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Oakville Beaver, 21 May 2003, D3

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday May 21, 2003 - D3 Buzz split with Mimico % Novice Hawks have busy pre-season T he O akville H aw ks novice rep lacrosse team absorbed a pair o f hard fought losses in London on May 3, 5-4 to O rangeville N orthm en and 5-3 to B ram pton Excelsior. A fter a slow start, O akville saw a com eback fall ju st short on goals by T yler A lbrecht (2). Adam Sm ith and Brian Cole. In the 5-3 loss. Bram pton scored a late goal to seal the victory after Tyler A lbrecht had pulled O akville to within 4-2. Ryan Sloane and Ben Paterson also scored. Still, a spirited effort by the O akville team w hich also welcomed new goalie Brennan D onville who has m oved in from Calgary and is proving to be "a real asset to the Hawks roster," according to coach H unter Albrecht. In H am ilton, on May 10. Oakville rebounded from a 6-1 loss to Halton H ills w ith their strongest show ing o f the year, 8-5 o ver Bram pton. A dam S m ith scored the lone goal in the loss, assisted by Bryan Cole. "P atric k M eg an n ety w as a real w orkhorse in the gam e." said head coach H unter A lbrecht. The second gam e looked to be a carbon copy o f the first one with Bram pton scoring the first two goals. But Bryan C ole scored to even things up. both assisted by T yler Albrecht, and then the H aw ks exploded for five goals in the second period en route to the win. Brian C ole added three o f them to finish the gam e with five. And A lbrecht scored the other tw o. plus the lone third period goal, for a hat-trick. Ben Paterson earned an assist. Max M ow at did an excellent job in his first gam e as a m id-fielder and Dale S tevens fought hard throughout the gam e to provide great support and cre ate many scoring opportunities. By Neil Becker SPECIA L TO THE BEAVER T he O akville Buzz need ed a sw eep o f Iasi w eek's ho m e and hom e series with the M im ico M ountaineers to d raw even with them in the bid fo r the last playoff spot in their provincial jun io r B league. Instead, the Buzz who are in their third year and hop ing to qualify for their first p ost-season appearance, had to settle for a hard fought split in the m ini-series, both by identical 8-7 scores. O akville won in M imico T hursday night, led by a hattrick by Stephan LeBlanc. but c o u ld n 't hold on to a one-goal lead w ith 10 min utes rem aining Friday night at M aplegrove Arena. It left the Buzz two points behind M im ico. "B oth team s are very eq u al." said Buzz coach Derek Forbes. "O u r g oaltending was excellent, and they might be two points ahead right now. but I'm very confident about our playoff chances." T he Buzz were on their way to a sw eep Friday night, but co uldn't hold on to a 6-4 third-period lead, allow ing four straight M im ico goals. "We had this gam e." said the Buzz's Stephan LeBlanc. "We should have won this game for sure but we did n't." O ne positive for the Buzz is that they got som e bal anced scoring through their lineup. Jeff Brow nlee had the only m ulti-goal gam e w ith a p air w hile single Oakville Minor Lacrosse report Here are O akville M inor Lacrosse A ssociation scoring sum m aries from ApnJ 26 through to May 10 PEAN U T scorers only) Toam 1. grey (Cnei Fennell 3. Ryan Callaghan 4 B rett GoukJ. Scott Abrams. Chart** Stanton) Team 3 green (Ben Blacker 3. Adam G rant 2. Ryan D e io n jl* 2. Nicholas Sermoch. Angus G uerin Schell. Andrew Deryck. Samuel Nichoils. Matthew Jeriun s. Ryan H e irvl) Team 5. R * M a * H allm ark Realty, ye*tow. (M atthew lu t t 5, Lucas M ontgom ery 4 M att M cCoy 3. Kevin D o t* o 2. Michael Hickey Andrew W oon.ng), R O UG HNECKS 1 (David Upton) PEEWEE ROCK 6 (Dawd GaUo 2. C am eron C iesiowski. Sean McMahon. MarK Bennot. Chns Knap; assists M ark Bennet 2. Cra»g P otrunch. Chns Knap) W INGS 1 (Oavid ABtn). STORM 5 (M ike Sparling 2. Justin Grnua. Marc Sands assists Zach Leblanc. Marc Sands. Justin G im *a) ROUGHNECKS 4 (Steven Duerr. Hart C uom o 3. assists, Mark Runam an) BANDITS 9 (Tyrone M aguire 2. Michael Cram pton 2. Patrick Brown 2 Ford Schewitxer. Jackson Mounted. M.ke P a olm ). ATTACK 3 (M atthew C osgrove 2. Ben G ardiner, assists. Justin Drew) W INGS 9 (D avid ABen 4 Brad Bowen 2. U c h a * Scott. Chnstopher Zylic. Connor K a d*e« . asssts Brad Bowen. M aA Bennett 2. Kyle Bed 2. Elana Harper) ATTACK 3 (Justin Drew, B U *e S ay«rs. Mattnew C osgrovo; assists Oereck M a iia rc ry k . Stefano Mianann) BAN D ITS 4 (M ichael C ram pton 2 Patrick Birown. Tyrone M aguire, assist Dustin Fader) STORM 3 (Oavvd Policelli 2. Stephen Gauntlett. assists Kyle Doei. M atthew Bimes. Marc Sands) RO C K 4 (Alox Bra nn en . C orey W indlinger. C am eron Oesk>wski Sean M cM ahon assist David Gallo) ROUGHNECKS 0 ROCK to (C raig Petm sich 4. Sean M cMahon 3. Mark Bennett. C hns Knap. David G allo, assists. Sean McMahon. Mark Bennett 2. David G allo. B randon Field) STORM 2. (Justin Gimza, Thomas Stewart, assists M ichael Varanesii BANDITS 7 (Patnck Brown 2, M ichael Cram pton 2. Michael Paolini, Jackson H ounseil Tyrone M aguire, assists Patnck Brown. Jackson Hounseil. Tyrone Maguire. W illiam Zinkiewlch) WINGS 2 (M atthew Coffin. David Allen, assists. Connor Kadweli) ATTAC 5 (Stefano M anann 3. John-M ichael Breen 1 . assists Dereck M aziarczyk) R O UG HNECKS 4 (Taylor Wim bush. Z. Faloani. Doer J P D esjardins, assists. H art Cuomo) BANTAM RO CK, coach Tod Van Veen. 4 (Taylor McManus, Justin Ditram 2. Tykjr Best) ATTACK, coach Ram say W ells, t (Brendon Momson), R O U G H N E C K S 3 (S cott Acton. N athan B anton. Steven Dreznjak. assists. Jonathan Lipinskij; BANOITS t (Justin Simonetta. assist Zachary Cruickshank) ROUGH N E C K S 5 (Ben Bennett unassisted. 2 by Mike R ichardson unassisted, and 2 by N athan B anton assisted by Spenser Sm ith and Ben Bennett); STORM t (Ryan M cMahon from Evan Bull). BANDITS 10 (unassistod hat tnck by Justin Simonetta. 2 by D'Arcy M cM ahon unassisted. C onrad Klassen assisted by D'Arcy McM ahon, single goals unassisted by Adam Knowles. Gary Maheu. Chris G oncalves. Francis B ueron). ROCK 2 (both scored by Kristian Johansen w ith one assist to Rory Smith) RO UG HNECKS 6 (Nathan B anton with the hat tnck assists from N icholas M ontgom ery and Ryan Me M ohan, Ben Bennett unassisted. Ryan M cM ohan from Steven D rernjak. and Michael Richardson unassisted). ROCK 4 (Justin Ditram w ith two unassisted. Jordan Van Veen with a goal and an assist for Taylor M cM anus' BAN D ITS 7 (C onrad Klassen w ith the hat tnck, one assisted by D'Arcy M cM ahon. Chris Goncalves