The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y O c to b e r 29, 2003 - A7 Traffic unit hands out 1 3 5 tickets (Continued from page A1) Apparently, road works a short dis tance away had frustrated him to the point of blowing through a stop sign. "It is fortunate for him and his fami ly he did not meet another frustrated motorist coming through the other way," said Perkins. Despite the unit's sixth week of oper ation. the message does not seem to be sinking in with local motorists. Two people in the sixth week were ticketed for violations just a few days apart. During its sixth week o f operation the special traffic unit laid 135 charges and another 111 motorists were stopped and warned about their driving behav iour. O f the 135 tickets issued, 30 drivers live outside of Oakville. According to Perkins, this was the highest num ber o f charges against motorists from outside Oakville during the six weeks the unit has operated. Perkins believes this may have been due to where the unit set up enforce ment last week. One street, he said. Eighth Line between Dundas and Glenashton is used by commuters from outside the town to gain access to loca tions in Oakville. p re se n ts.., Bolton man M O RNINC MADNESS SALE SATURDAY, NOV. V charged in 5 0 % OFF home invasion 8 A M - 10 AM ENTIRE STOCK PECGYS D IS T IN C T IV E LADIES FASH IO NS 10 A M - 1 2 NOON Wake up with the S U N and S A V E Cindy Eeson FROM KIDS ONLY T O JU S T GROW N U P GALS Cindy Eeson was the award-winning founder and CEO o f Kids Only Clothing, a S15 million dollar, international business and is now co-founder of Divine Diva Days Inc. Join us when Cindy will share her story - from starting and running her multi-million dollar success in children's clothing, while balancing family and work - to her new venture which acknowledges the need for women to do a little som ething for themselves. The Halton Regional Police have arrested a Bolton resident in connection with a home invasion on Lancaster Drive in Oakville two weeks ago. The suspect was arrested at his Bolton home by members of the Halton Regional Police with the help of the Caledon OPP Crime Unit and the Provincial Weapons Enforcement Unit (PWEU). Daniele Carlo Ranieri, 19, of Trail view Lane, Bolton, has been chained with break and enter to commit robbery, forcible con finement, breach of probation and posses sion of stolen property under $5,000. The charges are in connection to a home invasion of a Lancaster Drive home on Oct. 14. In that incident, four suspects burst into the home, one carrying a shot gun, at 10:40 p.m. The suspects forced the occupants to remain in the kitchen, while they searched the house stealing cash and computers. One resident suffered minor injuries with cuts to his arm and cheek. Police are still trying to determine the identities of the other suspects. Anyone with information should call Halton Regional Police at 905-825-4777 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). 20% O F F ENTIRE STOCK Discounts Apply to Regular Priced Merchandise · NO Extensions on Time Limits ASSORTED FALL FASHIONS UP T O 5 0 % OFF a l l s a le s fin a l Hopedale Mall · 905-465-3499 a l l s a le s fin a l Tuesday, November 11, 2003 Oakville C onference & B anquet C entre 2515 Wyecroft Road, Oakville (South o f QEW at Bronte Road) 5.30-6.30pm Networking · 6.45- 9.00 pm Dinner, followed by Speaker Cost: S35 for m em bers/$45 for non m em bers (+ GST) To register, phone (905) 338 1771 o r e-mail annedav@ com panvofwom o r download registration form at Pre- payment required, deadline for registration is November 7 OAKVILLE T H E C O R P O R A TIO N O F T H E TO W N O F O AKVILLE T E N D E R FO R : Plow Truck Units Com plete With Operators for W inter Road Maintenance TEN D ER NUM BER: T-27-2003 W ard 6 all-candidates meeting Thursday The Iroquois Ridge Residents' Association (1RRA) is holding a Ward 6 all-candidates meeting on Thursday at Iroquois Ridge High School, 1123 Glenashton Dr.. starting at 7 p.m. All candidates seeking election for regional chair, mayor and Ward 6 local and regional council will be speaking to interested residents. For more information, contact Joyce Stephenson, IRRA president, at 905339-7498 or e-mail O v e r 12,0 0 0 sq. ft. of H a llo w e e n m e rc h a n d is e ! T h o u s a n d s of K id 's & A d u lt C o s tu m e s ! All on Sale! H u n d re d s of Professional R ental C o s tu m e s fro m $50 H u g e S e le c tio n of H a ts, W ig s & A c c e s s o rie s M a ke -u p , P ro s th e tic s & S p e c ia l F/X D e m o s In do o r & O u td o o r H a llo w e e n D e c o ra tio n s S E A LED TE N D E R S on forms provided will be received by the Tow n Clerk, 1225 Trafalgar Road (2nd Floor), Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6 until 2:00 p.m., local time, on TU ESD AY, NO VEM B ER 11, 2003 Specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the Tow n of Oakville Purchasing Services (Finance Department), 1225 Trafalgar Road (1st Floor). Oakville, Ontario; Telephone 905-338-4197. A certified cheque or Bank/Trust Co. draft for the amount specified In the tender document M U S T accom pany