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Oakville Beaver, 26 Feb 2003, "Classifieds", C5

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday February 26, 2003 - C5 T he Oakville b ea v er L A -Z -B O Y g « f S o f a s f o r L e s s ! Sofas, Chairs and Sectionals of Starting From Uncompromising Quality and Style. ^ ^ An Extraordinary Selection > 111111 of the Finest Custom Fabrics. V I f U U WV Imagine. Genuine La-Z-Boy at l l £1 £1 prices that will Delight you! w w w TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: III I 'l l houses for sale C la ssified na r apartments & flats for rent * 1 * 1 B u r lin g to n P o w e r C e n tr e · Q E W & B ra n t S t. » 9 0 5 - 3 3 1 - 7 6 0 0 905-632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm Circulation: 905-845-9742 · Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239 Community & Public Notices 240-299 Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-57(T · Services 700-795 O P E N House Wod . Sat. Sun. I M p m . 2406 First Streot. Burlington. Beauti fully renovated century home In oxclusive Roseland. 3+1 bedrooms, large backyard, quiet treed neighbourhood. Charles Murray & Je rry Uslaner. Sales rep.. Harvey Kalles Real Estate Limited* 416441-2888 ext 362__________ R A V IN E Lot- 3 bdrm. 2.5 bath, detached, all newly decorated, large jacuzzi. ceramic, eat-in kitchen. C/ air/ vac., new carpet, deck, walk to schools $243,900 Open House- Sat. l0-1pm. Sun ` 2-4pm. 2128 Hunt Ores.. Burlington. 905331-1240_________________ S A V E I Private- $267,997 Pristine 2 storey. 3-bed room, West Mountainloaded with extras. School, shop. HWY access. 2600* finished space. Agents wel come 905-385-1812 tom.mca O sympatico.ca CUSTOM-DESIGNED & built by owner Open concept. 3bedrooms w/in-law suite, too many extras to list. 1165 Augustus Drive. Burlington $369,900. 905-681-8821 FALGARWOOD.1136 Grand BtoJ 2-storey. 3-4 bedrooms, well-maintained family home w/inground pool. 60x110 k > t $319,900 905-844-5764 WALKERS/ Hwy 5- End unit stacked townhouse. 2 bdrm, 2 bath. 5 appliances. C/A. $157,900 905-336-9978 HAMILTON- Chedoke Golf Course- 3 bedroom with many upgrades $219,900 905-528-4944_____________ O A K V IL L E Place West. $249,900. 3-bedroom bhek bungalow. 1/4 acre treod, 1 1/2 garago. 2 baths, fireptaco. A-1. 8 car parking, finished basement, apart ment potential Home Trend Realty. 905-823-1461 [ | V | open houses BURLINGTON- Private Sale in The Orchard. Detached 3 bdrm Features central air & vac much moro Open House- Sunday 1-4pm. 5138 Brada Cres. (Appleby A Dryden), O A K V IL L E Semi- (3yrs) 3-bedrooms. 2.5 bath, many upgrades gas FP. a/ c. hardwood throughout. $237,000 Open House. Sunday. lpm-4pm, 1382 Brookstar Dr 905-827-9625 SE C T IO N A L sofa- Care Iton-style. new. black, cloth, scotch-guarded, 6 month warranty Paid $3000 from the Brick $1800 905-6341567 Photos at www sofa4t com T R E A D M IL L Pro Form 595 like new. never used, paid $1000. asking $500 obo. Call 905-319-0992 ULTRAM ATIC- Twin, ex tra long. Good condition. $750 905-632-5752 UPRIGHT piano with bench, refininished mahogany cabinet, lovely condition! $1900 905-844-7681 orceM 905-510-4904_____________ td U t articles wanted - L A K E S I D E MARINE DR., OAKVILLE L I V I N G - ^ LAKESHORE RO, BURLINGTON- Open House Mar. 8 & 9, 2-4pm 2 & 4 O p cn H o u s e The Hotel Alternative COffm M EW ... CUM BERLAND VILLAGE 3 2 7 0 P ro s p e c t S t. · 905-6 32-2 60 1 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliances · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Pwfk?rtn,> Limited Tastefully renovated 1&2bedroom suites m adult orienled building cn lake r ···· lakeshore and Fa;-: SI Dishwasher · In-suite storage Courteous 24/7 on-site staff From $ 1 1 0 0 Call 905-825-9616 TORRANCE ST., BURLINGTON Quiet lake-front building, near Appleby line, dishwashers avail swimming pool, sauna, i liard & party room, card access, a/c. responsive 24/7 on-sile staff, renovated 1 .2 & 3 bedrooms from $ 9 8 0 Call 905-333-6968 LAKESHORE RD. BURLINGTON EDITH COURT, APARTMENTS WATERDOWN 1&2 Bdrm Apts March & April R ea so nab le rents include utilities. P arking availab le CO M E VIE W B W HAT W E HAVE TO OFFER. u r l in g t o n T o w ers Apartments Wed. Mai: 5 2 pm - 7 pm I;u lly fu rn is h e d s h o rt-te rm a c c o m m o d a tio n . The perfect hotel altern ative for yo u r clients/ em ployees/ guests o r even vourself! houses for rent O A K V IL L E Stunning 2-yr old 3-bedroom. 2 5 bath executive home. Hardwood floors throughout, ceramics. 