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Oakville Beaver, 26 Dec 2003, Classified, D 6

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D 6 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday December 26, 2002 / ^ » TO PLACE AN AD CALL C lassified 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 THE OAKVILLE H R m (J A K tlL L U M R BONUS!All classified ads appear @ »»»oakvillebeaver.com The site your community clicks on! E-mail: classified@haltonsearch.com OR 9 0 5 -3 3 7 -5 6 1 0 FAX: 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -8 1 6 5 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5 :0 0 D m Circulation: 905-845-9742 · Real Estate 100-135 - Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239»Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470»Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 A d su b m issio n by m ail o r in p e rso n : O akville B eaver, 467 Si Paym ent: W e a c c e p t cash', c h e q u e , In te ra c . Visa, M aste rC ara C H E C K Y O U R AD T H E FIRST DAY IT R U N S to e n s u r e th e i , fo r S u n . p u b lic a tio n , S pecial F e a tu re d e a d lin e s m ay vary. t your a p p ea rs. . p u b lic a tio n i · re p o rte d n o la te r th a n M on., 5:30 p .m . U PPE R A IID D L E / 3rd L ine, brand new 1-bedroom , ground floor, w ith upgrades Underground parking and storage. A sking $149.900. Pager 416*373-4500 O FFIC E space (774 sq.ft. $1300. 896 sq.fl. $1500 all included) for lease, great O akville location, steps to G O station. Q EW ,H om e D epot Plaza, ideal for m ed ical/ professional tenants. Pleasecall 905-616-5586. 2125SQ FT office and w are house, in N .East B urlington to be shared w /another 1 person business. W are house is suitable for a clean drygoods environm ent, or stalking sales agent A p ro x $1000/m o. C all D on. 905319-9888 FO R lease: 28750 sq. ft. building. 2 acres O .H . cranes, high ceilings. 1000 K V A .O akville. Joe L u y k905-616-8866 M A R K E T your Business O pportunity w ith M etroland C om m unity Newspapers. D istrib u tio n of over 4 m illio nI C all today for inform ation o n w eekly w ord ad rates. 416493-1300. ext. 237 A N O T H E R year? Same old job? Earn US$20,000 per m onth fromhom e. Part/ full-tim e. Serious Oppor tu n ity C all 1-888-554-3313 8-U N ITapartm ent building for sale (H am ilton). T otally renovated. N ew kitchens, bathroom s. furnaces, plum bing, electrical, sepa rate m eters. 1 0 * ceilings, hardw ood, new carpet. A dditional 1200 sq. ft. in dustrial garage. Potental net approx. $60.000. A sk ing $650,000. 905973-3000 M andy Sm ith, B lueP hoenix R eal E state. B E Paid T o Travel: V isit www.funforlifeclub.com/ referralw rk Jorcall 1-877-3654082or905-814-9360 Come See the Difference! 511 Guelflh Line. BURLINGTON 142 Bedrooms, Feb.. from $830. Sunken livingrooms, breaktast nooks, windows in kitchens, 2 outdoor pools... O A K V IL L E spacious re furbished bachelor 1 and 2bedroomavailable. M inutes from Q EW . G O Station, shopping, dining. U tilities included. Please call 905845-7545 to inquire about our lim ited tim e rental in centive. BIRCH GLEN CO-OP 1 M O N TH F R E E R E N T For occupancy by Jan. 112004 CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliarfees · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and the Burlington Mall Shelter Canadian Properties Limited 640 Gueloh Line. BURLINGTON 2 Bedroom. Jan., from $975 Very spacious freshly painted suites with hardwood flooring. A D O R A B L E purebred Jack R ussell puppies, available fo r Christm as. $400. 