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Oakville Beaver, 10 Dec 2003, A5

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday December 10, 2003 - AS Program needs more money and volunteers (Continued from page A1) with approximately 40 to 50 homes.) Oakville Neighbourhood Watch, which started in 1980, is the only chapter to issue such a bulletin, via email and the organization's Web site, detailing to members everything from the latest break-and-enters and property damage incidents to thefts of and from vehicles as well as from businesses. `The public has been doing a great job but we need money and more people to get involved." said White, explaining that at least $25,000 a year is required. The program was funded through the Town for many years - money that was withdrawn in 1999 - then Jill Kitchener · Special to the Oakville Beaver Phyllis C aputo fights back tears while hugging S ara H am ilton, co-chair of the w om en's com m ittee at CAW Local 707, at the candlelight vigil on S aturday night to rem em ber the 14 women killed at Ecole Polytechnique in M ontreal in 1989. supported through grants for the last three years. This included a $30,000 Solicitor General grant in 2000, which had to be spent in one calen dar year, and an $ 11.000 sum in 2002 from the United Way. The organiza tion has received no outside funding since then. A vibrant Neighbourhood Watch will actually save the police money. White maintained, by providing hun dreds of extra eyes and ears. In 1999. the situation was so bad that organizers took the bold step of removing the program's signs from "dead zones" in Oakville, a tactic which worked, at least temporarily, to jar the public into becoming more active. In 2002, Halton Regional Police Const. Gregg Davidson - a long time Neighbourhood Watch support er - left the Board due to conflicts with his other work. "We really felt his loss terribly," said Executive Administrator Monica Knowles. "He made such a huge impact on the board." Since then no officer has been on the Board, although one continues to liaise with the organization. Police also provide office space at the 20 Division station. In order to head off disaster. White and Knowles are encouraging residents to attend Oakville Neighbourhood Watch's Dec. 17 meeting at Town Hall, starting at 7 p.m. If that turnout is bad, said White, then some tough decisions will have to be made at the January meeting. White, who became chair in June, said there are now only a handful of board members left. "We need to get organizers, need board members, need to get people involved," he said. "We need anyone who is commit ted to helping the program." said Knowles. Those wanting more information or to volunteer are encouraged to contact White at imaging.express@sympatico.ca. Those without email can call him at 905-845-9879. Royal School Of Ontario An Accredited Co-educational Private High Schoolfrom Grade 9-12 GUILTY/NOT GUILTY S w it z e r P a r a le g a l S e rv ic e s I n c . h a s ju s t o p e n e d a n e w o f f ic e i n O a k v i l l e . T h e y h a v e a v e ry s tro n g te a m th a t s p e c ia liz e s in t h e f o l l o w i n g a re a s : Violence against women persists in society (Continued from page A1) against women has risen, and the issue is taken more seri ously. Preston admits. But problems abound in the battle to end the assaults, rapes and murders. Today, notes Preston, women's shelters and sexual assault centres in Ontario are operating with five per cent less funding than they received in 1989. Last year, the Halton Women's Shelter alone turned away over 6()0 women. And cuts to social assis tance, combined with a short age o f affordable housing, make it difficult for many women to escape abusive households, she adds. I While Preston believes it is important to remember the 14 women killed in Montreal, she says that one day a year is simply not enough to solve the problem of violence I against women. "It is particularly impor tant that we keep the focus of today (Dec. 6) going for the other 364 days of the year." she said. After Preston spoke at Saturday's ceremony. 14 men from the Oakville CAW local lined up in front of a row o f white candles. Each recited the name of a woman killed in Montreal, as well as her age and course of study, as they lit a candle. The 14 victims were Genevieve Bergeron. Nathalie Croteau. Anne-Marie Edward. Maryse Laganiere, Anne-Marie Lemay. Michele Richard. Annie Turcotte. Helene Colgan. Barbara Daigncault, Maud Haviemick. Maryse LeClair, Sonia Pelletier. Annie StAmeault and Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz. Finally, a 15th candle was lit to remember victims of violence everywhere. "Ending violence against women is the best way to hon our the 14 women killed 14 years ago. and all the others who have lost their lives since then." said Preston. O p en H ouse e v e ry S a tu rd a y a n d S u n d a y 1 0am to 3p m · Well-structured and continuously modified programs to cater to the needs o f the everchanging technological world · Our programs are designed to prepare students who want to pursue an academic/professional career such as Medicine, Engineering in one stream and Accounting. Law in the other stream · Maximum o f 10 students per class · No need for private tutors, your child's needs will be abundantly met 4 ? 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