2 fireplaces, familyroom w/ vaulted ceiling, doublo ga rago $l950/mo Call Laurice Albort. Assoc Broker. Re/Max. 905-257-2414 I;-- s w e & B ran. s> ;··»! i M r M considerate 24/7 on-site stall, euldoor pool, controlled access. ·;lcs- to schools ;· '.pping & transit. Large renovated 1 2 & 3 bedrooms from $ 8 5 0 Call 905-681-8506 Near Brant Street, stunning lake views. ! shwashers available, swimming pool, fit ness centre, bill irds, card access, near shopping, transit, r t : jvated Bachelor 1 .! & 3 bedrooms Irom $710 Call 905-333-9141 T R A F A L G A R / 407 area 1-bedroom, ground floor, private entrance through sunporch. farmhouse on 13 acres. $850/mo. inclusive. 905-271-2776. Ext.21; 905-878-5054 BU R LIN G T O N Central 1bedroom basement apartmonl. Non-smokers only Clean, quiet. Available im mediately. $750/mo Call 905-639-4677 ext-221 B U R L IN G T O N Hlghrise* Large attractive 2-bedroom, immediate/ Mar. 1st. Heat/ hydro included Parking available. $770/mo. No pets. Burlington. 905-632-0961 B U R L IN G T O N . Prospect Park, 2-bedrooms. Quiet clean building. $865/mo No pets. For viewing call Diyanna. 905-631-9748 BURLINGTON- Lakeshore Guelph Line. Newly reno vated 1-bedroom apartment. Separate entrance, parking. Avail. April 1st No smoking' pets. $850/mo. +hydro. Contact Bryan 905-6374877(9am-5pm) or 905-9713002 BU R L IN G T O N . Attractive furnished 1-bedroom base ment, gas fireplace, ravine view, walkout, some cook ing facilities, fridge, park ing, use of laundry room. $500/mo. Includes heat/ hydro. Short-term Mar 1 May30th 905-332-7065 B U R L IN G T O N - St Paul Street- 2-Bedroom apart ment availablo May 1st $824/mo (includes utilitios. parking). Call 905-6397072.5-9pm_______________ A L D E R S H O T (west Bur lington) newly renovated bachelor with full kitchen, available immediately. $625/ mo hydro 905-633-8547 A L D E R S H O T . 271 Plains Rd. West Completely reno vated 2-bedrooms, ground floor, immaculate 5-plex. Parking Immediate. $850/ mo. heat/ hydro Included. Syd Ahmad. S a le s Rep.. Royal LePag e R .E . 905634-7755._________________ O A K V IL L E - 2 bedroom ($911/mo) & bachelor apartment ($565)/mo). Available March 1st. 905469-8120 O A K V IL L E Kerr & Lakeshore. 2-bedroom, hardwood floors and c e ramics throughout. Parking. $825/mo* hydro Imme diate 416-709-2885. 416330-2952 leavo message O A K V ILL E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club Large Renovated 1&2Bdrm. New appliances, windows From $845./mo 905-844-5474______________ O A K V IL L E Downtown- 2 storey apartments: 3-bedroom+ den. $l525/mo. 2bedroom. $1190/mo. f u til ities/ parking included). Call 905-337 ' O A K V IL L E . Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Bachelor, immediate. $780.; 2-bedroom, immedlatem $1040/mo- $1050/mo ; 3bedroom, March, $1225Vmo. (parking) 905-844-9006 O A K V ILLE, Kerr Street 1 bedroom apartments avail. Mar./ Apr $855/mo. In cludes parking Call bet ween 9am-6pm, 905-3392437 905-690-1896 L A K E S H O R E / Maple 1bedroom. April. $875/mo 2-bedroom, immediate, from $950 , 3-bedroom, im mediate, from $1150 Park ing extra Heat/ hydro in cluded. Lakefront view. In door pool. Bus stops at door. Near Mapleview/ hospital Great highway access 905-632-5258 D O W NTO W N Burlington. 1275 Elgin Street. 2-Bed room. Mar /Apr Freshly decorated, spacious, well maintained & quiet with up graded fire alarm system for safe highnse living. Call 905 637-0321^_________ T YA N D A G A Terrace Apartments. Burlington Available Mar /Apr Freshly decorated (1A2 storey) 243 bedrooms with w/o to pri vate cedar patio. Situated on private, park-like grounds at: 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr 905-336-0015; 1460 TymdagsPkOr . 906-3360016 2 -BED R O O M S: $870./ mo. (Utilities included). ·2386 New Street at Guelph Line. Rental Office Opon 11am-7pm. Mon.-Sat. 905639-5761 D O W NTO W N Oakville. Steps to shops & buses. 1 bedroom. Apr. 15th. Park ing. $950/mo. inclusive 905-842-5815______________ NORTH Oakville condo3 bedroom. 2 bathrooms. FP. available February 02J 03. Underground parking. $1550/mo. all Inclusive Long term preferred, adult building 905-332-6085 O A K V IL L E spacious rofurbished bachelor 1 and 2bedroom available Minutes from Q E W . GO Station, shopping, dining. Utilities included Please call 905845-7545 to inquire about our limited time rental incent ivo. C EN TRA LLY located well- maintained, spacious 1&2 Bedrooms. Mar./Apr Must see to appreciate. 3055 Gtoncrest Road. Bur lington. 905-637-3921 D O W NTO W N Oakville. Lakeshore. 1-bedroom apartments available March & April. From $900/ mo. 416-420-3952. 416270-0687. 