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Oakville Beaver, 24 Nov 2004, C06

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ARTSCEH Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 5559) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: rjerred@haltonsearch.com WKDNMSOAY. NOVKMBEft 24. 2004 · I 'age OS Peter C. McCusker · O akville R eave? Ja s o n L ea v er a n d S h aw n W illings (in view finder) c o llab o rated on th re e en tries in the recent O ne M in u te F ilm a n d V ideo F estival in T o ronto. Hours of exhaustive work behind one-minute films By Craig MacBride OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF They're not the most polished movies, and they don't always make sense, but that's not really the point of the One Minute Film and Video Festival. Oakville resident Jason Leaver knows that, and along with his filmmaking partners Rebecca Rynsoever, also from Oakville, and Shawn Willings, from Toronto, he put together three films for the festival, which took place last week at the Bloor Cinema in Toronto. One o f those films. The Duplication Violation, even won a Best Tffhpir:il A rhipypmpnt Award for the group. The film was about a nerdy guy in a basement who found a way to duplicate him self, and out of this tanning machine-like device, four versions of himself get out and join him. For a 60-second long film, it took an amazing amount of work to have five of the same person in the shot. It worked, though, and the judges, who make up the awards as they view the submission prior to the festival, deemed the project worthy of special mention. The E e e was a film directed by Willings, that juxtaposed an actual egg with a pregnant woman, with an ah-ha moment in the final seconds. The third film, and the group's favourite o f the three accepted into the festival, was Stealing First. That film was a fairly simple jc5lTe. Playing baseball, the hitter hits the ball, runs to first, picks up the base and runs with it, never stopping, while the players on the field look at each other, not sure what to do. The point of the festival is to get filmmakers to get something done, to motivate them to finish a film. Leaver, W illings and Rynsoever don't seem to be having a problem with that, though. They're currently setting up their own production company, and they're making short films, build ing up to a feature film, which they hope to be shooting in the new year. The group formed in a strange fashion. Leaver and Willings met at Ryerson University, where Leaver was studying film and Willings was in the Theatre Tech program. They had one class together and knew each other through the class, but it was a chance meeting on a GO Train platform that led them to working together on short films. As for Rynsoever, Leaver had known her Since elementary school, but it wasn't until she stopped by the set of one of the films Leaver was working on that she got hooked. "Rebecca's our producer. She's the brains o f the operation," Leaver said. "She has the patience to do the paperwork, and she has a great mind for knowing how to deal with words." Leaver and Willings generally co-direct the films, even though each film usually starts out with just one of them directing. In the short time they've been making films - all three of them are 27 - Leaver has learned quite a bit, and nothing's more important than allowing the film to grow organically. "I find that often when you're working on films, there are little surprises," he said. "Films have a mind of their own. They have an idea of what they want to become." Instead of forcing his vision on the film, he described the process of directing as that of a shepherd trying to herd the ideas and images into a cohesive whole. "You have to let go a little bit. let the film be what it wants to be." he said. To see more of their films, visit www.jleaverpresentations.com. For more information about the One Minute Film and Video Festival, visit www.minutefilmfest.com. Chantal Ayotte · S pecial to the O akville B eaver H alton politicians will be au c tio n in g off som e special p ain tin g s they c re a te d fo r th e C a n a d ia n M ental H^ mIi Ii A ssociation. H alto n R egion b ra n c h a u c tio n fu n d ra is e r Dec. 5. P ic tu re d h ere w ith th e ir ow n p ain tin g s an d som e by o th e r local politician s a re (clockw ise fro m th e top) W a rd 2 C o uncillor C a th y D u ddeck, M ilton C o u n c illo r J a n M o w b ray a n d O ak v ille M P P K evin F lynn. Charity auction supports mental health programs Get some Christm as shopping done at the C anadian M ental H ealth A ^'.uuutiun, H altua Region brahch auction fundraiser Dec. 5. Several hundred items will be available to bid on. including DVD players, limited edition prints, golf sets and passes, Danier leather items and overnight accom m odations in N iagara-on-theLake. Some Halton politicians will also be attending to see their art creations auctioned off. The politicianstum ed-artists-for-a-good-cause include Oakville M PP Kevin Flynn, O akville Ward 2 C ouncillor Cathy Duddeck, Oakville Ward 5 C ouncillor Marc Grant, Milton Councillors Jan M owbray and Cindy Lunau, and Burlington C ouncillor John Taylor. Proceeds will go tow ard program s for people with mental illness in Halton. The annual event will be held at the Burlington Convention Centre, 1120 Burloak Dr. Viewing starts at 1:30 p.m. and the auc tion kicks off at 2 p.m. Donations o f new items for the auction can be m ade by calling 905-693-4270. Deaths OAKVILLE Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 STORE CLEAR0UT! Everything Must Go! Thurs. Nov.25 Fri. Nov. 26 & Sat. Nov. 27 9am-4 pm 451 Wyecroft Rd. (between Dorval and 4th Line) Quality used furniture, antiques and China The Consignment Gallery Happy 60th Birthday Morris! Novem ber 25th, 2004 Congratulations! May your