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Oakville Beaver, 5 Mar 2003, C5

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The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday March 5, 2003 - C5 m uiMNJJi m m BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905- 845-3824 OR 905- 337-5610 FAX: 905- 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm houses for sale S A V E ! Private- $267,997 P ristin e 2 storey. 3-bed room. West Mountainloaded with extras. School, shop. HWY access. 2600* finished space. Agents wel come. 905-385-1812 tommcaGsympalico.ca F A LG A R W O O D . 1136 Grand Blvd. 2-storey. 3*4 bedrooms, well-maintained fam ily home w/inground pool. 60x110 lot. $319,900. 905-844-5764 HAMILTON- Chedoke Golf Course- 3 bedroom with many upgrades $219,900 905-528-4944 U PPER G A 4 bedroom. 3.5 baths. 2800 sq.ft. model home on park Up-grades**. S399K 905 827-7687 | | V J open houses BU R LIN G TO N . Private Sale in The Orchard. D e tached 3-bedroom Features central air & vac much more. Open House. Sunday. 1-4 pm. 5138 Brada Cres. (Appieby 8 Dryden)_________ private sates FALGARW OOD- End urn! townhome.3-bdrm.l.5 baths, new kitchen, finished basement, single garage Walk-out to large deck, hardwood/ ceramics on first floor, lam inate 2nd floor, neutral decor thruout. Early closing $195,000. 905844-6480 apartments & flats for rent houses for rent S P A C IO U S 1.243 Bed rooms. Fre sh ly painted, bright. Com petitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. 905-333-9846. Nooo-8pm W A T E R DO W N: John St. W alk to Everything. New Appliances. New Windows. Comp. Reno. 1, 2& 3 Bdrms starting at $770. Util. Incl. (905)689-1647.905______________ 690-4454 1-BEDROOM furnished basement apartment, B ur lington, Mountainside area. Parking, laundry. Nonsmoker S550/mo. includes heat/hydro. 905-332-3684 A L D E R S H O T - P a rk A v e nue. 2-bdrm basement, ex ecutive home, quiet. Park ing, utilities, first/last. No dogs. $820/mo. 905-6372142 A L D E R S H O T (west B u r lington) new ly renovated bachelor with full kitchen, ava ila b le im m ediately. $625/mo hydro 905-6338547 _________________ H E ART of Bronte. 50 East St.. close to lake/ Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom, im mediate/ April. $975/mo.; 2bedroom. Imm ediate, $1095/mo. (sparking) 905825-0816 P R IV A T E Coachhome loft, central north Oakville, near all am enities, to tally de tached. Appliances. Ideal for single fem ale nonsmoker. $725/mo includes heat/ hydro. 905-257-3307. W A L K to GO! 5-plex, Brant/ Fairview. Clean, at tractive 1-bedroom. $655/ m o > hydro. A pril. Nonsmokers. no pets. Parking. 905-528-7520 O A K V IL L E - K err/ E lm wood. Spacious 2-bed room apartment in 6-plex. 1-parking. Available imme diately $990/mo. inclusive. Call 905-338-0491 1-BEDROOM S795. 2-bed room S885; hydro, park ing extra. 80 Speers Rd. O a kville. S peers & Kerr. 905-842-0565 G LE N AB B E Y: two-bedroom, p rivate walk-out; laundry; one parking only; jacuzzi bath. No sm ok ing/pets. A va ila b le A p ril 18L (905)847-6831. F U R N IS H E D , 3rd floor, bedsitting apartment. Sep arate bath and kitchen; parking, a/c, O lde O a k ville. Ladles only. $625/mo. Call Heather 905-338-7492 V r J fu rn is h e d re n ta ls Classified ie e i Y L A K E S I D E L I V I N G ^ MARINE DR., OAKVILLE l.s 'i.! v 'vated 1 & 2 bedroom suites in adult oriented building on lake, near Lakeshore and East St. Dishwasher · In-suite storage Courteous 24/7 on-site staff From $1100. Call 905-825-9616 TORRANCE ST., BURLINGTON Lakeshore & Bran!, steps to lakefronl. considerate 24/7 on-site staff, ouldoor pool, controlled access, close to schools, shopping & transit. Large, renovated 1.2 & 3 bediooms from $850, Call 905-681-8506 Quiet lake-front building, near Appleby Line, dishwashers avail, swimming pool, sauna, billiard & party room, card access, a/c. responsive 24/7 on-site staff, renovated 1.2 & 3 bedrooms Irom $980 Call 905-333-6968 LAKESHORE RD, BURLINGTON Near Brant Street, stunning lake views, d shwashers available, swimming pool, fit ness centre, billiards, card access, near shopping, transit, renovated Bachelor 1.2& 3 bedrooms trom $710. Call 905-333-9141 oakvillebeaver.com Circulation: 905-845-9742 articles for sale BEDS. New. Double. S220. Queen. $240. Complete w/ frame. Futons. Free Delivery. Refurbished VC Rs. TVs. record players, portable CD players. 905-681-9496. C A R P E T . I have several 1.000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100%.nylon car pet. W ill do livingroom & hall for $389. Includes car pet. pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 COUCH & loveseat. light blue plaid, very good con dition. $300/obo. 905-8251292_______________. CRIB, white. 