905-842-9275 f # ! furnished rentals BU R L IN G T O N downtown Executive suite Fully furnished renovated bun galow. Sleeps 5. Parking Short/ long-term. 905-3361036. F U R N IS H E D Burlington Short-term available. Luxu ry 1&2 bedroom prestigious condos. From $ 1299/mo. 24-hr. security. Immediate 905-632-8354; 905-632-6189 1285 O n tario Street (a t M a p le ) shared accommodation B R O N T E . Oakville Se e k ing professional person to share luxury apartment, lake view. $550/mo. Non smoking 905-465-3926; 416-574-5517 _ BUR LIN G T O N Largo bedroom in executive townhouse. Use of kitchen and laundry room. Nonsmoker Call 905-336-3949 B U R L IN G T O N : Share bright, furnished apartment Panoram ic view, indoor parking, public transit Pro fessional female preferred 905-637-6120_____________ E X C L U S IV E use of se c ond floor in lovely homo. 2 blocks from Bronte H ar bour. $550/mo. References required 905-465-0913 O A K V IL L E - Glen Abbey beautiful 2700 sq.ft. fur nished w/inground pool. Seeking clean, profession al. non-smoker $750 inclu sive. Immodiate 905-4696186______________________ O A K V ILL E - share 3-bed100m house. Sm all bed room w/bathroom. $550/ mo. larger bedroom w/ bathroom $650/mo. utilities included 905-469-8328 W A L K E R S Line/ Dundas Sharo 2-bodroom town house Large bedroom w/ pnvato onsuito. $500/mo. includes utilities. Nonsmokor 905-335-8171 A P P L E B Y / Now St . Bu r lington. Quiet, non-smok ing. oasy going house to share. $420/mo. inclusive 905-637-7345.____________ A P P L E B Y / Upper Middle Seeking NS/worklng pro fessional M/F to share large semi Own bedroom, bath room. living room. Share kitchen/ laundry. C/a, park ing. cable, references re quired. Immediate $650/ mo. inclusive. First/last. Call 416-526-5658 before 4pm or 905-336-7377 after 6pm______________________ lost & found FOUND: long-haired white cat, Guelph Line/ New. We call "Snowflake". Phone 905-637-7325. L O S T : Yellow Lab shorthair 6-yrs. old male. (90lbs.) neutered, answers to "Homer". Missing since Feb.22. Guelph Line/ Upper Middle area Needs medi cation 905-332-6709. daycaro wanted PART-TIME housekoopor/ after-school childcare/ dog gie care. Glen Abbey area, non-smoker Experience required. CaH 905-825-6301 R.S.V.P. by Feb.28 QOS 639-8583 $$ $ $ $ W A N T ED : Live-m ca re giver. preferably malo. for senior lady for home and health care 905-465-2764 evenings. W A NTED - All China. Sil ver. Crystal. Tea Cups. Royal Doulton. Swarovski. Glass. Jowollery. old toys, collectibles, estates. Call John/Tracy. 905-331-2477 W A N T ED : All costume & vintage jewelry, old glass, china, collectibles, watches, clocks, silver. Call 905920-7923 Utilities Included Huge Apartments Sunken Living Rooms Individually controlled heating & A/C · Indoor Swimming Pool · Squash Court · Whirlpool & Saunas » Convenience plaza on- site · Underground parking available > Easy access lo QEW. GO Train & Oakville plaza · Short & Long Term Leases Newly Renovated Suites 1 Bedroom + Den B U R LIN G T O N . Lakeshore area. 3-bedrooms, freshly decorated, new carpet & ceramics. 2 now appliances. $1050/mo. utilities. First/ last Mar. 1st 905-547-6136 BU R LIN G T O N Francis Road. 3-bedrooms. 1.5 baths, finished basement, fridgo. stovo Apr 1st. No pots First/ last. 905-6376496. 905 332-8363 B U R L IN G T O N Mali De sirable complox 3-bodrooms. 1.5 baths, finished basement w/walkout. 5 ap pliances, c/air. garage, im mediate. $l200/mo. utili ties 905-639-1985 W E S T O A K Trails 3-bed rooms, 2.5 baths. 5 a p pliances. c/air. $l400/mo. utilities. Availablo Apr. 1st. No pets 905-257-7592 O A K V IL L E - 2.3&4 Be d room townhouses available March- April. 4 appliances Hopedale Mall area Lakeshore Management. 905-876-3336 . O A K V IL L E .E x c e p tio n a l, elegant oxecutive 3-bodrooms. 2.5 bathrooms, tiroplace, c/air. otc 2150sq ft unfurnishod $ 1 900/mo . furnishod $2500/mo. nego tiable. Non-smokers. Agents welcome. 905-659-7046 $1250/M0. Sharp 3-bed room near Burlington Mall 1-1/2 baths, finished base ment. garage. 4-appllances. Gas heating. Desirable complex Available Apr/ May. Nigel Maunder. Su t ton Group. 905-681-7900 3 -BEDROO M . Family complex. Parking. $1035 / mo.+ hydro/ heat, available Apr. 1st 3000- 3014 C en tennial Drive, Burlington. 905-319-1869____________ N EW Renovations Avail able March. 3-bedrooms, parking. No basement. $950/mo utilities North Burlington. 905-319-9104. 3-BEDROO M .New town house. central air, 2.5 baths, 3-new appliances. 2-car parking. 'Orchard View*. Burlington $1350/mo. utilities. 905-319-3838 B O X S P R IN G A mattress. Queen-size, good condi tion. $100. Call 905-3322008 F R E E long eared rabbit. 2 years old. litter tramod. friendly, allergies. 