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Oakville Beaver, 19 Jun 2002, B3

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday June 19, 2002 - B3 OAKVILLE WATERFRONT FESTIVAL Creating an impact with Kim Stockwood By Lindsey Craig SPECIA L T O TH E BEAVER Saturday night, m usic lovers are in for a rare treat. In clu d ed in this y e a r's W aterfront Festival line-up is Kim Stockw ood. a true-to h er-ro o ts C an ad ian p e r fo rm er w h o 's sum m er schedule includes only few sim ilar venues. "I d o n 't do festiv als like this a lot," she said in a M onday aftern o o n interv iew w ith the O akville Beaver. "But hey, when I heard I'd be p erfo rm in g w ith N atalie (M acM aster) and w ould be out there singing by the lake, I thought, `WJiy n o t'?" Hailing from St. J o h n ' s , Newfoundland, S tockw ood began pursuing her singing career at the age of Now at-age 36, she boasts two album s, the First o f which. B onavista, reached gold sales, and included the song Jerk, which received m ultiple East Coast M usic Award nom inations. A lso adding to S tockw ood's success is a 1996 Juno Award nom ination for Best New Artist. The down to fj * earth, expressive vocalist is also well known for the hit track 12 Years Old, also the title o f her second album . Stockw ood said she con siders herself fortunate to be where she is today. "W hen you're out there | trying to make a go o f it, you have to realize th ere's a thousand others out there doing the sam e thing," she said. "I con sider m yself very lucky to be able to do this for a living." The sin g er/so n g w riter said that while grow ing up she alw ays knew she wanted to be an entertainer, but was never certain s h e 'd focus entirely on her vocal talents. "I was one o f those kids who was alw ays telling jokes and dancing all the time. It was my childhood dream to be an entertainer, but I never really thought, `I want to be a sin g er'," she said. She realized her calling by chance one night while at a pub in St. Jo h n 's. A friend convinced her to get up and sing, and the rest, as they say, is history. "I sang a couple o f songs, and well, everyone loved it. T h at's how it happened," she said. As for S tockw ood's musical style, she said sh e's m ost inspired by Patsy C line and that in the beginning o f her career, her sound was often com pared to that o f K.D. Lang. But that association is now far behind her. Perhaps contributing to this eased com parison is that S to c k w o o d 's sound has changed and m atured since her first album. "12 Years Old is a lot more grown-up," she said. "It's also a bit more pop-like." For her next set o f tracks, it seem s change m ight be underw ay again for the C anadian perform er. Stockw ood said sh e's planning to w rite a third album that will be m ore "sim plified" than her earlier work. "I want to make a record that will deFine me when I'm not around anym ore," she said. As for the im m ediate future, the Toronto resident said sh e's currently w orking on an album w ith fellow C an ad ian s D am nait Doyle and Tara M aclean. A fter that sh e'll begin w riting for her next album. But no m atter w here her career takes her, Stockwood said one o f the m ost im portant things to rem em ber is to "alw ays be h e rs e lf'. "I'm proud to be C anadian, and I think it's im portant to be who you are and believe in yourself," she said. "You have to do w hat your good at and be proud." Family Day picnic games Sunday is Fam ily Day at the Festival and w hat w ould a good old-fashioned fam ily day be w ith out all the picnic gam es and races? There will be shoe toss and beanbag to ss; eg g -o n -a-sp o o n and th ree-leg g ed race; sack race; w heelbarrow race; hula-hoops; and m usical chairs; plus, some para chute gam es for the little ones. No need to pre-register -- just grab your daughter, grab your son and jo in in the fun from 1 to 4 p.m. in C oronation Park. The food concessions have also jum ped on-board with lots o f spe cial family meal deals, including delicio u s p izza by P izza Pizza, sponsor o f the Fam ily Day Races. So pack your bags, board the bus, and spend the day w ith your fam i ly at the Festival. The Waterfront Festival is a highlight of Oakville's summertime. Congratulations to all those that have organized it! Enjoy! Bonnie Brown M.P., Oakville phone: fax: email: 905-827-2077 905-827-7516 brownb@parl.gc.ca Thank you to all the Waterfront volunteers John Daw son, C hair 2002. Peter Pick, C om ptroller. Bryan Kogut. Past C hair 2001. Jim Booth, Secretary-Treasurer. N orm fM urray. Vice Chair. Bill Sm ith. Vice Chair. Nancy Sladich. Vice C hair.;D ave Hayes, Button Co-chair. Joyce Pounder. Buttons Co-Chair. C athy R oberts, Button CAA, the most trusted name in