'Little Folks*, good condition $100; sofa, matching chair, floral chintz, good condition $150 905-842-8790 DIN IN G S uite · 1923 A n tique carved, extendible table. 4 chairs, captain's chair, raised sideboard. $1300 905-331-4444 DIN IN G R O O M table w/ leafs. 6 chairs. $400; large couch. 2 armchairs. $400 All almost new. 905-6341825 D IN IN G R O O M . 13-pce. cherrywood. double ped estal. 8 chairs. Bullet, hutch, server, dovetail con struction. S till in boxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrilice 53.000 416-746-0995 FR ID G E , Kenm ore.. bot tom freezer, $750 StoveGE. $50 W asher. $75. Sofa- 4pc. L-shaped. 2 red in e rs . $200. Freezer. Woods, upright. $350. Bar, ly r.. solid oak. 2 swivel chairs. $1000. Kitchen table. $300. Toro snow blower. $250. C all G erry 905-637-9803 days. 905690-1961 evenings.________ FR ID G E / Stove- white. Excellent condition. $650. 905-332-9800 MO THERS helper re quired April 1st-September for busy home of 3yr. old girl & infant boy. Must pro vide Indoor/ outdoor play, exceptional care, light housekeeping, meals. IShrs J week, hours flexible $10/hr. References. 905257-2700 FRIDGIDAIRE stove and re frigerator and Cyclone hood with fan $250. for all. Imm ediate pick-up. 905469-9739 F U R N ITU R E N icely aged prim itive pine repro ductions. Secretary w/leaded glass doors, open corn er hutch, $500/set. 905681-3410__________ ;______ FUTON double hunter green with frame $180 . box & mattress (queen size) brand name, oilhopedic $425,. both brand now. will deliver 905257-3743_________________ GE fridge and stove, white $600/both 'Kenmore* rangehood mlcrowavo white . $350 905-331-4612________ G OLF Clubs, complete set & bag. Excellent condition. $500. Call 905-634-2659 after 6pm H ITAC HI'S best 53* wide screen projection TV (53SW X10B) Best offer over $3000 ($5750 new.) 905-469-8052_____________ K ITC H E N Cupboards, ideal for apartm ent/ cot tage. White w/oak. base uppers, good condition, $500. Call 905-520-3945. K ITC H E N table (round), $70. Computer desk. $50. Square coffee table w/ glass lop. $70 Coffee table w/2 end tables. S50/ set. 3 piece suite. $100. T.V. stand. $40. 905-6317835______________________ LO VE bird, 6 months old. cage and accessories in cluded $125. O.B.O. 905631-1694_________________ LEFTOVER inventory from dollhouse and m iniature shop. All items at 1/2 wholesale cost or make us an offer for the lot. Kits, fur niture, glassware, electri cal, handcrafted, etc. No tax. Cash only. 905-3333402_____________________ MILLIA-MIGLIA rims 16*. 1 rim needs repair $875/obo; HKS Turbo-Timer w/TSI harness $l35/obo; 2-10* JLW3*s S425/obo; 700W Blade Amp $255/obo. Steven 905-469-9307 M O VIN G Sale- All must go! High-end furniture, liv ingroom. diningroom, bed room. Call 905-517-8062 or 905-331-0993 M O VIN G Sale- 7 piece dark oak dinning set. Many more household Items. Best offer 905-662-0683 M O VIN G Sale- Dining table w/6 chairs, bed chesterfield. Floor lamp & much more. CaH 905-842-9975 MO VIN G : Wicker loveseat. 3 chairs w/cushions. $250; solid pine bunkbeds w/drawers bookcase $350; antique pine school desks. $75/ea; chairs $15/ea: arm chair $50; loveseat. sofa; bookcases; pictures, circular saw; extension lad der; 9cu.ft. fridge; antique kettle; large indoor plants. 905-842-0289 M O VIN G : Diningroom table & buffet, antique, drop down sides, centre leaf, claw legs. 4 reg. chairs 1 captain chair $2500/firm. plus many other items.... 905-315-9925. after 7pm. PIANO, black, apartmentsize baby grand. 10-yrs. old, with bench, excellent condition. $6500. Call 905332-9215.________________ SNOW tires (4), Michlin Al pine Arctic P 175/70/13, only 855 kms $65/ea. 905338-3752. (8am-11am). SNOW BLOW ERS- Sears Craftman. 1 fits late model tractors 17HP up. 2yrs old. $500 1-105 HP. 6yrsold^500. 905-332-5744 after 5pm S T A IN L E S S steel step bars for Chev EXT truck $250; Craftsman 10* mitre saw, $150 905-332-3615 TW IN tub washing m a chine 3yrs. old., white. Danby. Asking $550/obo. 905-690-7553. after 6pm W A S H E R & Dryer- K en more 70 senes. heavy duty, extra capacity. Excellent condition. $600/pair. 905331-4518 _______ W ASHER, dryer, fridge & stove (ceramic top). All Whirlpool, all upgraded, white. 16mos. old. $2200/ 905-257-9949_________ articles wanted lost & found The site your community clicks on! E-m ail: cla ssifie d @ haltonsearch.com »Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470»Help Wanted 500-570 '· Services 700-795 B R O N TE , c en tra lly locat ed. spacious 3-bedroom bungalow. Hardwood floors, large eat-m kitchen, deck, in law quarters, walk to schools, shopping, take No pets, no smoking. 905-844-9340 or 905-844-6273 D E TA C H E D semi, newly painted, hardwood floor main level. 3-bedroom. 1 bathroom. 2 powderrooms, finished basement. G reat location. Upper Middle/ Eighth. Immediate. First/ last. $1550. utilities. 