905332-0313 FR E E Washor/ dryer, works well Ju s t need to come and Pick-up. 905681-7293_________________ F R E E - W E IG H T leg m a chines (2) Leg extension, leg press $100. 905-3327903 2 Bedroom + Den L U X U R Y 3-4 bedroom townhouses. familyroom, basement, backyard. From $1099* parking & hydro. 905-639-0950 BRA NT/ Fairviow. Luxury 3-bedroom townhouse. 5 appliances. C/A. basoment, 2 parking Asking $1250 Apr 1st 416-414-3975 BRANT/ Q EW . Burlington 3-bedrooms. 1-1/2 baths. 5 appliances. C/A. fireplace, garago. fenced rear, near GO . $1090./mo. utilitios Mar./Apr. possession dates Call Warren Hill. Trafalgar Property Management. 905-338-1130 F R E E to good homemale German Sheppard X, Wonderful with children. Allergies in family. Call 905-777-0824______________ M 1 1 11 cars for sale 1997 Acura 1.6 Premium, metallic silver Excellent condition, fully loaded, gold package, new tires, brakes, clean air cert., 88K. one-of-a-kind. $14,300. 905-331-1064 1994 Dodge Caravan, pw. pi. tint. 2-tone, special edi tion. 185K. good condition. $3000 obo 905-847-8334 1994 Taurus Wagon167K, runs well. As is, S2500/obo. Call 905-6921533, after 6pm.___________ · 2000 Honda Civic Si- 5 speed, lady driven, very clean, loaded, sunroof. CD, a/c, etc. $14000. 905-3396005 1991 Nissan Maxima white with black interior, painted last year. S1250. Call 905-634-2898 _______ * 1995 Ford Escort LX. 2-dr, 5-spd. A/C. am/fm/CD. sun roof. spoiler. 127K E-tested, Certified. $4800. 905845-5433 1993 Ford Taurus SHO excellent shape, full leathor interior, new tires. Call 905333-8158; cell 905-5410187 Call Today 9 0 5 *8 1 5 *1 6 2 8 No Appointment Necessary Marlborough Crt and 1360 White Oaks Trendy Burlington Neighbourhood 505 L o c u s t S t. (B ra n t & O n ta rio ) W alk to the lake & S pe ncer S m ith Park A ttached to In doo r m all · C en tral Air L a rg e 3 B e d ro o m S u ite s F rom S1485Vm o · A v a ila b le M a rch 10-DISC CD changer. Audiovox. now $799, ask ing $350; 9" TV/VCR con sole floor unit for minivan/ SUV . new $599. asking $325. 905-332-0929 2 Gemini PT-1000 D J turntables w/o needles $450; 1 Numark DM 1125 Mixer w/ 3 channels. 5 band eq.. 4 bank sampler $250; 1 Numark DM1001X mixer. 2 channels, sepa rate eq $150 905-827-1799 A king pillow-top mattress set with frame Now In plastic. Cost $1599. Sacri fice $650. 905-567-9459 B E D . queen pillow-top mattress, box. frame. Never used. Still packaged. Cost $1,025. Sell $450. 905567-4042 BED R O O M furniture, rosewood, excellent condi tion armoire. 9-drawer dresser, with mirror. $600. 905-335-5209 (leave mes sage);__________________ BED R O O M set 8-pce. cherrywood. Bed. chest, tri dresser. mirror, night stands, dovetail construc tion. Never opened, in box es Cost $9,000. Sacrifice $2800 905-567-9459 BED S. Now. Double, $220. Queen. $240 Com plete w/frame Futons. Free Delivery. Refurbished VCRs. TVs, rocord players, portable CD players. 905681-9496._________________ BLEAC HED oak bedtrame. mattress, boxspring. 2 end lables and armoire. queen size, $900. Burlington- 289-439-1720________ BU N K B E D red steel frame, twin on top. double on bottom, includes mat tresses, $100. Whito. 5 drawer dresser. $35. Crib & mattress. $75 Fisher Price highchair S25. 905-3330712 C A R P E T . I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. Will do llvlngroom & hall for $389. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards) Stovo. 905-639-2902 C H IRO PR A C T O R SI Demo ' Chirotec". Chiropractic Table. Tilt Head, Cervical Drop. Breakaway Thoracic Pelvic Drop. Adjustable Height ` Sa g e ' Heritage Fabnc Full 1 year Warranty; was $2595. Now $1550. Please call 905-330-9669 DININGROOM sets Queen Anne style; beige sofa, taupe sofa; head board and other household items 905-319-8228 DININGROOM set. solidwood table (maximum to 7') 6 chairs, hutch w/glass. ex cellent condition. $1150 905-842-1373 DININGRO OM . 13-pce cherrywood. double ped estal. 8 chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail con struction. Still in boxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrifice $3,000,416-746-0995 F U R female, full length mink coat, black. 5-yrs. old. excellent condition, size 121 14.52.500 905-331-1130 G .E. Range, 5 years old. black on almond. $350. 