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Oakville Beaver, 26 Jun 2002, Classified, C 4

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C4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday June 26, 2002 T h e O akville B eaver L A - Z - B O Y i^ L E W E s Sofas, Chairs and Sectionals of Uncompromising Quality and Style An Extraordinary Selection of the Finest Custom Fabrics. Imagine, Genuine La-Z-Boy at prices that will Delight you! S o fa s for L e s s ! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905 845-3824 OR 905 337-5610 FAX: 905 632-8165 MON. FRI. 9:00am - 5:00Dm ho use s fo r sale C la ssified G re a t L iv in ' D o w n t o w n ! 1Convenient location near GO Stn 1Gorgeous views 1Indoor pool & saunas 1All 2 bedrooms with 2 full baths 1 Newly renovated spacious suites I B r s 'l Bf+Oen -2Brs from ON Lake shore, near G uelph, 2-bedroom , c/air, s epa rate entrance, large treed lot, $860/m o. +u tilities. 905-632-3080 evgs. Starting From B u r lin g to n P ow er C en tre « Q E W & B ran t St. · 9 0 5 -3 3 1 -7 6 0 0 Circulation: 905-845-9742 Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 «Services 700-795 PRIVATE hom e sale- 550 Enfield Rd., Aldershot/Burl. 3-bedroom , 3.5bath, 250' deep lot, large deck/hot tub. B e a u tifu lly deco rated, in law suite. A m ust see! $249,900. Possession date flexible. Call 905-637-4075. www.homesalez.com #10399 IM M AC ULATE 'J u s t Move ln ` 3+1 bedroom , 4 -leve l backsplit, across from Mapleview Mall, Burlington. C/A, C/V, nicely landscaped. Dec. 02 closing. No agents please. $237,500. 905-631-7008 4-BE DRO O M hom e 1.5 baths, Ravine lot, stamped c oncrete d rivew ay, near W alke rs Line, clo se to schoo ls. $24 8,90 0. 9057 1 9 -5 5 6 0 . www.a1 pro pertysales.com ID#1057 OPEN C O NC EPT Bungaloft... 1882sq.ft. 3-bed rooms, 5 appliances. Near all am enities... and Mapleview M all. $26 7,90 0. Simon Jackson 905-208-0960 DU NDAS- custom 4-bdrm, $345,000 serviced country lot, town convenience, up grades 905-628-1108 http:// home.cogeco.ca/~twilk2 COMEHDMEW... CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliances · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking C onveniently located near schools and B urlington M all Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited O A K V IL L E New 3 -b e d room T o w n h o u s e ,2 -1 /2 bathroom s. Third Line/Up per M iddle Rd/ Hw y 5, 4 app lia nces. A v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly $ 1 ,4 5 0 .0 0 (905)827-9584 .___________ O A K V IL L E - 2,3& 4 Bed room townhouses available im m ediately through Aug/ 1st. 4 appliances. H oped ale M all area. Lakeshore Management, 905-876-3336 NEW R e novations- A va il able Aug.15th. 3-bedrooms. Includes 1 parking, $950./ m o.+ u tilitie s . North Burlington. 905-319-9104_______ B R O N T E - 2 large bed room s fp, c/a, deck, 1.5 bath, 4 appliances, steps to lake. No sm oking /pe ts, $1175/mo + utilities. August 1st. 905-825-9022_________ BE AU TIFU L 4-bedroom + den, Southeast Burlington. F inished basem ent, a p pliances, garage, C/A, 1-1/2 baths. J u ly ls t. $1550/m o. 905-549-9992. 900 lETil condom inium s fo r rent B E D - Q ueen, o rth opedic p illo w to p m attress, boxspring & fram e. New, in p la stic. C ost $1125, sell $450. W ill d e live r. 905971-3315._________________ BED w etting? Free report re v e a ls th a t little know n technics can get your life b a ck to n o rm a l. C a ll 24 hours per day for a record ed message and a copy of my report 1-888-845-4070 C A P TA IN S bed, solid Maple, 1-yr. new mattress, excellen t cond ition, $150; large cartop carrier, $150; Ford W instar Class-2 hitch $80; 20" colour TV $65; LeCampa Porta-potty, used 6 times, $60; youth life jack ets; Baseball gloves; va ri ous cleats; sporting goods $10-20/ea. 905-332-7160. CA R P ET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainm aster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do living roo m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve. (905)639-2902 C O U N TR Y-STYLE pine furn itu re : Q ueen 4-poster bed, boxspring, m attress, night ta b le s, 7-draw er dresser, $850; m atching pine/ burgundy m ilk paint coffee/ end tables & enter ta in m e n t u n it, $350; pine dining roo m tab le w/4 chairs, $350. 905-849-9741. CUSTOM made bunk beds, crib, strollers, car seats, baby gate &Misc. baby items. Call 905-337-8364______________ DEBO ER S m arb le / glass dinging set, 6 chairs. $500. Solid wood kitchen set, 4 chairs, $200. Call 905-6376055 after 5pm. DINING RO O M set. table . 6 chairs, china cabinet, $500.; kitchen table, 4 chairs, oak/ glass octagonal table, $350. 905-257-4515 DININGROOM table, teak, $600; "Vilas" Maple dinette table, 4-chairs, $150; new bedfram e, $45; 40-pce. dinner set $25; Cord +half firewood, mixed hardwood, $50. 905-335-9370.________ DRESSING tab le with sto o l- Waverly fabric skirt ing. Adorable for teen bed room decor. $100/firm. 905632-6979_________________ EN TER TAINM EN T unit (P a llise r) lig h t oak 57"w x23"d x54"h. E xce lle nt condition. $500. Call 905634-3280 evgs.