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Oakville Beaver, 16 Apr 2003, C2

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C2 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday April 16, 2003 Taste world cuisine at festival Friday On Good Friday, April 18, The Sanctuary invites the community to cele brate the culture of Oakville and experi ence cuisine from countries around the world at the Taste of the World Festival. Some of the countries that will be rep resented include China. France, Germany, South Korea, Zimbabwe, Argentina, Ireland, India, United States, England, Dominican Republic, Lebanon and Chile. For the children, there will be face paint ing, cookie decorating and other activities. Each attendee will receive a passport. As they visit each country, they will have their passports stamped. Children who have a fully stamped passport will receive a small gift. Passports can be picked up at the festi val. or call The Sanctuary at 905-257-3787. There is no fee for this event. The Good Friday celebration is from 56 p.m. and the Taste the World Festival fol lows from 6-8 p.m. at White Oaks High School - South Campus at McCraney Street and Montclair Drive. For more information about The Sanctuary, visit www.thesanctuary.ca. Way of the Cross a sign of hope A Good Friday youth service on April 18 at St. Andrew's Church will be followed by Oakville's second annual Way of the Cross. Participants will carry a wooden cross from St. A ndrew 's to St. Dominic's Church, with a stop at St. James for some `poor man's soup,' as they walk across town. The event is open to participation from all Christian youth. "We are inviting young people o f all Christian denominations to participate. We will all walk together, one body in Christ, and be a sign of hope and Christian unity for all of Oakville," said organizer David Kantor. "We will be walking, rain or shine, so make sure to bring an umbrella and some water. The service will include readings from the Bible, in particular the Passion of Christ, with different people reading the various parts o f Jesus Christ, Pontias Pilot, disciples and people in the crowds. There will also be prayer intentions relevant to young people today, singing, and perhaps a blessing for the walk across Oakville. The Way o f the Cross walk will symbolize the suffering of Jesus Christ on the days and hours before his death. "Come join other young Christians on Good Friday as we walk across Oakville together to live out and better understand the suffering Jesus endured on the way to His death on the cross," said Kantor, a youth pastor at St. James. The event begins with a youth serv ice at St. Andrew's, 47 Reynolds St., at 9 a.m. Participants will start walking at 10 a.m. stopping at certain locations for reflections on the First seven Stations of the Cross. They will arrive at St. James on Morden Road north of Rebecca St at 12:30 for lunch consisting of poorman's soup, a vegetable soup. At 1:30 p.m.. the walk will contin ue along Rebecca Street, stopping again for reflections on the final seven Stations o f the Cross, arriving at St. Dominic's Church at 4 p.m. for a bless ing and reception. For more information on this event, organized by the Oakville Catholic Youth O rganization, call Kyle Ferguson at 905-845-2452 or David Kantor at 905-827-5588. Share Your Thoughts. Throne Speech Consultation 2003 © O ntario S m s fi Im p o r t a n t to Y ou T H R O N E S P E E C H C O N S U L T A T IO N P re m ie r E rnie Eves w a n ts to h e a r w h a t you have to say a b o u t O ntario's future. T he resu lts of a provincew ide co nsultation will b e reflected in th e g o v e rn m e n t's April 30th T ltrone S peech. T he O ntario G overnm ent is reaching o u t to all citizens, asking you - W h at can w e do to k eep O ntario strong? 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