905339-7077_________________ _ LA KEFRO N T Oakvillo El egant executive townhome. 4-bedroom. 2 fireplaces, m agnificent lake view (freehold, end). $22407mo. 905-616-2330 B U R L IN G T O N Prospect St- bungalow near School/ GO. 3+1 bedrooms. 2 full baths, finished basement, large rec. room. FP. bar. 5 appliances. C/A, parking, fenced yard. April/1 st. no pets, first/last $1300/mo. utMttes 905-634-3610 REN T Alternative. Rent to Own options or 0 Down Program with credit & earn ings verification. Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker. Re/ Max Escarpm ent Realty. Realtor. 905-639-7676 email: ucanbuy2Ghotmail.com S.W.Burlington- Spotless 3 bdrm. 1.5 bath. rec. room. C/A, perfect for active semi retired or professional cou ple Non-smoker/ pets. $1250/mo. utilities. April 1st. 905-639-5482 K IN G S W A Y / Ford Dr. area. 2500 sq.ft.. 4-bed rooms, den, mam floor w/ fireplace, double garage. $1650/mo. utilities. Mar/ Apr. 905-847-5095. Ext.51 B E A U T IF U L Ia rg e 3-bed room townhome w/semifinished walk-out b as e m ent. N icely decorated throughout. Gas heat, c/alr. 5 appliances. Excellent O a kville location near schools, shopping and public transit. (QEW/ Trafal gar). Available April. $1450/ mo -futilities. C all 1-905877-8948 evenings/ w ee kends or 416-413-4687 ^weekdays._________________ O A K V IL L E - 2.3&4 Bed room townhouses available Immediately- May 1st. 4 ap pliances. Hopedale M all area. Lakeshore Managemenl, 905-876-3336 O A K V IL L E . R iver Oaks/ Neyagawa. 3-bedrooms, 5 appliances, C/A, garage, driveway. $1200/mo. utili ties. Imm ediate. Sandy 905-338-7482. O A K V IL L E - Third Line/ Dundas 3 bdrm. 2.5 baths. 4 appliances, garage. S i 450/mo futilities. Mar 3 J905-469-4875_____________ FR ESH LY Renovatedl Brant/ QEW. Burlington. 1bedroom. March. $720/mo.; 2-bedroom den. Im m e diate, $895./mo. (u tilities extra, fenced yard, 1 park ing included) 905-3199769______________________ B U R L IN G T O N , Plains/ Francis. 3-bedrooms. 1.5 baths, finished basement, fenced yard. $1000/mo. utilities Apr. 1st. 905-6433648.______________________ B U R LIN G TO N (M illcreek) 2-bedroom townhouse, 5 appliances A vailable M a r.1st. $1350/mo utili ties. 905-464-4134; 416658-4871. after 6pm. T/H- North Burlington. 2* bedroom, FP. appliances. Avail, now. $950 utilities. Call 905-849-8431 FOUND: Cat- grey- long hair. Arlington/ Woodward area We call Sally. Please call 905-637-7325 FO UN D : Ladys Seiko watch, Tim Hortons parking lot. Fourth Line. C all to identify, 905-842-7714 FOUND: Long haired tan cat Guelph Line & Now St. "Creamslcle* Call 905-6377325____________ . FO UN D : Hearing aid. Appleby Line/ Fairview park ing lot. Feb.25th. Pleae pick up at Police Station 440 Locust St.. Burlington_______ personals R E S E A R C H tax schemes that perish in experience with Front St. properties, bank investm ent loans or exploration fund. Fax 905845-3844, phone 905842-4798- & * "k 'k Luxury Living in Oakville! · · · · · · · · · · · Utilities Included Huge Apartments Sunken Living Rooms Individually controlled Newly Renovated heating & A/C Indoor Swimming Pool Suites Squash Court 1 & 2 Bdrm + Den Whirlpool & Saunas Inquire about ou r Convenience plaza on- site other great Oakville Underground parking Properties available Easy access to QEW, GO Train & Oakville plaza Short & Long Term Leases Professionally Managed by C a p R eit NEW LYRenovatedfor rent 1. 2 & 3 bdrm apart ments. Close to all ameni ties. $1150 to $1390./mo inclusive. Parking extra. Im m ediate occupancy. 205 Queen M ary D rive 905844-9670 O A K V IL L E - 1 and 2-bed room apartments available for Immediate occupancy. 2-blocks W est of O akville Place. Close to amenities. $885/mo & $985/mo.. Heat, hot water, parking included. 905-847-1138 LIVE-IN Nanny (FullTime) required for 2 child ren. O akville Rosume & Roforences required. 905257-2223_________________ LIVE-IN nanny required for 3 children, 10, 7 & new born (Oakville). References & experience. 905-25712S4______________________ N AN N Y required for 2.5 & 5-month old girls, our homo Light housekeeping, meals, own car required. Mar 10th start. $12/hr. Southeast O akville. 905337-2367. FRENCH-SPEAKING preferably. Llve-out Nanny required for 15 month old child. Apr.1. Non-smoker. Please call 905-825-9921 I apartments condos for sale G LE N Abbey (Private Sale) 2 bedroom condo, fireplace, a/c, 5 appliances. Pilgrim s Ways. $149,000. 905-827-5823 W H ITE Oaks condo- 2 bedrooms, den. ensuite laundry, newly renovated, senior building. $174,000. Fran 416-428-3726_________ WE specialize in Condo minium Sales & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., Realtor, (905)333-4347 Open House Mar. 8 & 9, 2-4pm 1297 C all Today Marlborough Crt 905- 8 1 5 -1 6 2 8 and No Appointment Necessary 1360 White Oaks 2&4 EDITH COURT, APARTMENTS WATERDOWN 1 & 2 B d r m A p ts M a r c h & A p r il Reasonable rents include utilities. Parking available 905-690-1896 C A N A D IA N A . Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1.2&3 bedrooms available immediately/Aphl.5220 Lakeshore. Burlington. 905-632-5486. O A K V IL L E : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca Renovated. Large suites W alk to everything New security system 1&2 bedrooms Irom $845/mo. 905-845-1777______________ O LD O a kville B eautifully m aintained, v e ry clean, quiet building downtown Step out to shops. 1-bed room from $985./mo; 2 bedroom from $1185./mo. No lease. 905-845-8254 (leave message) O A K V IL L E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large Renovated 1&2Bdrm. New appliances, windows. From $845./mo 905-844-5474 O A K V IL L E bachelor coach house. Available March 15th. Glen Ashton & T rafalg ar area. Viewing by appoint ment only on March 8 &9. 2288 Rougecrest Dr. 905257-5933_________________ O A K V IL L E Downtown- 2 storey apartments: 3-bedroom+ den. $1525/mo; 2bedroom. $1190/mo. (4-util* ities/ parking included). Call 905-337-7135._________ O A K V IL L L E . 2& 3-bed rooms. Near all amenities. Apr/ May. 80 South F or ester Park Drive, from $820/mo. 416-255-4562 10am-8pm,, 416-592-0437 O A K V IL L E . N ear all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Bachelor. immediate. $780.; 2-bedroom, immediatem $1040/mo- $1050/ mo.; 3-bedroom, March, S1225./mo. (+parkiiig). 905844-9006 O A K V IL L E - N ear Down town, Renovated 2-bed room in quiet adult apart ment building. Large bright unit, $825/mo (parking In cluded) Available march/1 st or April/1 st 905-277-4728 1&2-BR Suites. Hydro in cluded Across from B u r lington Mall. M ature ten ants. ` Princess' . 905-6398009. ` Regency* 905-6818115______________________ F R E S H LY painted, hard wood floors! 1&2 Bedroom apartments available Apr./ May. From $849/mo.+ park ing. C lean, quiet. Brant/ Prospect. Near GO & Malls. 905-639-7805______________ 1-bdrm. in p riva te home for single non-smoker. S eparate entrance, p a rk ing. cable, utilities included. $625/mo. Burlington. 905616-9034 5pm-10pm. O N E and two bedroom apartments for rent. Newer units, small building. Great location! Call 416-948-9715 B U R L IN G T O N . 2-bdrm. C lean, quiet, well-main tained. Excellent central lo cation. Parking. $789/mo. hydro. April/1 st (No dogs) 905-664-2659; 905-572- Trendv Burlington Neighbourhood 505 Locust St. (B rant & O ntario) W alk to the lake & Spencer Smith Park Attached to Indoor mall · Central Air Large 2 Bedroom S uites From S10107mo · A va il. Immed. > y COMEHOMETV... CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 T R A IL E R Park on the Grand River, Cayuga O n tario. Asking price $775,000 with $275,000 down. Will assist with mort gage. Owner retiring. Call 1-905-772-7145 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliances · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington M all Area Shelter Canadian Properties Lim ited BURLINGTON 3 brand new townhomes. 2 bedrooms. 5 appliances, a/c. April 1st $1200/mo utilities. Martel Com m ercial R e a lty Inc., Broker. Ainsley Moore. Sales Representative. 905-3326601______________________ L A R G E 3-bedroom, April From $1199. ( util). 5 appls, garage. Longmoor Dr.. Burlington. 905-6810070 www.pmonline.com B R AN O new end-unlt, 3bedroom, 2.5 baths, 2nd floor laundry, 5 appliances, C/A, hardwood, immediate occupancy. No smoking. $1400/mo utilities, refer ences. Fairview/Appleby. 905-337-7468 BRANT/ Fairview - Luxury 3 bedroom townhouse. 5 appliances. C.A.C, b ase ment, 2 parking. Asking $1250 April 1st. 416-414- T e l: 905-3 33 -9 00 8 APARTMENTS STARTING AT ONLY $875. BURLING TO NOffices 300, 700, 800. 1500. Sec ond floor. Low rates. David Johnson Associate Broker, Re/Max 905-333-3500 O A K V IL L E Downtown. Retail space approx. 1400 sq.ft. parking available, $1475/mo. -futilities. 905337-7135. ONE MONTH FREE!! (on 1-bedroom units) Convenient location near GO Sin · Gorgeous views · Indoor pool & sauna · Newly renovated suites · Tenant controlled Heat and A/C · Security · Includes all utilities and cable. EXECUTIVE PENTHOUSE Spacious executive duplex penthouse, 20th floor spectacular views, private patios, 5 appliances, Amenities included. Open House Mon.-Wed.-Fri. 10-4 & Sat.-Sun, 10-2 GEORGIAN COURT ESTATES 611 Surrey Lane, Burl. Immaculate 2&3 BRs, with lull basements! Utilities included. Rental Incentive Tel: 905-632-8547 3-BEDROO M.New townhouse, central air. 2.5 baths. 3-new appliances, 2-car parking. "OrchardView*. Burlington. $1350/mo. utilities. 