____________ EVENFLO exersaucer, $35. Cosco M anual wind baby sw ing, $25. Sturdy Greco stroller, Navy, $40. Sedders 10000BTU w ind ow a ir c o n d itio n e r 3yrs. $200. 905-331-6493 FOR Sale Air conditioners 5000BTU - 10.000BTU $150 - $250 call 905-8478407____________________ FRIDGE "Kenmore", white, e xce lle n t cond ition, glass shelves 66 inches x 32 in ches, $500. C all 905639-1511__________________ F R ID G E - 17 cubic ft., Kenm ore, w hite, hardly used, $250/obo. W asher/ dryer, uprig h t, 4yrs. old, h ardly used, $ 6 0 0 /p a ir/ obo. Bar fridge, $50. 905631-6729_________________ FRIDGES, Stoves, W ash ers, Dryers. Like new. Spotless. Under warranty. 905-549-1911______________ FU TO N d o u b le h u n te r g re e n w ith fra m e $ 1 8 0 ., box & m a ttre s s brand nam e, o rth o p e d ic $42 5., both b ra n d new , w ill deliver (905)257-3743 IK E A F urn itu re (P o a n g )arm chair & footstool. Black le a th e r & w hite fram e. W hite glass door cabinet, white book case with base cabinet, coffee table. Ex cellent condition. Best offer. 905-332-4129__________ "JO HN Deer" hydro-static lawn m ow er w ith weight, chains, and blade $3000. Rototiller $100. utility trailer $75., snowblower used 21 3 tim es, $1100. 905-3191815 or 905-335-8033 LIK E new sin g le green sofa bed, $150.; 39" TV & stand, $500.; medium brown v e lo u r reclining loveseat, $100.; 2 brown recliners, $50/ea.; GE upright 17 cu.ft. freezer, $199.; 2 pine multipaned French doors, 32"x7 8", $25 pa ir. 905333-4466_________________ M OVING Sale- Frdige, stove, riding lawn tractor. C all 9 0 5 -3 1 5 -7 4 0 3 after 6pm.______________________ MOVING Sale- glass c o f fee, s id e ta b le $100/pair, floor lamp $50, dark walnut dresser $100, Queen size bed $300. 2 beautiful wood ceilin g fans $80, Queen size fe a th e r duvet $100. C all 9 0 5 -63 4-81 34 Leave message MOVING Sale- sofa/loveseat, taupe. 3-pce. w a llunit, glass dining room table w/8 chairs. Grey com puter desk. 905-466-7102 or 905-336-7544___________ MOVING- large Kelvinator Fridge, $300. GE Fridge / stove, $500. All Alm ond coloured, good w o rking condition. 905-631-1075 M O V IN G -S A L E - 2 coffee ta b le s $70., 2 end table s $ 15/each, 2 lazy boy chairs $10 0 /e a c h ,3 s c a tte r rugs $ 2 5 ., m ic ro w a v e sta n d $10., portable electric heater $25. (905)337-9651 NEED a Computer... Don't Have Cash? The O rigina l IBM PC, just $1. a day., no m oney down! The Buck a Day Company, call 1-800772 -86 17. w w w .bucka day.com___________________ PIAN O, Yam aha U1E 48" upright, black ebony- stun ning! Just tuned. Beautiful condition. $4100. Call 905842-8988.________________ R AIN BO W play structure brand new, summer 2001. Deluxe rainbow castle in cludes, rock clim bing wall, slid e , ham m ock, 3-sw ing p ositions, etc. Purchased fo r $5200 asking $3500 905-315-9011. Cash only TA BLE and 4/chairs $950. "Bombay Company". Large capacity "Whirl-Pool" wash er & dryer $550/ both. 10 fo o t extension alum inum ladder $55. "Sears" ladies bike, 18speed, $70. 5horse pow er law nm ow er "H onda" $300 9 0 5 -6 3 2 0016 TORO Pro Line 32" cut com m e rcial w alk behind m ower. G reat cond ition. $1650. 905-335-8409 VILA S maple table w ith 2 pedestal 44x66 w/2 panels of 12" each. Perfect condi tion, asking $800. 905842-0869 after 4pm.________ C l L l artic le s w anted BID AUCTION SERVICES | PROFESSIONAL AUCTION GROUP I E\EKYTHL\<; M I ST BE SOU) RE(l\RDi£SS OF COST f ESTATES * LIQUIDATIONS * CONSIGNMENTS * I * JEWELLERY * ELECTRONICS * STEREOS * LIMITED EDITION ART * * HOUSEHOLD FIRNTITHE * DLMNG ROOMSLTTES * COLLECTIBLES * * BEDROOM SLUT * LIVING ROOM SWTE · ART COLLECTION * * ESTATE C0LNS & NOTES * GRANDFATHER CLOCKS * TIFFANY I LAMPS * SPORTS MEM0RABIUA COLLECTION * LEATHER SOFA SETS I I Catalogue Sale - Will be sold in detail with no buyers premiums by: | BURLINGTON SQUARE 1460 G hent Ave. at 760 Brant St. P IN E D A LE E states C on do!! East B u rlington, 1bdrm., top floor, marvelous view, parking, storage, 24/ hr security, available now! $1025/mo. 905-632-4284 GRANDE Regency; Fabu lo us upgraded 1-bedroom penthouse. C/A, balcony, pool, exercise, security, 5 app lia n ce s, No sm oking, prefer no pets. $1200/mo. Aug./S ept. L.Davies R.E., 905-333-4347_____________ BURLINGTON North- Large 2-bedrm, great complex. Air, 5 -a p p lia n c e s , garage/ storage, cathedral ceiling, skylights. $1080/mo. August 1st. 905-319-7188_________ BU R LIN G TO N , W alke r's/ Upper Middle, 1-bedroom + den, balcony, 5 appliances, C /A, exercise room . Non smoking. $1,050/mo.+ utili ties. 905-315-8158_________ DOW NTOW N B u rlington: Superb Penthouse, pano ramic lake view! Im pecca ble decor, 2-bedroom s + den, lib ra ry , te rra c e . No sm oking. P refer no pets. $2700/m o. S e p t.1st or sooner. Call L.Davies R.E., 905-333-4347_____________ TWO bedroom Glen Abbey available August 1. Ground flo o r, ravine , fire p la c e , 5 appliances, parking. $1300/ month. Call (905)844-9455 FOUR bedrooms, 4-wash rooms, fam ily room, walkout-basem ent, double ga rage available now $2100/ month. Call (905)825-2901 l ) u l houses fo r rent y ^ ^ v v v v v W AN TED A ll- Jew ellery, C hina, S ilv e r, C rystal, sew ing m achines... Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Moorcroft, Quilts, Glass, collecti bles, estates. John/Tracy, 905-331-2477_____________ | ( f ( l I I fire w o od 905 639-4677 u t il it ie s in c l u d e d P U B L IC A U C T IO N SATURDAY, JUNE 29 AT 7:PM (PREVIEW 6:PM) THE HOLIDAY INN BURLINGTON | 3063 SOUTH SERVICE ROAD (Guelph Line & QEW) P u b lic N o tic e We have the apartment y o u 're looking for! 2&3 Bdrms ·June & Ju ly 6 John Street, Oakville 905-845-4751 1 Day Approvals * Managed by Green win Property 2-BEDROOM Suites among refined tenants in lu xury building close to Burlington Mall. Call the "Princess", 905639-8009 or "Regency" 905681-8115___________ G EO R G IAN A p artm ents. 1.2&3 Bedroom s. June / July/ Aug. H eat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 905-6390456, M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:308pm TR AFA LG A R / D undas. New apa rtm e nt. Large 1bedroom basem ent, sepa rate entrance, parking. Ap pliances, utilities, $900/mo. N o n-sm oker ad u lt. 905257-9554._________________ REBECCA/ Third. Spacious 2-bedroom basement. Separ ate entrance. Close to schools, p u b lic tra n s p o rta tio n , 4 app lia nces, gas fireplace, C/A, share large yard. Suites c o u p le / sm all fam ily. $ 1 ,050/m o. includes u tili tie s , cable, la undry. July 1st. 905-815-9020 C A N A D IA N A . Quiet, wellm aintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1.2&3 bedroom s ava ila b le J u ly / Aug./Sept. 5220 Lakeshore, Burlington. 905-632-5486. 1-BEDRO O M basem ent apa rtm ent, 3-pie ce bath, galley kitchen, livingroom , diningroom , core area, on bus route, walk to d ow n town. Available im mediate ly/ July 1st. $700/incl. 905637-4437_________________ 2-BEDROOM apartm ents. 110 South F oster Park, O akville. Includ es e v e ry thin g . Im m ediate . 905849-8411; 10am-8pm. ___ 1 &2 Bedroom apartm ents available Immediately/ July/ Aug. from $795./m o. Con ve n ie n tly lo cate d W ood w a rd / G uelph Line, Burlington. 905-632-4265 2-BE D R O O M S : $85 0./ mo. (U tilitie s in clude d). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. R ental O ffice Open 11am-8pm, Mon.-Sat. 905639-5761 _________________ DOW NTOW N B u rlington, 1275 Elgin* S treet. 1,2&3 Bedrooms, July/Aug. Freshly deco rated, spacious, w ell m a intained & quiet w ith upgraded fire alarm system for safe highrise living. Call 905-637-0321________ __ CENTRALLY located, wellmaintained, spacious 1-bed room suite, immediate. Must see to a p p re c ia te . 3055 Glencrest Road, Burlington, 905-637-3921______________ BACHELOR apartm ent for rent in M ilton. $650 plus u tilitie s per m onth. 905876-9941__________________ O A K V ILL E . S m a rt.2 -b e d room, w /ensuite, 2 under ground parking, balcony, 5 app lia nces, C /A. A u g .1st. $1300/m o. 905-333-5506, Ext.74_____________________ BR IG HT B a chelo r with k itchen . Q uiet n e ig h b o r hood, n o -sm oking /pets, u tilitie s included, laundry, parking. Available July/1 st $700/mo 905-634-4805 OAKVILLE downtown. Small bach elor, second flo o r century home.Back entrance, $680/mo. includes utilities, parking, laundry. No pets. 905-257-3973. ___ OAKVILLE PLACE area - 2bedroom $985/m o. 1-bedroom $885/mo. Small bldg. Near all amenities. Heat, hot w ater, parking included. Immediate. 905-847-1138. O A K V IL L E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large R e novated 1&2Bdrm. New a pp lia nces, w indow s. From $84 5./mo 905-844-5474 ___ O A K V IL L E . 3-bedroom bungalow, main floor, 4 ap plia n ce s , c /a ir, fire p la c e , double garage, $1050/mo. + u tilitie s . A u g.15 th. 905842-0681.________ _________ O A K V IL L E . N ear all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Bachelor, July, $780/m o.; .1-bedroom, July/Aug. $925/ mo.; 2-bedroom, July/Aug., $1040/mo.; 3-bedroom, Im m ediate, $12 25/m o. (+ parking) 905-844-9006 O A K V IL L E : B ronte. 1&2 bedroom from $950/mo. in cludes heat, hydro, parking, locker, Aug.lst. Clean, quiet building. 905-827- 8228. O AKV ILLE: 392 Pine Ave. at C o rnw all & T ra fa lg a r. Renovated, la rge suites. W alk to E ve rythin g. 1&2 Bedrooms from $845. 905842-1429, Ext.231__________ B U R LIN G TO N - Large 2bedroom (825 sq.ft.) Clean quiet building near dow n tow n. P arking. $795/m o. Call Annie, 905-634-5885.___ BU R LIN G TO N dow ntown la ke fro n t. B e a u tifu l new studio apartm ent. P rivate patio. Q uiet, non-sm oking home. Includes heat/ hydro/ parking. No pets. $650/mo. 905-633-8449_____________ DE LUX E, la rge 3 -b e d room penthouse with lake view and fireplace, $1150/ mo. A ll u tilitie s in clude d. Burlington. 905-639-5761 NEWLY renovated, freshly p ainted! 1&2 Bedroom s ava ila b le J u ly / Aug. 1363 Lakeshore, Burlington across from Spencer Smith Park, 905-637-8431, 7-days, 9am5pm, (Ring Apt. #101) EX PER IENC ED liv e -o u t Nanny for toddler. Mature, well-spoken, loving individ ual w/car. Southwest Oak v ille . N on-sm oker. R e fe r ences. 