905-829-8985_____________ H EIN TZM A N Piano. $1.000/obo. Brunswick pool table. $750/obo.; Avon Galleries sofa, loveseat like new. $750/obo. 905-3372731______________________ " HOTPOINTfridge/ stove $500/both; entertain ment unit holds 25 TV/ stereo (cherrywood) $450; antique diningroom set (walnut) $2200; 905-6810904 KILN with approximately 200 moulds, excellent con dition. $1200 Call 905257-4339 L A R G E Black t.v. enter tainment unit & matching book shelf $300 obo Call 905-315-7290_____________ M AYTAG washer- white, 8 cycles in good condition. $ 175/ 905-632-4271. MOVING: couch, love seat, triple dresser, sleigh crib, outdoor playsot, La-Z-Boy. patio furniture, formal dining chairs 905-469-6211 P O O L Table, 4 x8 3/4" Italian slate, solid oak.1wal nut. leather pockets, all ac cessories. Mint. $2900; Plano. $700/obo. 905-563- QUIET FAMILY LIVING! 2418Glenwood School Dr.. Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 3-BEDROOMS $999./mo. 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement Tel: 905-333-9008 S -- r i ^ Q -- h a il' rd i 1 H m apartments condos for ule Q d U W i 905-639-9212 W H IT E Oaks condo- 2 bedrooms, don. ensuite laundry, nowly renovated, senior building. $174,000 Fran 416-428-3726_________ W E specialize in Condo minium Sales & Rentals C a ll Lind a D avies R e al E s Take a good look at a Great Lake! BR O N TE , on th e la ke . Freshly decorated apart ments feature ardwood, ceramics, window coverings & more Pool, tennis, underground parking. Open House Mon -Wed.-Fri. 10-4 & Sat.-Sun. 10-2 GEORGIAN COURT ESTATES Info, call: 905-827-9169, www.ontim.com ta te Ltd.. Realtor. (905)333-4347_____________ K k L I lots & acreages 92-ACRES with woodland, pond, stream. Located in Millgrove. Asking $219,900. Call Craig Bush Sales Rep., Re/Max 905-575-5478 APARTMENTS STARTING AT ONLY $875. ONE MONTH FREE!! (on 1-bedroom units) Convenient location near GO Stn · Gorgeous views · Indoor pool & sauna · Newly renovated suites · Tenant controlled Heat and A/C · Security · Includes all utilities and cabie EXECUTIVE PENTHOUSE 611 Surrey Lane, Burl Immaculate 2&3 BRs, with full basements! Utilities included. Rental Incentive Tel: 905-632-8547 1997 Pathfinder LE V6 auto., loaded. 55.000 kms.. sunroof. CD. certified, Etested. $15,900 C all 905331-6219 TYCOURT 1360 to 1422 Tyandaga Park Dr., Burlington Park-like setting near golt course & QEW- O F F IC E space* QEW/ Trafalgar Rd area 560 sq.ft. S875 P/M Gross. Available April 15th. will renovate Trafalgar (Oakville) Realty Inc. Jim Lachapelle 905338-1130 Ext. 24___________ OAKVILLE Downtown. Retail space approx. 1400 sq.ft. parking available. $1475/mo. .utilities 905-337-7135 PRIME location Office space & contractors yard for lease. QEW exposure at Trafalgar Call 905-845-9240__________ FU R N ISH ED / unfurnished office space 850sq.fi at Dorval and Q EW . Oakville. Call Frank. 905-842-5050. ext 223 _ 1200 S P E E R S Rd 1500 sq. ft also 650 sq. ft. officspace. Available imme diately. 905-338-6519, 416-633-8360 Spacious executive duplex penthouse. 20th floor spectacular views, private patios, 5 appliances. Amenities included. BURLINGTON SQUARE 760 B rant St. (a t G hent Ave.) Call us a t 905-639-4677 ROUNDTREE MANOR T0WNH0MES Across Irom Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 LIVE-IN Housokooper/ Nanny required for family with 3 children. Call Renee 905-257-5568 LIVE-IN Nanny required for 17-mos. old girl (8am6pm.) First Aid. C P R Ex perience w/toddlers. driver, legal. References. Glen Abbey. 905-469-4722 LIVE-IN/ live-out nanny required in Oakville home. Non-smoker for 13 month old boy. Immediate 905257-3358 LIVE-IN/ out Nanny re quired for 3 children in S.E Oakville. References required 416-704-9450 NANNY, experienced, re quired for newborn First Aid/ references required Light housekeeping. Bur lington, Immediate. Fax re sume. 905-631-9549 Dynamic Growing Insurance brokerage in Oakville requires RlBO licensed Personal Lines CSR If you have min. 2yrs. exp & want to join a bright, energetic team. Fax resume attn:Tracey 905-845-5030 Bachelprs & 3-Bdrms IM M A C U LA T E Burlington Downtown. 2-bedroom, ground floor basement. $795/mo.. Kerr/ Lakeshore. Oakville 2-bedroom on ground floor, fridge, stove, basement $850/mo.+. Al bert McDonagh Ltd 905632-5690 Spectacular Lake Views 5200 Lakeshore On the Water Appleby & Lakeshore · Freshly painted suites · Mature treed setting · Recently renovated corridors · Galley kitchens · Sparkling hardwood · Outdoor pool & patio 2 Bdrms Avail. Mar. from $1040/mo. CANADIANA. Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1.2&3 bedrooms available imme diately/ March 5220 Lakeshore, Burlington. 905-632-5486. OLD Oakville Beautifully maintained, very clean, quiet building downtown. Step out to shops. 1-bed room from $985./mo; 2bedroom from $1185./mo. No lease 905-845-8254 (leave message)___________ W A T E R DOW N: John St. W alk to Everything. New Appliances. New Windows Comp. Reno. 1. 2& 3 Bdrms starling at $770. Util. Incl. (905)689-1647. 