The Oakville Beaver, Tuesday December 21, 2004 - C5 Gift ideas from the Oakville Museum gift shop Wrap up your holiday shopping with a visit to the Oakville Museum Gift Shop, where you w ill discover many special gift ideas and one-of-a-kind stocking stuffers! If you have a person on your holiday list who is a history buff, check out the following unique and diverse reads: Oakville and the Sixteen, by Hazel Chisholm Mathews; The Story of Oakville Harbour, by Philip Brimacomb; Oakville Small Town 1900 - 1930 by Frances Robin Athem; The Prints of Oakville by Gary Evans; More ?## W o r l d MILTON 377 Main St. E 905 878-1113 OAKVILLE Oakville Place 905 815-9200 mmmm Winston Power Centre (Winston Churchill & Dundas) 905 8299001 Also available at: Oakville Sight and Sound 905 338-2275 FUTURE SHOP (jt) RadioShack. Dating Old Photographs, The Open Golf Championship o f Canada 19042004 by Ian Cruickshank and Editor Karen Hewson; Oakville Jewel on the Lake by Ron and Adrianna Edwards; Any Known Blood by Lawrence Hill; and The Glory of the Garden by Diana Wiggins. Historic prints and paintings are also personal and memorable gifts. Enjoy the Oakville Historic Collectors Prints by local artist Robert Boast Cornish, who has produced a number of masterpieces; Winter in Old Oakville; Bronte Harbour Morning Mist; Burlington Promenade; The Warmest Season; Bronte Harbour 2000; Day Dreaming in Bronte Beach; Oakville; and Remember the Good Times Erchless & Custom House Circa 1856. - All of these prints are limited. Prices range $40 to 150. For the person who has everything, Oakville Museum gift certificates are another great way to spread the her itage cheer. Gift certificates are appli cable towards the Erchless Scotch Nosing Event, Hands on History March Break and Summer Day Camp, or any scheduled workshops. So spread the holiday cheer with a gift from Erchless this season! Oakville Museum at Erchless Estate is located at 8 Navy Street in downtown Oakville, and is open Tuesdays to Sundays from 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. For more information on great gift ideas from Oakville Museum at Erchless Estate please call 905-3384400 or visit the Web site at ExpressVuTM. You h a v e n 't seen a n y th in g like it Enjoy crystal clear picture and sound. Only pay for the types of channels you want, with simplified and more flexible Theme Packs. Watch your favourite shows when you want with FREE Time Shifting on Canadian Networks. Plus, try new interactive features like Bell Making the Cut Interactive, GameGalaxy and more. Quality. Choice. Control. ExpressVu. FROM AFTER CREDITS INSTALLATION INCLUDED Offer ends Dec. 31/04. Call 1-888 ORDER TV, visit or a Bell World store This holiday, w e are all con n e cte d M aking it sim ple ·Offer ends Dec 31, 2004; available w ith new activations. Available to residential customers, where visibility and line of sight perm it. Valid photo ID and credit card or electronic funds transfer (EFT) necessary to open an account. Early term ination fees apply w ith all term agreements. Pricing/offer subject to change w ith o u t notice and cannot be combined w ith any other offer, including rental. Taxes extra. O ther conditions apply. Net price based on SRP of SI 29.99 for the 3120 receiver less S50 hardware and S30 pay-per-view credits w ith a 2-yr agreement. System must be activated by Jan. 16, 2005. Credits w ill be applied on your account, before taxes; allow 6 to 8 weeks. Pay-per-view credit valid for 90 days after activation can De used against any Venus or Vul movie or event up to $15 at any one time. Basic professional installation includes the installation of prim ary receiver. Details in store or at w w w ExpressVu is a t;rade mark of Bell Express Vu L.P. Community Notices Vendors Wanted Craft Show Qualified Exhibitors Wanted Toronto International Centre Apr 8-10, M05 * Nov. 11-13.2005 Richmond Hill Spotts Centre Mjr 5-6.2005 & Oct. 23-23.2005 Oshawa Civic Auditorium Oct 