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Oakville Beaver, 30 Jul 2003, B2

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Contact: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 250) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com W'l I >NI SI ).\V. II IV Please forward announcements fo r Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd, Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4; Fax 905-337-5567, email blokhuis@haltonsearch.com, or call 905-845-3824 E xt 250, BEFORE MOON Monday to be included Notices are listed free o f charge. W EDNESDAYJULY 30 Wednesday Evening Fun Runs - meet at The Running Company, 118 Thomas St., at 7 p.m. for 5K, 7K and longer courses. Free. Call 905-815-1952. Top Hat Marching Orchestra is looking for new members - brass, woodwinds, and percussion. Rehearsals every Wednesday, 8 - 9:30 p.m., at Burlington Legion. 828 Legion, Burlington. Call 905-335-1798 or visit www.tophats.org. COMMUNITY UPDATE }(). 2(K). { · I THURSDAY JULY 31 Halton A nd Peel Professional Executive Network (HAPPEN) networking support group for unemployed business pro fessionals. meets at 8 a.m.. in Mississauga. Speaker : Brian Bassett, How Prepared are Youfo r Your Next Interview? Cost: $5 mem bers, $10 non-members. Call 905-339-0268 or www.happen.ca. L et' s Play B all Baseball Night. Halton Recreation Club. Deer Run Park, every Thursday, 7 p.m. Fun game o f slow-pitch softball. Men and women over 18 welcome. Deer Run Park is northeast o f Lakeshore Road and Ford Drive. For more informa tion, call Jim at 905-855-2484, or email aplus@primus.ca. FRIDAY AUGUST I Singles and Social Dance, every Friday during the summer, 8 p.m. - midnight,. Holiday Inn, 590 Argus Rd. Open to people 50 and up. Admission $8. Call 905-876'4540. Women' s Caring and Sharing Circle with Dekyi Lee Oldershaw, weekly meet ings on Thursdays, 1 - 2 p.m.. W omen's Centre, Hopedale Mall. Ste. 210. Free. Spend an hour in the warm, accepting atmosphere of other women. Share chal lenges, life experience and wisdom. On going group will become self-facilitated in September. Call 905-847-5520. SATURDAY AUGUST 2 M ADD Halton - M other's Against Drunk Driving is holding a fundraising bar becue from 9:30 a.m . - 4:30 p.m. at Loblaws, 2 4 3 1 Trafalgar Rd. Come out and show your support to stop impaired driving and support victims o f this violent crime. Bounty Enterprises Presents A B B A M A IN IA T H E R O C K M U S IC A L Parents Without Partners Hawaiian Night Singles Dance at Clarkson Community Centre, 2475 Truscott. Clarkson (QEW and Southdown). 8.30 p.m. - I a.m. Wear grass skirt. Hawaiian shirt and win a prize for the best costume. Cold buffet. DJ, door and spot prizes, 50/50 draw and much more. Admission is $10 members or associ ates (you must show proof of membership) and $14 guests. Visit www.pwp594.ca With STAYIN' ALIVE-THE BEE GEES a n d SOLITARY MAN/ NEIL DIAMOND SHOW with m em bers of th e Kitchener Symphony Orchestra and Chicago Transit Horn Section MONDAY A UGUST 4 Art in the Park, 38th annual show host ed by O akville Art Society at Bronte Waterfront Heritage Park, foot o f Bronte Road, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Oakville's premier outdoor art show will feature at least 126 artists from southern O ntario including painters, potters, sculptors, glass blowers, photographers and more. Cost: $2, children free. For more information about Art in the Park call Maureen Lyttle, Coordinator, at 905-827-5711. Weekly Walks by the Water along Waterfront Trail with the Bronte Bunch. Group walks every Monday year round for fun, fitness and friendship. Meet at back door o f Coach and Four. Lakeshore and Bronte. Walk begins 7:15 p.m. Aprfcs walk