905-6899922____________ M E R R YChristm as and all the best for 2004 from Ellen at w w w .fildelo.com *Y our best sm all breed puppy ever!" D elivery 450548-2248 Call 905-637-9725 TA K E A G O O D LO O K AT A G R E A T LA K E ! Spacious 1-Bedroom suites with lake views and upgrades available January. Hardwood, ceramics, window cover ings. Underground parking, pool &tennis inci. BRONTE, ON THE LAKE. For Info, call 1160D O R V A LD R ., O A K V IL L E 2B edroomA pts A vail. Feb 1st $995 &$1027 Includes utilities, underground parking, sector tee &cable. (Pet policy- cats only) Call Laud @ ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES A cross fromB url M all 3& 4B drmfrom$925 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 905-338-1050 905- 827-9169 www.ontlm.com S ir H M hard c m l. m Q aw tn APARTM ENTS STA RTIN GA TO N L Y$875. Studio, 1 bdrm, 1+den, 2bdrm A Penthouse Convenient location near G OStn · Gorgeous view s · Indoor pool &sauna · N ew ly renovated suites · Tenant controlled Heat and A /C · Security · Includes all utilities and cable. BURLINGTON SQUARE 760 Brant St. (at G hent Ave.) Call us a t 905-639-4677 A s k fo r M a n a g e r S p e cial Walk to GO 2067 Prospect at B rant St. C A LL SCFS · 905-8441245 1-yr 3.65. 5-yr 5 25. A R M3.8. A lso equity m ort 905-631-0033 gage program s, regardless of incom eor credit. C A N A O IA N AQ uiet, w ellm aintained lakefront build ing. V ery spacious 1 , 2 4 3 I flatsfo r ren t bedroom s available im m e B R A N T / Plains. 1-bed diately/ Jan./ Feb. 5220 room . upper duplex. 4 ap Lakeshore. Burlington. pliances. deck. N o 905-632-5486 (nodogs) smokers/ pets. $775/m o. O N -T H E -L A K EB ronte Im inclusive. Jan.1st. 905- m aculate bright 1-bedroom , 637-9512. laundry facilities, parking. 4 appliances. Single nonsm oker. $1000/m o. 905827-2266evgs SURREY LANE APARTMENTS 1&2 Bedrooms Jan./Feb. From$825* 1parking »C orner Suites A v ail. IGleam ing parquet flooring »O ver-size balconies »U ndergoundparking and outside parking »O n-sitecustom er service... Ground Floor Across from Lake & Park Fabulous 1-8drm, w/ renovated kits. & baths, O/D pool parquet floors from $949 ^Downtown Burlington 695 SurreyLn.B urt NEW MANAGEMENT NEW APPROACH C all N ow 905 F U L L YR E N O V A T E D Major Upgrades 1, 243 bdrm. avail, from$705/m o. utilities included. D O W N T O W N Burlington. Large 1 bedroom , private entrance, balcony, dish w asher. ac C at 905-842-9275 O A K V IL L E D ow ntow n. A llan Street. N ew ly reno vated Bachelor. 1.2& 3 B edroomA partm ents from $700/m o. 105 A llan Street, 905-849-0808: 121 A llan Street. 905-842-3076 O A K V IL L E spacious re furbished bachelor 1and 2 bedroomavailable. M inutes from Q E W . G O Station, shopping, dining. U tilities included. Please call 905845-7545 to inquire about our lim ited tim e rental in centive. O A K V IL L E . Speers Road. N ice quiet building. Reno vated Bachelor. 142 bed room apartments. From $650/m o. Phone 905-3391184.______ · _ O A K V IL L EN ew ly renovated 1 &2 bedroom , close to all am enities. From$850/m o.+ hydro. 262 R eynolds Street. 905-338-8876 O a k v ille 2 & 3 Bedroom Suites Low Rise Condos Wall to Wall Carpet Vertical Blinds Balconies or Patios 5 Appliances $500 move in bonus on select units C all our O n-site office 905-639-0456 w w w .h o m estead .o n .ca G R E A T Burlington loca tion. 1,243 bedroom s start ing at $675/m o. Clean, quiet fam ily building. 905333-9846. N oon-8pm 1 Month Free With 1-Year Lease 5200 Lakeshore On the Water Appleby & Lakeshore · Freshlypaintedsuites ·M aturetreed setting ·R ecentlyrenovated corridors ·G alleykitchens · Sparkling hardw ood ·O utdoor pool &patio 2 BEDROOMS Avail. Now & Jan. from $980/mo. Call Lucille 905-637-8431 2-B ED R O O M big base m ent apartment for rent, new . w ith separate en trance. ow n laundry facili ties. cable and parking in cluded.. N o pets/ non sm oker. A vailable im m e diately. $875/m o. 6th line/ D undas area. Close to bus stop. 905-257-8068 leave m essage 1-B ED R O O M , spacious basem ent apartm ent. Park ing. laundry, utilities, cable, a/c. $795/m o. N on-sm oker, no pets. Single or couple. U pper M iddle/ Sixth L ine. 905-845-1313_______ W A T ER D O W N :John St. W alk everyw here. U pgrad ed 1 . 2-bdrm s starting fro m $770/m o 905-690-4454. 