuites.ca WWW.PREMIERESUITES.C OM Furnished 1-3 bedroom c ond om iniu m s and tow nh ouses thro ughout M ississauga. O akville and Burlington, 905-469-3330 SALES Consultant, male or fem ale. wanted for automotive import dealership in B u rlington. , R etail expe rience an asset, professionalism a must! Fax: 905-633-8815, Attn: Sales Manager GOING to Move? Call MoveRight Moving. Best service in the area. Call Thomas. 905847-0178. MAXX Movers. Professional/ Reliable. Residential, office, piano movers. Local/ long distance. From $62/hour 416823-9705 C LEAN fu rn is h e d room s nea r O a k v ille P lace/ Sheridan C o lle ge, on bus route. Laundry, k itchen , parking facilities. From: $325. Ken. (905)842-0789 CASH daily. G uaranteed $ 12-$20/h r. +bonuses. Burlington/ Oakville door-to door Fundraisers. Supporting people with special needs. Chery 905-617-8363 I general help wanted P.D.A. required fulltime for orthodontic office. Please fax resum e: 905-639-6543 or deliver to: Drs. Ray & John Bozek, 2069 Lakeshore Rd., Ste. 7. Burlington RESIDENTIAL snow clearing Halton Peel C ontractors. Snow blow ers only. C o ntracts availab le. Call John Neil. 905-257-6876.

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