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Oakville Beaver, 22 Jan 2003, A8

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A8 -The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday January 22, 2003 Workers put life-saving skills to use By Paula Henriques O AKVILLE BEAVKR STAFF Two CanAmera Food employees were commended last Wednesday by the Canadian Red Cross for using their life-sav ing skills on a co-worker, who suffered a massive heart attack. Warehouse technicians Liz Laimbert and Serge Perin were presented with the Rescuer Award. Though their efforts failed to rev ive the victim, Elaine Wilson, of the Canadian Red Cross Oakville branch, explained the duo's actions were brave and valuable. "This is an awkward thing, because we * are presenting these two people with the Rescuer Award, even though the individual eventually did not make it." she said. "What we're really celebrating is the valor and training with which they handled the situation. When the opportunity present ed itself to use their CPR and first aid skills, they did. They applied that knowledge and they should be a shining example to even one." Statistics show the first person at the scene can make a difference between recov ery or rehabilitation, she added. The incident occurred in last May. when a 42-year-old truck driver stopped at the CanAmera warehouse after making a deliv ery. According to Lambert and Perin, the Peter C. McCusker · Oakville Heaver Liz Lambert and Serge Perln. of CanAmera Foods, were honoured by the Canadian Red Cross last week for attempting to revive a truck driver, who succumbed to a heart attack last year. driver - who is a long-time friend of both told the duo that he felt dizzy, then col lapsed. Those were his last words spoken. Perin and Lambert, who had both received CPR and first aid training, cheeked for vitals and found him not breathing and with no pulse. They tried to resuscitate him and were soon able to establish a pulse. When the ambulance came, they both fell confident they would see him again. " He had vital signs, but they were very weak." said Lambert. "We thought at worst he'd be off work for a while. We were plan ning to go see him in the hospital." But he never revived and died a short time later. "We didn't know he was having a heart attack until the next day. The hospital per sonnel told us there was nothing anybody could have done." said Perin. "You hope you never have to use it (training), but it's better to have than to stand around and hope for the best," he added For those interested in taking First Aid training, the Canadian Red Cross has vari ous courses available. Standard First-Aid. which is a comprehensive 18-hour course teaching First Aid and CPR skills, is sched uled for Feb. 1 -2 and Feb. 15-16 from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Cost is $100. including tax. Emergency First Aid. which is an intro ductory course leaching basic skills needed to deal with life-threatening situations including adult, child, and infant CPR. costs' $69. Other courses include Two Rescuer Basic Life Support. Babysitting for youth 1 1 and up, Childsafe. and On Board. For more information visit www.redcross.ca or call 905-845-5241. A D M I S S I O N S T E S T I N G O a k v ille C a m p u s - S a tu r d a y , J a n u a r y 25, 2003 F E R N H I L L S C H O O L promotes academ ic excellence, encourages independent th in k in g and c u lt iv a t e in d iv id u a l talents O u t dedicated and experienced teachers inspire a love o f learning thnnjgh a cu m cu lu m that challenges th e in te lle ctu a l, social, p hysical em otional d evelopm ent ot the student ii k I If y o u h a ve a n e w s tip o r · to ry Id e a , c a ll th e O a k v ille B e a v e r a t 8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 . PETITE CLASSICS Sizes 2-18 Fern H ill is a c o m m u n ity sharing a com m on goal to encourage ch ild re n to he the best students and the best people th e y can be O u r state-of-the-art c.impuses in O a k v ille and B u rlin g to n otter the finest e d ucatio nal facilities tor students from P re sch o o l to G ra d e 8 A d m issio n s Te stin g O a k v ille C am p u s Saturday* Ja n u a r y 25, 2001 Please co n tact L a u ra B eam ish , D ire c to r of A d m ission s .it 905-257-0022 to request .in application package and reserve an admissions testing time. SIDEWALK SALE ENTIRE COLLECTION (so m e exceptions a p p ly ) M APLE G RO V E VILLAGE, OAKVILLE (905) 845-0655 Fern Hill School O akville C am pus w il Isc hool .com adm isM ons^fcrnhillschooI.com 3300 N in th Line Road, O akville, O n tario L6H 7A8 I la llo ii L* 1 * ' 1 0 1 1 A Partnership That Works! Bulk Brush ' Collection Program (, Effective April 1, 2003, the Region of Halton will be responsible for collecting Bulk Brush in the Town of Oakville. Bulk Brush will be collected every other week along with your regular yard waste from April 1 through to Decem ber 12. Yard waste material is collected on the same day as blue box material. For Memory-Impaired Seniors Oakville Tuesday Collection Cha In order to balance the collection volumes and provide timely collection of yard waste material, an adjustment will be made to the Tuesday collection zone which will commence in the month of February. Please note that ? A Better Place and a Better Way Sunrise Assisted Living, we care tor residents with memory impairment in a different f way. Our innovative Reminiscence Program is creatively designed to encourage residents to live at their highest potential in an environment of safety, freedom and security. Reminiscence features extraordinary support in a separate, secure area that looks and feels just like home. Residents are surrounded by pleasant sights, sounds, aromas and textures while compassionate caregivers tend to physical needs, nurture the spirit and create pleasant days. You're invited to visit Sunrise. See firsthand how our structured, loving program offers 24-hour care and is an alternative to a retirement home and long term care. Tuesday Zone A and Tuesday Zone B will re c e iv e blue box collection on Tuesday February 4. 2003. January is Alzheimer's Awareness Month Wednesday, January 22 1 pm -4pm " Suites & Treats" Open House Wednesday, January 29 1 pm -4pm Open House Tuesday Zone A will then re c e iv e blue box collection on Tuesday February 11 and e v e ry other w e e k thereafter. Tuesday Zone B will then re c e iv e blue box collection on Ask ab o u t o u r la n u a ry Savings! Tuesday February 18 and e v e ry other w e e k thereafter These changes DO NOT effect the Friday collection zone Please refer to your waste collection calendar for further information, Su n r is e ASSISTED L IV IN G (905) 337-1145 456 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6J 3H9 or contact Access Halton at: 905-825-6000 or toll free: 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866) 1151 Bronte Road. Oakville, ON L6M 3L1 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -6 0 0 0 Toll tree: 1-8 6 6 -4 H A L TO N (1 -8 6 6 -4 4 2 -5 8 6 6 ) T T Y 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -9 8 3 3 or visit us a t: w w w .region.halton.on.ca www. sunriseassistedliving. com immediate Occupancy-Select Suites Available Now!

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