from Francis Bueron, Justin S im onetta from Karol Guia. D'Arcy M cM ahon unassisted, and Gary M aheu unassisted). ATTACK 2 (Daniel C adeau unassisted. James Kvosni from D aniel C adeau I 2 Team 6. tight btue (R obert Hudson 2. K a e la r Ham ilton 2. Sam MacPherson. K»rK Morns) Team 1. grey (H enry Luel, Joshua Whtbbs. S con Abram s » , Brett GoukJ. Ryan CaBaghan) Team 2. red (Jerem y Hucal. C asey Morgada. Ryan Churchill. Matthew Kim . G abnel Coutu. C hristopher Maiurro. Josh Kosack. Jack Fairs. Sean K ohler 2) Team 3. green (Ben Blacker 3. R yan H e * u l 2. Nicholas Sem hjck. Dawson G arcia. Jonathon OonviUe) Team 5. yeflow (Lucas M ontgom ery 2. M < haei Dobko 2. M < ha ol Hickey * . M atthew Lufl, Zachary G allant 3. Salvatore le p e ra 3. Rebekah K eene. Kevin D obko 3) Team 6. »*ght btue (Luke D 'B onedetto 2. Luke C orbeth, John Ferko * . Kirk M orns and Joshua Rees) TYKE ROCK 6 (Luke W nght-M ascotto 2 , Ben He>decker Andreas Zbogar. Kurt D rusnitzer 2 ) STO RM 5 (Jackson H ulbert 2. Garrett Atkinson. M athew M azlarczyk. Austin Kosack BANOITS 2 (Jordan Dim. Blake Jones). ROU G H N EC KS 0 STORM 5 (Jackson H ulbert 4 , G arrett Atkinson) ROUGH NEC KS 3 (Justin M artin. C olt Jaim e. R hys M aguire) BANDITS 1 (Andrew Yancun). ROCK 0 BAN D ITS 6 (R ocky Furfart 2. Blake Jones 2. U c h lm Morrison. Luke Nicol). STORM 4 (Jackson H ulbert 2. Nicholas Rein. M atthew M onarchy k) RO UG HNECKS 2 (Colt Jaim e. M athow C ochran). ROCK 2 <T J. W hibbs. Ben Heidecker) NOVICE ROCK 7 (Austin Jam es 2. Dylan M aguire 2. Taylor Young. A le* Drago|lov, Boulton D oolittle). W INGS 0 ROUGHNECKS 4 (M ichael Money, Cory Cam m illeri. David Lipton. Benjam in Ouim by). STORM 2 (Jake N yhuus, W illiam Match) BANDITS 3 (Dylan Weme. G raem e M clsaac Chns ZankowicM ATTACK 2 (Jam es Cartin. M an Sheen) W INGS 3 (Daniel Anderson. Enc Harper. Boulton Doolittle) BANDITS i (Dylan Waffle i ROCK 4 (Andrew Woonmg, Austin Jam es. E nc M ulligan. Jerem y Heersmk). STORM I (Jake Nyhuus) ROUGHNECKS 7 (David Lipton 4. Bryan Heggum 2. Ben Ouim by), ATTACK 3 (Brody Langley 2. W illiam Hudson) W INGS i (Ale* Byrne). ATTACK 1 (M ichael Beaudry) BANDITS 3. Cohn Dickson). STORM 2 (Jake Nyhuus Zachary Bem bndgei ROCK 7 (Taylor Young 2. Boulton D oolittle 2. Dylan M aguire 2. Harrison Smith · O a k v ille B e a v e r KEEPING A CLOSE EYE! O akville Buzz player Adam H uckaday keeps a close eye on the ball in ju n io r B lacrosse action Sunday at M aplegrove Arena. m arkers w ere added by Joel Leveille. Stephan LeBlanc. M ike Hardy, Bryan Johnson and Chris Warren. Jason Le G ree w as strong in net for the Buzz. "T he saves defin itely gave us an extra boost out on the flo o r." said coach Forbes. " I w ould have been much hap p ier w in n in g both gam es, but w e are really starting to com e together as a team ." The O akville Buzz w ill continue their playoff drive at hom e this Friday, 8 p.m. at M aplegrove A rena against H alton Hills. Car wash on tap this Saturday, noon4 p.m. O akville Rangers atom AA rep hockey team will be host ing a fund-raising com m unity car wash at the Petro C anada G as Station located on the south-east co m er o f T rafalgar and U pper M iddle Road this Saturday (M ay 24) from noon-4 p.m. (rain date May 31. 