905-319-3838. BURLINGTON, Brownstone. available April 1st. 2 bdrm. 1.5 baths, 5 appliances. A/C. garage. $ 1,250/mo. utilities. M ike Scruby., Sales Representative. Remax Aboutowne Realty. 905-8427000 ECE offering home daycaro environment. Weekly themes, nutritious snacks/ lunches Mon.-Fri. 7am6pm. Napier/ Sewell. 905337-3750__________________ H O PE D ALE / Bronte area Safe, secure home Fullyenced big yard. Mature, responsible Mom of 2. 905847-9941 BRONTE: Nurturing moth er provides educational games/ toys. First Aid/ CPR. References/ receipts. 905-827-6181. ECE mom has space available. Relaxed, fun, loving atm osphere. R e ceipts. Headon Forest. Teachers welcome. 905332-5630 L O VIN G . established daycare for your little one. S tim ulating environm ent, outings, first aid/ CPR, re ceipts. Halton Registry. Ex cellent references. S.E. Burlington. 905-333-0118. M ARCH Break- mother of 2 offers loving care, atten tion, activities & nutritious meals. Excellent referenc es. Upper Middle/ Eighth Line. 905-842-0619. M IL LC R O F T , daycare a vailable In loving home. On bus route to Florence Meares P.S.. full/partime. a ctivities Meals/ snacks. 905-336-3874. $$ Government Funds $$ Grants and loans informa tion to start and expand your business or farm. 1 800-505-8866______________ f i l ^ U ] m o rtg a g e , lo a n s BURLINGTON SQUARE 760 Brant St. (at Ghent Ave.) Call us at 905-639-4677 B U R LIN G TO N downtown. Executive suite. F ully furnished renovated bun galow Sleeps 5. Parking. Short/ long-term. 905-3361036. _ ___ E X E C U T IV E 1-bedroom well-furnished basement apartm ent (Burlington), separate entrance, parking. Suit single. Non-smoking. First/ last. Apr. 1st. $850/mo. in c lu s iv e 9 0 5 -7 2 9 -4 7 8 6 M *fl* WANTED- All China. S il ver, Crystal, Tea Cups. Royal Doulton, Swarovski. Glass. Jewellery, old toys, collectibles, estates. Call John/Tracy, 905-331-2477 W A N TE D fur coats. Any size, any colour. Black mink & large sizes desirable. 905-633-7531_____________ W AN TE D : All costume & vintage jewelry, old glass, china, collectibles, watches, clocks, silver. Call 905920-7923 O V v v O $ $M O N E Y $ $ 100% 1st. 2nd and 3rd M ortgages. Bad credit OK. Call Ontario Wide 1-888-307-7799 C A L L Sinclair- Cockburn, 905-844-1245 1-yr 4.15; 5yr 5.35. ARM 1.99. Also eq uity mortgage programs, regardless of income or credit. Com e See the Difference! 511 Gueiph Line, B urlingto n C om fortable 1 & 2 Bedroom S uites from o nly S850./mo. A va ila b le A p ril. Sunken livingrooms, windows in kitchens, breakfast nooks, 2 outdoor pools....Call 905-637-9725 C EN TRA LLY located, well- maintained, spacious 1&2 Bedrooms, Mar./Apr/ May. Must see to appreci ate. 3055 Glencrest Road, Burlington, 905-637-3921 N O R TH S H O R E Towers. Mar. - Apr - May. 2-bedroom. (+$33. parking). Utili ties included. No Pets. Quiet Building. Diane, 9am7pm. 905-681-1307* B ur lington. A V A IL A B L E Im m ediately 1-bedroom self-contained apartment in triplex. Maple community. Parking/ laun dry included $700/mo. Call 905-634-4222._____________ A V A IL A B L E Apr/1 st 1bedroom basement apart ment, separate entrance, and parking. Cable and laundry included. Nonsm oker. $625/mo. 905331-8629 F U R N IS H E D Burlington Short-term available. Luxu ry 1&2 bedroom prestigious condos. From $1299/mo. 24-hr. security. Immediate. 905-632-8354; 905-6326189.______________________ W W W.FURNISHED C O R P O R A T E R E N T A L S .C O M The perfect alternative, beautifully fur nished upscale towns. 3bdrms., 2.5 baths. Oak/Burl, from $99/day. 905-6163667______________________ T R A V E L S U IT E S .N E T ... Log on! "N ew ' Corporate Luxury Accommodations. 1-4 bedrooms/ baths. A ll amenities. 50++ locations. Daily, W eekly. Monthly From $44.95* per night. (Visa MasterCard/ AmEx). Leave message: 905-6817355 3 9 7 5 BRANT/ QEW. Burlington. 3-bedrooms. 1-1/2 baths. 5 appliances. C/A. fireplace, garage, fenced rear, near GO. $1090./mo. utilities Mar./Apr. possession dates. Call Warren Hill, Trafalgar Property Managem ent. 905-338-1130_____________ $1250/M 0. Sharp 3-bed room near Burlington Mall. 1-1/2 baths, finished base ment, garage. 4-applianc es. Gas heating. Desirable complex. A va ilable Apr/ May. Nigel Maunder. S u t ton Group. 905-681-7900. ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON' Amelin Property Mgmt L U X U R Y 3-4 bedroom townhouses. fam ilyroom . basement, backyard. From $1099+ parking & hydro. 905-639-0950. O A K V IL L E : Third Line/ West Oak Trails/ Hwy. 5. 3bedroom, 2.5 bathrooms. 4 appliances, a/c. 905-8279584 EM / S - auctions, sales LA R G E 2&3 bdrm. newly renovated suites, pool & tennis court. Short/ Long term leases available. Reasonably priced. Close to Sheridan College. In quire about our moving al lowance. 905-842-8338 PRIM E Downtown B u r lington, Upgraded build ings. 1,2&3 Bedroom Suites. New windows. Scenic views. 