905 -46 4-92 22 (leave voice message). LIV E -IN c a re g iv e r fo r 4 and 12yr old. w illin g to w ork on w eekends. M ust have driver's license. Call between 6-9pm , M onday thru Friday at 905-3316203______________________ LIV E -IN Nanny required fo r 3 children, Burlington. Cooking & housekeeping required . C all 905-3191723. 0VIR 1000 ITEMS TO BE SOLD COLLECTIBLES iTiffanv glass lamps. Satsuma Porcelain collection, Royal I Dux, collector plates, wildlife sculptures, floor lamps, [ Iclocks, decor accent items, floor vases, hand made unique I nostalgia items, signboards, depression glass, hand made I model ships, CD cabinets, carved storage trunks, Murano I Clowns, collector showcases, Limoges, cast iron toys, I fountains, die cast collection, iron planters, garden I accents, Laurel & Hardy. Wildlife sculptures. Weathervanes, I |Limoge eggs etc. C LIP C oupon. G et your firew oo d now! seasoned m ixed hardw ood, $6 0 ./ a cord. Delivered. Minimum 5 cords. 1-519-582-4628. pets, su pplies bo arding M ALTE SE p u p - 7wks. old, hom e raised , $450. 905-630-1935_____________ M A L E -, 7 m o n th old B ich o n F ris 6 $ 6 5 0 . C a ll after 7pm (905)844-8586 JEWELLERY |L arge selection of ladies & gents 10-14 kt. gold diamond I and genuine stone rings. Earrings, bracelets, designer! watches, pearls, pendants, sterling silver, gold coins. Estate I |m in t sets, bank notes, silver dollars, proof dollars etc. DELUXE condo townhouse, 3-years new, Headon Rd., Burlington. 3-bedrooms, 11/2 baths, C/A, untouched basement. Low condo fees. S p otless. $21 3,40 0. 905631-7008 No agents please BU RLING TO N 895 Maple Ave. 2-bedroom , 2-baths, A/C, patio, garage, walk to shopping. $14 2,50 0 C all 416-234-8803 ington Towers 1, 2 & 3 Bdrm Suites 905 * 639*8583 www.ontim.com email: btowers@ cogeco.net E!(|T|] cars fo r sale 1994 C h rysle r In tre p id w hite, PW, PL, A ir, tinted w indow s. Cert. & E m is sions passed. $5200. 905631-5695 __ 1993 Ford E xp lorer X L T ps, pb, pw, pi, le ath er in te rio r, exce lle n t condition body, m otor, tire s, 320K. $2500. 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -0 5 2 9 , evenings.__________________ 1989 Dodge S p irit 14 T ur b o - w hite, autom atic, 274K, as is. $500/obo. 905338-8061, after 6pm. 1989 P o ntiac G randAM 2dr, auto, A/C, AM/FM Cas sette, cruise, tilt. Original owner since new. Approx. 150K. Recent new convert er/ muffler/ manifold. Good running cond ition. $1450 obo. 905-336-1093_________ 1999 Saturn SC1, Silver 3 door coupe, auto, A/C, Mint. 37K. C e rtifie d . $14,750. 905-634-4224 ___ 1980 VW C a b rio le t- C o l le ctors item . As is. Call between 12-2pm . 905639-8648__________________ 1988 F ireb ird 2.8 V6 240K., T-tops, minor body work needed, m any new parts, $800 obo. Also, 196 7-style F ireb ird rim s, $300 w /tire s. 1989 Trans Am T -to ps $80 /pair. No reasonable offers refused. John, 905-335-2224 evgs. 1991- P lym outh A cclaim . Autom atic. Asking $1300. 905-639-8769_____________ ASSU M E lease: 2001 Survivor AWD Pontiac Aztek. Loaded, w ith pow er sunroof, tent package not used. 48 mon./$540 includ ing taxes, GMAC Transfer free. Call 905-469-4789 1997 Ford Explorer L im it ed, fu lly loaded, certified, 145K. Good cond itio n , $15,500. 905-878-523 8 _ _ 1999 C h evro let S ilverado 1500-auto, V6, A/C, sp lit seat, cha rch o l, exce lle n t cond ition, new brakes, Etested/ certified, 81,000km. Asking $15,700. 905-689699, 905-512-6665 1994 Honda A ccord EX4cyl., 5speed, 216K. Cert., Etested. $6900. 905-3199053______________________ LOW Kms! 1993 Nissan Sentra XE, Black, auto., air, 70K, one ow ner, $6900. 905-84 5-55 83, 9 0 5 -8 4 5 4907 ____________ 1993 Ford Probe GT- Red, A/C, Approx. 173K. $3000. 905-631-6518 1991 Hyundai Excel, run ning condition. Autom atic. Needs w ork. $600/obo. 905-825-5693 _____ 1999 Sunfire GT co n ve rt ible, C/A, pow er w indow / doors, cruise, tilt steering 105,000k, $14,500. C all 905-847-0753______________ 1997 M azda 626 LX, 4 cyl., well maintained, load ed. 153k. $8200 obo. 905632-076 4_________________ 1994 Honda C ivic LX S p ecial. E xce lle nt co n d i tio n . autom atic, a/c, four door, blue, E -test. M ain tained with Honda records a vailab le. 9 0 5 -3 3 7 -9 5 0 6 Cell 416-839-7254__________ 1995 Nissan Altima 4 door, auto, dark blue, p.s., p.b., a/c, rustproofed, good con dition, 118500 km, E tested & certified $6750.00. 905847-2489_________________ 1994 Eagle Talon 2.0L, 4cylinder, 2-door, 5-speed, A/C, cruise, AM /FM casette d , c e rtifie d , E -te s te d . $6,500. (905)338-3531 I m o to rcycles FURNITURE I Hand made desks, consoles, mirrors, hall tables, salon I chairs, occasional tables, dining table & chairs, china I cabinets, oak dining table & chairs, vanity & stool, tables, I French commodes. Consoles, trunks, dressers, tables, f accent items, selection of iron accents, quilt stands, ferns I tables, washstand, tilt wine tables, leather sofa set. dining I room suites. Quilt stand, marble top consoles, chiming I grandfather clocks, pine tables, sleigh beds, bedroom I |suites, armoires. A C h ild 's P lace lice n s e d home daycare urgently re q u ire s p ro v id e rs in the O a k v ille a re a . E x c e lle n t ra te s , p le a s e c a ll K a th y (905)873-9119____________ EXPER IENC ED E A - w ill p rovide high q u a lity da y care in her B u rlington hom e. Please call 905332-6072__________________ H .C .C .R . hom e daycare, fu ll-tim e spaces. Near Mountainside/ Guelph Line. TLC, lunches, crafts, fenced yard. CPR/ references/ receipts. 