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Oakville Beaver, 10 Dec 2003, "Update", C6

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Contact: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 250) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com W E D N E S D A Y . D E C E M B E R 1(). 2 (X).'i · I 'i l g c C(S Please forw ard announcem ents o f non p rofit a n d fr e e events f o r C om m unity Update to Wilma B lo kh u is, O akville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4: F ax 905-337-5567; e-m ail hlokhuis@ haltonsearch.com o r call 905X45-3X24 ext. 250; B E F O R E N O O N M O ND AY to he included. Free listing. W E D N E SDAY D E C E M B ER 10 Over 300 volunteers required fo r gift wrapping until Christmas Eve, Oakville Big Sisters will be wrapping gifts at Oakville Place. The Gift Wrap booth is located on the Upper Level, outside The Bay. A coat check service will also be avail able. If you are interested in volunteering, call 905-338-0238. Students earn communi ty hours. O akville-Burlington Parents o f Kids with Diabetes Support Group meets the second Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. at members' homes. Parents o f kids-teens with Type I Diabetes are welcome to join for informal discussions about food, insulin pumps, school issues, and lots more. For more information, call Linda at 905-8252714. THURSDAY D EC E M B E R II C om bined P robus C lub o f North O akville monthly m eeting. River Oaks Recreation Centre. 2400 Sixth Line,10 a.m. Speaker. Glynis Maxwell, Coordinator of Affordable Housing Halton. Probus pro vides social contacts and activities for retired and semi-retired professional and business persons. New members welcome. For more information call Rod at 905-8477670. Do you need help? Food fo r Life food banks to be held at St. Hilda's Church. 12 2 p.m.. 1258 Rebecca beside Woodside Library. W ISE - M ature W om en' s Network. Over 50? Join this informal, social group meets second Thursday (N ovember. December and January) and then moves to the second Friday for (February to June) of each month. Guest speakers, group discus sions and special events. Drop in. Ongoing from November till June. 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. No cost. Call W omen's Centre. 905-8475520. The American Women's Club o f Oakville meets the second Thursday o f every month. Club is open to all bom and naturalized citi zens. Call 905-825-6386 for more informa tion. H A P P E N - U n k in g People and Opportunities networking support group for unemployed business professionals. 8 a.m.. in Mississauga. Speaker: Judy Suke. Why HR People Hate Us and How to Make Them Like Us. Members $5. non-members S10. Call 905-339-0268 or www.happen.ca Women ' s Caring a n d Sharing Circle with Patricia Hurst. Spend an hour in the warm, accepting atm osphere o f other women like yourself. Share your chal lenges. life experience and wisdom. Every Thursdav, 1 - 2 p.m. No cost. Call Women's Centre. 905-847-5520. Are you interesting in taking your public speaking skills to a new level? Join First O akville Toastmasters every Thursday evening at 7:15 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Call Dale Fisher for more details at 905-849-8454. Dramatic reading o f Charles Dickens ' .4 C hristm as C arol with C B C 's Michael Enright, actors Jim Millington and David Boyle. St. P au l's United Church. 454 Rebecca. Tickets, $12. call 905-845-3427. All proceeds to Salvation Army Lighthouse Shelter. Christmas Baubles - Christmas concert by Oakville Choral Society, Dec. 12 and 13, 8 p.m., Christ Church. 