birthday and the year ahead be filled with love, joy and peace. Love from your fam ily, Elizabeth, Daniel, Anthony & Jam es. O pen House A Painted Christmas Com e and e x p e rie n c e Ih e unique co lle c tio n from local artisans, Deaths Jaworsky, Lillie At the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on Sunday, November 21st 2004. Lillie Jaworsky, beloved wife of the late John Jaworsky. Loving mother of Lileth and her husband Reuben Morris. Sadly missed by her grand children Richard Morris, Cheryl-Ann and her husband Nick Stadnik and Paula Morris. Dear great grandmother of Brittney, Brennan and Elecia. Predeceased by her sisters Amy and Lucie. Family and friends are invited to visit at the McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 from 7-9 pm on Wednesday. Vigil Prayers will be prayed at the funeral home on Wednesday at 8:30 pm. The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrat ed at Holy Rosary Catholic Church 139 Martin St. Milton on Thursday, November 25th 2004 at 10:00 am. Interment to follow at the Milton Evergreen Cemetery. M O O R E , G o rd o n L e s lie - (R e tire d B ell C a n a d a . F o rm e rly w ith S t. J o h n s A m b u la n ce , V olunteer C an adian C ancer Society). Peacefully on Sunday Novem ber 21, 2004 at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Gordon beloved husband of Wyn. Loving father of Roxie C lendening. N ancy Malloy (M ichael) and Sheila Palmer (Robert) Loved grandfather of Shanon, B rad, Kelly and Matthew A service to celebrate the life of Gordon will be held 11am at the Kopriva T a y lo r C o m m u n ity F u n e ra l H o m e . 64 Lakeshore Road W est, O akville (905-8442600) on Thursday Novem ber 25, 2004. In lie u o f flo w e rs d o n a tio n to A lz h e im e rs Foundation 1685 Main St. West. Suite 206 H am ilton, O nt., L8S 1G5. C ancer Society 635 Fourth Line. Unit 51, Oakville. Ont., L6L 5W4 or Diabetes Association PO Box 12013 STN BRM B Toronto Ont., M7Y 2L3 Legal Notice__________ NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claim s against the Estate of GORDON W IL L IA M K R ITZE R , late of the Tow n of O akville, R egional M unicipality of H alton, who died 26th day of June, 2004, must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 24th day of December, 2004, thereafter the personal representatives will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated this 17th day of November, 2004 The Estate of Gordon William Kritzer by its solicitor, BRIAN E. SLOCUM 63 Quebec Street, Bracebridge, Ontario P 1L2A 4 Country Casual Furniture Natural Holiday G re e n e ty C reative Gift Ideas O n e o f a kind p ie c e s fri. Nov. 26. >9pm * Set. Nov. 2 7 .104ptn 6 6un. Nov. 2 8 .12-4 pm 435 Barclay Cres.. Oakville 905-338-9920 Main Intersection: ford Dr. Royal Windsor Dr. Warehouse Sale BELVEDERE INTERNATIONAL PROUDLY PRESENTS.... OUR CHRISTMAS BLOW OUT COSMETIC & TOILETRIES WAREHOUSE SALE Belvedere International is having their Christmas BLOW OUT Sale. You are not going to believe these prices. EVERYTHING MUST GO! We have a terrific selection ol gilts, gilt sets, genuine designer fragrances, and our selection ol toys lor all ages is amazing. Come and check out our wide range ol cleaning supplies and household items lor every room in Ihe house. Our brand name haircare products and other toiletries may be the main reason you would come lo our sale, but come and see our unbelievable assortment of leather purses, back packs, and wallets. Christmas will be here before you know it, so don't miss this sale, or the savings. 10 Days ONLY-Friday. November 26th to Sunday. December 5th, 2004. Weekdays: 11:00am to 8:00pm. Saturday 10:00am to 5:00pm and Sunday 11:00am to 5:00pm. Location: 5640 Kennedy Rd.. Mississauga. Take OEW E. lo Hwy #403 to Mississauga. Go N. on Hwy /10/Hurontario SI. to Matheson Blvd. E. Right onto Malheson Blvd. to Kennedy Road, head N. (left). We are on the left hand side. For more information, please call 905-568-4556 KNACK, Patricia Anne- Peacefully on, S atu rd ay , N ovem ber 20, 2004, at OTMH, at the ag e of 78. Survived by h e r d a u g h te r H ilary a n d h e r g randchildren Jerem y , S arah and Tyler. Will be missed by her many clo se friends. As per h er w ishes th e re will b e a p riv ate m em orial service. SHEPHERD. John Thomas M .D .F .R .C .S - John passed away in his home on November 19.2004 at the age of 70. His passing is mourned by his wife Norma, children Robert, Jane and husband Jeff, Blair, Kathryn and husband Tony, granddaughter Jacqueline, brother Ted and sister Faith. He w ill be sorely missed by his family, extended family, friends and colleagues. John was a kind, gentle and accepting man much loved and respected by all who knew him After he graduated Irom University of Toronto, John worked lor many rewarding and enjoyable years as an orthopedic surgeon in Oakville and Burlington. His family extends a special thank you to the personal service workers in his home who made Jiis final days as pleasant as possible. John's lifelong friend, Doug Bennett, will conduct a service to celebrate his life on Friday November 26 at 11am. The memorial will be held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West. Oakville, Ontario. In Lieu of flowers a donation to the charity of your choice would be appreciated E-mail condolences may be sent to kopriva@ eol.ca: please place SHEPHERD on the subject line. More Employment______ CARRIERS WANTED! Wyandothe Dr. Mohawk Rd. Sherin Dr. Sedgewick Cres. ^ L sAo.t,.9 .0 .5: ^ ? ? i ef!: I l l Richmond Rd. Richards Cres. McCraney St. Oxford Ave. Call: Sara 905-845-3824 ext. 271 Grand Oak Trail West Oak Trail Calloway Dr. Ashmore Dr. Call: Dan 905-84_5-3824_ex_t. 275 Devon Rd. Burton Ave. Howard Ave. SouthviewRd. Call: Sue 905-845-3824 ext. 261 I < t

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