905-319-3826. LO VING fa m ily e n v iro n m ent in M ohawk Garden School area, special o u t ings, educational play, bal anced nutrition, 9 0 5 -3 3 3 3937______________________ M O U N TA IN SID E area. Daycare available. All ages w elcom e. R o lling M ead ows, St. Gabe School area. Call 905-335-2278._________ MY hom e daycare (B u r lington) has spaces avail, for Sept/and sum mer day care. Crafts, walks to park + more. CPR & references. Call anytime, 905-319-2793. SUMMER-TIME/ After school care. 12-yrs expe rience. Large fenced yard. Weekly outings. R e ceipts. Fisher Avenue. 905-336-6080. WE s p e cia lize in C o ndo m inium S ales & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., Realtor, (905)333-4347 O A K V IL L E D owntown. Retail space approx. 1,000 sq.ft. $1400/mo. plus. 2,000 sejft. $2100/mo. plus. Call 905-337-7135. I in d u s tria l /co m m e rcia l space FU RN ISH ED Room fo r rent . Burlington/ Oakville. Parking, laundry, phone, bathroom . Q uiet nonsm oker. $550/m o. Augustlst. 905-631-5844. C A R LIS L E , 1-bedroom apa rtm e nt in c oun try s e t tin g , $700/m o. in clusive. Available Ju ly ls t. 905-6899 1 9 6 . ______________ P LA IN S Rd. (B urlington). 2-bedroom , new er sm all building. Parking, laundry. S e curity, im m e d ./J u ly ls t $82 5/m o.+ hydro. 905825-5539._________________ OLD O akville. B e a u tifu lly m aintained, very clean, q u ie t b u ild in g dow ntow n. Step out to shops. B a chelo r, $750.; 1-bedroom from $985; 2 -b e d room from $1250./m o. No le ase. 905 -84 5-82 54 (leave message)____________ A LD ER SH O T (w est B ur lin g to n ) new ly renovated bachelor w ith full kitchen, available July 1st, $625 + hydro 905-633-8547________ "H O U S E -L IK E " L iving in Low-rise Townhom e/ Apts! 2&3 Bdrm s, 1-flo o r & 2store y designs. Ground flo o r u n its w /w a lk -o u t to la ndscape patio ! Freshly p ainted, refinish ed hard wood, new appliances- All for you! Tyandaga Terrace, 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr. 905336-0016; 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr., 905-336-0015 SP AC IO U S 1,2&3 B ed room s. F reshly painted, brig h t. C o m p e titiv e rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation . 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm HEART of Bronte. 50 East St., clo se to la ke/ Bronte H arbour. 1-bedroom , Im m edia tely or Sept. $950/ mo. 2-bedroom , Im m e d iate ly $1,095. (+parking) 905-825-0816______________ BRANT St., Burlington. 2& 3 bedrooms from $950, in cludes 1 free outdoor park ing, utilities & cable TV. To view call 905-639-1960 BR O N TE: H ixon/ Nelson area. 2-bedroom, parking included, $920/m o; 1-bed room, parking, $765/m o.+ utilities. J u ly ls t. Call 905847-1138._________________ FOURTH Line/ Rebecca, large, brig h t, basem ent a pa rtm e nt, 1-bedroom + den, priv a te entrance, washer/ dryer, A/C, utilities, cable, parking. Use of gas BBQ, deck, la rge yard. Close to dow ntow n, lake, YM CA, QEW &Go. Nonsm okers, c ats welcom e! $825/mo. Sept.1 905-3390776 O LDE O ak v ille . 2 -b e d room bungalow. Large lot. 5 appliances, partially fin ished basem ent. Steps to d ow ntow n/ Lake. $1650/ mo. -(-utilities. 416-919-2519. 3-BEDROOM home located in North East Oakville on 2 acres, with 2 car garage and small bam. Available Aug/1 st $1600/m o+ u tilitie s . C all Joesph Rupcich. 905-8440363 Oakdome Reality Ltd. G UELPH Line/ F airview 3 +2 -bd rm s, 2 -fu ll baths, walk to GO/ amenities. Ap p lia n c e s / la undry. No sm oking/pets. $1,375./mo. -(-utilities, A u g .ls t. Leave m essage, 905 -510-0197, evgs: 905-712-2753 RENT to Own options or 0 Down Program based on credit & earnings v e rific a tion. Contact Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker, Re/Max Escarpment Realty, Realtor, 905-63 9-52 58; creativeopts@quickclic.net M A IN le v e l o f h o u s e Downtown O akville. Two Bedroom. Walk to Harbour, shops, library. Non sm ok ing ideal fo r P rofessio nal coup le $1375/m onth u tili tie s in c lu d e d (9 0 5 ) 8 4 9 5499______________________ $ 1 ,8 0 0 /M 0 . G org eous, 5 year old, 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bathroom home, bleached oa k k itc h e n , s in g le a t tached garage,fully fenced. Call Laurice Albert, Assoc. Broker,R e/M ax (9 0 5 )2 5 7 2414 W ANTED House to R e n tLong-term . P rofessio nal c oup le w ith tw o child re n , non smoker, no pets. Re quires 3+ bedrooms, 1500+ sqft. Flexible possession from Julylst- Septemberlst. Excellent references avail able. Please call Dawn or Andrew 905-827-3054 GENERAL ITEMS Limited edition art of The Group of Seven, accent and I decor art, Port. Stereos, cordless phones, framed sports I memorabilia: water fountains. 