1700 Mazo Cr.. off C larkson. M ississauga. D irector Bev Stainton. accompanist Imre Olah and soloist Margaret Evans. Tickets: $20. call 905-8455359 or 905-842-3737. SATURDAY D EC E M BER 13 Red Cross First Aid: Did you know your participation may reduce your risk o f injury by up to 4 0 per cent? The Canadian Red Cross makes first aid training easy by offer ing comprehensive, up-to-date training in Oakville. With the holiday season fast approaching, call 905-845-5241 about holi day gifts such as gift certificates and first aid kits. Next course Dec. 13/14. Victorian Christm as at Spruce Lane Farm. Bronte Creek Provincial Park, week ends 1 2 - 4 p.m. Evening Lampligh Tour. Dec. 13.6:30 - 9 p.m. Park on Burloak north of QEW. Call 905-827-6911 ext. 271. Visit Santa in Christm asTown, Mountsberg, weekends to Dec. 21.11 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Visit Santa in his country cabin in flashlights. Approximately 7K walk. 1.5 hours. Call Sylvia. 905-616-2330. TO PS ( fa k e O ff Pounds Sensibly) weekly Monday meetings, 7 p.m.. at St. Aidan's Church. Queen Marv and Stewart. Call Maureen. 905-827-4893 or Kim. 905338-9059. TUESDAY D EC E M B ER 16 Trillium Photographic Club, Digital Evening. 8 p.m.. East Plains United Church, 375 Plains E.. Burlington. Call Marilyn Chayko. 905-634-7803 ext. 255. Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Sir John Colbome Centre for Seniors. Tuesdays 1 - 4 p.m. Cost: $20. Bv appointment only. Call 905-815-5960. W omen's E m ploym ent Network with Tina Tuner. Unemployed, laid off or return ing to the workforce? You are not alone, come meet with other women and hear about employment related topics - true col ors. resume and cover letter, job search strategies, dress for success, make-up. hair, dress and interviewing. O ngoing every Tuesday, .at 9:30 - 11:30 a In. To register or for more inform ation, please call The Women's Centre. 905-847-5520. Help fo r Parents - Parent Support Group meets weekly. Tuesday evenings. This non-denominational self-support group with trained leaders, helps parents o f chil dren who are in trouble at home, at school or with the law, abusive or taking drugs. A member of Association of Parent Support Groups in Ontario (APSGO). To locate group nearest you. Call 1-800-488-5666. or visit www.apsgo.ca. TO PS ITake O ff P ounds Sensibly) weekly Tuesday meetings. 7 p.m.. at Walton Memorial United Church. 2489 Lakeshore West in Bronte. Info: 905-827-3399. H A P P E N - L inking People and Opportunities networking support group for unemployed business professionals, 8 a.m.. in Burlington. Speaker: Dick Cappon. Six Legs Jazz Club - A Journey to Uncovering Your Best Life. Members $5. non-members $10. Call 905-339-0268 or ww w.happen.ca. BUL L ET IN Support th e C anadian R ed Cross, O akville B ranch, C reations Team. Creations is a community action initiative organized and coordinated by Red Cross volunteers who have hand knitted and quilt ed items for sale. Proceeds from creations are used in developing nations and domesti cally to promote safety education and selfsufficiency. Call us at 905-845-5241 for more information on excellent hand crafted or first aid and safety gift ideas. Tetra Society o f Ontario is looking for people with technical skills to volunteer their time to help design and build unique assistive devices for people with disabilities. Call 905-332-4759, visit wwwuetrasociety.org or e-mail r!baliko@cogeco.ca. Business Advisory Group, a not-forprofit organization o f retired and sem i retired business owners and professionals helping entrepreneurs and businesses with advice in general management and business planning. Meetings Thursday and Friday. Visit www.smallbusinessadvisory .com or call 905-381- 1999 or I -866-663-4234. Kerr Street M inistries, 484 Kerr at Speers, has clothing available at $1 a bag (bags provided), the first and third Saturday o f each month from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Ontario