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Oakville Beaver, 27 Feb 2002, A 7

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The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y F e b ru a ry 27, 2002 - A 7 LETTERS TO THE EDITO R McGuinty wrong to blame provincial government for Walkerton tragedy Re: M cG uinty's recent visit to Oakville. There are 630 water treatment sys tems in Ontario; 400 of them draw their water from wells. The only community to suffer illness and death from drinking its own water, was Walkerton. The offending well. #5, was built 24 years ago. without governm ent approval. The government did give belated approval, with the condition that piping for chlorination be installed. Walkerton was also told to purchase land around wells, as it was built too close to a cattle farm and in low swampy grounds. The town never did implement the ministry's recommenda tions. In September 2000, despite millions o f taxpayers' dollars to make the system safe again, the town's water supply was still too dangerous to drink. Engineers and medical officials were shocked to find coliform was still 20 times more than the acceptable level, after the system was flushed clean. We certainly know what made the residents of Walkerton ill and caused the deaths of seven unfortunate souls, "manure, incompetence and cheating." The Liberal media made a big thing of the 30 per cent cut to the Ministry of the Environment, as the cause o f the tragedy. Since there was no media attack heaped upon the Leader of the NDR Bob Rae. I must assume that this 30 per cent cut to the very same ministry in the 1991-92 fiscal year, caused no apparent problems or casualties in the well water systems in Ontario. JOHN SHAW G> T r o o p e r D R IV E D R Y ! O A K V IL L E s a y s : QUOTATION FO R: QUOTATION NUM BER: (9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 T H E SUPPLY AND DELIVERY O F BULK LIQUID C H LO RIN E Q-5-2002 T H E CO R PO RA TIO N O F T H E TOW N O F O A K V IL L E A m e s s a g e f r o m ih e M a y o r ' s S p e c ia l C o m m it t e e A g a in s t I m p a ir e d D r i v i n g T H E CO R PO R A TIO N O F T H E TOW N O F O A K V ILLE P R O PO SA L FO R SEASONAL C O N C ESSIO N O PER A TIO N S AT VARIOUS TOW N O F O A K V ILLE PARKS PR O PO SA L NUMBER PROP-7-2002 SEALED PROPOSALS on forms provided will be received at the offices o f the Purchasing Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6J SA6, until 12:00 noon, local tim e on MONDAY, M A RCH 11,2002 Specifications, proposal forms and proposal envelopes may be obtained from the Town o f Oakville Purchasing Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6; Telephone (905) 338-4197. An Inform ation M eeting will be held on Tuesday, March 5, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. in the Parks & Recreation Boardroom A, at the Oakville Municipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. The purpose o f the meeting is to review the particulars o f the proposal and all potential bidders are encouraged to anend. For further details, please contact Ms. Party Peebles, Recreation Supervisor, at (905) 845-6601, E x t 3156. The Town o f Oakville reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and the highest or lowest as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted. R.J. Coumoyer, C.I.M., P.Mgr. Director, Purchasing and Office Services N O TIC E O F PU BLIC M EETIN G A PPLICA NT: Petro C anada F ile:Z .1 4 1l.l8 Please be advised that a public meeting will be held to discuss the removal o f a Holding Provision on the lands owned by PetroCanada at the southeast com er o f Dundas Street East and Postridge Drive. This meeting will be a public meeting hosted by Town Council at which time the Staff Report and recommendation will be considered. This meeting will take place on Monday, March 25, 2002 commencing at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend this meeting and speak to this matter are invited to do so. An explanation o f the purpose and effect o f the proposed application, describ ing the land to which the proposed application applies, and a key map showing the location o f the land to which the proposed application applies can be found below. A copy o f the Staff Report pertaining to this matter will be available for review in the C lerk's Department as o f Monday, March 18, 2002, between the hours o f 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. L ocation - The subject property is located at the southeast com er o f Dundas Street East and Postridge Drive in the Uptown Core Community. The land is legally described as Blocks 35 and 42, Plan 20M-799. O fficial Plan - Figure P, Uptown Core Community, designates the subject land Arterial Commercial and Berm/Buffer. The required width o f the buffer snip is a minimum o f 9 metres along Dundas Street East and 15 metres adjacent to residential uses. Z oning - The site is zoned C6H, Service Station, with a Holding Provision pertaining to the provision o f an indemnity agreement to the Town. This agreement relates to the cleanup o f the site and abutting lands in the event o f contamination resulting from uses on the land. P roposal - The applicant has provided the indemnity agreement to the Town and has requested removal o f the Holding Provision to permit construction o f the proposed service station, carwash and convenience store. Please Note: This proposal may be subject to changes or modifications at the public meeting on Monday, March 25, 2002. Dated at the Town o f Oakville this 27* day o f February 2002. John Ghent, Acting Director, Current Planning Section, Planning Services Department SEALED QUOTATIONS on forms provided will be received by the Purchasing Depart ment, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6, until 12:00 noon, local tim e on MONDAY, M A RCH 11,2002 