36x48 grand foyer mirrors. I and various accent sizes, all from Italy with museum I frames. Cast iron accents, Bobby Orr collector frame, I hockey jerseys, sticks. A.J. Casson serigraphs with estate I |s e a l (last known works of artist). Electronics and more. Manv more items, too numerous to mention. NO BLURS FEES OR PREMIUMS ARRIVE EARLY - VERY LIMITED SEATING Terms: Cash, Visa, MC, Interac as per posted & announced, additions & deletions apply. Information: call 9 0 5 -4 7 7 -2 4 2 4 ww w .proauction.com for mailing list NICE room , G uelph Line/ New St. C/A, parking. Male preferred. N on-sm oker. $400/m o. Available immediately. 905-637-6508. BE UTIFU L fu lly furnished bed-sitting room, $425, un furnished room, $375. Steps from bus and shopping. 9053 3 3 -6 7 4 1 , e-m ail: shari.scott@sympatico.ca BU R LIN G TO N . 1-room , unfurnished, cable, parking, share b a th / k itc h e n / LR/ yard. $400/mo. Immediate. F irs t/la s t. 9 0 5 -3 3 1 -4 5 6 7 evgs.______________________ FURNISHED B right bedsitting. $450/mo. all inclu sive, kitchen/ laundry. Walk to lake. No parking. Imme diate. 905-842-8958. THIRD L ine/ U pper M id dle, Oakville. Private room, share kitchen, bath, livingroom, laundry, cable. $350/ mo. No parking. 9 05 -82 52941______________________ E IG H T H L in e and Falg a rw o o d -O a k v ille , s p a c io u s s u n n y b e d ro o m , share kitchen and laundry, non smoker, suit mature fe m ale. $ 4 0 0 p e r m o n th . A vailable July 1 905-3390375______________________ NEW hom e G len A b bey, ro o m s a v a ila b le im m e diate, suit young profes s io nals, parking, laundry, s m o k e -fre e hom e. $55 0/ m o. in c lu s iv e . (9 0 5 )5 1 0 8383. DOW NTO W N O akville. Church Street, office space a v a ila b le im m edia tely. $500. & up. 416-420-3952 or 905-842-9275__________ DOW NTOW N O akville o f fic e space. 1000 sq.ft. (A u g ./1 st) R easonable. P a rking. Lakeshore Rd near Harbour 905-844-4161 OF HOME ELECTRONICS THURSDAY, JUNE 27TM PUBLIC AUCTION 7:00 pm (preview from 6:00pm) NO ADMISSION FEES BIG SCREEN EXTRAVAGANZA Selling by public auction: television sizes 13" to 61", including Hitachi Projection TVs, DVD players, surround sound home theatre systems, Kenwood home stereo systems, portable CD players, cordless phones with caller ID ana more, microwaves in various sizes, Braun men's and lady shavers, top quality stainless steel pot sets, all types of VCR's, 2.4 Gig cordless ion TV's, Camcorders convection ovens, small kitchen appliances, wide variety of liiscman and much much more. This is only a partial list ot over 500 pieces to be offered to the highest bidder by public auction. W E are seeking 3 new part-tim e in dependent a s sociates before June 27. If you have leadership skills and enjoy working closely with others, please contact T anya, 9 0 5 -63 7-11 23 or em ail yo u r response to smartink @mac.com LIV E -IN c a re g iv e r fo r 15m onth old tw in s +5 y ear old. E xp erience, fle x ib le , refe ren ces. Legals only ASAP. 416-699-6931_______ R E LIA B LE and caring daycare provider required in my home (Guelph Line/ Lakeshore area) up to 3 days/week to care fo r 1yr. old girl. Flex, start date, ref erences required . 905637-0933_________________ SUMMER S itte r w anted fo r 2 children in Glen Ab bey. Non-sm oker, driver. M ust have e xpe rience & references. 905-825-8301 W EST B u rlington (A l dershot) family seeks parttime child care in our home. S tarts S eptem ber. 905637-9640 MONEY Problem s? G ar nishees? Too m any p a y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6 3 1 0600 Robert R. Gosse, Auctioneer Auction to be held at: HOLIDAY INN BURLINGTON 3063 South Service Road (exit QEW at Guelph line south) I m ortgage, loans C A L L REDW O O D 1-8003 2 8 -7 8 8 7 1-yr 4 .5 5 ; 5 -y r 5.97, ARM 1.74. Also equity m o rtg a g e p ro g ra m s , re gardless of income or credit. All products come with warranty. Subject to additions and deletions. Ten percent buyers premium in effect. - 1 tm .. . FS ESI BURLOAK PLACE On The Lake 2-storey, 2-bedroom unit with 4 appliances! (1 parking space only) 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur ling to n . 2&3 bedroom apartments ^ a ila b le July/ Aug. From f i4 5 / m o . 905_____________ 632-0129 VERY large 2-Bedroom S u ites a va ila b le in w e llm aintained O akville build ings. C lose to schoo ls & professional services. Easy access to QEW & 403. 905844-2646 or 905-845-0987 O A K V ILL E . Q EW / T ra fa l gar. 1-bedroom from $839/ m o.*; 3-bedroom from $10 39/m o.* W ell m a in tained building. Nellie, 905339 -20 28. ( ` in clude d 2% prompt payment discount) 1,2& 3 Bedroom A p a rt m ents from $875/m o. In door pool. QEW/ Trafalgar area. 905-844-1106 FREE room & board for exchange of personal care support worker. C all 905337-8364 I room & board available & wanted careers professionals i From $975./mo.+ (905) 633-7150 QUIET FAMILY LIVING! 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 3-BEDROOMS B U R LIN G TO N - C h eerful, re sponsible , non -sm oker wanted for home with pool la undry, cable, parking. $390 in clusive. 