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Oakville Beaver, 15 Jan 2003, B03

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The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday January 15, 2003 - B3 Rigatoni for Research dinner raises $105,000 for brain tumour research Each year more than 100 new cases of brain tumours are diag nosed. a statistic which is rising annually at an alarming rate of 20 per cent. In children, brain tumours are the most common malignancy after leukemia, and are the most com m on solid tumour. For five consecutive years Kathy and Danny Douthart. and a group of dedicated volunteers, the Rigatoni for Research Committee, have organized and hosted a dinner and silent auc tion at the Le Dome Banquet Hall last fall to raise money for brain tumour research, through the Hospital for Sick Children. The silent auction, which has grown steadily over the years, featured hundreds o f items worth in excess o f $45,000, all generously donated by local friends and businesses. Some o f the items up for bid included a limited edition print by Trisha Romance, numerous appliances courtesy of Goemans Appliance Plus, a three-night stay in a three-bedroom luxury suite at the Delta Grandview Resort, and breakfast with Tie Domi. Dinner was donated by G ordon Food Services, The Bam M arket, Kraft Canada, Rich Products o f Canada. Salerno Cheese, Parmalat, Cavendish Farms and Esker. The dinner was a huge suc cess, a sell out with all 500 tick ets sold. The Rigatoni for Research Committee presented a cheque for $105,000 to the Arthur and Sonia Labatt Research Centre at the Hospital for Sick Children. This brought the five-year cumulative total to an incredible $456,000. Money raised has been used to purchase vital m X - f t GOING D EE P * ()W li» T P E R I3 M em bers of th e Rigatoni fo r R esearch C om m ittee present a cheque for $105,000 to representatives from the A rth u r and Sonia L a b a tt R esearch C en tre, H ospital fo r Sick C hildren. research equipment to help in the fight against this terrible childhood cancer. This is, however, just one piece of the puzzle, says Trish Torrance of the Rigatoni for Research Committee. "Every year countless ripples flow from this event. The actions o f individuals and companies, who have taken up the cause themselves, exemplify what it takes to be one of Christopher's Ripples," she said. "Through their persistence, hard work and dedication, these people serve as an inspiration to us all." Companies including Bunzl Canada, Goodman & Carr, The CN Tower, The Bam, Royal LePage and Javelin Technologies raised more than $57,000 last year through corpo rate initiatives such as golf tour naments and bowling events. Jack Astor's Bar & Grill hosted both a Bartender's Competition and B achelor's Night. Other com panies including Altana Pharma, Sharp Exteriors and Depco International made cash donations. Many individuals also took up the battle. Rose Trivieri host ed a Christmas party asking for Rigatoni for Research donations in lieu o f hostess gifts. Local schools sponsored `dress down days' and still others held garage sales to raise money. The · Sanctuary Day Spa designed and donated 50 centre pieces and Val Nagy, Linda Lapington, and the students of St. Jean de Brebeuf Secondary School made 500 chocolate angels for the dinner. "What began as a ripple has grown into an incredible tidal wave," said Torrance. "On behalf o f the Rigatoni for Research Committee, we thank all our `Ripples' and encourage everyone to toss your own peb ble and marvel at the ripples you can create." In 1997, Kathy and Danny Douthart lost their son Christopher to childhood brain tumour disease. "Working together, we can help the innocent children inflicted with this heartbreaking disease. Together, we can make a difference," said Torrance. Contact Kathy Douthart, 905847-2179. for information about Brainchild, a non-government funded volunteer organization at the Hospital for Sick Kids, or to create a `Ripple.' hP A R T Y T I W a tc h th e g a m e o n th e b ig s c r e e n on our HEATED PATIO 50-50 QEW Ui - S M O K IN G A L L O W E D 485 MORDEN RD. e x it D o rv a l D rive S o u th J u s t s o u th o f G le n A b b e y G o lf C o u rse 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -2 6 1 3 GLEN ABBEY COLF COURSE Want to quit? Call Smokers' Helpline For many smokers, quitting is extremely diffi cult. "Quitting smoking isn't easy but the Canadian Cancer Society's Smokers' Helpline can help," says Kevin McDonald, communications officer for the Canadian Cancer Society. "We recognize that smokers are faced with a powerful addiction and need support, not criti cism." Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on earth, states the National Non-Smoking Week 2003 Information kit issued by the Canadian Cancer Society. The society has recently launched a new Smokers' Helpline awareness campaign encourag ing Ontarians to `Be Smoke-Free in 2003.' The Smokers' Helpline is a free, confidential service that offers personalized support, up-to-date information and easy access to trained specialists who assist callers in their attempt to quit smoking. Specialists at Smokers' Helpline understand the difficulties o f quitting, and advise smokers on spe cific quitting strategies that may work for them. `Telephone support is effective and proven to work," said McDonald. "A recent study published in the New England Journal o f Medicine, focused on California's decade-old Smokers' Helpline, found that smokers who were counselled stopped smoking at twice the rate of those who did not get such help." Since its launch in April 2000, with funding provided in part by the Government of Ontario, the Canadian Cancer Society's Smokers' Helpline at I-877-513-5333 has helped more than 20.000 Ontarians try to overcome their tobacco dependen cy. This year, as part of National Non-Smoking Week, Jan. 19 - 26. the society's `Be Smoke-Free in 2003' campaign will feature a special event on Weedless Wednesday, Jan. 22, at the Smokers' Helpline call centre in Hamilton. Next Wednesday, Canadian celebrities will help answer the phones in a bid to inspire callers to quit smoking and spur them to action. National Non-Smoking Week, held the third week in January, has been observed for more than 20 years. Since its inception in 1977, it has been coordinated by the Canadian Council for Tobacco Control. The Canadian Cancer Society has a series of self-help booklets titled One Step at a Time. Research shows many smokers make several attempts at quitting before they succeed. The One Step at a Time booklets coaches smokers through their stages of quitting. For information, call the Canadian Cancer Society at 905-845-5231. z j s 3 485 M O R D EN RD B z H- SPEERS RD. NEW BABY? F o r fr e e in fo r m a tio n a n d g iftf* ... C A L L EA ST A n n e P h illip s 2. SO U T H W E S T Ja n M a n te 3. N O R T H EA ST P a t F a ir f ie ld 4. G L E N A B B E Y C a t h y W o lo s c h n k 1. S O U T H 8 4 2 -2 3 8 5 8 4 2 -5 6 7 8 8 4 2 -1 5 6 0 8 4 7 -3 5 9 3 O r c a ll to ll fr e e : 1 -8 0 0 -3 0 1 -1 1 0 4 T o r o n t o A r e a : (4 1 6 ) 4 9 7 -8 1 1 1 In t e m e t : w w w .w e lc o m e w a g o n .c a W 'E el LiC O M E 4 rA G O N l t d . W/ " S i S m in c e 1930 A N e ig h b o u r h o o d T r a d itio n S in c e 1 9 3 0 T h e B u s in e s s A d v is o r y PROVIDING SOLUTIONS TO BUSINESS PROBLEMS AND IDEAS FOR SALES GROWTH TO SMALL AND MOVE-BASED BUSINESS SINCE 1983 G E T T IN G S T A R T E D We will: · Become a member of your Advisory Team; Mdp you prepare your business plan, mafteting plan, promo tional plan, etc; · Assist you in obtaining financing for your Company; · Incorporate your Company; · Provide you with accounting, accounting software selection and training, hardware selection, installation and badvup and financial planning services · Desiji and rnptemert computerized frendal and opeictoial reporting systems to efliectiwfy montor Compeny opening resJs; · Provide you with timely reports for timely decision making,· Provide you with experienced corporate and personal income tax planning to assist you in the finandng of your business while ensuring that you are paying the minimum income tax necessary under the law O N G O IN G S E R V I C E S We will: · Provide oolJions to your business problems. ·Provide ideas for sales gowth; · Provide a 'sounding board' for new business ideas; · Provide feedback on your monthly operating results; · Measure Company performance against business Plan, rraketing Han, etc; · Review and update income tax planning of Company and tey per sonnel· Identify souces for your products and services; · Ensure al your statutory fiSrcp are made in a timely manner so as to avoid any penalties for late filingPut y x x Company's products or services on our 'Client's List of Products Sold and Services Provided' which is updated and d r o ited to clients twice per year; · Attend all telephone calls from our clients on a trnely basis'. M e e t exhibitors sh o w ca sin g dozens of s u m m e r c a m p s and educational possibilities fo r y o u r child Explore c a m p s specializing in A r t s & C ra fts , Riding, S w im m in g , Tennis, Golf, G ym n a stics and m o re JA N U A R Y 1 8 / 2 0 0 3 , 1 0 A M - 4 P M M E T R O T O R O N T O C O N V E N T IO N C E N T R E 2 5 5 F R O N T S T. W . Ute do not chanje for telephone cafe L O N G R A N G E P LA N N IN G S E R V IC E S We will: · Help you prepare your long^ange strategic plan; · Assist you in creating critical mass within your corporate structure so that should you decide at some point in the future, to sell your Company, you have a Company that is marketable; · Help you develop your succession plan; · Design, develop and manage a corporate re-organization and restructuring plan; Design, develop and manage a cost reduction plan; · Design and develop a debt consolidation plan. FREE ADMISSION TORONTO'S LARGEST, OVER 100 EXHIBITORS! YOU W O N T W A N T TO M IS S IT! T H ET O R O N T 3 0 a © INTERNATIONAL Sum m er Cam p & Education F a ir m m m D E U U K Ins u p p o rt o ffo rg o in gin itiative s, w ew ill: I r ln P Y l F O RM O R E information or T OEXH IBIT 017 ** *.///. S P O N S O R E DB Y H w r I m i _ l · Prepare Partnership Agreements; Prepare Employment Agreements; · Prepare Lease Agreements. CALL MOW FO R 2320 AM A P P O I N T M E N T ( 9 0 5 ) 4 6 9 - 8 7 7 7 I Q u ild s to n e C r e s c e n t, O a k v ille , O n ta r io L6M 3 Y 8 T O M A K IN G YOUR B U S IN E S S A SU C C C ESS C O M M IT T E D

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