477 Elizabeth. 905-634-9374; 478 Peart, 905-632-1643 BU RLIN G TO N- 1 bdrm basement. $550/mo. Call David Johnson Associate Broker, RaMax 905-333-3500 EX TRA large Bachelor. 1& 2 bedroom suites available in beautiful O akville build ings Large balconies. Close to schools & profes sional services. Easy ac cess to O EW & 403. Very reasonable 905-844-2646 or 905-845-0987 National Auction r il»o i E x e c u to r 's A ssistau l Walk to GO 2067 Prospect St at B rant St. N EED a tutor? V is it www.beyondtheclass room ca or call 905-5104228. We tutor most sub ject areas, grades 1 to 11. Sat. Mar. 8 at 11:00 AM Prev: 10:00 AM 3rd lin e e xit to A ll Points Auto S ervice 2334 W yecroft Rd. O a kville # 5 Beautiful Lakefronl Oakville 2 & 3 Bedroom Suites Low Rise Condos Wall to Wall Carpet Vertical Blinds Balconies or Patios S Appliances 5348 Lakeshore 1 & 2 Bedrooms From $875. Avail. Immed./Mar. Quiet building. New appliances Laundry on each lloor. Parking. B U R L IN G T O N 3-bed room QEW/ Brant, end-unit. fenced yard, first/last, no appliances. May/1 st $985/ mo utilities 905-3329203 __________________ Huge 2-Bdrm T.H. Immed. - $1095/mo F IS H tank- large, with stand. $100 905-338-1974 F R ID G E - Kenmore. a l mond. top freezer. Excellent condition. $100. 905-6326392 · _____________________ IN D IA N Rug- neutral co lour. oval, fringed. 5x3ft. $75. Excellent quality. 905333-4710. evenings IN D IA N Rug- n eutral co lour. oval, fringed, 6x4ft, $100. Excellent quality. 905-333-4710. evenings. "K E N M O R E " Electric 30* inch stove, brown, good condition. $75 O.B.O. 905* 333-0830 1 parking included. » Corner Suites Avail. » Gleaming parquet flooring * Oversize balconies » Undergound parking and outside parking On-site customer service... 905-631-0033 BURLINGTON 2-bedroom a va ila ble May. Park-like setting. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths One outside parking. Near schools, shopping. 905333-1190. ^ condom inium s for rent Call 9am-5pm: Pilgrams Way 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 -5 0 4 3 905-639-3301 O A K V IL L E , Bronte 2bedroom. A va ila b le Apr./ May. $1050/mo. Includes heat, hydro, parking, locker. Sm all quiet building. 905827-8228. 2-BEDROO M S: S870 / mo. (U tilitie s included). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 1lam-7pm. Mon.-Sat. 905639-5761 O A K V IL L E Bronte/ Lakeshore. 2-bedroom in sixplex. balcony. $800/mo. plus hydro Apr.1. Credit check. 905-465-3347/ 905-277-0509______________ BRONTE- studio- 1 large room on ground floor, washer/ dryer, cable. A va ilable im m ediately. $550/mo. utilities incl. 905208-0215 B R O N T E : Hlxon/ Nelson area 2-bedroom, in small building. Immediate occu pancy. $900/mo -futilities. Call 905-847-1138._________ B U R L IN G T O N 3020 G lencrest Rd. 1 & 3 bed rooms a va ila ble im m e d iately from $845/mo. Quiet, w ell m aintained building conveniently lo cated near shopping. 905632-0129__________________ 1&2 bedrooms available Starting at $875/mo. park ing. Indoor pool, sauna. Ravine setting. QEW/ Trafalgar area 905-844 1106 1 &2 Bedroom Apartments A va ila b le Immed./ April/ May. from $795./mo. Con ven ien tly located W ood ward/ G uelph Line, B u r lington 905-632-4265 DO W N TO W N Burlington 2-Bedroom apartm ent. 1 Parking. Available Apr.1st. $926/mo. inclusive. Call or leave message. 905-3357929______________________ DO W N TO W N O akville. Lakeshore, 1 -bedroom apartm ents a va ila ble March & April. From $960/ mo. 416-420-3952, 416270-0687, 905-842-9275 W ATERD O W N - New 1bedroom with den. 10ft ceilings. 5-appliances, 2parking, storage. Available Immediately. 905-524-4960 BU RLIN G TO N. 2-bedroom condo, balcony, 2 parking spots, storage. $1150/mo., a va ila ble A p r.1st. 9058 1 5 - 7 2 8 4 .____ O A K V ILLE: luxury 2-bed rooms, 2 bathrooms, den, 1200 sq. ft., renovated, all Inclusive. Sheridan College area. $2000/mo. Available March 1st. 1year or longer lease. 905-844-5166 I houses for rent NEW/ Appleby Line A vail able April/1 st. 2-bedroom house on large lot. 1-car garage. $ 1400/mo. Includes heat/ hydro. Non-smoker, no pets 905-825-5842 BR O N TE Woods 3-bed room. 2.5 baths detached home, garage 5 ap pliances. $1100/mo utili ties. Credit/ references check. Call905-875-7786 BR O N TE . Q uaint 2-bedroom self-contained house. Large backyard. W alk to harbour. S1200/mo utili ties. Immediate. 905-6318466; 905-827-4475.________ T R A F A L G A R / QEW . 3bedroom semi (upper). Appliances, large yard, a/c, 2-parking spots. M a y ls t. $1.350/mo. utilities. 905845-9279. OAKVILLE- brand new large 3 bedroom. 2-1/2 baths, walk-out basement to ravine, c/a. Immediate. $1595/mo. C a ll Rana. Re/max 905460-0779. 