14-16.2005 Deaths MANDARICH, Dinko- (Co-owner of the Carlisle Golf and Country Club). Suddenly on Friday, December 17, 2004 at Fort Myers, Florida in his 71st year. Dinko, beloved husband of Rayka. Loved father of Tania and grandfather of Tiffany. Dear brother of Vicko and his wife Mila. Mara. Iva and Neda and their families. Loved uncle of Tony and his wife and their children Holly and Brittany He will be missed by many other relatives and friends. Dinko also leaves behind lots of friends in Canada, the United States and Croatia. Visitation will be held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville (905-844-2600) Irom 35 and 7-9pm Wednesday. Parish Prayers Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm. A Funeral Mass will be held at Holy Trinity Croatian Catholic Church, 2110 Tralalgar Road, Oakville on Thursday, December 23, 2004 at 1 pm. Interment to follow at Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. E-mail condolences may be sent to; place MANDARICH on the subject line. M clN N E S , N. Fraser- (Retired from Long Manufacturing Oakville) Passed away after a heroic battle with ca n ce r on Saturday, December 18, 2004 at the age of 69. He will be sadly missed by his beloved wife, S a ch iko (H a ya sh id a ). L o vin g fa th e r of daughter Stacey (Kelly Smith) Mclnnes. son Kai (Teresa) M clnnes and daughter Tani (B ru c e S h a rp e ). P roud 'P o p p a ' of granddaughters Jessie and Ruby Sharpe Dear brother of Lois Freeman of Winnipeg, her fa m ily a nd d e a r b ro th e r o f W a lte r Mclnnes and his family of Seldovia. Alaska. He will also be lovingly remembered by the H ayashida and th e ir fa m ilie s and m any friends. Visitation w ill be at the Kopriva T a y lo r C o m m u n ity F un e ra l H om e, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville (905-8442600) on Tuesday, December 21, from 2-4 and 7-9pm. A Service of Remembrance to c e le b ra te the life of Fraser w ill be held Wednesday, Decem ber 22, 2004, 2pm in the K o p riva C ha p e l. In lieu of flo w e rs, donations to the Juravinski Cancer Centre F o u n d a tio n , 6 9 9 C o n c e s s io n S tre e t, H a m ilto n , ON L8V 5C 2 w o u ld be appreciated. Email condolences may be sent to kopriva@eol ca; place MclNNES on the subject line. Deaths P O C R N IC , Mile Mike On Sunday, D ece m b e r 19, 2004, at the O a k v ille -T ra fa lg a r M e m o ria l H o s p ita l. Beloved husband for 41 years of Dorothy Ann Pocrnic, of Oakville. Loving father of Michael and his wife April of Burlington and Kevin and his wife Jennifer of Burlington. Cherished grandfather of Jessica Pocrnic. Dear son of Ana Pocrnic. Brother-in-law of O livia Shym anski of S udbury, Leon and Madeleine Shymanski of Ottawa, Frances a nd B ill T ho m a s o f C a p re o l, S a n d ra Shymanski of Sudbury. Survived by brothers J o h n , w ife L ily (O a k v ille ), T ony, w ife Marijanna (Oakville), sisters Nada and her d a u g h te r D a rle ne (V a n co u ve r), A n kica (C ro a tia ), M aria and her h u sb an d JaJa (Croatia) and predeceased by his brother Jure Pocrnic. Cousins Ivan Pocrnic and his wife M ichelle and M arija G rivicic and her husband Peter. He will be sadly missed by many nieces and nephews. Visitation will be h e ld at th e K o p riv a T a y lo r C o m m u n ity Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, O a k v ille (9 0 5 -8 4 4 -2 6 0 0 ) from 5-9 p.m . Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Parish Prayers W ednesday evening at 8 p.m. A Funeral Mass w ill be held at Holy Trinity Croatian Catholic Church, 2110 Trafalgar Road, Oakville on Thursday, December 23, 2 034 a t 10 a .m . In te rm e n t to fo llo w at T ra fa lg a r Law n C e m e te ry. If d e s ire d , m em orial co n trib u tio n s to the Heart and S tro ke F o u n d a tio n o f O n ta rio , or the C a n a d ia n C a n c e r S o c ie ty w o u ld be a p p re c ia te d by th e fa m ily . E -m ail c o n d o le n c e s m ay be se n t ,to; please place POCRNIC on the subject line. In Memoriams DOWDLE, GEORGE In loving memory of a dear Dad, Our "King1 ' Who passed away December 23.2003 A million times we've needed you, A million times we've cried, If love could have saved you, You never would have died. If we could have one lifetime wish, One dream that could come true. We'd Pray to God with all our hearts For yesterday and you. Missed so very much and loved always Your "Busy Bees" and Families. More Employment REGISTERED NURSE ONLY Full time, required for work in oral surgery of fices in Mississauga, Oakville and Milton. Travel between offices after training neces sary. Recent O.R./Recovery Room experi ence is an asset. Require early January start. Please fax resumes to: 905-828-2358 Brooklin Vipood Arena Jul. 16-17.2005 For more information call 905-426-4676 ext.222 Deaths BEGG, D ouglas G .- Doug passed away at home December 17,2004 with his beloved wile Lorraine by his side. Dear son ol Kaye and the late Alec Begg ot Oakville. Cherished father ol Stephen ol Edmonton, Kathleen and her husband John ol Oshawa and Susan and her husband Anthony ol Toronto. Very proud papa ot Stephen. Samantha, Jennifer, Sarah, Rebecca, Alexandria, and Michael. Dear brother of Donald and Jan Begg of Pennsylvania. Long time employee of Ford Motor Company, member of the Oakville Golf Club and Knox Presbyterian Church, Oakville. Remembered with great fondness by many friends and family. Friends will be received at Knox Presbyterian Church, 89 Dunn Street (Dunn and Lakeshore Rd.) Oakville Irom 1pm Tuesday, December 21st. Followed by a service at 2pm. If so desired, donations to the OTMH charitable loundations, Renal Dialysis Unit, 327 Reynolds St Oakville, ON L6J 3L7, Knox Presbyterian Church, 89 Dunn St. Oakville, ON L6T 3C8, or the charity of your choice would be appreciated. Condolences may be sent to MATHERS, Donald- (Past Master Oakville Lodge #400, A.F. & A.M., G.R.C.) Peacefully on Saturday, December 18,2004 at Burlington. Donald Mathers, beloved husband of the late Doris (Boulton). Dear lather of Audrey Gosling (Doug) and Donna Di Pardo (Tony). Dear grandfather of Jeffrey, Adam and Stephanie and great-grandfather of Spencer Family will receive friends at the home of Audrey and Doug, Wednesday, December 22,2004 from 2-9pm in celebration of the life of Donald. Arrangements by Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home (905) 844-2600 Email condolences may be sent to; please place MATHERS on the subject line. Saturn of Mississauga IN LOVING MEMORY OF JOHN PATCHETT A year ago, December 21st, our family was devastated by the sudden loss ol John, our loving husband and lather. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who helped our family through this very difficult time, we greatly appreciated your concern. W e ask that you not remember the sorrow but all the wonderful things John brought to our lives. Remember kindness, love, devotion and most importantly his humor. We miss him every moment of the day but are very grateful for having had such an incredible friend, husband and father, With all our love, Francine, Michael and Kathryn Patchett. We are seeking aggressivelyfriendly, experienced sales people to join our high energy, dynamic team. You must be a self-motivated individual who thrives on good financial rewaid in return for your expertise in concise communication, sharp listening skills and strong dosing ability. We offer a choice of pay plans and company demo padcages to qualified individuals. Selling Satums is not about having technical expertise or mechanical aptitude... it' s about enjoying people and devdoping long term business relationships with them. I f THIS SOUNDS EXCITING - IT IS! Community Notices Can 905-632-4440 Fax; 905632-8165 Em ail: In Memoriams Alcoholics Anonym ous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (4 1 6 ) 4 8 7 -5 5 9 1 (9 0 5 ) 63 1 -8 7 8 4 E-mail resume to: or fax 9 0 5 -6 0 7 -6 6 1 1