905-690-4454 P R IM E Downtown Bur lington. Upgraded building. 1.2&3 Bedroom Suites New windows. Scenic views. 478 Pearl. 905-6321643. 477 Elizabeth. 905634-9374__________________ 1&2 bedrooms available Starling at $875/mo. park ing Indoor pool, sauna Ravine setting. QEW/ Tra falgar area. 905-844-1106 1&3-BEDRO O M avail able Feb/Mar/1 st, 3020 Glencrest Rd. Burlington $845/mo 905-632-0129 2-BEDROO M Apartment Available Immed./ March/ April, from $895./mo. Con veniently located W ood ward/ Guelph Line, Burling ton 905-632-4265 Irom $675.. Avail. April Call today to view: 9 0 5 -3 3 5 -3 0 0 1 E-mail; tycourt® sympatico.ca lor inlo. BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON' Amelin Property Mgmt B U R L IN G T O N . N.E, Ex ecutive semi 2-bedrooms. 2-baths, eat-m kitchen, deck. 5 appliances. C/A. Immediate $1200/mo. 905580-1958 EX E C U T IV ET o w n h o m es South Burlington, New end unit. 2-bedrooms, office, hardwood, C/A. 5 applianc es. garage. Loaded with luxury. Landscaped Backs onto greenbelt. A pr.1st $1600/mo.; North Burling ton, ravine lot, fully land scaped. Bright open con cept. 2-bedroom. 5 ap pliances. basement. C/A, Apr.lst. $1400/mo. Marcel la. 905-544-9949___________ FRESH LY Renovatedl Brant/ Q EW . Burlington. 1 bedroom. March. $720/mo.; 2-bedroom den Imme diate. $925./mo. (utilities extra, fenced yard. 1 park ing included) 905-319-9769 3 new 2 bedroom townhomes in Burlington. 4 appliances. A vailable Immediately $1200/mo. utilities. Martel Commercial Realty Inc. Broker. Ainsley Moore. Sales Representative 905-3326601 W a lk t o G O 20 67 P ro sp e ct St a t B ra n t St. D rivers/O w ner Operators oo B U R L IN G T O N imme diate. Upscale 2-bedroom Condo, front/rear garden. A/C. 5-appliance. fireplace. $1050/mo. 905-466-6607 O A K V IL L E . Brand new luxury 1-bedroom den. Private balcony facing park. Near Third Line & Upper Middle. 4 appliances. C/A. Exercise room included Apr. 1st $1095/mo.+ utili ties 905-315-8996 S P A C IO U S main level 2 bedroom condo, walk-out patio. 2 baths, jacuzzi. 5 appliances. C/A, $1200/mo first/ last. Move in March/15 Dont pay till April. 905332-5095_______________ N E W L Y renovated 2-bedroom condo overlooking Lake Ontario. All inclu sive. $1500/mo. First/ last March 1st 905-827-9577 I J u l houses for rent B R O N T E . Quaint 2-bedroom self-contained house Large backyard. Walk to harbour. $1200/mo futili ties. Immediate 905-6318466 905-827-4475 R EN T Alternative. Rent to Own options or 0 Down Program with credit & earn ings verification. Ja y Nelligan, Associate Broker, Re/ Max Escarpm ent Realty, Realtor. 905-639-7676 email: ucanbuy2 @ hotmail.com SUPERCENTRE- Split-level. 1.5 baths, garage, fireplace, familyroom. $1360/mo.; Downtown Burlington- 2bedroom bungalow, recroom $995/mo.; Off Guelph Line3-bedroom townhouse. 1.5 baths, rec-room, balcony $ 1030/mo. Albert McDonagh Ltd 905-632-5690 MAIN level of houseDowntown Oakville 2 bed room. Fireplace, Garden. Walk to harbour, shops, library. Parking- Non-smok ing, ideal for pro-fessional couple. $1,500/mo. utilities included. May. 1.905-849-5499 B U R L IN G T O N Prospect St- bungalow near School/ GO, 3-bedroom, 2 baths, finished basement with bedroom, large rec. room, FP, bar, 5 appliances. C/A. parking, fenced yard. April/ 1st. no pets, first/last $1350/ mo. utilities 905-634-3610 BU R LIN G T O N 3-bdrm detached, garage, 5 ap pliances, yard, finished basement Mar.1. $1350/ mo. utilities. Call 289-2590829. 905-631-8821 MAIN floor of lovely 2-bed room. semi-detached bun galow. Central Burlington, C/A, appliances, parking. Non-smokers References. Immediate $975/mo. inclu sive 905-632-4042 Huge 2-Bdrm T.H. Immed. - $1095/no A B S O L U T E L Y free info online work from homo S25-$75/hr. PT/FT 1-888249-1514 www.succes sonthense.com_____________ [ X ] mortgage, loans 905-681-7126 C A R L IS L E , senior's resi dence (60-yrs+). located on beautilul ravine lot 1-bed room at $618./mo. available immediately Includes fridge. · Stove. 905-689-7341 F R E E First Month with ap proved credit! Georgian Apartments. 1.2&3 Be d rooms. Feb./Mar./Apr. Heat/ hydro included Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington. 905-639-0456. M-F: 9am4pm, 6:30-8pm_______ * BRANT St.. Burlington. 2& 3 bedrooms from S950. in cludes 1 free outdoor park ing, utilities & cable TV. To view call 905-639-1960 1 parking included. » Corner Suites Avail. * Gleaming parquet flooring » Over-size balconies » Undergound parking and outside-parking » On-site customer service.... 9 0 5-6 31-0 03 3 OW NER OPERATORS ONLY Needed Immediately! .76(/mi(US) C A L L Sinclair- Cockburn. 