OAKVILLE M ercedes-Benz Q.E.W. & D orval Dr. m m m Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 5559) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: rjerred@haltonsearch.com \ \ 'l - : i) N K S l > A Y A U G U S T 14. 2<X>1 · P < ii>e A 1 2 Fleet NISSAN d 616 York St. Oakville B Bob McIntosh Direct: 905-827-7191 We lease all makes and models. Hot jazz heats up downtown m w J L ! v l I I 1 M i Photos by Barrie Erskine · Oakville Beaver The 10th annual Oakville Jazz Festival was a huge success as music filled the downtown area on Friday and Saturday nights. Counterclockwise from top right. Oakville's Russ Little plays a hot trom bone, bassist M onty G raham o f Dan Chalykoff and Friends, and metal queen turned jazz singer Lee Aaron was almost upstaged by the dance antics o f 3 1/2-year-old Adam Marks. <SBN 620 279 « ia 000 2005 «; Th e re are many ways to enjoy the benefits of CAA EV ER Y DAY! A p p r o v e d 1993 A u to R e p a ir * S hop & Save P AT C * In s u r a n c e ^ /A tt r a c t io n T ic k e ts ^ /R o a d s id e A s s is t a n c e * O u t o f P r o v in c e M e d ic a l In s u r a n c e tra v e l S w ip e & SaveTM at n Travel UPI Save at over 450 locations E V E R Y D A Y S a v in g s nsurance BnAmin c . as SeaWorld Share a Dream Come True- WONDERLAND SixFlags D A R IE N LA K E pi..emany mojjr r iu o in-storeT peci ecials! * w kl iik * s750' off Top of the line Maytag Washer/Dryer SAVE S ta rtin g at *748 M AYTAG n E P iu r iE Travel w ith someone you CAA is one of Canada's most trustee travel agencies. The one-stop travel agency features savings, benefits and services that are tough to match. Members save on cruises, reservations, package holidays, group tours and have access to hot travel deals. CAA Members can also receive TripTiks and Tour Books® and make hotel and car reservations. Our TripTik® Service is available on-line! '/ e Y A tu & i, d f a c f e i a n d tfu itin 3ecA en 'O afcuM c, 'D ufaruc The B e c k e r fam ily are seasonal travellers a n d they turn to CAA Travel fo r a ll the ir needs. "We fin d the service to b e top n o tc h ", says Jacki. W hen it 's tim e to travel - the ir first sto p is CAA. f yim c M F r m + Econo Lodge ,h eMAYTAG store. LNN-AIR HOOVER j4 m o ^ mm < $§§> >EVERY DAY! JOIN TODAY E |M A Y I A ( || > # mm 2525 H am pshire G ate, Oakville (905) 829-9909 Regular Store Hours: Call 1 800 263-8599 Si Join on-line and S A V E the s12 initiation fee on your new m em bership w w w . c a a s c o . o n . c a / e v e r y d a y Hamilton · D undas · Stoney C reek · Burlington · Oakville · Brantford Mon. - Fri. 10am-8pm, Sat. 10am-6pm, Sunday Closed