905-689-1647 w w w .w aterdow nrenters.com B U R L IN G T O N 3020 Glencrest R d 1 4 2 bed room available D ecem ber/ January from $845./m onth Upscale quiet building close to m ajor shopping 905-632-0129 B U R L IN G T O N Brant St N orth. Im m aculate 2or3 bdrm tow nhouse. fenced yard. JarvFeb $840/m o. N o dogs 905-339-2471_____ B U R L IN G T O N H ighriseLarge attractive 2-bedroom apartments. $795/m o. Jan. 1st. utilities included. (Parking available). N o pets. 905-632-0961 B R IG H T spacious 2bdrm suite from$730/m o. + hydro to qualified tenant, parking included, no dogs, B urling ton. 905-631-6778 W W W .O A K V IL L E R E N T E R S .C O M 190 K err. 905-8451777, Large 2 bedroom s fro m$945 ··· 1265 6th L in e 905-337-0910 1,2,3. bed room s from$845 w w w .oak villerenters.com _______ E X T R A large 2 bedroom suites available in beautiful O akville building. Large balconies. C lose to schools 4 professional services. E asy access to Q E W4 403 V eryreasonable. 905^44-2646 Lake Plus Park! L A K EV iew a ParKV iew ! O ld O akville, close to lake. Shopping just outside front door! Jr. 1-bedroom .$900.: 1-bedroom from $985 : 2bedroom from $1200./m o. inclusive. N o deposit, no jttae. 905-844-6952 P R IM ED ow ntow nB urling ton. U pgraded suites 142 Bedroom . N ew w indow s. M odernized elevators. Scenic view s. 478 Peart. 477 E lizabeth: 905-634-9374 G L E NA B B E Y two-bed room . private w alk-out; laundry; one parking only; jacuzzi bath. N o smok ing/pets. A vailable im m e diately C an (905)847-6831. B U R L IN G T O N 'o ff B rant- 2 bedrooms. Near amentites. schools. Free park ing. A vailable im m ediately. Jan 1st. $850.inclusive 905-631-1826 416-665-9573 O A K V IL L E . 1-bedroom basem ent apt. near transit, shopping. Separate en trance. parking, cable. 5 appliances. U tilities in cluded. N o sm oking/ pets. References. First 4 last. $750,905-815-9953 D O W N T O W N heritage building. 1-bedroom apt. utilities and parking in cluded. January 1st. $875/m o. N o smokers/ pets 905-844-6581 furnishedrentals PR EM IER E Executive Suites. Short/ long termfur nished 1-3 bedroom s con dom inium s and tow nhouses throughout M ississauga. O akville and Burlington. Great daily w eekly and m onthly rates available 905-469-3330 w w w .prem ieresuites.com SH O R T-TER M Clean, spacious 142 bedroom fur nished suites at m uch de sired location.... B urlington T ow ers. T el. i O A K V IL L EK err/ L akeshore: G round floor. 2-bedroom , basem ent $850/m oA lbert M cD onagh L td. 905-632 IlL l housesfo rrent L O V E L Y 3-bdrm bunga low . a/c. ensuite laundry, yard, garage, including util ities $1250/m o. m ain floor only (basement rented separately), on T hird L ine near Hopedale M all Oak ville. no smokers/ pets. Jan 104. 905-825-3568 M A IN Level. 3-bedroom bungalow (basem ent occu pied). Q uiet central O akville neighbourhood. Garage. Im m ediate. $1300/m o. in clusive. 905-510-1924 B E A U T IFU L 4-bedroom bungaloww /finished base m ent in quiet neighbor hood. South Central O ak ville, available im m ediately. $ 1 65 0/m o. D ave4 1 6 -717-7276 3-B ED R O O M , m ainfloor house. $1100/m o+ 65%u tili ties. A vailable Feb.1. 905339-9392 . L A R G E bungalow , 3-bed room , 2.5 bath, large back yard, finished basement. $1350/m o. B urlington. N ear G Otrain. 416-255-5038 R E N T to ow n options. O r free downpaym ent to buy your hom e no w !O .A .C . call Jay N elligan assoc, broker. 905-639-7676 R e/M ax Es carpm ent R ealty Inc., R ltr or e-m ail jaynelligan@ rem axescarpm ent.com R E N T to ow n or, ow n. Even w ith N o downpay m ent. 'L im ited tim e offer*. Free 25pg. Report 4 Free detailed Credit A nalysis 4 E xclusive private interview , 101+ w ays, w ith good/bad credit O K ! Sam Chiarelli Sales Rep 905-575-5478; 905-517-9507. R e/M ax Es carpm ent R ealtyIn c . B U R L IN G T O N : 3-bedroom split, garage, fam ily room . Fireplace, 1.5 baths. C /A , $1375/m o.......Central, 2 storey sem i. 1.5 bath, recroom . fenced. $1075/m o A lbert M cD onagh L td Real tor 905-632-5690 3-B EO R O O M . Fam ily com plex. Parking. $1035./ m o.+ hydra heat, available Janl/st 3000- 3014 Cen tennial D rive. Burlington. 905-319-1869 Open House M on.-W ed.-Fri. 10-4 &Sat.-Sun, 11-2 GEORGIAN COURT ESTATES B E S TR E N T A LV A L U E INB U R L IN G T O N ! A m elin Property M gm t 1 MONTH FREE with 1-Year Lease A pts. &T ow nhouses 1360 to 1422 Tyandaga Park Dr., Burlington Park-likesetting near goll course &Q E W 2& 3B RT .H . Jan. FromS1010/mo. 1&2Bdrm A pt, Jan. from S750/mo. Call today to view: 905-335-3001 E -m ail: tycourt® cogeco.ca tor in fo. LA R G E, new ly renovated 243-bedroom, fireplace (3bdrm ), 4 appliances, hardwood floors, parking included. A vailable im m e diately/ D ec.1 /Jan.1 . C lose to all amenities, park-like setting. A rlington B lvd.. B urlington. 