travel, offers C om m ittee. Brenda Peart, Button C om m ittee. Jane M orandin, Buttons affordable Emergency Medical Travel Insurance C om m ittee. Kirk Sloane, Events Co-chair. M ichael R ichard. C ar Show designed with you in mind. C oordinator. Jenn Kvederys, C hildren's V illage C oordinator. Judith · Comprehensive world-wide protection, 24 hours a day Tougher, C raft Show C oordinator. Mary Ziegle, Events Com m ittee. Barbara C raw ford. Events C om m ittee. Kerry Salari. Events Com m ittee. · Complete medical and hospital benefits Liz Behrens, Events C om m ittee. Susan Sheppard, Events Com m ittee. · Up to $2,000,000 in medical treatment Janice M oynagh, Events C om m ittee. Donna C arlos, Com m unity Group Chair. Edith W iega, C om m unity G roup C om m ittee. M aria Peplowski. C om m unity G roup C o m m ittee. P atricia W ood, C om m unity G roup Trauel W ith Som eone You Trust! C om m ittee. E stela Sansano, C om m unity G roup C om m ittee. M aria S o ussana, C om m unity G roup C om m ittee. Liz O 'B oyle, Logistics Co-chair. Patrick M cD erm ott, L o g istic s C o-chair. M arcia Todd, C om m u n icatio n s. B etty T eague, C om m unications. A gatha Platiel. H ospitality co-ordinator. Brian Penny, L og istics C om m ittee. D avid E burne, L ogistics C om m ittee. C hristine Schlect. Logistics Com m ittee. M urray C am eron, Parks R epresentative. Bob DeHoog, Public Works R epresentative. Lisa Seiler. R ecycling C oordinator. Linda Hill, Prom otions Co-Chair. Kathy G reen. P ro m o tio n s C o-chair. L orraine T onkens, Prom otions C om m ittee. Elaine A ustin, Prom otions C om m ittee. M ichelle M usu, Prom otions C om m ittee. Sandy Johns, Prom otions C om m ittee. Lisa M ichaels, P ro m o tio n s C om m ittee. W arren B reedon, R affle C oo rd in ato r. Jayne C angem i, R affle C oordinator. C heryl E th erin g to n , R egatta C oordinator. M urray D rinkw alter, Safety and Security. Laurie N adeau. Sponsor Tent Coordinator. Jack M eyers, Sponsor Tent C oo rd in ato r. C h ris M ark, Town R epresentative. Joanne Phoenix. Transit Coordinator. Laurie W oodall, -------------------------------------------------------x t t * B ack stag e H o sp itality . 1st B ronte S couts. 9th T ra falg ar S couts. B eta S igm a P h i-E ta Iota. Big B rothers o f Halton. B ronte Butterfly Project. C anadian C aribbean A ssociation. C anadian Red C ross - Oakville Branch. Child Find. C hurch o f the Epiphany. Church o f the N azarene. C om m unity L iving. O akville. C rusader Rugby. Eastview Public School. Front Row J \ j Center. G ladys Speers Public School. Halton C entre for C hild Care. Halton C hild Care Providers. Halton Rape C risis C entre. Holy Trinity C atholic C hurchC roatian W om en's Clu. Ice E xpression (Precision Skating). La Leche League C anada - O akville. MADD A R e g is te re d C h a rita b le O r g a n iz a tio n Halton. M ary M other o f God. M unn's U nited Church. O akville Com m unity C entre for Peace, Ecology and H. O ak v ille G ilw ell S couts. O akville L iteracy C ou n cil. O ak v ille O ld P istons H ockey. O akville P aren t-C h ild C en tre. O akville P ublic Library. O ptim ist C lub o f O akville. Preceptor D elta Tau. Beta Sigm a Phi. Red C ross. Rotary C lub o f O akville. Rotary C lub o f O akville North. Rotary Interact Club. S.E.N .A .C .A . Seniors Day Program . Scouts Canada. St. D om inic's C hurch CW L. St. John A m bulance. St. Jude's C hurch O utreach C om m ittee. St. M ichael Youth V IN E L A N D Group. St. Paul's U nited C hurch. St. Sim on's Anglican C hurch. The Sanctuary. Town o f O akville Parks and R ecreation. T rafalgar P resbyterian C hurch. U nited Way o f O akville. VON. W alton United Church. Ziva foto sourceG rana. Zonta C lub o f O akville. Out-Of-Province Em Medical Travel Insurance Call 1-800-263-8389 orVisit Us At www.caasco.on.ca N E W C R U IS E Holton's Business Best presented by The O akville Deover. Friday Afternoon - June 21 Shoreline Soil tr Duffer Lunch 12:00 boarding - 3:30 p.m. Ticket/person: $45 A I L Jk M P IR D ay & Evening Them ed la k e Cruises / D & partin g Dront& H a rb o u r Friday Evening - June 21 Dinner/Dance/Fireworks 6:30 p.m. boarding 11:00 p.m. Ticket/person: $65 r 2 2 , 200 2 o 1 the Waterfront n V o / Fireworks! Saturday Afternoon - June 22 A ll proceeds to the Dronte Butterfly Foundation VIP SHORELINE SAIL M editerranean Luncheon 12:30 boarding4:00 p.m. Ticker/person: $45 J For Tickets call 905. 325.2243 , Saturday Evening - June 22 Dinner/Dance/Fireworks 6:30 p.m. boarding 11:00 p.m. Ticket/person: $75 Tickets ore limited for each cruise, so reserve today to ovoid disappointment. www. butterflys. co THE OAKVILLE BEAVER HD M c C u tc h e o n 's

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