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Oakville Beaver, 10 Dec 2003, A1

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We preview the latest vehicles M ercedes-B enz Q.E.W . & Dorvai Dr. Springtim e for Therriault A rtscene H alto n W heels T H E O A K V I L L E NORTH A M E R I C A 'S M O S T AWARDED CO WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2003 5 6 Pages S1.00 (plusGST) A Metroland Publication Vol. 40 No. 147 'U S I N G C O M M U N I C A T I O N T O B U IL D B E T T E R - C O M M U N I T I E S " S afely n etw ork set to fold N e ig h b o u r h o o d W a tc h d e s p e r a te f o r fu n d s , v o lu n te e r s By Howard Mozel OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF If Oakville Neighbourhood Watch does not receive immediate support, says Chair Nicholas White, the organi zation will have no choice but to fold. "It will be gone, extinct." he said. According to White, support is des perately needed both financially and from volunteers willing to serve on its board, as well as from residents ready to maintain a viable network of communi ty-minded homeowners across town. "We need more members who can contribute and more police support," said White. Oakville Neighbourhood Watch also needs money to pay for its Web site and office staff, which issues the Crime Report to alert members. (There are cur rently 79 active zones in Oakville, each (See 'Program page A5) Trust us, says Council Councillors won' /reveal gameplan against Shell House development By Angela Blackburn OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF Bronte residents who packed Town Hall to standing room only Monday night to show their opposition to a devel oper's plan to put 1.000 apartments on the former Shell House land on Lake Ontario were asked to trust local coun cillors in heeding their wishes. A status report was before the Town of Oakville's Planning and Development Council - much earlier than is usual when a development application is filed with the Town - because the developer. Palm Place Developments Inc. has appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) despite having an incom plete application. The crowd on Monday heard that Palm Place Developments has an offer to purchase the 10-acre former Shell House land just east of the Burlington border from landowner New Province Homes. That's the same landowner that's seeing Metrus Developments via homebuilders National. Rosehaven and Aspenridge put 1.400 homes in Lakeshore Woods to the north of Lakeshore Road. On July 18, Palm Place Developments filed a development application with the Town to put 1.000 condo-apartments on the property. Two configurations were provided four. 25-storey apartment buildings or four buildings with eight towers (joined by one-storey links) of 12 to 15-storeys in height. Residents 4n established areas and in the new Lakeshore Woods are furious about an obstructed lake view, loss of shoreline and trees and potential traffic congestion. Resident Laurie McGinn, who has spearheaded opposition and formed the new Bronte Village Residents' Chantal Ayotte · Special to the Oakville Beaver Association to specifically fight this LIGHTING THE WAY: Ian A nderson House, in keeping with hospice tradition worldwide, held its annual Tree of development, spoke to thunderous Lights cerem ony Sunday evening. Each $20 donation lit one bulb in memory of, o r to honour, a loved one. About 120 applause Monday. people enjoyed C hristm as carols and hot cider. Although the total is being tallied, it's hoped that the cost of one w eek's "We oppose this application as it is in operation - $8,400 - will be raised. O n Nov. 17, the hospice m arked the sixth anniversary of the adm ission of its First (See Residents' page A3) patient. Almost 500 residents have passed through the house during th at time. Flynn heads up justice and social committee Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn has been elected Chair of he Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy. This key Legislative committee is empowered to study and report on all mat ters relating to the mandate, management, organization or operation of the ministries and offices which are assigned to it. as well as the agencies, boards and commis sions reporting to such ministries and offices. The Chair sets the agenda for meet ings. manages debate and casts the tiebreaking vote. "I will be bringing the perspective of a person from Oakville to the management of this committee." said Flynn. "I want it to run efficiently, but also for its members to never lose sight of the people who (See 'Committee' page A2) CAW lights candles for 14 victims of Montreal massacre By Kim Amott SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER It has been 14 years, but we still remember. We still remember the crazed gunman who shot 14 engineering students in Montreal, simply because they were women. We still remember the names of those women - names that we recite every year as we light white candles and mourn their early deaths. We have our collective memory of the massacre at I'Ecole Polytechnique, and we have Dec. 6 as a national day of remembrance and action on violence against women. Still, too little has been accomplished in the last 14 years to prevent vio lence against women, says Joanne Preston, executive director for SAVIS (Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Service) of Halton. "It's now 2003," she said at a candlelight vigil organized by the local branch of the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW 707) on Saturday. "In the last week and a half in Ontario, two women have been murdered by their cur rent or estranged partners and one woman has survived being shot in the head by her husband." In the years since the Montreal massacre, public awareness of violence (See 'Violence' page A5) " INSIDE" Editorials................ M Focus....................... B1 Artscene................... B6 `Tis the Season...........Cl Update......................C5 Sports...................... D1 Classifieds..................D5 Business................... D8 KuODdivcn: \ a t » n J Sporty Sport Mart. Partial D rihtn: Goad U k . Moto Unto, Tappers Ptea. The Bay. (.ZHX Wfoteftuse. Mark's Hbr* Warehouse. Staples Business Depot, V v r t Chtk. \Shte Hose. Home Outfitters, f ferry 's. Black's. Home Depot f'urtv Packagers. Body a f Health (S u p p o rt Y o u rL o c a l C a rrie r) SVLC DELIVERY Onto P u M c w o n *M a dP to d u aA p w n w nM & 2 0 * For home J r ln r n A customer service tall (9051845-9742 Mon. Tues.. A Thin. 9 ojti -6/xm. Wrd A Fn. 9 a.m. -8 p.m. orSatotnias 10 a.m. -4 p.m For nr»- luhtcnpams. call (905) 845-9742 or iubxnhe unlaw # H%-w.oaknIIebeaveecom Jill Kitchener · Special to the Oakville Beaver Dan Sm ith, Scotty M cColem an, Larry P ra tt, G ary Shillington and Emell Mesic stand in a m om ent of silence behind the candles they lit in rem em brance of the 14 women killed at I'Ecole Polytechnique in M ontreal 14 years ago. TARGETED F L Y E R D E L IV E R Y · BY P O STA L AR EA - B Y D E M O G R A P H IC S 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 50o n · Large selection of frames · Doctor's appointment arranged · We accept all vision care programs 275 L IT R E S T o p B r a n d N a m e s - A ll F r a m e s S t o r e w i d e with purchase of your Rx lenses 2 0 0 4 Chrysler Sebring Sedan LX Space Optical invites you to come in and see all the new latest styles in eyewear. Visit us for personal and prompt service. T r a t a l g a r V illa g e 1 2 5 C r o s s A v e. M on 9 · 6 · Ti n s .. W e d . Thins. & Fri. 9 · 8 pm · S a t 9 : 3 0 - 5 pm OF FUEL ON ALL NEW PURCHASES AND LEASES' n % Purchase financing" for 6 0 OR M ONTHS _ -- $4500 REBATE PLUS 90 DAYS NO PAYMENTS' F IV E S TA R 905-842-2821 LO C K W O O D 175 Wyecroft Road, Oakville (between Kerr & Dorvai) 905.845.6653 o JSK SSb f iv e S tar C e rtifie d D e a le rsh ip 1 W m rofilM - s I > | Sp«en IU : 5 1Q IW

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