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Oakville Beaver, 10 Dec 2003, B3

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The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y D e c e m b e r 10, 2003 - B 3 Blanc H arvey of th e R otary Club of O akville N orth visits Dina L au rag an o , a client of C om m unity Living O akville's Life Skills day p ro g ram at 147 C h u rch St., an d D arlene M cLean, M anager of A lternative Day P rogram s and Fam ily S upport. T he club donated $3,000 for a lift so D ina could attend program s at the centre. At right. Blane H arvey and D arlene M cL ean exam ine the lift designed to lift D ina on and off the bed fo r h er m orning and afternoon rests. Rotary North donates $3,000 to CLO for electric lift An electric lift, with remote control, is making life a whole lot easier for Community Living O akville's Life Skills day program at 147 Church St and one o f its clients. Dina Lauragano. Confined to a wheelchair, the 21year-old intellectually handicapped woman with cerebral palsy needs to be lifted on to a bed at the program's cen tre for a rest every morning and after noon. "She's too heavy and rigid for us to lift safely." said Darlene McLean. Manager of Alternative Day Programs and Family Support for Community Living Oakville (CLO). "It's too difficult for the staff to be always physically lifting her." The lift costs about $3,000. an expense covered by the Rotary Club of Oakville North. Prior to receiving this donation. CLO had rented a manual lift. "The club takes great pleasure in donating this lift. It allows us to see tan gible results of our fundraising," said Blane H aney, the club's Director of Community Service. "Without this lift. Dina, who is very sociable, would not be able to attend this program." said McLean, adding, "she would just have to stay home." Dina started coming to 147 Church St.. in June after leaving the school system, and a rental lift was used to move her between the bed and wheelchair. The sling fits under Dina with openings in the seat for her legs. Prior to her school program. Dina came to the CLO's nurs ery program at age five. "With cutbacks in Ministry of Community and Social Services fund ing. itis difficult for us to get this type of equipment without the support of such organizations as the Rotary Club." said Andy Rotsma. C LO 's Executive Director. "This support we received from the Rotary Club of Oakville North is just fantastic." CLO's day program at 147 Church St. has 23 adult clients who are taught some life skills, "but is more of a leisure program." said McLean. This is one of four day programs CLO operates. The other three are at its new 4.600-sq. ft. Wyecroft Road facility. "We have three clients in wheel chairs coming here, and this lift will not only benefit Dina, but other clients as well in the future," concluded McLean. Appleby College hosting community skating party with Santa Appleby College invites everyone in the Oakville and Appleby communities to kick off their holiday fun at a skating party at the Appleby College Arena on Sunday. Dec. 21. Join your favourite furry mascot friends and that jolliest man of all, Santa Claus, for a festive fun-filled afternoon. Admission is one non-perishable food item per person to be donated to the Fareshare Foodbank. "W e're looking forward to an afternoon of fun and enjoyment with our friends and neighbours." said Paula Schutz. director of outreach programs at Appleby College. "The skating party is an oppor tunity to share our holiday spirit and give back to the community through the food bank." The community skate will take place from 2 - 5 p.m.. at the Appleby College Arena, 540 Lakeshore Rd. W. Enjoy gliding around the Appleby rink to some season festive music. There will be plenty of hot chocolate, cookies and candy canes. For more information about the community skating party, contact Paula Schutz at 905-8454681 ext. 297. 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