905-844-1245 1-yr 4.15; 5yr 5.35. ARM 1 99 Also eq uity mortgage programs, reg a rd less of income or credit S$M O NE YSS 100% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Mortgages Bad credit OK Call Ontario Wide 1-888-307-7799 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT Avail Mar. 1st M O TH ERS helper re quired April 1st-September for busy home of 3yr old girl & inlant boy. Must pro vide indoor/ outdoor play, exceptional care, light housekeeping. meals 15hrs/ week, hours flexible $10/hr. References. 905257-2700 · 2200-3000 mi/week · Future dedicated! · All bridge tolls paid! 0/0 Day Cab available Start making $$$ Call: (800)231-5209 ext.6 3 2 2 BURLOAK PLACE M A U O tK T Y iS Call Now! 905 On The Lake 2-storey. 2-bedroom unit with 4 appliancesl From$t075./mo. sparking. C H IL D C A R E available in S.Burlington home. Loving playful environment. Nutri tious meals & snacks. First aid/CPR 905-633-9118 EC E Registered home daycare (Guelph Line/ Mountainside) has spaces available- now/ June. Inf ants welcome. Hot meals, crafts, lots of T.L.C. 905331-9147._________________ E X P E R IE N C E D daycare provider has spaces avail able. nutritious meals, arts/ crafts. Equipment supplied. References. Receipts. Palmer area 905-336-0864. P R IV A T E daycare In my North Burlington home. 25 years experience. For fur ther detafc cal: 905-331-1092 639-8583 2-BEDROO M apartments 110 South Foster Park. Oakville. Available imme diately 905-849-8411. 10am-8pm 1-BEDROO M apartment newly renovated $925/mo utilities included. M ar.l Burlington 905-510-0880. 416-898-2244. 905-6317213 Move in Bonus! 416-921-9812 L A R G E 3-bedroom. April From $1199. (+ util) 5 appls. garage. Longmoor Dr.. Burlington. 905-6810070 www.pmonllne.com B U R L IN G T O N 2-bedroom available April Parklike setting. 3 appliances. 1.5 baths. One outside parking. Near schools, shopping. 905-333-1190. NEW ! 3-bedroom. 2.5 baths, eat-in kitchen. 2-yr lease References. No pets/ smoking. $1400/mo M ar.1st. Fairview. west of Appleby. 905-337-7468 T R A F A L G A R / McCraney. 3-bdrm. 1.5 bath. 5-ap pliances. new broadloom, professionally painted and landscaped Available Mar/ 1st, $1500/mo -futilities. 416-875-9107. 905-4580409 B U R L IN G T O N East 3bedroom townhouse, fridge, stove, includes hy dro. Available Apr.1st. or May. 1st. Call for appt. 905632-1750. B U R L IN G T O N - 4 bed room, 3 floors. Guelph Line/ Upper Middlo. April 1st. more into. 905-335-6438 B U R L IN G T O N (Millcreek) 2-bedroom townhouse. 5 appliances. Available M ar.1st. $1350/mo utili ties 905-464-4134; 416658-4871, after 6pm. B U R L IN G T O N , Plains/ Francis. 3-bedrooms. 1.£ baths, finished basement, fenced yard. $1000/mo. + utilities. Apr. 1st 905-6433648. BRONTE/ Dundas Room, parking, shared bathroom/ kitchen, no smoking/ pets. S350/mo. includes utilities & housecleaning. 905847-5803.____________ C L E A N spacious room In townhouse Shared kitchen and bath, cable, parking and utilities included Im mediate. $475/mo. 905315-7379_________________ A P PL E B Y / New Near GO. on bus route. Kitchen/ laundry facilities. $475/mo. Non-smoker. 905-637-7485 OAKVILLE: single room, washroom, kitchen. TV, cable, separate entrance, main floor. 1 parking. March 1st $500/mo 905849-8607. 905-510-4410 OAKVILLE: Attractive room, garden view, furnished, utilities, parking, laundry, cable, $445. Mall, library, buses 905-616-2330 O A K V ILL E : room in town house, share facilities. Parking & utilities, internet included. Immediate. 905* 849-4102__________________ L A R G E furnished room in executive home. Pool & many extras Responsible adult individual. Trafalgar/ Upper Middle $450 905338-5956 Space... Space... -i- More Space! Eat-in kitchens Big closets Super size balconies Beautiful views 1 & 2 BEDROOMS IN OAKVILLE from only S835 ! P R O F E S S IO N A L Building Management couple required for Oakville site. He must be highly experi enced in HVAC /main tenance, she must have of fice/ cleaning experience. Must have strong com mand of English language: no-less than 5-years ex perience Fax resume along with salary expecta tions 416-487-2922 A C C E S S to .i computer? Put it to work! $1500+ parttime. $3000- $5000. full time. Call 1-888-420-6147 www.speodupsuccess.com Beautiful Lakefront Oakville 2 & 3 Bedroom Suites Low Rise Condos Wall to Wall Carpet Vertical Blinds Balconies or Patios 5 Appliances 5348 Lakeshore 1 & 2 Bedrooms From $875. Avail. Immed /Mar Ouiel building New appliances. Laundry on each floor. Parking. C all 9am-5pm: W IS H YOU W ERE H ER E ! B urlington Towers 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms · METER INSTALLER ·SUPERVISOR · WATERWORKS 905-844-2646 No appt necessary BRANT/Fairview, 1-bedroom includes heat, parking. 