905-456-3232 O A K V IL L E Executive semi on lake, 4-bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces, den. finished basement, double garage. Immediate. $2,000/ mo + utilities 905-827 1885 O A K V IL L E . Stunning 2-yr old 3-bedroom. 2.5 bath executive home. Hardwood floors throughout, ceramics. 2 fireplaces, familyroom w/ vaulted ceiling, double ga rage. $1950/mo. Call Laurice Albert. Assoc. Broker. Re/Max. 905-257-2414. F U R N IS H E D bedroom, share bath. Kitchen p rivi leges. U tilitie s included. Pool, hot tub. $110./wkly. Ford Plant area. Nonsmoker (905)467-4519 Eq u ip m e nt: W heeltro nlc S cissor Lifts, B ear Post Lifts, Stenhoj Post Lifts, Oil Change Unit, O il B arrel Pump, A/C Com pr Exh. Hoses, Va rso l Tank, O xy/Acet Torch MIG W elder, A/C Charge and Recovery U nits, Steel W o rk Bench & Tool Rack, A/C Leak Detectors, C am eron C om pressor P a rts & Stock. N ew Tires, C abinets S ervice M anuals, V ehicles: `890odge C aravan, `87 R e liant `as is'. Cash, C heck v^Visa -10% B u yer F*rem. Photos a www.auctionsflnd.com Tofl Free 188863 5 7 77 0 S pace... S pace... ·i- M ore Space! Eat-in kitchens Big closets Super size balconies Beautiful views 1 & 2 BEDROOMS IN OAKVILLE from only $835.! Glen Abbey 9 0 5 - 8 2 5 -3 3 2 7 FREE First Month with ap proved credit! G eorgian Apartments. 1,2&3 Bed rooms. Feb./Mar./Apr. Heat/ hydro included. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington. 905-639-0456. M-F; 9am4pm. 6.30-8pm DO W N TO W N Burlington2-bedroom basement apartm ent, separate en trance. no smoking, utilities& cable/internet includ ed. $950/mo. Apr. 1st. 905633-9514 C A L L us to inquire about our am azing deal on our large 1 and 2-bedroom new ly renovated suites. Short and long term avail able. Don't miss out! Inquire about our moving a llow ance. 905-844-4294 m shared accommodation A P P L E B Y / New St., B ur lington. Quiet, non-smokIng, easy going house to share. $420/mo. inclusive. 905-637-7345-_____________ A P P L E B Y / Upper Middle. Seeking, NS/working pro fessional M/F to share large semi. Own bedroom, bath room. living room. Share kitchen/ laundry. C/a, park ing, cable, references re quired, Imm ediate. $650/ mo. inclusive. First/last. C all 416-526-5658 before 4pm or 905-336-7377 after 6pm.______________________ BE A U TIF U L room for rent In Bronte. $600/mo. In cludes all u tilities. Call 905-847-3839 O A K V IL L E . $400/mo. all inclusive. Clean working male preferred. First/ last Must like dogs. C all 905827-0092. B U R L IN G T O N : Share bright, furnished apartment. Panoram ic view. Indoor parking, public transit. Pro fessional female preferred. 905-637-6120._____________ B U R LIN G TO N near Lakeshore, to share 2 bed room apartm ent. N ear all am enities/ bus route. Im mediate. 905-631-6808 E X E C U T IV E townhouse In trendy Bronte Harbour. Own bedroom/ bedsitting/ bathroom. $650/mo. +1/2 utilities. References. 905469-6101. cottages for rent/buy M USKO KA. Lakefront cottages. 2.3&4 bedrooms available weekends/ week ly/ m onthly March Break through to October. C all Bob. 905-331-8312, p U t t a i lost & found M EN S watch found, C en tral Arena area C a ll to identify. 905-333-1417 B O A R D IN G available In quiet barn in N.W.Burling ton. Lots of hacking. Indi vidualized care & turn out. $285 +GST. 905-693-9833 Drivers / Owner Operators 4# m er BURLOAK PLACE MASBOME7TMB On The Lake 2-storey, 2-bedroom unit with 4 appliances! 2 G em ini PT-1000 DJ turntables w/o needles $450; 1 Num ark DM1125 Mixer w/ 3 channels. 5 band eq.. 4 bank sampler $250; 1 Numark DM1001X mixer. 2 channels, separate eq. $150. 905-827-1799___________ 9 " radial saw. 10* table saw. Please call 905-6339516 after 4pm.____________ A king pillow-top mattress set with frame. New In plastic. Cost $1599. Sacri fice S650. 905-56'-9459 A N TIQ U E hump back trunk. Circa late 1800. Ex cellent condition $200. 905-634-9401 after 5pm BAR stools, wall unit, din ing set. buffet, kid's bed room set. rugs & much more. 905-815-9335 BED, all new queen ortho pedic m attress and box. New m plastic. Cost $899. sell for $275. Call 289-2605232______________________ BED (queen size), desk, night tables, brass queen head board, cherry end table. Must sell! 905-4645799______________________ BED, queen pillow-top mattress, box, frame. Never used. Still packaged. Cost $1,025. S ell $450. 905567-4042___________ ' B ED RO O M set. cannonball-style. double-size. 7-9 pees , excellent condition; mens jackets, size-40, nev er worn, leather, suede. 905-336-7139. B ED RO O M set 8-pce. cherrywood. Bed. chest, tri dresser. m irror, night stands, dovetail construc tion. Never opened, in box es. Cost $9,000. Sacrifice $2800. 905-567-9459 1982 Toyota Supra 5speed. U.S. model, great condition. 1985 Toyota Celica GTS. loaded, 5-speed, super condition, obo. 905-510-8127 1993 Honda Civic hatch back- auto., excellent, new parts. 