905-681-0070. w w w .pm onbne.com W A LK ER S L ine U pper M iddle. N ew tw o bedroom tow nhom e available im m e diately. from$1350. +u tili ties. 905-828-6767. 416821-1741 Q EW / Brant 1-bedroom tow nhom e. $720/m o utili ties. 1-parking spot includ ed. A vailable Jan. 1. C all 905-319-9769 N ELSO N Co-op. Brant and Plains R d. N owoffering beautiful and spacious 243 bedroom units. 1.5 bath, garage, and C /A . pets and children w elcom e. Im m e diate possession available. Close to all amenities. Starting at $990/m o.+. 905639-1600__________ B U R L IN G T O N ,D uncaster. Executive I400sq.ft.. C /A , fireplace. 3-bedroom s. 2.5 baths, garage $l325/m o. utilities. N o pets/ sm okers. Im m eckat 905-335-6172 B U R LIN G TO N , Francis/ N orth Shore area. 3-bed room s. c'air, freshly deco rated. new carpet. 3 ap pliances. $1150/m o. utili ses Fist/ last 905-547-8136 C O N D O for rent. A ll ap pliances. very clean.. A vail able January 15. C all 416910-0158 O FF G uelph Line- 3-bed room . 2 storey condo. 1.5 bath. Garage. $l040/mo A lbert M cD onagh L td . 905632-5690 IM M A C U L A T EO akville E x ecutive T ow nhouse I500sqft. 3-bedroom , 2.5-baths, rom an step up tub. gas f/p. hard w ood/ ceram ics, stunning ro m an colum n kitchen, a/c. 5appliances. garage, prvt/ fenced yard. 1-year lease available im m ediately. $1690+ W est O ak Trail/ 3rdL ine. 905-465-1481 GLENWOOD PARK TOWNHOUSES 3-BEDROOMS With lu ll basement, a ll units refurbished 1-1/2 baths, $999/mo. +utilities ASK ABOUT MANAGER SPECIAL W E D D IN G Photography. 115-125 prints, album , negatives, other packages available. O ver 20 yrs ex lost 4fo und perience. Reliable, rea sonable. w ith references. FO U N D : B row n long Picture- Perfect W edding haired tabby. Found at Photography. Burlington M aple A ve. and Fairview 6710 R d W e call O N eii. Please call 905-637-7325 FO U N D : Cardboard box. CPO w ritten on top. Fri. L IK E new .D on't m iss this D ec 1 2th 11:30- 12:30pm one. 1995 B uick C entury. 4 M ountainside, and Tyrell. door, m anyof B uicks options 905-332-3165_______ for your pleasure, plus buck console. O nly FO U N D : Siamese X and et seats and .A ll original inside H im i Xfound together in 97,741km and out. $6195 as is. Con W est Burlington, call to on O ke 905-632-3578 idientify. Please call 905- tact R ennedyF o rd 637-7325__________ or905-645-1646K 1991 Chrysler Bynasty LO ST: Y ellow gold dia G ood condition, safety certi m ond engagem ent 4 anni fied. E -tested, $1700. obo. versary rings. W ednesday 905-842-5268 ______ evening Decem ber 17th. R ebecca S t. road. W est o f 1991 N ISSA N Sentra 54th Line. Rew ard. 905- speed. p/steerino, p/brakes, 844-1948 air, cruise. 250k.. excellent condition, passed emis sio n .$ 1500as6.905-319-6913 1989 2000 G T X - 4 dr . 5 F IL IP IN A nanny/ house speed. PW . cruise. 2.0L .4 keeper. live-in/ out avail cyl.. low ered suspension, able. N o fee to em ployers. excellent condition. H w y A m ahIntl. 416-221-3303. km 's $600 obo M ust S elll 905-681 -9542_______ L IV E -IN N anny for 5 m onth old boy. previous experi 1998 M axim a- Fully load ence. January start. R efer ed call Joe L uyk 905-616ences. O akville. G len A b bey. 905-469-8859, cell 905-467-5234 C H IL D C A R E available for 2-5 yr old. PiTw elcom e. A ppleby/ N ew area. E C A . CPR. Receipts. 905-6399180. E X C E L L E N T !Q uality day care in m y sm oke free hom e. H appy environ m ent. Lots of supervised indoor/outdoor playtim e. 16 years exp. References. R iverO aks (905)815-1293 D A Y C A R E available, m y hom e. O akville. K err St. area, starting January. A ll ages References avail able 905-510-9859 SC RA P Cars 4 Trucks w anted. Free Pick-up w e cover environm ental dispo sal costs. A uto parts also sold! D ealing w ith us allow s you the piece of m ind that your vehicle has been properly 4 legally disposed of. Licensed A uto W recker. 