2 appliances, freshly painted, clean quiet building. 905-6646253: 905-634-4178 HUGE 1-bedroom basement apartment. Near Q E W & Appleby GO. Separate entrance, laundry, parking. Immediate. 905-632-5638. BRONTE/ Oakville- Quiet, clean building overlooking Lake Ontario. 1BR. $850 & 2BR S1000 plus parking. 1st & last, call 905-465-1316. H EA RT of Bronte 50 East St., close to lake/ Bronte Harbour 1-bedroom, im mediate/ April. $975/mo.; 2bedroom. Immediate. $1095/mo. (+parklng) 905825-0816 N O R T H SH O R E Towers. Mar · Apr.- May 2-bedroom. ($33 parking). Utilities included No Pets. Quiet Building. Diane, 9am-7pm. 905-681 -1307» Burlington. Pilgrams Way 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -5 0 4 3 905-639-3301 ·k 7*r ·& 7<f N EW LYRenovatedfor rent 1. 2 & 3 bdrm apart ments Close to all ameni ties $1150 to $1390./mo inclusive. Parking extra. Im mediate occupancy. 205 Queen Mary Drive 905844-9670__________________ O A K V IL L E : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca Renovated. Large suites. Walk to everything New security system. 1&2 bedrooms from $845/mo. 905-845-1777____________ F U R N IS H E D , large selfcontained bachelor base ment Includes utilities/ facilities. Quiet male. No smoking/ pets. Burlington. 905-319-7767 B R IG H T , spacious 2-BR apartment in prestige area of Burlington. C/A utilities included Available Apr.1st. With on-site Maintenance 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -8 5 8 3 www.onlim.com A F T E R school care re quired for 2 children. 3-6 pm. Tues-Fri in Glen Ab bey. Drive to lessons. 905847-8874__________________ C A R E G IV E R / Nanny quired for 1 year old glirl. my home (Oakville). P/T Mon-Thurs Day 416-9646565 ext 255 Andrea After 6pm and weekends 905827-7608_________________ E N E R G E T IC Daycare provider required in my Southeast Burlington home for 3.6 and lOyear old Minimum 2-tull days and occasional evenings be ginning Mar/I8th. 905§31-8208_________________ M A T U R E caregiver re quired in our Burlington home for 1& 4-yr old boys. Day/ afternoon/ evening care required Must be flexible. References 905315-8761 WANTED- Mrs Doubtfire 2-4days per/week for a 4 year old (half days) and 1 year old full-time. South Burlington preforred. Only truly exceptional care con sidered. Open to Nanny, nanny, share or Daycare. 905-637-3159 TECHNICIAN Required fulltime. Mechanical aptitude, good appearance and communication skills. Min Gr. 12 Will train. Plumbing exp an asset. Fax resume to: 905-743-9057 Glen Abbey 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -3 3 2 7 BU R L IN G T O N . Park-like setting, Tyandaga. 2-bed rooms. Quiet lowrise. Ma ture tenants Attentive on site staff. Suit executive/ single/ couple. $ 1025/mo. * parking. Mar. 1st. 905-3366379. ___ O A K V IL L E Bronte/ Lakeshore. 2-bedroom In sixplex. balcony. $800/mo. plus hydro. Mar.1. Credit check 905-465-3347/ 905-277-0509 S P A C IO U S 1.2&3 Bed rooms. Freshly painted, bright Competitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation 905-333-9846. Noon-8pm B U R L IN G T O N 2-bedroom basement, utilities, parking, internet included March 1st. $980/mo 905639-7004 I 2 I 1&2-BR Suites Hydro in cluded. Across from Bu r lington Mall Mature ten ants. ` Princess' . 905-6398009 'Regency* 905-681-8115 1-BEDROOM $795. 2-bed room $885; hydro, park ing extra. 80 Speers Rd. Oakville. Speers & Kerr. 905-842-0565_____________ O A K V IL L E W est, bright basment apt. 1-bedroom separate entrance, full kitchen, bath, Suit 1 adult, non-smoker, no pets. S850/mo. Immediate. Ref erences. first/ last. 905847-0134. leave message O A K V IL L E : 2-bedroom, available April 1st. $800/mo. hydro. 1 car parking included. 905-564-0134 or 905-844-2676 JOBS AVAILABLE Production work in the MILTON area. $11-512/hr. All shifts available. Fax resume to: HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 T IR ED of working nights and weekends? Jo in the Molly Maid team Transpor tation and training provid ed Call 905-681-7484 Not suitable for students I shared accommodation 9237________________ Q U EEN sofabed light blue/ beige w/matchlng pillows & throw, quality Simmons mattress $250 obo. For im mediate pick-up (Bronte) 905-825-8096 905-332-8979________ 2-BEDROO M Downtown Oakville, Available April 1st. No parking. S875/mo. First/last Call 416-738-0316 G U E L P H Ln. area- beau tiful house to share Renter gets 1-2 bdrm+ full house privileges. Fem ale pre ferred $500/mo. 905-3157290

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