Peter C. McCusker · Oakville Beaver ART IN THE PARK: Ready fo r the 38th an n u al A rt In T he P a rk in B ronte on M onday Aug. 4 are C ornel Silversides, a B ronte painter, Lou H anson, a p o tter from D undas, Doug M ays, a p a in te r from Stoney C reek, Kelly H ooper from G lassw orks Studio O akville and M aureen M cC onnell, an O akville painter. T he event, rain o r shine, at B ronte W aterfro n t H eritage P a rk from 10 a.m . - 5 p.m ., will feature at least 126 a rtists. A dm ission is $2. F o r m ore inform ation call M aureen Lyttle, C o o rd in ato r, a t 905-827-5711. refreshm ents. Beginners welcom e. Approximately 7K walk, 1.5 hours. Call Sylvia, 905-616-2330. C A S TO F M AM M AM IA 'Closest thing to Abba' G LO B E&M A IL 'Fantastic' WEDNESDAY AUGUST 6 Art on the Bluffs at Sovereign House, 7 West River, in Bronte, features Sheila C reighton, M argaret Creighton and Ed Krahn to Aug. 3, hosted by Bronte Historical Society. T O R O N T OS U N 'Vocally superb' TUESDAY AUGUST 5 Oakville Wind Orchestra free concert series at Coronation Park. Tuesdays 7 - 8 p.m.. to Aug. 5. Bring a lawn chair and a friend. Call 905-466-9306 or www.oakvillewindorchestra.com. W IN N IP E GFR EE P R E S S 'Best Abba Production in The World* ' E l l : A U G U S T 24M KI Halton And Peel Professional Executive Network (HAPPEN) networking support group for unemployed business pro fessionals. 8 a.m., in Burlington. Speaker: Theresa Syer, How to Market Yourself fo r Success. Members $5. non-members $10. Call 905-339-0268 or www.happen.ca. Bronte Creek Provincial Park Adventure Club day camp Junior Naturalist Program and Time Traveler Club have been com bined to form A dventure Club. Tuesdays to Aug. 26, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Open to ages 6-10. Preregister by calling 905-8276911 ext. 271. A Cappella Showcase invites all women who like to sing to join them for their Summer Sing Program, stating July 8 and running every Tuesday to Aug. 19. This four-part harmony chorus meets 7 - 1 0 p.m. at St. Volodymyr's Cultural Centre, on the south side o f Dundas between Third and Fourth Lines. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13 - 8p m TICKETS $35.00 AVAILABLE AT THE OAKVILLE CENTRE FOR PERFORMING ARTS Bookers 8ookstore, 172 Lakeshore Rd. t , Oakville 90S · 844-5501 bookers@sympatico.ca 21 1"., 011 IMMIhl KS II t HIM (>\ I II 11< I ION THURSDAY AUGUST 7 Women' s Caring and Sharing Circle with Dekyi Lee Oldershaw, weekly meet ings on Thursdays, 1 - 2 p.m.. Women's Centre. Hopedale Mall. Ste. 210. Free. Spend an hour in the warm, accepting atmosphere o f other women. Share chal lenges. life experience and wisdom. O n going group will become self-facilitated in September. Call 905-847-5520. Weight Loss Support Group - Oakville for women between 45 and 65 who want to lose between 10 and 50 pounds. Join group o f dieters who will meet weekly at 11.30 a.m. for 10 weeks. Dieters will be provided with a healthy, nutritionally balanced diei plan and will receive group encouragement towards successful weight loss. Weekly meetings will monitor progress and provide for an exchange o f ideps and recipes. (Not affiliated with any profit or non-profu organization, no fees, nor asked to purchase anything.) Call 905-847-0660. 