The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday A pril 30, 2003 - C3 r IIII MIIIII T V li PII I T E Please forw ard announcem ents fo r Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Heaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. 1/>K 3S4; Fax 905-3.17-5.S67, em ail blokhuis@, or call 905-H45-3824 Ext. 250, BEFO RE SO O N Monday to be included. Notices are listed free o f charge. W ED N ESD AY A P R IL 30 Oakville A frican Violet Society, 7:30 p.m.. White Oaks Secondary School, 1055 MeCraney. use west side entrance north of greenhouse. Visitors welcome. C all Barbara Post. 905-845-1550. Big Sisters o f O akville 4th annual Volunteer Recognition Evening, sponsored by Hampton's at Quality Inn. 754 Bronte Road south of Q EW . 7 - 9 p.m. Speaker: Daniel Rutley. Light snacks, refreshments and door prizes. R S V P by A pril 18, or 905-3380238. Presentations w ill be made by a Halton Police Liaison Officer. Social Workers, a Halton Public Health Nurse, and schoolstaff. A ll are welcome to attend this informative evening. Introduction to B uddhist M editation and Philosophy. Thursdays to M ay 22, 7 9 p.m.. St. Jude's Church, W illiam and Thomas. C all 905-842-0940. H alton E xecu tive And P eel P rofessional N etw ork (H .A .P.P.E.N .) Networking support group for unemployed business professionals w ill meet at 8:00 a.m.. in Mississauga. Bob Tracz w ill be speaking on how to turn your successes into a powerful story. Members $5, non-mem bers $10 Call 905-339-0268 or Halton VON Foot Care Clinic. Oakville Seniors Recreation Centre. 263 Kerr St.. 1 4 p.m. Cost: S20. By appointment only, call 905-815-5966. Pam. 905-827-4673 or Percy. 905-8272420. N ew a n d Used Sale at the Oakville Senior Citizens' Recreation Centre, 263 Kerr St. at 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Handmade crafts, plants, gently used items - treasures and bar gains galore. Parents Without Partners, Mississauga Chapter is holding a singles dance at Clarkson Community Centre. 2475 Trustcott Dr. (QEW/Southdown Rd). Doors open at 8.30 p.m until 1 a.m. Admission for members is $10. guests $14. Admission includes D J. Door & Spot Prizes. Hot or Cold Buffet. Mingle with over 200 singles. For more information see their Web site or call 905-238-5789. Rum m age Sale a n d Nearly New Table. 9 a.m. - noon. St. Peter's Anglican Church. 1745 Dundas Street West at Mississauga Road. Parking on both sides of Mississauga Road. First Oakville Toastmaster can help you with one of the greatest fears. Join us on Thursdays from 7:30 p.m. to approximately 9:30 p.m. at The Knights of Columbus located at 1494 Wallace Rd. (Speers and Third Line). For information call Maria Robinson at 905-338-8007 or Parent Support G roup meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. This nondenominational self-support group with trained leaders, helps parents of children who are in trouble at home, at school or with the law. abusive or taking drugs - a member of Association of Parent Support Groups in Ontario (A PSG O ). To locate group nearest you, call 1-800-488-5666 or visit The Canadian National Institute fo r the B lind (C N IB ) needs volunteers to canvass in M ay for Oakville's 3rd annual door to door campaign. If you can donate an hour anytime in M ay to canvass 15 to 20 homes in your neighbourhood call Mary at 416259-5438 or email with your name, address and phone number. Students w ill earn community service hours for their volunteer time. Consignment Shop, for three hours one day per week. The shop is located at 2(X) Kerr St. Shifts are 10 a.m. - I p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, or 1 - 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. Call Marilynne at 905-845-6714. Thyroid Foundation o f Canada has available iis latest Health Guide on Thyroid Disease. If you would like a free copy of informative brochure Common Concerns of Thyroid Patients, send a self addressed stamped envelope to Thyroid Foundation of Canada. Burlington Hamilton Area Chapter. 