905-3317758, 905-616-0879________ BU R LIN G TO N M all area, two bedroom s a vailab le im m ediately, All am enities in clude d. S ta rtin g $500/ mo. ea. Inclusive. 905-3338867.______________________ UPPER Middle/ Brant. Ma ture professional to share townhouse, $500/m o. Call 905-335-4188._____________ AR BO R Lane. W alke rs/ U pperm iddle . Nice quiet environment. Bedroom and sitting room. Available im m ediately. Share facilitie s and parking. $500/mo F&L 905-336-1125' I shared accom m odation BA BY s tro lle r, Perego, O lym pic Q uattro, navy w/ basket, A1 cond ition, $65 firm. 905-631-1728.________ BA SS G uitar "V entures" Mosrite copy $100. Call Jay 905-634-2791______________ BBQ, 20x14 w ith cover, $50. Call 905-469-1035. ___ DR ESSER ; 9 draw ers w ith bea u tifu l a ttach able m irror. $90 obo. Call Jason 905-634-2791__________ J O L L Y Jum per s tro lle r & Play School high chair sold together for $70. 905-3358248______________________ M AYTAG gas dryer. E x c e lle n t con d itio n . $100. Call 905-525-6678__________ ST R O LLE R , D ouble, e x cellent condition, $75. Call 905-336-0860. SW ING set, m etal, good c on d itio n , $40. C all 905681-3103._________________ W EB ER o n e -touch kettle grill 23"DIA. with accessory charcoal baskets fo r in di rect cooking,tools, charcoal and starter fluid. All spring cleaned and ready to go. $50./obo (905)844-2817 505 careers professionals r o n WOMfN TNESS $999./mo. + 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPIST We are an exclusive ladies fitness & health club in downtown Burlington with an established & growing massage clientele. This is an excellent opportunity for an experience RMT. Please submit resume in person. FITNESS COHSULTAHT/PERSOMAL TRAINER Required for our state of the art fitness centre. Excel lent Personal Training opportunity for a mature, self motivated individual with a minimum of two years ex perience. M ust have cert, w ith CanFit Pro, ACE, ACSM or CPTN and up to date CPR cert. Please submit resume in person: 440 Pearl St., Burlington 905-639-1440 905-639-9212 O UTS TAN DING 3 -b e d room , 3.5 -b a th , end unit. Located in private enclave. 5-appliances, gas fireplace, garage and basem ent. G len A bbey area. Avail. Aug 1, $1750/mo, ref. 905333-0002_________________ U P SC ALE 2 + Lo ft Townhom e w ith a w a te rfro n t view! Gas fireplace in great room, c/air, 5 appliances. W alk to the RBG. Im m e diate occupancy available. $1495. R eferences, no pets. Betty McMahon, Re/ max Garden City Realty Inc. 905-333-3500 Tycourt Apts. 1360 to 1422 Tyandaga Park Dr., Burlington Beautiful Lakefront 5348 Lakeshore 1,2&3 Bdrm Suites From $900./mo. Available July/Aug. Quiet building. New appliances. Laundry on each floor. Parking. Call 9am-5pm: NORTHRIDGE LTCC New Long Term Care Centre in Oakville Recruiting Park-like setting near g olf course & QEW 1-Bedroom, July, from $825. Call today to view: 905- 33 5 -3 0 0 1 M U S K O K A .Lake front cot tages. 2 & 3 bedroom s. Fully equipped. A va ila ble July & August. C all Bob 905-331-8312. cam pers, tra ile rs sites I cottages fo r rent/buy R IU 's & R P IM 's & N u r s e E d u c a to r Laundry, Dietary, Housekeeping & Activation Dept. 905-639-3301 n r Rental Bonus LIMITED TIME OFFER 1 Outdoor Parking $ 1. 00 (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelor from $709' 1-B drm s from $ 8 6 9 * 2-Bdrms from $979.* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905)845-9502 k k k k N E W LY R enovatedfor rent 1, 2 & 3 bdrm. apart ments. Close to all am eni tie s . $1050 to $ 1 2 7 5 ./mo inclusive. Parking extra. Im m ediate occup ancy. 205 Q ueen M ary Drive 905844-9670__________________ O A K V ILL E studio flat, pri v a te e n tra n c e and patio . Suit m ature lady $650 in c lu s iv e , im m e d ia te . C all (905)842-7313____________ BR ON TE H a rb o u r, Spacious 2-bedroom suites a v a ila b le . H e a t/ h ydro included. From $1235/mo. 905-825-9616, 9Am-6pm I furn ish e d rentals ROUNDTREE M ANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt NORTH B u rlin g to n - Im maculate executive condo minium townhouse, almost new. Quiet area. Large 3bedrm. Master/ ensuite, 2.5baths, ceramics. No pets/ sm okers. $1430/m o. Augustlst. 905-319-2176 B U R LIN G TO N Luxury tow nh ouses: 3 bedroom $ 1 175/m o.; 4 bedroom s $1275/m o. Fam ilyroom , basem ent, yard. U tilitie s extra , parkin g $40. 905639-0950._________________ BR ON TE H a rbo ur area, views of lake. Executive 3bedroom, 4-bath, no-smok ing, no pets. Im m ediate. $1750/m o. C all 9 0 5 -4 6 5 3011______________________ GUELPH Line area. 4bedroom s, 1.5 baths, recroom , garage, $ 1 030/m o. A ppleby Mall 2-bedroom s, recroom $989/m o. 9056 32 -56 90, A lb e rt M cD o nagh Ltd., Realtor * / b narnwp Lionel te n t t r a il er, good condition, sleeps 6, stove, ice box, heater. $1,200. (905)844-1251 AN TIQ U E - B e autifu l Irish pine harvest ta b le 7 ft by 41 in ches, c irc a 1760, $2,000. Pine dresser $325 905-842-4199_____________ A P P L IA N C E S - W asher/ dryer set, stove Kenmore, also electric dryer. Excel lent condition, will separate. 