130 Navy S treet, O akville, BOX O ffic e 9 0 5 -8 1 5 -2 0 2 1 m m s im 1. WHITE DEATH, by Give Gissler 2. BLUE HORIZON, by Wilbur Smith 3. RARE BONES, bv Kathv Reichs 4. THE LAKE HOUSE, byJames Patterson 5. FOUR BLIND MICE, by James Patterson 6. CHASING THE DIME by Michael Connelly 7. THE LOST LIGHT, by Michael Connelly 8. THE VANISHED MAN, by Jeffrey Deaver 9. COSMOPOUS, by Don DeLillo 10. THE KING OF TORTS, bvjohn Grisham 11. SONS OF FORTUNE, by Jeffrey Archer 12. REVERSIBLE ERRORS, by Scott Turow 13. DECEMBER 6. by Martin Cruz Smith 14. SHUTTER ISLAND, by DennLs Lehane 15. THE DaVINCl CODE bv Dan Brown ( l l l l t l t V M M . S I M i l l 'l l Help fo r Parents - Parent Support Group meets weekly, Tuesday evenings in Burlington. This non-denominational selfsupport group with trained leaders, helps parents o f children who are in trouble at home, at school or with the law, abusive or taking drugs. A member o f Association of Parent Support G roups in O ntario (APSGO). Call 1-800-488-5666, or visit www.apsgo.ca. Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Sir John Colbome Centre for Seniors, Tuesdays 1 - 4 p.m. Cost: $20. By appointment only. Call 905-815-5960. Halton A nd Peel Professional Executive Network (HAPPEN) networking support group for unemployed business pro fessionals, 8 a.m., in Mississauga. Speaker Jamie Broughton. Living Edge - Push Your Comfort Zone. Members $5. non-members $10. Call 905-339-0268 or www.happen.ca. Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Oakville Seniors Recreation Centre. 263 Kerr St., 1 4 p.m. Cost: $20. By appointment only, call 905-815-5966. TOPS (Take O ff Pounds Sensibly) weekly Tuesday meetings, 7 p.m., at Walton Memorial United Church, 2489 Lakeshore West in Bronte. Info: 905-827-3399. Oakridge Mom and Tots for moms and kids ages birth to 4; Oakridge Bible Chapel, 2250 Eighth Line, Tuesdays, 9:30 - 11 a.m. Free, kids welcome to play, moms welcome to chat. Call Kim English 905-332-7929. \ iio i m i i i w i o n \ r m i : s i io i ii 1. ROLLING WITH THE STONES. by Bill Wyman 2. KURT COBAIN JOURNALS, by Kurt Cobain 3. if i knew ; d o n t y o u t h in k r o TELL YOU, bvjann Arden 4. SHAKEY: NEIL YOUNG'S BIOGRAPHY. byJames McDonough 5. MEET THE OSBOURNES, by Todd Gold 6. MAKING MUSIC, by Ted Barris 7. AMAZING DAiS OF ABBYHAYESSERIES, by .Anne Mazer (CJiildrm 5-8) 8. MARY-KATE AND ASHLEY SERIES, byMary-Kate Olsen fChildren 5-8) 9. HARRY POTTER SERIES (BOOKS 1-5), byJ.K. Rowling (CJiildrm 8-12) 10. OUR CANADIAN GIRL SERIES, by various authors (Children 8-12) 11. A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS (BOOKS 1-9), by Lemony Snicket (Children 8-12) 12. ANGUS, THONGS AND FRONTAL SNOGGING (PLUS SEQUELS), by Louise Rennison (Young Adult) 13. A GOSSIP GIRL NOVEL (BOOKS 1-3), by Cecily Von Ziegesar (YoungAdult) 14. THE MEDIATOR SERIES, by Jenny Carroll (author of The Princess A IR E O N E Central Air & Furnace PA Y N O T A X O R BO M O IN T E R E S T N O P A Y M E N T S f o b o n e y e a r E v e ry y e a r, th e C a n a d ia n 5 0 0 0 v o lu n te e rs o f th e * C o a s t G u a r d A u x ilia ry (C C G A ) in m o r e t h a n re sc u e m is s io n s , p a rtic ip a te 1 7 0 0 se a rc h a n d re s u ltin g T o re a c h n e e d in o v e r 2 0 0 liv e s s a v e d . h e lp , a ll t h o s e t h a t n e e d F in a n c in g w e y o u r fin a n c ia l s u p p o r t. A v a ila b le a s lo w $ 3 0 /m th as F o r m o re inform ation, call (613) 991-5714 o r visit us at w w w .c c g a -g c a c .o rg Diaries, Meg Cabot) 15. HIS DARK MATERIALS (BOOKS 1 -3) by Philip Pullman (YoungAdult) 'S e e store for details NEW LOCATION UPPER MIDDLE A IR E O N E 3 1 0 -H E A T 1505 Guelph Une 970 Upper James St 0 905 385-2800 (south of Mohawk) TH E U N C UJ Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary 200 Kent St, 5th Floor, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A0E6 R e g is te re d C h a rity 8 7 0 2 9 8 4 9 4 R R 0001 Best Bets provided courtesy of 2= m B o o Ic e r s b o o k i t o f w o iot o r d e r a - b o o k oiutoe (In the Food Basics Plaza, Burlington) 905 335-2665 · 905 335-9600 MOHAWK

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