1235 Fairview St., Ste. 348, Burlington. ON. L7S 2K9 or visit New at Wellspring Halton Peel, is Dropin Caregiver Connection, a support group for those with family or friends living with cancer. This group meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 7 - 8:30 p.m. at Wellspring, 2545 Sixth Line. For more information, call 905-257-1988. Halton Sm all Business Advisory Group is a not-for-profit organization of retired and semi-retired business owners and profes sionals who help entrepreneurs and existing businesses with advice in general manage ment and business planning. If you are look ing for help or just someone to talk to about how we can help you solve your business problems, call at 905-381-1999 or e-mail or visit The O akville N aturopathic C linic (O N C ) is hosting a free seminar entitled Lower Your Blood Pressure at 7:30 p.m. Learn how use nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy and acupuncture to lower your blood pressure. Talk is presented by Darlene Ahenakew N.D. The O NC is located at 127 Trafalgar Rd. Space is limited. Register early by ulling the clinic at 905-844-7718. H alton O utdoor d u h In fo rm a tio n E vening for spring and summer season. 7 p.m.. Burlington Central Library, lower level. 2331 New at Seneca west of Guelph Line. Information about hiking, cycling, canoeing, kayaking, trips, demonstrations, and membership benefits. Call 905-634- F u n d ra iser at M a c y ' s D iner a n d D elicatessen. 2257 Royal Windsor Dr.. Mississauga, for O akville Trafalgar Mem orial Hospital and Trillium Health Centre. 8 a.m. 1 1 p.m. Owners John and K elly Alexakis and Angela Batos celebrat ing first anniversary of M acy's Diner by donating gross sales of the day to two hospi tals. Visit 2012. Positions On Boards O f Directors O f Charities -BoardMatch helps business, law. accounting, marketing and I.T. personnel find positions on the boards of directors of charities for free. Attend an orientation ses sion on Tuesday. May 6. 2003 from 6:308:30 p.m. at Metro Hall. 55 John Street (at King). Toronto. To register phone 905-6965139 or online at The Oakville Stitchery Guild is hosting the Ontario Network of Needleworkers 20th Anniversary A G M at the University of Toronto at Mississauga, Erindale College. South Building on M ay 14. 2003. The pub lic is invited to view the displays and mar ketplace at no charge. M ay Court Club o f Oakville is looking for volunteers to work in Nearly New H alton E xecutive And Peel P rofessional N etw ork (H .A .P.P.E.N .) F R ID A Y M A Y 2 Tuesday Artists Spring Show a n d Sale. upstairs at I.oblaws. Nipissing Road, Milton. M ay 2. 5 - 8 p.m.. May 3. 10 a.m. 5 p.m.. and May 4, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sir Jo h n Colborne Seniors Centre is hosting U 't's Dance from 8-11 p.m. Music by the Kerr Street Big Band. Admission costs $10. Call 905-827-7394. C anadians in Sup p o rt o f A fg h a n Women o f Oakville holds conference pres entation at the Burlington Holiday Inn, Guelph Line and Q EW , 2 - 5 p.m. Speakers: Governor General award winning author Deborah Ellis, author o f Women o f the A fghan War, and children's books The Breadwinner and Parvana' s Journey, and Janice Eishenhauer, president of the nation al organization. Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan. Tickets $10. Call S A V IS at 905-825-3622. or e-mail Networking support group for unemployed business professionals, is meeting at 8:00 a.m., in Burlington. Speaker Jam ie Broughton w ill focus on Living Edge-Push Your Comfort Zone." Members $5.nonmembers SlO .C all 905-339-0268 or Oakville Branch o f the Canadian Red Cross is looking for new members to join its Creations group. Creations makes hand knit ted and quilted items for sale through out the year and at various events within Oakville. The proceeds from event sales are matched dollar for dollar with funds going to International development. The Creations Group meets most Thursdays of the month 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Call 905-845-5241. Vendors wanted for indoor/outdoor Craft and Parking Lot Sale June 7. For more information call 905-847-8444. Proceeds to VO N Halton. TH U RSD AY M A Y '1 Oakville Trafalgar H igh S chool's SA T U R D A Y M A Y 3 C anadian Caribbean A ssociation o f Halton holds 26th anniversary dinner and dance at 7:30 p.m.. Galaxy club. 475 North Service Rd. W. Donation. $35 each, for tick ets call Brenda. 905-339-1463, Veronica, 905-257-0581; W ilfred. 905-849-0916. school council .is hosting the first in a series of parent information nights at 7 p.m. in the school's theatre. The topic is Drugs and Alcohol - Part o f High School Culture? B U L L E T IN A re yo u terrified o f speaking in Public? THERE! AND FOOD THEN THERE'! RUDE FOOD ·m (ume native Bronte. 119 Jo n es St. (90S) 465-0571 Oakville. 142 Lakoshoie Rd. E. (905) 844-3334 sr,rLozme Restaurant & BANQUET HALL V ' ' Restaurant & Lounge presents Serving Oakville fo r 25 Years We continue to li^lit inflation with lew prices & top (jualih D IN N E R & SHOW Saturday, May 3rd [ tinnenm ` Will F r i d a y a nd S a t u r d a y e v e n i n g s , FI NNI GAN' S PASTA BAR "The Ultimate Prime Rib Experience " · Daily Breakfast Special $4.25 · Lunch & Dinner $49.99 Singing Senution P rim e R ib Specials Steaks & Seafood Banquet Facilities 3 rooms to suit your needs Peter Marino taxes 6 gratuities included £ Comic Impmvonnt Houston MacPnerson Past a m a de f r b -j hi b ef o re y o u r eyes live e r r t b r t a I n rn b n ( every F r i d a y a nd S a t u r d a y n i g h t , this week. g o rd d e p p e & t h * lo s t boys. Don't forget! r e s e r v e f o r m o t h e r ' s d a y. 379 sp eers rd. o&kville. (905) 815-9 25 3 Dinner 7:00 p.m. · Show 9:00 p.m. Follow ing show: tlance music In/ DJlll 905-842-0475 4 6 7 S p e e rs R o a d I B lo c k W e s t o f D o ia z J · M e n h o f F r e e P a r ld n g L im ite d seating Ixxik e arly fo r lx-st s e a t i n g J T (all tickets non-reftindablc) "stst mm-refundablc) Call to Reserve your tickets. 905 815-9689 - 407 Speers Rd., #4, Oakville 905-815-9689 --BISTRO-- New, art-themed casual dining Creative mix of multi-ethnic appetizer style dishes - great for sharing! Local resident artists & entertainers w ill surprise you w ith their talent Patio with an amazing outdoor fireplace * RPSEWGDD 2075 Wirisf Sn Park DriVe (Steps from the fro n t doors of the AMC T heater at the co rn e r of W inston Churchill Blvd. and the QEW) C%Q ra b u lo u s 3 io tn e rs .D a y "B ru n c h · All-Yon- Can- Kat · Mother's Day dinner, Bring the whole family. · Private Room from 8 to 80 · Fabulous Paiio · Perfect for Sixrcial Occasions or Office Parties 4:30-6:30 DAILY Early Bird Specials All-You-Can-Eat Mussels Buck-A-Shuck Oysters 335 K e rr S t., O a k v ille 1900 D uiid& s St. W ., Mississauga Sherwood Forest Shopping Village Mississauga (East o f Erin Mills) (? 0 s )tf2 ? -0 6 2 s 9 0 5 - 8 4 9 -9 8 9 8 r iS H ftO r v tS X * 905-855-3913 >scw( mKil ) There's a w hole new w orld out there... W W W .c o m . a d iv i s io n o f H a lt a c iS e a r c H