905-335-2059.___________ AW N IN G S , ge n tly used. (1) 4 'x 1 7 .5 ` and 4'x22.5' (m ake up corner aw ning), (1) 4 'x 1 6 `. Alum inum fram es in good shape. Needs painting or recover ing, all e le c tric a l fix tu re s and lamps included. Asking $65 0/ob o. C all Ian, 905632-7796, Ext.306_________ BABY item s- Activity mat, Fisher Price light & sound , toys, clothes, etc, 905-630-1170 BBQ, $50; solid oak kitch en c abinets, $500; wood burning fire p la c e w /fan $100. Call 905-469-1035. BED, All-New King, Extrathick pillow-top Orthopedic mattress set. Still in plastic. C ost $1700. S a crifice, $650. 905-304-5573. BEDROOM suite, brand new 8-pce., solid C herrywood s le ighb ed, C hest, dresser w /m irro r, 2-nig htstands. All Dovetail. Never opened, s till boxed. Cost $8,999, sell $3,999. 905971-1777._________________ BEDS, New, Double, $220; Queen, $240. Complete w/ frame. Futons. Free Delivery. Refurbished VCRs, 17-25" c o lo u r TVs, p ortable CD players. 905-681-9496. Fax: 905-257-9885 juliewong@cplcanada.com I drive rs 1994 YAMAHA Virago 250 4230 km s., low seat, like new, $3500 obo. Call 905847-4635. I career trainin g I lo st & found FOUND Orange and white male cat, Burloak and New St. We call "R o llee" C all 905-637-7325______________ FO UND: G erm an Shep p ard/ R o ttw e ille r Cross. 3mths. male. Bridge/ Trevor area. Call 905-465-2208_ _ FO UND: a du lt m ountain bike, betw een T hird & Fourth Line about week ago. Please call & identify, 905-815-0973._____________ FOUND: cream and brown male cat Lakeshore & Guelph. We call "Bev". Call 905-637-735_______________ FOUND: Grey tabby kitten U pper M iddle & A ppleby. We call Sassee. Call 905637-7325_______________ __ FOUND: Young orange m ale cat G uelph Line/ Mountainside. "Hobo" Call 905-637-7325______________ LO ST: Ladies Em erald & Diamond engagem ent ring & Diam ond eternity band. June 13, GO train or sub way. Reward. 905-335-4338 LO ST: Raleigh m eta llic blue m ountain bike 18speed (B anff m odel) on June 22. Please Call 905336-7211. OFFICE ADMIN. D IP L O M A · Computerized · DZ Drivers needed im m e diately, Burlington/ Ham il ton* M inim um 1-year e x perience, clean current ab stra c t and CVOR are re quire d. Pay is $14 .00 to start with a large increase upon Full-Time placement. This is a recycling facility, For more info, call 905-2722354 BU R LIN G TO N P e l H otel h iring students (16yrs. m in.) for A n im al Care. Times and days are approx. 7am -12pm , 4 days/w eek, in clu d in g w eekends and Holidays. Start im m ediate ly. M ust be "e n e rg e tic & d e d ica te d ". Need own transportation. Fax resume 905-336-3687 THE Firkin Pubs are look ing for experienced kitchen managers, cooks & servers. Please fax resume to: 905333-905 B U LK BA R N , S uperC entre now hirin g - even ingweekends and occasional days, 20-24 hrs/w k. (N ot suitable for students). Apply with resum e in person: 2025 Guelph Line, Burlingtonor Fax 905-336-2914 SEPTEMBER "(2% prompt pay. disc.) K E R R / Lake shore, O ak v ille , 1-bedroom second floor, $695/mo+; Burlington M all, 2-bedroom s, ground floor, 4 appliances. $860/ mo+. 905-632-5690 Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor 2002 Financial Assistance May be Available H S /O A C GRADS Summer Work $18.05 Base/Appt · · · · Cust. sales/service No Exp. - will train Scholarships avail. Conditions apply Call Now! PRIME Downtown B u r lin g to n , U pgraded 1,2&3 Bedroom A p artm ents. S cenic vie w s. B e autifu l grounds. 477 E lizab eth , 9 05-634-9374; 478 Pearl. 905-632-1643 __________ 75 S tew art: 1-bedroom , $800./m o .; 2-bedroom , $900/mo. Includes parking, im m edia te/ July. Near downtown O akville/ QEW. W ell-m ainta ined , clean building. 905-844-4294 FU RN ISH ED Executive: 1-bedroom , self-contained on m ajn le vel, in south Lakeshore hom e. P rivate entrance, gas firepla ce, 6 appliances, C/A. No smok ing. $1450/m o. in c lu s iv e . Im m ediate. C all L.D avies R.E., 905-333-4347 Halton Business Institute 905 - 637-3415 Telemarketers needed for AM & PM shifts Call for interview 905-681-8102 Licensee for Sears HomeCentral ©Licensed for use in Canada by Sears Canada Inc. Call 905-842-8045 workforsludenls.com/on M O LLY M aid is grow ing again! Mature, reliable, full time. 8:30-4:30, M on.- Fri. T ra n sp o rta tio n provided. Call 905-681-7484 WANTED nice, non-sm ok in g people to reside in beautiful 3-bedroom home (main level) in quiet central B u rlin g to n . C lose to all am enities. 5 a pp lia nces, free m aintenance. August/ 1st. no pets. Call Ted, 905335-5393 or 905-333-1280. KITC HEN D esigner, e x perie nced w ith 20/20, re quired fulltime. Join our ex panding team o f p ro fe s sionals. Resumes to: Fax: 905-63 4-89 38; e-m ail: emeraldkitchens@on.aibn.com LANDSCAVMER and m aintena nce people w ith experience require for es tablished company. Excel lent wages . Apply in per son at: 3077 Guelph Line or fax resum e to: 905-3352316

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