each tender and will be retained without interest as a performance bond for the due and proper performance of this con tra ct Tenders will be opened publicly at a meeting of the Tender Opening Committee at the Oakville Municipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario on Tuesday, November 11, 2003, at 2:30 p.m. local time. The Tow n of Oakville reserves the right to reject any or all tenders and the lowest price will not necessarily be accepted. Manager, Purchasing Services This advertisement may be viewed on the following Town of Oakville approved website: r II I L I R e g u la r H o u rs " 9 2 3 O x fo rd S tre e t M -F 9 a m - 9 p m Islingt (O ff E v a n s b e tw e e n K ip lin g & Is lin g to n ) S a t 9 a m - 6 p m Sun 10am - 5pm J H a llo w e e n H o u rs O c t o b e r 2 3 - 31 9 a m - M id n ig h t 4 1O - Z .O t J -O t J D t J 416 259-5959 20% SAVE N O TIC E O F T H E PASSING O F A ZO N IN G BY-LAW Interim Control B y-la w s on Properties zoned R01 East of the Sixteen Mile Creek & South of Q.E.W . File: 42.02.72 Th e Corporation of the Tow n of Oakville TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Oakville passed By-law 2003-206 on the 6th day of O ctober, 2003 and By-law 2003-217 on the 20th day of O ctober, 2003 under Section 38 of R.S.O. 1990, The Planning A ct, as amended; I ___________________ '-: . ` P r e s e n t th is c o u p o n a n d S A V E 2 0 % O F F a ll r e g u la r p r ic e d it e m s In th e s t o r e . C a n n o t b e c o m b in e d w it h a n y o t h e r d is c o u n t o ffe r. D o e s n o t a p p l y to " r o d tic k e t s a le i t e m s o r r e n ta ls . E m p ire s N o v . 1/03. m w arn h m mmm i J Location of the Land Affected, by By-laws 2QQ3-2Q6 & 2003-217: The subject lands are located e ast of the Sixteen Mile Creek and south of the Q.E.W. within the Town of Oakville. U>g vjvjvf.Ali The Purpose & Effect of Bv-law 2003-206 is to am end the Town of Oakville's Comprehensive Zoning By-law 1984-63 to provide for interim control on properties zoned Residential R01, which would restrict development or redevelopment to no greater than 20% of lot coverage. inSt.E Milton . at lii-j uuiwr . Main St. & Thompson Rd ^ The P u rp o se & Effect of Bv-law 2003-217 is to am end By-law 2003206 a s noted above so that the interim control restrictions do not apply to properties for which Building Permit applications had been filed prior to October 6, 2003 AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of either or both of these by-laws by filing with the Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Oakville not later than the 5th day of D ecem ber, 2003 for By-law 2003-206 o r th e 19th day of D ecem ber, 2003 for By-law 2003-217, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objection together with a cheque in the amount of $125.00, for each by law, payable to the Minister of Finance. Only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a zoning by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the nam e of an individual who is a m em ber of the association or the group on its behalf. The com plete by-laws are available for inspection at the Town of Oakville, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville in the Planning Services Department from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Any questions may be directed to Bin Newall, Planning Services Department at 845-6601, ext. 3024 email: DATED at the Town of Oakville this 29th day of O ctober, 2003. Cathie L. Best Town Clerk of the TOWN of OAKVILLE 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD · OAKVILLE, ON T A RI O · L6J 5A6 ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 loti don't hare lo he a Millionaire... To shop like one! We sal beaubhi ipscale new & used lumisftngs on consignment at a fraction o( regular prices. Featunng a file selection of Bedroom Suites, Dining Room, Chandiere, Tades. Accessories. Wal Units & Armoites, Sofas, Fine Art Chidren's Furniture, Lamps, Area Carpels, Custom & Estate Jewafery. Garden & Outdoor. Lines include DeBoeis, Gttard, Ttomasvie, Ethan Alan. Art Shoppe among others. Our traing network alcws us to sell your furniture quckly at a fair price without the iw m nience. 451 Wyecroft Road Oakville 905-815-1949 (B etw een 4th L in e & D orva l) FUTURESHOP CORRECTION NOTICE Due to a m anufacturer's error, the specifications o f the Gatew ay 500H T3 D esktop C om puter (10035028) adver tised on page 8 of the O ctober 24th - 30th flyer are incor rect. The correct specifications a re as follows. 80G B Hard Drive (not 120GB) C D-RW and DVD-RO M D rives (not DVD-RW D rive) C ustom ers may purchase the com puter in its current form at S1299.99 - an additional savings of $100 - or w e can provide a raincheck for a replacem ent product (available w ithin 7 business days) that offers superior specifications to the advertised model. We sincerity apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. Join GoodLife and pay no dues 'til New Year's 2004. OFFER EXPIRES OCTOBER 31. 2003 Initia tion & a d m in istra tio n le e s a pply Oakville Town Centre - 300 North Service Rd. W . 905-337-7244