A 4 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y F e b ru a ry 12, 2003 H altonSearch.c^iri ...jtA A t- O s - c A L c h - e u w iiy ! Program can be taxing but rewarding (Continued from page A1) OACs, so they're used to the idea of volunteering in the community." Rolland said St. Thomas Aquinas has been providing income tax preparation train ing for the past four years to interested students, who are proficient in math and accounting. The training was expanded this year to include Holy Trinity and St. Ignatius of Loyola. "W e wanted to make this program town-wide," said Rolland. The students break down into 10 from St. Thomas Aquinas, seven from St. Ignatius of Loyola, and four from Holy Trinity. "A lot of these students have taken business courses and accounting and this spe cial income tax class offers them an opportunity to gain practical experience," said Steven Olsthoom. a Grade 1 1 student at Holy Trinity, sees the benefit of the one-day crash course. "I've had a part-time job for two years and I want to be able to do my own income return. Last year, I made a lot of mistakes." " I'm interested in account ing and taxes, and this course will allow me to help out in the community and also help me fill out my own returns," said John Jurgaitis. a Grade 12 stu dent at St. Thomas Aquinas. "I'd like to get into the accounting field, this will look good on my resume and uni versity application," said Sergio Gomes, a Grade 1 3 stu dent at St. Ignatius of Loyola. "It's a good way to help the community," said classmate Brendon Sequeira. Both stu dents have completed their 40 hours of community serv ice. "It's good practice and 1 would like to help my family w ith their income tax returns." added Cristina Ruggiero, an OAC student at St. Thomas Aquinas. Vito Battaglia, co-ordina tor for the special income tax program at St. Ignatius of Loyola, said the opportunity created so much attention at his school that they already have students interested for next year. "This program is not just about getting their 40 hours because most of our kids in the program have already com pleted their community serv ice." he said. "They're doing it for personal gain and to help others, and to advance their knowledge in preparation for college and university." B o ld S tr o k e s > F in e A r t > M o v in g A b s tra cts Barrie Erskine · Oakville Beaver From left, Monica Branco, Laura Eansor and Danielle MacLeod from St. Ignatius of Loyola Secondary School get some help preparing a tax return from Karen Moning from Canada Customs and Revenue Agency client services. The group was at Holy Trinity. Rolland. " We're training the stu dents to help low income indi viduals, seniors, people on social assistance, and their fel low students, prepare their income tax returns." The students will volunteer at clinics set up at the three high schools during tax time during late March and April. To be eligible for this free tax help, clients' income can not be higher than S2(),(XX) for a single person. S25.fXX) for a couple or single parent plus S2.(XX) per child, explained Rolland. " For example, the income cutoff for a family with two children is S29.(XX) - $25.(XX) for the couple plus $2,000 per child." Clients will be expect ed to bring all supporting doc uments to declare their income and all deductible expenses to these free clinics. Many of the students see it as a learning opportunity. "It will be useful for my life." said Flavia Solimano, a Grade 12 student at St. Ignatius of Loyola who needs more hours to complete her 40 hours of community service. " And. I'm interested in accounting." 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