183K, one owner. Certified. E-tested. $3400. 905-681-8614 1996 Saturn S L 1 . 5speed, a/c, E-tested, $4000 Call 905-847-4401 1971 Mustang Coupe- V8. auto, restored, excellent condition, must see to be lieve, o riginally Southern USA car Magnum 500 wheels, new tires, complete new exhaust +much more. Certified. $8900. 905-8251234______________________ 2001 Nissan Sentra SE w/ sports package 'Mini Maxi ma" loaded w/extras. Under warranty til '07. 39K. Great va lu e.'$19,500. 905-330I trucks for sale 2000 F150 4x4, immacu late. 76K. Black, 6 month 6K warranty. Fairview Flrestone, 905-632-8151 1999 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad Cab- Black on black. A/C. bedliner. tonneau cover, trailer tow pkg, cd player, chrome wheels more. E xcellent running condition. $17,500. Call 905-630-3821 or evenings 905-659-3821 905-844-2646 No appt. necessary DO W N TO W N Burlington. 1275 Elgin Street. 2-Bed room. Mar./Apr. Freshly decorated, spacious, well maintained & quiet with upraded fire alarm system f safe highrise living Call 905-637-0321 7631 BU RLIN G TO N. 700 Dynes Road. 2-bedrooms, full-size washer/ dryer, cable/ parking included, $ 1000/mo. May 1st Sandy, 905-338-7482 BU RLIN G TO N new ly renovated clean 1-bed room apartm ent available A p ril 1st. $725/mo. 905634-6814___________ B U R L IN G T O N , Prospect Park. 2-bedrooms Quiet clean building $865/mo. No pets. For viewing call Diyanna, 905-631-9748 BU R LIN G TO N Central. 1bedroom basement apart ment. Non-smokers only Clean, quiet Available im m ediately. $750/mo. C all 905-639-4677 ext-221 O A K V IL L E spacious re furbished bachelor 1 and 2bedroom available. Minutes from QEW . GO Station, shopping, dining. U tilities included. Please call 905845-7545 to inquire about our lim ited time rental in centive DO W N TO W N O akville. Steps to shops & buses. 1 bedroom, Apr. 15th. Park ing. S950/mo. inclusive. 905-842-5815 _____ L A K E F R O N T Burlington! Large clean 1-bedroom apartment available Apr.1. 2338 Lakeshore Rd. C all 905-637-3447. From $1075Jmo. +parking. Move in Bonus! 4 1 6 -9 2 1 -9 8 1 2 "B R O W N S T O N E S - - 895 Maple Ave. Imm aculate 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, new carpet & paint. 5 applianc es. $ 1 150/mo f utilities. Call Kathy 905-332-9760 ° ° OWNER OPERATORS ONLY Needed Immediately! .760/mi (US) · 2200-3000 mi/week · Future dedicated! · All bridge tolls paid! 0/0 Oay Cab available Stad making SSS Call: (800)231-5209 ext.6322 510 general help wanted K B urlington TOWERS 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms Sw im a ll year in our heated indoor pool Spectacular Lake Views 5200 Lakeshore On the Water Appleby & Lakeshore Lovely Apts. & Townhom es at 1360 to 1422 Tyandaga Park Dr., Burlington Park-like setting near golf course & QEW 1-BRAols from $675. 3-BR T.H. -$1150 Experienced MOBILE AUTO GLASS TECHNICIAN required fulltime Apply in person: 4235 Fairview St., Burlington, or Fa*: 905-639-0128 KIDSI Kids) Kids! All ages/ sizes for movies', fashion shows, catalogue work. $20-$90/hr. Adults also needed for same. 905-3365455. C AR E E R Opportunity: Au tomotive Paintless Dent Remover or Trainee. Milton location. Fax resume: 905875-1157. P LU M B IN G W holesale requires Counter/ W a re house help. Experience re quired. Fax resume to: 905825-0669 905-639-8583 www.ontim.com · Freshly painted suites · Mature treed setting · Recently renovated corridors · Galley kitchens · Sparkling hardwood · Outdoor pool & patio 1&2 Bdrms · April from $900/mo. AyailablaApiil Call today to view: iV v V J f >V>V TYANDAG A Terrace Apartments. Burlington. Available MarVApr. Freshly decorated (1&2 storey) 2&3 bedrooms with w/o to pri vate cedar patio. Situated on private. park-like grounds at: 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr.. 905-336-0015; 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr.. 905-336-0016______________ BR IG H T, spacious 2-BR apartment in prestige area pf Burlington. C/A + utilities included. Available Apr. 1st. 905-332-8979 905-335-3001 E-mail: tycourt® cogeco.ca for info. NEW Renovations- Avail able March. 3-bedrooms, parking. No basement. S950/mo. utilities North Burlington. 905-319-9104. G U E LP H Line/ Upper Middle. 2-bedrooms, fridge, stove, $800/mo. utilities, first/ last. Available April/1 st No pets 905-336-7901, Please call 9am-6pm. 905-681-7126 L A K E S H O R E / Maple 1bedroom, April. S875/mo. 2-bedroom, Immediate, from $950. Parking extra. Heat/ hydro included Lakefronl view. Indoor pool. Bus stops at door. Near Mapleview/ hospital. Great highway access. 905-6325258 M O R TG AG E Agent/ Un derwriter required for Bur lington brokerage office. C all Carm en. 905-3084860

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