March o f Dimes is looking for volunteers to help fundraise during its January Door-to-Door Campaign. You can help raise the needed funds that provide essential programs and services to people with physical disabilities across the province. Become a canvasser in your neighbourhood for 2 to 3 hours of volunteer lime, or a captain, encouraging canvassers and collecting kits. Call 1-800-263-DIME ext. 718. e-mail door-to-door@dimes.on. or visit www.dimes.on.ca. COMMUNITY UPDATE Peter C. McCusker · Oakville Beaver Ashley Fuller, 5, gives a w rapped teddy b e a r to Q ueens Avenue R etirem ent Residence client Florence L atulipe last S atu rd ay m orning. Sunday School children from the C h urch of Jesus C h rist of L a tter Day Saints (M orm ons) at D undas S treet and E ighth Line presented the gifts and perform ed seasonal songs. T he teddy bears were donated by the church. GIFTS FOR SENIORS: the woods at Mountsberg in Campbellville. Take a horse-drawn wagon ride to Santa's cabin, enjoy fresh holiday treats and a hot chocolate by the w'ood stove. Group reser vations available - call 905-854-2276. Season o f Ihe First Frost, Crawford Lake, weekends 10 am - 4 p.m. Scheduled lours of the 15th century' Iroquoian Village at Crawford Lake. Milton. Check out the Visitors Centre and enjoy exhibits and dis plays while you warm up with a hot drink. Explore scenic woodlands as you hike, ski or snowshoe the trails. Weekday facilities are limited, call 905-854-0234. C hanging Seasons in th e C ountry, Mountsberg, weekends 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Watch the late migration of birds and water fowl from waterfront trails, lookout towers. DELSA G o l f 1029 S p e e rs R d. U nit #8, O akville (\?nu?r o f 4th i r SfM'rt's Bt'sul Tu n Hortons (905) 3 3 7 -1 7 7 4 END OF SEA SO N L IQ U ID A TIO N & C H R IS TM AS B LO W O U T SPECIALS MEN'S & LADIES' GOLF SHIRTS MEN'S & LADIES' GOLF SHOES * FREE FLU SHOT CLINIC SHOPPERS DRUG M A R T T h u rsd a y , D e c e m b e r 11 S ta rtin g a t 2 p .m . Limited vaccines available. (for 120 patients only) 50% o ff ALL PUTTERS 50% o ff___ TIGER GOLF BALLS $19.95 3 doz. ONCE A YEAR ONLY $49.95 ALL MEN'S GOLF SETS (WALL DISPLAYS) NEVER BEFORE & NEVER AGAIN ^ - , o r . D I ELECTRIC POWER CADDY 3 ) 3 9 9 . 9 D ULTRA LITE - FOLDABLE - INC. BATTERY & CHARGER EXPERIENCED GOLF BALLS INDIVIDUAL WOODS & IRONS 50% OFF First-come first-served. No appointment needed. 520 Kerr Street location only. 3 doz. $9.95 & up $9.95 & up US-T0UR GLOVES GOLF HATS Dr. Terrence D a Silva is pleased t o a n n o u n c e t h a t he is m o v in g o ffice s. From 170 Rebecca St., O a k v ille to 1235 T ra fa lg a r Road, O a k v ille S u ite 205 E ffe c tiv e D e ce m b e r 1st, 2003 3/$8.95 S P E C IA L R E -G R IP P IN G P R IC E W IN T E R O N L Y (N O V . -M A R .) O Q E o i u 2/$19.95 BRING IN TH IS A D & RECEIVE A FREE G O LF H A T OR SLEEVE OF G O LF BALLS if y o u r p u r c h a s e is o v e r s is .o o & up per club TRINITY COLLEGE SCHOOL Travel Education Programme A learning experience that expands borders Earn an Ontario Secondary School credit while traveling this summer Courses that wilt be offered in fitly 2004 will include credits in: E nglish. T echnology. Feel free to give us a call (905 ) 815-1330 C o b b le S lO N E m b e r S "Masonry & Fireplace Design Specialists' Design, sales & in stalla tio n o f gas, electric & co n v en tio n al fireplaces: and observation blind. Visit the farmyard animals and PlayBam, and see the elk. bison, and birds o f prey on the wildlife walkway. Horse-drawn wagon or sleigh rides on weekends. Weekday facilities are limited, call Mountsberg 905-854-2276. SUNDAY D EC E M B ER 14 Tenor Mitch Seekins. harp virtuoso, Sharlene Wallace, flutist Joan Browne, pianist Ruben Vazquez, and organist John Laing will join the St. M ildred' s Junior Choir in a benefit concert o f Christmas music at 3 p.m. at St. Jude's Church. 