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Oakville Beaver, 22 Jan 2003, A5

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A healthy approach to helping others M D s p e n d s tim e in w a r -to rn c o u n t iie s By Melanie Cummings SPKCIAt.TO 11II-: HI-.AVKH The Oakville Beaver. W e d n e sd a y Ja n u a ry 22, 2003 -A5 BOWLATHON BENEFITS JA: Bow l away the February blahs at the Junior Achievement of Halton's 2003 Hulabowl Bowlathon on Saturday. Feb. 22. It will be an afternoon of fun, prizes and bowling games at Burlington Bowl, 4065 Harvester Rd. Registration begins at 12:30 p.m. The Hulabowling gets rolling at I p.m. Organize a team of family, friends and/or col leagues. and call 905-637-7200 to register. N ot only has Dr. Bruce Lampard worked as a physician in such war-torn coun tries as Afghanistan and South Africa, the Canadian medical practitioner has also experienced what it was like to be a patient. In March 2001. just three months into his first mission in the south Sudan, Lampard became very ill. Feverish and immobile, he was flown to a Nairobi hospital where he spent a week recuperating. "It was an eye-opening experience to be a patient, and gave me a firsthand perspective of what it must be like for the people I treated." he told members of the Canadian Club of HaltonPeel last Thursday at the Holiday Inn Express. Since joining the volunteer relief agency. Doctors Without Borders, two years ago, Lampard has landed six months at a time in medical stations far from the modem treatment facilities he is used to at Toronto's Sunnybrook Hospital where he's an emergency physician. Working in dilapidated, rusted, tin shacks and makeshift tents, and living in mud thatched roof huts and clapboard houses shared with iguanas and scorpions. Lampard has treated, fed. and created clinics for thousands of people who would otherwise not have health care. He landed in a front-line hospital amidst a 40-year-old civil war in the Sudan w'here he saw an average of 2.4(H) patients per week. There he saw heart-wrenching suffering turn into hope. In his slide presentation, he presented a photo he had taken of a boy and girl lying help less from the wrath of an illness transmitted by a common sand bug. They could barely hold their head up when they were brought to Lampard. After proper pharmaceutical and nutritional treatment, the siblings left, walking. Lampard has also traversed hundreds of miles of dirt and snow-covered roads on foot in Afghanistan's most remote villages to set up health clinics, and gotten his hands dirty while digging a massive pit in a hospital in Qala L Nav, where a medical waste management area was created. He has unknowingly confronted a rebel commander when the military leader entered the hospital ward with armed body guards. (Guns are prohibited in Doctors Without Borders compounds). And he struggled with the gender segrega tion that is part and parcel to life in Afghanistan where the maternal mortality rate is high T h isfewY e a rs, w h ym ilg iv e iliin iin ii aw h irl? D ancc is ilic universal expression of joy - w h at b etter way to celebrate the New Year? Let th e rh y th m take you in to th e New Year ai Fred Astaire D ance Studios. M ake it a resolution "/ will have more fu n this year." N E W Y E A R S S P E C IA L * 10 Hours of Dance for $20.03 Lim ited t im e offer 225 Lakeshore Road luisL 2nd Floor Downtown Oakville 1block west of Trafalgar R d. (Entrance Irom both Lakeshore Rd. 8 parking lot ofl Church St.) (905) 8 4 2 -3 7 9 7 w w w .tre d a sta ire .ca ` N e w a d u lt s t u d e n t s o n ly please mum * 'lo ve our quality love our p rice' 7 0 % fin a l c le a r a n c e Peter C.McCusker · O a kville Beaver OFF select items Dr. Bruce Lampard, a member of Doctors Without Borders, showed the audience, via his lap top, pictures of war-torn countries fo ra presentation at the Holiday Inn Express Wednesday night. He spoke of the overwhelming need for basic health care in war-torn countries. becausc most health care workers are male and therefore, forbidden to treat women, despite their dire medical circumstances. After all this he is "itching to go away again." Lampard is one of 2,000 volunteers from 1 8 nations who provide their services to Doctors Without Borders. The organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999 for providing ongoing famine relief, emergency medical treatment, supplies, public health training and education, vaccina tions and rehabilitation services in more than 80 countries. accessories from 0.99 tops from 4.99 bottoms from 6.99 dresses from 6.99 visit us in store or online at www.pleasemum.com Want to know more about policing? Citizens academy pronwtes wulerstanding ofseivice: chief The Halton Regional Police Service is holding its third session of the Citizens Police Academy starting Jan. 28. The academy runs 12 consecutive nights each Tuesday until April 15. The academy gives resi dents an opportunity to learn about the inner workings and specialized units of the police service. Halton Regional Police Chief Ean Aigar is hoping for a more diverse enrollment than in the past two sessions. The academy is open to all members of the public. 1 8 years of age or older. "Policing is a partnership These include the between the citizens of the community and the members Regional Traffic Bureau. of their police service and 1 Major Crime Bureau, Drug believe this relationship Enforcement, the Tactical should be fostered to con and Rescue Unit (T R U ). Policing tribute to the well-being of Community the communities in which we Support, Training Bureau, live." he said. "The Citizen the Communications system Police Academy has promot as well as discussions on Standards, ed a better understanding of Professional our function and opened Research and Planning. more lines of communication Crime Stoppers and the between members of the Polygraph Unit. One session devoted to police service and our part ners in the communities that the court process will have guest speakers provide infor we serve." Topics covered each week include an introduction to the various units within the serv ice, and a discussion of their roles and responsibilities. mation relating to the justice system. Another session will give learners a behind the scenes look at A Day in the Life of a Patrol Officer. Registration forms can be picked up in Oakville at the local police station, 1229 White Oaks Boulevard and the Halton Regional Police headquarters building, 1151 Bronte Road. Anyone interested in reg istering can also call Pal Wildes at 905-825-4777, ext. 5042. H a l t o n L in e n O u t l e t T hank yo u fo r voting us #1 / </< '>/ ( afem'ife J .y j r j / t n i i j i . H ,, / H a lto n L in e n iv b e r e y o w d e c o r a t i n g d o lla r goes j u r t h e r 481 North Service Rd.W., OAKVILLE (between Dorval D rive and 4th Line) f 005^ 8 4 7 -2 2 7 4 \ / V MON. - FRI. 1 0 A.M. - 5:30 PM. · SATURDAY 1 0 AM.-6 P.M. · SUNDAY. 12 A M . - 5 P.M L o o k in T o d a y 's P a p e r * fo r D r . K r u n o T o v ilo C ertified Specialist in O rthodontics for C hildren and Adults Y o u r F ly e r F r o m PRIVA TE PRACTICE ORTHODONTICS L o se u p to 7 Ib fi a w e e k s a fe ly a n d n a t u r a ll y . ^ Angela went from a size 14 to size 8 by ^ dropping 41 lbs. in just 19 weeks! I N D U S T R I E S 4 W IN D O W S & D O O R S s i n c e 19 7 8 FM A WINDOWS · DOORS · SIDING " S e le c t e d a r e a s o n ly C o b b le S lO N E m b e rS "Masonry & Fireplace Design Specialists" DESIGN & INSTALLATION OF GAS. 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