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Oakville Beaver, 6 Feb 2002, C3

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The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y F e b ru a ry 6, 2002 - C3 Buddhist nun presents healing workshop The Venerable Dekyi Lee Oldershaw, a former Olympic kayaker and now a Buddhist nun. will lead a workshop, sponsored by the Women's Centre, on the Healing Power of the Mind: Tibetan Buddhist Perspective of Healing. The Saturday, Feb. 16 workshop, to instruct participants a simple meditation technique, will be held at the Oakville Central Library Auditorium. 120 Navy St., from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. "I will use the three hours to teach one specific visualization technique that you can use to help you through psy chological challenges, and the tough times," she explains. "It's worked for terminally ill cancer patients." Oldershaw has been involved with healing for 15 years, "training people, abused people, and the terminally ill in hospices." About six years ago, she was ordained as a Tibetan Buddhist nun in the Dalai Lama tradition, and continues to specialize in healing. she trained with two doc "My technique is very universal. It crosses tors in Mexico. She is also writing a all religions and cul tures. Only about 10% of book. Transforming the my clients are Suffering o f Abuse. Buddhists." She is currently in Oldershaw has facili Ontario looking after her father following an acci tated transformative selfhealing for 12 years in dent. She plans to go to Australia, Scotland. New Zealand in March. New Zealand. Canada "I will be teaching people a method, a tool and India, most recently assisting those with ter they can use, a simple technique of some basic minal illness or back steps in healing using a grounds of abuse. She has led workshops for transform ative mental health, social services process as opposed to a and education institu psychological analytical process." tions, trained practition Dekyi Lee Oldershaw ers and counsels individ She describes her uals. Six years ago she was ordained in technique aS inner transformative heal ing visualization, and "it's so easy, even the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of the Dalai Lama and creatively combines children can do it." the Buddhist perspective o f healing Tickets cost $10 each. Call the with imagery and art. Earlier this year. Women's Centre at 905-847-9104. FABRICLAND CANADA'S LARGEST f a s h im i f a r r ip K T R iR iu n n FASHION FABRIC n DISTRIBUTOR ON SELECTED FALL & WINTER CLfARANCE Series about Jews The Heritage and Civilization of the Jews will be the theme of a four-week non-denominational discus sion series at St. John's United Church on Thursday evenings starting Feb. 7. The series, with Rev. David Walker, will continue on Feb. 14, 21 and 28, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Source m aterials will include the work of historian Abba Eban. Why have Jews been per secuted throughout history? Why has bigotry and racism been active globally for hun dreds of years? These and other questions will be addressed. For more information, call St. John's at 905-8450551. The church is at the cornier of Dunn and Randall Streets. Women's Centre extends hours The Women's Centre at Hopedale Mall is extending its hours. Effective Feb. 7, the cen tre. Ste. 210, will be open Thursday evenings, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., for confidential one-to-one peer support. No appointm ents are necessary. The W omen's Infor mation and Support Centre of Halton - its official name - is open Monday. Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m. to noon, and Thursdays. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The centre offers a num ber of workshops, budget counselling and income tax preparation by appointment, and Employment Network meeting are held every Tuesday, 9 a.m. to noon. For more information, call 905-847-5520 or 905847-9104. ALREADY REDUCED BY, *0FF OUR ALREADY REDUCED PRICES. ENTIRE IN-STORE STOCK! Simplicity & New Look Patterns ONLY Offer valid February 6-12.2002. Not valid with any olher discount offers. 