905-827-8015O akville Technical Service Director, Eastern Canada N ational H V A C distributor w ith local head office re quires self-starter to handle all technical liaison and warranty administration w ith O E and aftermarket wholesale distributor'customers in eastern Canada. Incum bent m ust be com puter literate and technically qualified w ith at least 10 years of H V A C industry ex perience. E xcellent profit sharing program and bene fits. Send resum e inconfidence with salary expectations to: Box 6424 c/o The Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 NEW W A LM A RT store in Burlington opening January. F/T and P/T A U T O M O T IV E T E C H N IC IA N S Drivers license required, must be 18yrs of age. Please bring resume to: New location 4515 Dundas St W. (Corner of Dundas and Appleby Line) I office -cle ric al uiet h elp agents 530 & saletheip 5 3 0 4agents LUMBER SALES TRAINEE W e are located in the H alton region and have an opening in our industrial division. Candidates should have proven sales ability. Income guaranteed during 6 -mo. training period after which time remuneration is based on commission and profit sharing. Comprehensive medical/ dental package. (Not all applicants w ill be contacted.) Forward resumes to: Box 6425, c/o Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd.. Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 R E C E PT IO N IST (m ultitask) requiredto rH eatin gC om pany. full-tim e for O akville area. F axresum e to905-845-3311 G EN ER A L Secretary Re ceptionist. typing essential. Experience an asset, send resume: Burlington Post 5040 M ainw ay. U n it #1. B u rtngtonO nt. L 7L 7G 5B ox»1 9 9 6 V E T E R IN A R Y Assistant required for busy anim al clinic. M ust be able to han dle dogs. cats, birds, rep tiles. W e are looking for someone w ho is experi enced /m otivated to w ork nights /weekends, hours flexible. A pply to B url-O ak A nim al C IW c905-827-1171 G R IL L /D eli C ook required fulltim e. Straight days~ no itchen i exf exp. an w eekends. K asset. A pply in person to Shaw n at the C afeteria. 1 1 5 1 Bronte Road (H alton R egional B u ild in g ). O akviie B U R L IN G T O N : M ontfort Restaurant,796 Brant St. requires K itchen H elp, W aiter staff. Part-tim e/ full tim e. Please applyinperson. h ospital, ed ical, dental 535 m h ospital, --. T -- -- 1oentai J .1 eaicai. 535 m VON HALTON Urgently Requires U N ' S to w ork in the com m unity. Part-tim e positions available for N orth H alton &B urlington, also Full-tim e 1-9pm Position available for H alton. Please contact Joanne or Carolyn at 905-827-8800 Also Required BSCN or RN equivalent for people in crisis pro gram . Part-tim e w ork in battered w om an shelters. M ental health background an asset Please Con tact Donna Zachariah 905-827-8800 BmMp Oakville Childcare Centre requires Kitchen Help Schoolaged HOME HEALTH CARE 10:30am-2:30pm 905-6 81 -7 12 6 Pilgrims Way 905-847-5043 Glen Abbey 905-825-3327 Spacious and Freshly Painted 1-Bedroom Apts. From $800. Immed. Sparkling hardwood floors. Easy Q E W access, walk to schools &shopping. 4067 Longmoor Dr. Burlington 905-639-1346 Q E W I Trafalgar. Spectac ular view s. L arge, bright 1,2 43 bedroom s. From$820/ m o. +parking. On-site m anagem ent. Indoor pool, saunas, ravine settings. Im mediate occupancy. 905844-1106 W A L K to G O ' 5-plex. Brant/ Fairview . Clean, at tractive 1-bedroom - single occupancy only- $628/m o.+ hydro Im m ediate N onsm oker. no pets. Parking. 905-528-7520 _______ O L D O akville boutique apartments. Lakeshore. N ew ly renovated 142 bed room s available im m e diately. 416-270-0687. 905-842-9275 O L DO akville - Park like setting, very w ell main tained building, 1 block to fine dining and shopping. 2-bedroom $1175/m o N o lease, or last m onth pay m ent required. C all 905330-2770. G U ELPH Line/ W ood w ard. 14 2 bedroomapart ments available Jan/Feb. from$745/m o. C lean, quiet b u ilding. 905-632-4265 B eautiful lakefront 5348 Lakeshore Burlington Spencer Sm ith Park Spacious, bright suites Renovated Kitchen &baths Hardwood floors Q uiet building 1,2&3Bdrms From $ 949 steps tohospital & H w ys. C all L ucille 905-637-8431 1363 L akeshore R oad 905-639-9212 O A K V IL L E - 344 B edroom tow nhouses available Im m ediately through February. 