Specifications, quotation forms and quotation envelopes may be obtained from the Town o f Oakville Purchasing Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6; Telephone (905) 338-4197. The Town o f Oakville reserves the right to reject any or all quotations and the highest or lowest as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted. R.J. Coumoyer, C.I.M., P.Mgr. Director, Purchasing and Office Services Enough is enough As a long time real estate agent and land developer. I say enough is enough. Our Town of Oakville is the last remaining small town in the GTA with trees, streams and natural habitat. Unionville was much like Oakville until the decision to increase the size of the town was made. I suggest all coun cil members rent a bus to Unionville and take a good look at the metropolis that has replaced the lovely, quaint and safe family town that was once there. Leave the high density for unusable and unappreciated pieces of vacant land like the Old Molson Brewery property by the CNE grounds in west Toronto! · It's absurd to replace the beauty of nature with stucco and bricks and road ways. Let our children grow up in a town we can all feel privileged to live in. If we wanted infill housing and crowded subdivisions without trees, we would have purchased our homes in Mississauga. C o u n c il & S t a n d in g C o m m it t e e M e e t in g s M onday, M arch 4,2 0 0 2 Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, M arch 2 6 ,2002 Community Services Committee 7:30 p.m. - Council Chambers Administrative Services Comm. 7:30 p.m. - Trafalgar Room C ouncil M onday, M arch 2 5 ,2002 Planning & Development Council Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. T uesday, April 2,2002 Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. T ouchtone & C o m m ittee P hone L ine 815-5959 N O T IC E O F PU B LIC M E E TIN G A PP L IC A N T : T he Town of O akville File: 42.14.212 Please be advised that a public meeting will be held to discuss a proposed Official Plan Amendment. This meeting will be a public meeting hosted by Town Council at which time the Staff Report and recommendation will be considered. This meeting will take place on M onday, M arch 25, 2002, com m encing a t 7:30 p.m . in the Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend this meeting and speak to this matter are invited to do so. An explanation o f the purpose and effect o f the proposed application is set out below. The amendment is Town-wide in its application. If a person or public body that files a notice o f appeal o f a decision in respect o f the proposed official plan amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part o f the appeal. If you wish to be notified o f the adoption o f the proposed official plan amendment, you must make a written request to the undersigned at the Town's Planning Services Department, Town o f Oakville, P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Any other questions or concerns may be addressed to Bob Zsadanyi, Planner at the above mentioned location or at Tel: 845-6601, Ext.3041, email address: bzsadanvi@town.oakville.on.ca. Official Plan - The Amendment specifically pertains to Part C, section 7.12 (a). Part C, section 7.12 (b) and Part F, section 2.8 (xxvii). Purpose - The purpose o f this amendment is to clarify specific sections o f the Official Plan relating to infill development policies, particularly with regard to the calculation o f development density, lot size and lot frontage. The amendm ent is consistent with the intent o f the detailed infill policies as set out in the Official Plan and as arrived at following substantial public consultation. The amendment clearly sets out the manner in which development density is to be calculated on low density residential infill policies. The amendment also clarifies the definition o f "Infill" as set out in the definition section o f the Official Plan. A copy o f the Staff Report pertaining to this matter will be available for review in the Clerk's Department as o f Monday, March 18, 2002, between the hours o f 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Please Note: This proposal may be subject to changes or modifications at the public meeting on Monday, March 25, 2002. Dated at the Town o f Oakville this 27th day o f February 2002 John Ghent, Acting Director, Current Planning Section, Planning Services Department PAM PALMER Thanks for the help Our path in life takes many unexpect ed twists and turns we cannot foresee. Unfortunately, in the last week I have had to visit two emergency rooms within Halton. However, what a great experi ence I had in such trying times. I would like to extend my apprecia tion to the staffs at both Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital and Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital who were fabulous. Also, a thank you to the won derful police officers and paramedics (Brian and Jody) for the amazing work that they did. I would like to ask the residents of Halton to give some thought to these wonderful people who work to keep us safe and well cared for. Again, thank you to all of you for the assistance you provided to my daughter and myself. SAMANTHA EMMERSON Thanks for support On behalf of the May Court Club of Oakville and the Festival o f Trees Committee, we would sincerely like to thank the sponsors for their generous contributions and for sharing in the suc cess of our 14th Annual Festival of Trees Fundraiser. With your support, we were able to donate $12,550 to the VON Halton Hospice Program. Thank-you for continuing to recog nize and meet the growing needs in our Oakville community. FESTIVAL OF TREES COMMITTEE MAY COURT CLUB OF OAKVILLE N O TIC E OF PUBLIC M EETING A P P L IC A N T :F ernbrook Homes (Bayshire) Lim ited File: Z.1409.04 and Z.1409.05 Please be advised that a public meeting will be held to discuss a proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment as submitted by the above-noted applicant. This meeting will be an information meeting hosted by the Planning Services Depart ment at which time details o f the application will be presented and public concerns noted. This meeting will take place on Monday, M arch 18, 2002 com m encing a t 7:30 p.m . in the O akville Room. Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend this meeting and speak to this matter are invited to do so. An explanation o f the purpose and effect o f the proposed applications, describing the land to which the proposed applications apply, and a key map showing the location o f the land to which the proposed applications apply can be found below. If a person or public body that files a notice o f appeal o f a decision in respect o f the proposed zoning amendment or official plan amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed zoning amendment is approved or the official plan amendment is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part o f the appeal. Location - The subject property is located between the Enbridge and TransCanada Pipeline easements in the vicinity o f Parkmount Drive, Grace Drive and Iroquois Ridge Secondary School. The land is legally described as Part o f Lot 9, Concession I, S.D.S. The lands are additionally described as being Part 2 and part o f Parts 3, 4 and 5 Plan 20R-9367. Official Plan - Figure M. Land Use, Iroquois Ridge Community, North District, designates the subject land Medium Density I with a maximum density o f up to 35 units per site hectare and Public Secondary School. The pipeline easements are designated Open Space/Utility Corridor Z oning - The site is zoned Agricultural - A. P roposal - Fembrook Homes has submitted the following applications: Site I. An Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment for, the site north o f Iroquois Ridge Secondary School, to change the land use designation from PuBlic Secondary School and to rezone the lands from Agricultural to Mixed Dwellings to permit townhouses on the site. Access to the site is provided from the draftapproved plan to the north. Site 2. A zoning amendment for, the lands north o f Grace Drive, to rezone the lands from Agricultural to Mixed Dwellings. Access to site 2 is proposed from the draft-approved plan located to the north. The applicant proposes 43 units on the two sites, which have a total land area o f 3 .13 ha (gross). The land area excluding all easements and landlocked property is 1.73 ha.(net) Dated at the Town o f Oakville this 27th day o f February 2002. John Ghent, Acting Director, Current Planning Section, Planning Services Department N O TIC E OF PU BLIC M E E T IN G A PPLICA N T: H enry Van B e e k - Van Beek N ursery File: Z. 1229.02 Please be advised that a public information meeting will be held to discuss a proposed Zoning Amendment as submitted by the above-noted applicant. The meeting will be an information meeting hosted by the Planning Services Depart ment at which time details o f the application will be presented and public concerns noted. This meeting will take place on Tuesday, M arch 12, 2002 com m encing at 7:00 p.m. in the T rafalg ar Room, Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend this meeting and speak to this matter are invited to do so. An explanation o f the purpose and effect o f the proposed application, describ ing the land to which the proposed application applies, and a key map showing the location o f the land to which the proposed application applies can be found below. If you wish to have further information on this application, please contact Bob Z sadanyi at the Town's Planning Services D epartm ent Town o f Oakville. P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Tel: 845-6601, Ext. 3041, email address: bzsadanyi@ town.oakvilIe.on.ca. Location - The subject property is located at the southeast com er o f Regional Road 25 and Lower Base Line. The lands are legally described as Part Lot 29, Con. 2 NDS. The municipal address is 2410 Lower Base Line. Official Plan - Figure B, General Land Use Map, o f the Oakville Official Plan designates the land as Parkway Belt. Nursery operations are permitted uses in the Parkway Belt. Zoning - The site is zoned PBA, Parkway Belt Agricultural. The property has a special zoning provision "640" (By-Law 1997-93) which permits the retail sale o f nursery stock on the property. Proposal - The applicant is seeking a zoning amendment to broaden the range o f permitted uses to include the sale o f related gardening supplies including fertilizers, garden chemicals, basic gardening tools, patio stones, cedar rails and similar nursery related items. There will be no site alterations or building expansions as a result o f this proposal. Retail sales will be carried out within the existing office building. Dated at the Town o f Oakville this 27th day o f February 2002. John Ghent, Acting Director, Planning Services, Planning Services Department CORRECTION For Our 48-Page SEARS PRE-PRINT (Sale Dates: Feb 25- March 10.2002) (C031F002) Page 11 - W omen's Nevada "Sparkling" stretch cotton-spandex twill pants. Sears reg. 59.99 each 41.99. are not available (or this promotion. Page 44 - Kenmore 12-amp canister vacuum #20100 correct price is 319.99 (Item also advertised in March W eek 1 W eekend Pre-Print) W e sincerely regret any inconvenience this may have caused our customers. Tupperware' Brand Products WAREHOUSE SALE 25%to 75%O FF Regular Price ONE DAY ONLY Friday, March 1,2002 Noon - 9:00pm CA SHO N Cf 5285TomkenRd. Unit #3 (S outh of M athesoo onthe east side) 905-629-2882 Canadian Cancer Society Societe canadienne du cancer 1225 TR A F A L G A R R O A D · O A K V ILLE, O N T A R IO · L6J 5A6

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