1.99 EACH Sale in effect on selected in-stock seasonal merchandise from January 23-February 12, 2002, while quantities last. Additional 50% discount will be taken off prices already reduced by 50% off Fabricland's regular prices Look for the red sale tags All sales final 140 Rebecca St. OAKVILLE 844-7728 KIDS 4 KIDS PROGRAM DATES: IRO QUOIS RIDGE C O M M UNITY CENTER Monday, February 11th, 6:30-8:30 pm Caring for Kids seminar about healthy sexuality H alton's Caring For Kids Community Partnership will be holding a seminar about children and healthy sexuality on Feb. 20 at the Oakville Central Library, 120 Navy St. This presentation is free and is part of a series of seminars offered by the Caring For Kids Partnership throughout Halton as part of its strategy to intro duce Children and Sexuality: A Guide fo r Parents and Caregivers o f Young Children. This guide has been created to help parents talk with their children about sexuality. Public health nurses will be conducting the presentation. The discussion will focus on how to talk with your kids about healthy sexuality and relationships and how to be an approachable par ent. Parents and caregivers will have an opportunity to ask ques tions and to get a copy of the guide. The guide uses a combi nation of information and activi ties to help you talk to your child about sex/sexuality. It will also assist you in becoming familiar with messages about sexual abuse prevention. To register for the presenta tion call 905-693-4242, ext. 7124. ASL (American Sign Language) interpreter services are being offered at the Milton presentation on Feb. 27. Those requiring ASL services must reg ister (TTY 905-827-9833) by Feb. 20. Those wishing to receive a copy of the guide but are unable to attend the presentation, can pick up copies at local library or family resource centres. The Caring For Kids C om m unity Partnership includes representatives from the Halton Traum a Centre, Halton Regional Police Service, Halton · Hills Community Support and Information, C hildren's Assessment and Treatment Centre, Halton Region Social and Community Services. Halton Region Health Department, C hildren's Aid Society o f Halton and the Halton District School Board. RIVER OAKS C O M M U N ITY CENTER Friday, February 22nd, 6:30-8:30 pm K ids 4 K ids L e a d e rsh ip P ro g ra m s, e sta b lish e d in 1993, bo asts a m em bership o f o v e r 14,000. K ids 4 K ids h as b een c h ris te n e d the m o st u n iq u e and m otivational program o f it's kind, m a k in g a d ifferen c e in the lives o f m any ch ild ren . K ids 4 K ids L eadership p ro g ram s a rc the o rig in al p ro g ra m s w hich in sp ire ch ild re n to reach fo r their dream s a n d a ch iev e . N o o th e r p ro g ra m c o m e s c lo se to the resu lts o f w hat K ids 4 K ids can do. G ive y o u r c h ild a g ift th at w ill last a life tim e. Enroll yo u r child in one o f the up-com ing O a k v ille p ro g ram s. B e su re to c h e c k o u t S c o tt G ra h a m 's new ly released c h ild re n 's b o o k . " T h e F a n ta sica l T ow n o f F in k le" av ailab le in C h ap ter an d Indigo book stores. C h e c k o u t the K ids 4 K id s w e b site fo r su m m e r cam p inform ation. L e a d e r s h i p P r o g r a m : C h a rac te ristic s o f a L eader: Integrity, H onesty. R espect, R esp o n sib ility . B u lly in g . A n g e r M anagem ent, and P eer P ressure (P rogram s runs for five w e ek s) Gr*W^ Cost: S 9 2 .0 0 p e r c h ild w h ic h in c lu d e s a pizza party and incentives. A g e : 6 to 12 y e ars old R e g i s tr a tio n : To register, p lease p h one the Kids 4 K ids office o r e-m ail K ids 4 K ids at: k id s@ k id s4 k id s.c a kids4kids.ca (905) 690-0271 MARCH BREAK CAMP March 11 through March 22 JUST MOVED? W e invite you to view our new modern facility. BRIDE-TO-BE? ^ in q Enjoy Group, Semi & Private instruction by our qualified, professional instructors in: T ra n c e it . /k c t it. it. NEW BABY? For free information and gifts... '" p L a il i t . it. '" p a in t i t . ^ c u l f t t it. A ea vn it, B allet Ja zz Tap H ip H o p B a llro o m S w in g Latin L y ric a l Irish P ilates M o d ern A c tin g M u sica l T h e a tre V o ice In stru m e n tal P a in tin g D ra w in g C la y Pottery In stru ctio n for all ages. Day, ev ening & w eekend classes. t Now a c c e p tin g re g istratio n s. Year ro u n d in stru ctio n . M arch Break & Sum m er Cam ps C A LL 1. SOUTH EAST Anne Phillips 842-2385 2. SOUTH WEST Carol Iiagen 338-3456 3. NORTH EAST Pat Fairfield 842-1560 4. G LEN ABBEY Cathy Woloschuk 847-9157 STUDIO F> A \ / /X S Or call toll free: 1-800301-1104 Toronto Area: (416) 497-8111 Internet: www.welcomewagon.ca P M R fn iflGf if lD V I S U A LA R T SS C H O O L E L C O M E A G O N ltd . S in c e * A N eighbourhood T rad ition Sin ce 1930 CALL US TO DAY 9 0 5 -4 0 3 -9 4 3 5 2351 Royal Windsor Drive, Unit 1, Mississauga www.studiopavas.com ( 1930 studiopavas@sympatico.ca

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