4 appliances. H opedale M all area. Lakeshore M anage m ent. 905-876-3336 B U R L IN G T O N Tyandaga. 3 bdrmtow nhouse, 1 bath. C /A , 4 appl.. finished base m ent. garage + 1 parking. A vailable im m ediately. $1145./+utilities. C all 905849-8995 L A R G E, new ly renovated 243-bedroom, fireplace (3bdrm ), 4 appliances, hardwood floors, parking included. A vailable im m e diately/ D ec.1 /Jan.1 . C lose to all amenities, park-like setting. A rlington B lvd.. B urlington. 905-681-0070, w w w .pm online.com W A L K ER S Line/U pper M iddle. N ew tw o bedroom tow nhom e available im m e diately. from$1350. + utili ties. 905-828-6767. 416821 -1741 _______ C O N D O for rent. A ll ap pliances. very clean.. A vail able January 15. C all 416910-0158 B U R L IN G T O N furnished basement for rent. $600/ m o. Furnished bedroom , $400/m o. Shared kitchen, laundry, bath C all 905-3157 8 0 1 A bbey. 4 bedroomhouse. 5-pce bath. $550/inclusive. Fem ale preferred. A vailable im m ed iately. (905)-827-211 5 SH E R ID A N College area. N on-sm oker to share apart m ent. Parking, laundry, in ternet/ cable A vailable im m ediately. 905-845-9279; 905-467-8302._______ KJZh i lo st & fo u n d FO U N D : B row n tabby Harvester 4 Guelph, w e call K ris. C all 905-6377325 $800. Burlington Park Towers 2-BEDROOMS O A K V IL L EK err/ Lakeshore Second floor. 1-bedroom , new ly broadloom $695/m o A lbert M cD onagh L td R ealtor 905-632-5690 N O R TH SH O R E Tow ers, 142 bedroom s. Jan./ Feb./ M ar. (+$33. parking). U tili ties included. N o Pets. Q uiet B uilding. D iane. 9am 7pm . 905-681-1307* B urB R O N T E on the lake! Breathtaking view s. Spa cious 1-bedroom available January. N ew ly renovated, hardw ood, ceram ics, w ind owcoverings. From$1042/ m o. parking included. 905827-9169orv isit w w w . ontim .com A V A IL A B L E now for rent. B urlington D ow ntow n 431 M artha Street. 1+2-bed room s. Including heat, w a ter. and parking. $795 and $850/m o.+ hydro. First/ L ast. C all 905-297-9039. Leave m essage. 1-Bedrooms From$880. /m o. A vailableJan./Feb. Q uiet building. N ewappliances. Laundry on each floor. Parking. Call 9am-5pm: 905-639-3301 B eautiful 2-bdrmapts from$800. util. incl. 2386 N ewStreet at G uelph L ine T el: 905-639-5761 O pen 11-7, M on.-Sat. Q E W / Trafalgar. Spectac ular view s. L arge, bright 1,2 43 bedroom s. From$820/ m o. +parking. On-site m anagem ent. Indoor pool, saunas, ravine settings. Im m ediate occupancy. 905844-1106 G U ELPH Line/ W ood w ard. 14 2 bedroom apart ments available Jan/Feb. from$745/m o. Clean, quiet b u ild in g . 905-632-4265 C A N A D IA N A Quiet, w ellm aintained lakefront b u ilcfin g . V ery spacious 1,243 bedroom s available im m e diately/ Jan./ Feb. 5220 Lakeshore, Burlington. 905-632-5486(nodogs) A LD ER SH O T (W est B urlington) new ly renovated bachelor apts. w ith full kitchen, available im m e diately $625/m o. +hydro. 905-633-8547 B U R L IN G T O N Southeast 1-bedroom basement apartment, c/air, parking, laundry, utilities included $750/m o. Feb.1st. Prefer non-sm oker. 905-633-9824. 142 Bedroom apartments available now . Speers/ K err. 905-339-0668 BURLINGTON TOWERS 1.2&3 Bdrms Individually controlled heat! 905-639-8583 www.ontim.cxxn 611 Surrey L ane, B url. Im m aculate2& 3B R s, w ithlull basem ents! U tilities included. R ental Incentive T el: 905-632-8547 N E W Executive tow nhom es. N orth B urlington. 3bedroom s. 2-1/2 baths. 5 appliances. A /C . garage. From $1400/m o. + utilities. D ebbie 905-332-3542 LA R G E 3-bedroom , 5 ap pliances. garage. Jan. 1st. From $1219/m o.+ utilities. Longm oor D r.. B urlington. 905-681-0070 w w w .pm online.com 3-B ED R O O Mflat. Beau tiful/ im m aculate condition, 5 appliances. 1.5 baths. 2 parking, C /A . $990/m o.+ References. N on-sm okers. Pets okay. N orth B urling ton. Feb.1st 905-331-4546 SILK SCR EEN ER - $16/ staff hr/w k. M ust have screen R N 's & RPIM 's 12noon-6pm printing experience. C all 905-849-4769 R obor G rant 905-332-8944 A s an employer of choice we offer: Fax: 905-849-7456 · SupportiveT eamE nvironm ent C A SH paid daily. Guar anteed $12/hr. bonuses. ·N orthH altonareaor B urlington/O akvillearea O akville/ B urlington door-to ·B enefits toqualified staff door Fundraisers. Support ·S hift differential ith develop 2-PIE C E sofa, good condi ing people w S L E IG H /H ay R ides. H orseental disabilities. 