160 William. Christmas readings will be woven into the musical program. Proceeds support the work of Halton Family Services with vulnerable individuals, couples and fami lies. Light refreshments follow concert. Tickets: $15 adult, $5 student. $10 senior. Tickets can be purchased at St. Jude's 905844 3972. L'Atelier Grigorian 905-3382360. and Notes Music 905-845 3141. Sharlene Wallace, harpist for Oakville Symphony, is guest performer at 10 a.m. Christmas recital prior to service at St. John's United Church. Dunn and Randall. Christmas at Ercliless, 1 - 4 p.m. Listen to the harmonious music o f the Oakville Christian School C hoir while enjoying home made Christmas sweets, at Oakville Museum at Erchless. 8 Navy. 905-338-4400. The December Dilemma - C hanukkah and Christmas, a forum to discuss in nonjudgm ental way. 9:45 - 11:15 a.m.. Sunningdale School, 1434 Oxford. Issues include gift giving, participation in holiday celebrations, respecting extended family tra ditions. letting go of past traditions, needs and concerns of non-Jewish family mem bers. Discussion of interest to interfaith cou ples. Discussion leaders. Rabbi Paul Sidlofsky and Eva Nielsen. Call ShaareiBeth El Synagogue. 905-849-6000. M O N D A Y D E C E M B E R 15 Let's Dance, Sir John Colbom e Centre for Seniors, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Dancing every Monday evening. Weekly Walks by the Water along Waterfront Trail with the Bronte Bunch. Group walks every Monday year round for fun. fitness and friendship. Meet at back door of Coach and Four. Lakeshore and Bronte. Walk begins 7:15 p.m. Aprils walk refreshments. Beginners welcome. Bring ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH 454 Rebecca Street, Oakville su p p o rted by m H Lj i .J | t m I ' ( v1 · stone & brick facings · built-in · wood surro u n d s cabinetry i · cast stone m antels q u a l it y b r a n d n a m e s g a s & f. i .f.c t r i c f i r e p l a c e s a v a il a b l e MAItSTTC VERMONT CBC < f|> > Radio P resen ts flectrafjame G eography, M a th em atics, F rench C o re a n d Im m ersio n , E uro p ean H istory, A rt, S pan ish an d Biology. Destinations will include: P o n to ise, France; B anff, A lberta; a n d E cu ad o r an d th e G alap ag o s Islands. F o r f u rth e r in f o rm a tio n c o n ta c t: All types of masonry work & restoration: · chimneys · planters · patios · walkways · stairs · tuck pointing H o u rs: M o n .-F ri l(MSpm S a t. 10-opm S u n . C losed A dramatic reading of Charles Dickens' "A CHRISTMAS CAROL" F eatu ring Lisa Smith (905) 885-3217 ext. 1281 www.tcs.on.ca/TravelEd/ 406 Speers RcL, Oakville (across from Rona Lansing) Q A r Q J7 V / «J " 0 Q 0 7 I " i U O O V7S / T T H E S P E C IA L IS T S T O S E E T H E D IF F E R E N C E LOO K FO R There's so much m e to LaZBoy! I PACKAGERS Christmas Super Store! Save up to U V now! CBC's Michael Enright Oakville's Mayor: Ann Mulvale Film and TV actor: Martin Doyle St. Paul's own: Fay Copland and Kent Palmer G uest R eader: Musical interludes by: Michal Rozycki & S t Paul's Choir Hosted by: Jim Millington Fri., December 12, 2003 - 7:30 p.m. Proceeds to: The Salvation Army's Halton Lighthouse Project from S 1099"* LA-Z-BOY FURNITURE® GALLERIES BURLINGTON POW ER C EN TR E Q.E.W. & BRANT STREET· (905)3317600 Mm-fri 9 am -9 p m . Sat 9 anv-4 pm, Sun. 10 anv-5 pm \ 4 Page Flyer in Today's Paper! Tickets: $12.00 - available at St. Paul's Church - Tel: 905-845-3427 Open Seating - Recommended minimum age 10 years Refreshments in Watt Hall following the performance Sponsored by: THE OAKVILLE REAVER

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