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Oakville Beaver, 10 Jul 2002, B3

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The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday July 10, 2002 - B3 SEET H E ST A R SC O llt e S t _________________________________________________________________^ ^ V - A D D R E S S :--------------------------------PHONE: Tell us w h ich local businesses' advertisem ent contain the fo llo w in g letters: THE * O A K V IL L E CENTRE c ro n w i T L j r : n r n r A n i i aw FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS to one of our Upcoming Shows! TICKETS 1 : 1 a. o A K V Simply nil in flu* ballot to the right. Find the letters w ithin the ads below that spell `OAKVILLE' and you have a (iiaiHW to win. PROUD SUPPORTER OF T HE A R T S At Berkshire Securities Inc, your long term financial security is my paramount concern. My team o f financial advisors is focused on building financial wealth for our dients through a disciplined approach to financial and investment planning. Consumers today are overwhelmed with an array o f financial planning advice. W ithout the . support o f a financial advisor who understands a client' s needs, an individual may become con tused and subject to market fads and flavour o f the month investments. 1 will act as your guide - cutting through the contusion and proliferation o f products available. Together we will create a financial strategy including an investment, tax and estate plan that's right for you. FOR THE P F R F flR M IN G A R T S * TH E F O L L O W IN G L O C A L BUSINESSES A R E P R O U D T O SUPPORT TH E AR TS: UPCOMING EVENTS For Tickets call (905) 815-2021 www.oc4po.com By Affirmative Communications Visit the box office, 130 Navy St. (at Lakeshore) Mon. to Friv noon · 5 p.m., Sat. 2 - 5 p.m. You Don't Just Need A Car! You Need Q v u d s itZ ^ 'fa & tA e ' a n d RBC Festival of Classics presents Shakespeare's R aym ond E. Jackson Financial Advisor lyiacbeth July 10th to Aug. 3 Mon. to Sat at 8 pm Coronation Park TICKETS: 905 815-2021 - OVER 50 USED VEHICLES TO CHOOSE FROM Starting from $4,995 B E R K S H IR E q S e c u r it ie s In c » 905 849-4700 710 Dorval Drive, Suite 505, Oakville Ont. L6K 3V6 Email: rjackson@berkshire.ca C H E V R O L E T Briar Wood O L D S M O B I L E LIMITED 321 Lakeshore Rd. West HOME OF OPTIMUM USED VEHICLES * OU OMnvutty Building wealth through time proven wealth creation strategies. W h e n it c o m e s to b u y in g o r se llin g a H om e in O a k v ille , B u rlin g to n , or M ississa u g a , th e p e o p le to k n o w a re R obin )e p s o n & M ic h a e l Jo n es. W ith a n e n th u sia s tic a p p ro a c h a n d c o m m itm e n t to p e rs o n a liz e d serv ice , th e y g o o u t o f th e ir w a y to m a k e g o o d th in g s h a p p e n for y o u a n d y o u r fam ily. By b rin g in g to g e th e r all o f th e rig h t e le m e n ts th ro u g h o u t th e tra n s a c tio n , th e y h e lp you g e t th e resu lts y o u a re lo o k in g for. H B M n illlM M I I I I I I I I I I i 905-278-3365 1 1 w w w .briarw oodchev.gm canada.com email: briarwoodchev@ gm canada.com All the Right THINKING OF SELLING? Call today for a detailed evaluation and marketing plan for your home. ROBIN JEPSpN Sales Representative rje p so n @ n e tco m .ca ROYAL BAN K FIN AN C IAL GROUP M ake the most o f your dream s.' M IC H A EL JONES Sales Representative m ic h a e ljo n e s @ id jr e c t.c o m Nearly Neil & The Solitary Band Thursday, July 25th at 8 pm Backed by a solid seven-piece band Bobby Bruce as Nearly Neil covers all the hitsfrom Sweet Caroline, Sung Song Blue, I Am I Said and many more!Don' t miss this hot show on a hot summer night in Oakville! - '^Pointers - Sculptors ~ jew elers A - fjlass rBlowers - ^Batters - cWood "Turners RO YAL L e PAGE M u : . 905338-3737 . A U th e R ig h t EJ e m m tp . Q4 R T a k v ille v O C IE T Y y e psoti &~/ o n e s w w w .je p so n jo n e s.co m presents 120 exhibitors from across Ontario. B ronte W a te rfro n t H e rita g e P a rk, a t th e fo o t o f B ro n te Rd. w w w . oakvilleartsoc iety.com D a v id W ilc o x " T h is S T A T E -O F -T H E r M K T S i u d t o # ia s f a p / f n - r f s t a y fo c u s e d , m o tiv a te d Thursday, August 15th at 8 pm A Canadian icon who has played everyfestival, college and university, David will have the house rockin with his many hits including " Hypnotizin Boogie" , " Bad Apple" ," Layin Pipe"and " Do the Bearcat" ! · Private Fitness Studio · Exclusive & Unique Environment 9 0 5 .8 4 4 .1 1 5 5 Downtown Oakville 121 personaltrainers.com S U M M E R S P E C IA L S Hiqh Yield Savinas Account The Pianomen: The Music o f Elton John & Billy Joel Tuesday, August 20th at 8:00 p.m. Showcasing his brilliant keyboard skillsJim Witter willperform the songs and stories that made EltonJohn and BillyJoel the superstar piano players o fthe century. LU & ,,, 2 .75% on your Savings · No Fees · No Service Charges · No Minimum Balance/Deposit · Personal or Business Accounts A s an authorized dealerfo r IN G Bank, Fiscal Agents ofO akinlle offers customers the comfort o f opening up a bank savings account, ju st like a local bank , both unth the added benefit o f substantially higher returns affected by an internet-based bank. Since 1977 SA V IN G S & IN V ESTM EN T C EN TRE IN G J it ) B A N K · Body Contouring - liposculpture, Endermologie · Lightsheer Laser Hair Removal · Blepharoplasty · Injectables - Botox, Restylane, Collagen, Artecoll · Microdermabrasion · Laser Resurfacing · Glycolic Peels ' Photorejuvenation · Skin Care Products - Intaglio, Obagi · Sclerotherapy ·Hair Transplants · Tattoo Removal LASER HAIR REMOVAL* U pper Lip o r Chin $99 U nderarm s S129 B ikini Line Si 59 D ia m o n d Peels* E n d e rm o lo g ie $129 20% OFF pkg. ' L im ite d t im e o ffe r. S o m e c o n d it io n s app ly. r -, Call fo r y o u r FREE consultation! TA FISCAL AGENTS Oakville' s Authorized Dealer of #V 1 -8 0 0 -2 6 3 -2 4 9 9 Dr Robert Knowlton, M.D.. F.R.C.S., Plastic Surgeon Dr. Arash Arani, B.Sc., M.D., C.C.F.P. ING Bank 25 Lakeshore Road West w w w .fisc a la ge nts.c om Fiscal Agents arc members o f T h e Federation o f C anadian Independent D eposit Brokers (F C ID B ) Fiscal Agents are no-fee deposit brokers, rates are also subject to change w ith o u t notice. E.O .E . For placem ent and rate c o n fir m atio n call 9 0 5-8 44 -7 70 0 Oakville 435 Reynolds St. 905-842-8346 or 1-800-263-2499 Toronto 129 Yorkville Ave. 416-923-0092

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