416· Paybythevisit (or shift) tion. $99. or best o ffer. 905- m draw n. G roups. B irthdays. 578-9428; 416-243-9690 F am ilies. P arty R oom . U nde 332-7743, 905-815-2657 · PaidE ducation opportunities Porky's. 1/2-H r from ParaM ed is looking for Visiting &Shift Nurses D R Y ER . $100, excellent B u rlin g to n . 1-800-203-9093 Munn's Child condition. 905-335-2059 ·C urrent C N OR egistration Care Centre ·R ecent acute/com m unityexperience FO R sale: 4-Pirelli W inter COOK Ice Snow Tires. 12k, size: ·D ependabilityR eliability&flexibility G O IN G to M ove? C all 205 55 R 16. $100 905-3366 hrs. per day. includes Please mail/fax resumes to: Roberta Dunn M ove-Right M oving. Best _______ 8500 · light housekeeping service in the area. C all ParaMed Home Health Care T hom as. 905-847-0178 STO V E. $100, excellent 1515R ebeccaSt.. Ste301, O akville. O nL 6L5G 8 ECE/ECA condition. 905-335-2059 or Fax: 905-847-1038 4 to6 m onthcontract, W ew elcom eall applicants. O nlythose selectedfor in possible extension G R A N DOpening O riental T el: 905-849-9740 terview sw ill becontacted. A ngels! Burlington 4280 Aking pillow -top mattress H arvester R d, unit/17 Q E W A leader in community health & support services F ax 905-849-5693 set N ew in plastic. Cost 4A ppleby L ine 10am -1am $1600. Sacrifice $450. 905-633-7788 905-567-9459. C andeliver B E D , A m azing bargain, queen orthopedic pillow top set. newin plastic, w arran ty . $150 905-567-4042 B E D , newqueen orthope dic mattress, boxspring. N ewin plastic. Cost $899. sell $275 C all 905-3793873. Deaths B E D R O O MFurniture. S o l* L o s t id w ood. 5-piece bedroom furniture. G ood condition, L O S T - R E W A R D !!!! FORD, Myfanwy Joyce- Peacefully on M onday, $800. obo. 905-842-5268 D ecem ber 22nd, 2003 in her 86th year at H alton P eel on D ec.18,2003 inor vicinityFantasyM arket on B E D R O O M set. 8-pce. M em orial H ospital in O akville, w ith her husband at Speers R d. or L oblaw s store or underground cherrywood. Bed. chest, her side. Joyce Ford ot oakville, beloved w ife of parking, L akeshoreR d. (O akville) dresser, m irror, night stands. D ovetail construc Stanley Ford. D ear m other and m other in-law of D r. Gold money clip, I4carat. holding $300 cash. tion. N ever opened. Cost W illiamand Louise of Toronto. L oving grandm other Please return money clip K eepcashAND $8,000. Sacrifice $2400. of D avid. D aniel, and R ebecca. A t the Shaarei-B eth E l get additional rew ardl N oquestions asked! 905-567-4042 Synagogue, 186 M orrison R oad, O akville for service C all 905-827-1008evgs or 905-617-2719 anytim e B E D S, N ew .D ouble. $220; of W ednesday, December 24, 2003 at 11:00a.m. Q ueen. $240. C om plete w / fram e. F utons. Free D eliv ery . T he fam ily w ish to thank the D octors and staff at H alton Refurbished V C R s. TV s. Peel M em orial H ospital (or their care and compas record players, portable C D sion. A s an expression ot sym pathy, m em orial dona players. 905-681-9496 tions m ay be m ade to the O ntario H eart and Stroke C A RPET. I have several Announcement Foundation 416-499-1417, O ntario Lung A ssociation 1.000 yards of new Stainm aster 4 100%nylon car 416-864-9911, or the Canadian Diabetes Associa pet. W ill do livingroom 4 tion416-363-3373 hall for $389. Includes car D o u g S t o n e ' s F a r e w e l l pet. pad 4 installation (30 yards) Steve. 905-639-2902 . Mr. Stone will be saying farewell to the many { D IN IN G R O O M , 13-pce. dedicated years o f working in various parts o fTUNSTALL, Maureen - Peacefully at the cherry. 8 chairs. B uffet, Canada including Etobicoke and the City o/»J O a kville -T rafalg ar M em orial Hospital, on hutch, server, dovetail con While Rock. He looks forward to his gradually Friday, December 19, 2003 at the age of 66. struction. Still in boxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrifice \diminishing responsibilities with the City that x a l Beloved daughter of Lady May and the late $3,000. 