2003). The com m unity car wash is being held to raise funds for extra ice rentals, tournam ent fees and team uniform s. The materials needed are being donated by A rm or All-N ational C ar Wash Day. The car wash pricing is based on a `donation'. OAKVILLE 191 WYECROFT ROAD, OAKVILLE Honda 905.844.9831 www.oakvillehonda.com Honda Pilot &CR-V Introducing Specialized Hardrock Editions. t'tfatu trw E H T what t you Honda CR-V EX Specialized Hardrock Edition SPECIALIZED twmwrt lm - "Ll $ 3 0 ,4 0 0 LMSI Specialized Hardrock Editions include these extra features" (*Value $1,888) · Specialized Hardrock Sport Bicycle · Roof Rack Crossbars · Bike Attachment · Hood Edge Protector · Front Splash Guards · Specialized Badging · Cargo Tray * 5 0 0 already included in MSRP & lease payments per month for 48 months with $4,580 down. Fraight & P.D.E. included *V a lu e Price Advantage $1,388 While Supplies Last. · 160-hp, 2.4 Litre i-VTECTM Engine · Real TimeTM 4-Wheel Drive · 4-Speed Automatic Transmission · Air Conditioning · Power Windows, Door Locks and Heated Door Mirrors · AM/FM, 6-Disc In-Dash CD Changer/ Cassette Audio System with 6 Speakers · Keyless Remote Entry · 4-Wheel Disc Brakes (A8S) #1 Seller in its Class Five S tar,T Safety Rating Honda Pilot EX Specialized Hardrock Edition I * Lease Rate Security Deposit 5.8% H | s$468 $4 1,500 MSRP* per month for 48 months with $6,450 down. Freight & P.D.E. included on a ll New 2003 P ilots · 240-hp, 3.5 Litre, 24-Valve V6 VTEC~ Engine · Four-Wheel Drive · 5-Speed Automatic Transmission · Air Conditioning with Separate Front and Rear Temperature Controls · AM/FM Stereo with CD and Cassette Player with 7 Speakers · Power Windows and Door Locks · Keyless Remote Entry · ABS · Cruise Control. Leas* a,e approved credit, only through Honda Canada Finance In c. until May 31. 2003 Lease payments shwm are tor 48 months and include $850 for frwgfit and P.0.E wrth 96.000 km allowance(12fAm exceeding 96,000 km applies) /B a s e d on a new 2003 CR-V EX. Automatic. Specialized Hardrock Edition/Pilot EX. Specialized Hardrock Edition (model RD7883E/YF1643E) - ) $368/$468 per month for 48 months A LR. 7 7%/5.8% (total lease obligation of $17.664/$22.4$4). Own payment ar equivalent trade of $4,580/56.450 required (zero down payment plans available) plus first monthty payment and security deposit ($425/$0) Option to purchase at lease end for $15.504/$19.920 olus tanes. *M.S R P includes $500 tor Specialized Hardrock Edition extra features but does not include freight and P.D.E. I$8b0) Specialized Hardrock Edition extra features value is $1,888 based on the Total Suggested Dealer-Installed prices. incremental price for these features is $500. Value Price Advantage is $1,388. / ' /Taxes, licence, insurance, administration, registration and maintenance fees are additional Dealer may sell/lease for less. *See Car and Driver magazine. Juty 2002 ttCrash tests by NHTSA are based on a 2003 Piiot/CR-V tor driver, front passenger and rear seat passengers in both front-impact and side-impact crash tests. For more details visit www.nhtsa.com See your neighbourhood Ontario Honda dealer for detaHs I IV* r 1 I Five S tarn Safety Rating 4,5001b. Towing Capacity 2,557 L Cargo Space I m r i i l N b u r N e ig h b o u r h o o d O N T A R IO H onda DEA LER S HONDA

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