905-567-9459 will leave him more rime for other pursuits. F re d e ric k H enry. S a d ly m isse d by her F R E EE stim ates. G ot w ob husband Brian, her daughter Susan, her I The City wants to thank Mr. Stone fo r the many blychairs, tired look in gw ood granddaughters Paula and Kerry and great1contributions he has made to the City thus fa r | finishes? Fields Custom granddaughters Tayler and Hailee. Loving W ood R efinishing and F urni 'iand on January 9th, 2004 will be holding a tu reR ep airs. 9 -9 .9 0 & 6 3 2 -9 0 9 0 s is te r to F re d , G lo r ia , H e le n an d Kay. \Farewell Event in his honour.' Lovingly remembered by her many relatives FR ID G E, M aytag, w hite. If you wish to join us in wishing him well, 15 cu. ft., like new , $450. and friends in the UK and Canada. Resting please contact: C all 905-631-8663. at the Koprlva Taylor Community Funeral matchison@city.whiterock.bc.ca H PC eleron 667m hz. 64m b Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville ram , 20gig hd. cd-rw , 56k or call 1-604-541-2186 (between Kerr and Wilson Streets 905-844m odem . 10-100ethem et. M S 2600) with visitation on Friday January 2, w orks. 17" H Pm onitor, yam aha speakers, $450.obo 2 0 0 4 from 2-4pm an d 7-9pm . F u n e ra l 905-634-7365 Se rvice at 11am on Saturday January 3, M A TTR ESSES, brand 2004 at St. Ju d e.s Anglican Church, 160 new in plastic. A ll sizes Legal Notice William Street, Oakville. Cremation to follow. available. Queen pillow / Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society top. $275. Can deliver! 905-330-4153 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS would be appreciated. Email condolences INTHE ESTATE OF may be sent to k o p riva @ e o l.ca - please M O V IN G : all m ust go. Furniture, appliances, of GLADYS IRM A CARRIGAN place T U N S T A LL in the subject line. fice desks. 4 equipm ent, A ll persons having claims against the estate of bikes, generator, etc. 905G LA D Y S IRM A CARRIG A N late of the City of .901-0106 urlington. R egional M unicipality of H alton, w ho died PIA N O Baby G rand, like B new , m ust sell m oving. on or about the 11th day of December, 2002, are In Memoriams $2400. 905-358-7532 hereby notified to send full particulars before the 1st hich date the estate w ill SN O W B LO W ER - 5.5H P. day ot January. 2004 alter w John Deere w ith light. bedistributedw NEILL, EILEEN ith regard onlyto claim s received $300. 905-336-7338 In loving memory of a dear wife, mother, D ated at O akville, this 4th day of D ecem ber 2003. W A S H E R4 dryer, apt. size and grandmother, who passed away fridge 4 stove, stacking D avidM acK ay, E stateT rustee December 27th, 2002. washer 4 dryer, bar fridge B yH is Solicitor 905-901-0106 Thoughts today, memories forever. S T U A R TW .H E N D E R S O N B arrister &Solicitor Cm, TU NcrfflFamify 228 L akeshoreR oad E ast O akville, O NL 6J 5A 2 W A N TED -A ll China. Sil Phone: (905)-844-3218 ver, Crystal, Tea Cups, F WHYNOTT, Margaret W hittaker- In m em ory ax: (905(-844-3699 R oyal D oulton, Sw arovski. of a loving w ife, mother and grandmother, w ho G lass. Jew ellery, old toys, collectibles, estates. C all passed aw ayD ecem ber 30,2000. John/T racy. 905-331-2477 W henyou left us threeyears ago W A N T E D old pairitings. It hurt so m uchto seeyou go, art. books, china, glass, O ur lovew ill alw ays bew ithyou toys, clocks, w atches, jew Family Services R em em beringall the things w e usedto do. elry, collectibles, estates. K arl 905-681-6939 H oldinghands and takingw alks. A lc o h o lic s A n o n y m o u s Sitting dow nand havingtalks, T hankyoufor the beautiful m em ories If you drink, PHUPbHLY R em em beringall the loveyou gave us. that's your business s e a s o n e d . W ealw ays feel the pain 100% hardw ood. On If you want to quit, tario's largest firew ood re O ur love w ill be w ithyouforever tailer. Beware of tele That's Ours! U ntil w em eet again. marketers m aking false (4 16 ) 4 8 7-559 1 claim s. For m ore inform a A lw ays lovedandm issed, tion, M arc's Q uality Fire (905) 6 3 1 -8 7 8 4 husband H erm an, childrenand grandchildren. w ood. 905-257-6366 Visiting and/or Shift Community Notices

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