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Oakville Beaver, 5 Mar 2003, C4

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Contact: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 250) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com w t . i >ni ;s i >ay. m a i <( :i i r>. i>< m> :i · i Please fo rw a rd announcem ents fo r Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver. 467 Speers Rd.. Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4; Fax 905-337-5567, em ail blokhuis@ haltonsearch.com, or call 905-845-3824 E x t 250, BEFO RE NO O N Monday to be included. Notices are listed free o f charge. W EDNESDAY M A R C H 5 Oakville Engineers Chapter Ontario o f Professional showcase. The Central Baptist Church, 340 Rebecca at Morden. Music from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Sinfonia Concertante; Ludwig van Beethoven, Twelve Contradances', and Joseph Haydn. La Reine. Guest conductor. Stdphane Potvin. Post-concert reception. Tickets cost $15 for adults, S I2 for students and seniors. Children aged 12 and under admitted free. Call 905-847-7581. Tickets also available at L'Atelier Grigorian and Bookers or at the door on the night o f the concert. COMMUNITY UPDATE (a O akville Stam p Club a n n u a l stam p show, St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Free admission. South Peel Naturalists Club - birding field trip to Long Point on the north shore o f Lake Erie. Highlights will be flocks o f Tundra Swans and early migrant waterfowl. Beginners welcom e. Dress warmly, bring lunch. Meet 8 a.m. in the parking lot on the east side o f Bronte Road just south o f the QEW. Call 905-820-2571. Engineering Profession and Engineering Career Opportunities. Presentations on space robotics, water purification, and solar energy to power a car, given by MD Robotics. Zenon Environmental Inc., and the McMaster Solar Car Project Team. Everyone is welcome, presentations o f interest to 12 year olds and up. CofTee and doughnuts, free T-shirts for students. O akville Central Library Auditorium 120 Navy, 7-9 p.m. For more information, contact Prem Arora at 905-608-6000 ext. 2314, e-mail prem.arora@honeywell.com International Women's Day with theme, Voices o f Women fo r Peace with speaker Joy Warner, past national chair o f Canadian Voices o f Women for Peace, Womenchant, The Raging Grannines, 6:30 p.m., at Rattlesnake Point G olf Club. 5407 Regional Rd. 25 between Lower Baseline and Britannia. Coffee and dessert. Cost: $15, $10 for students, call 905-332-1633. Wednesday Evening F un R uns - meet at The Running Company, 118 Thomas St., at 7 p.m. for 5K. 7K and longer courses. Free. Call 905-815-1952. Super Saturday M orning Fun Runs, meet 8 a.m. at The Running Company, 118 Thomas St., 5K. 7K and longer runs. Free. Call 905-815-1952. March is Maple Syrup M onth at Bronte Creek Provincial Park, Burloak north o f QEW. Maple Syrup Festival on weekends plus March Break, March 1 0 - 1 4 . Pancakes, wagon rides. Syrup History Trail. Candy Shanty. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Pancake House hours, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Call 905-827-6911. Sweetwater Season, Crawford Lake. Steeles Avenue east o f Guelph Line, week ends to April 13, and daily during March Break. March 8 - 16, 10 a .m .- 4 p.m. Native style maple demonstrations in the recon structed Iroquoian Village. Enjoy combread dripping with fresh maple syrup, seasonal discovery hunt and crafts. Visit the gift shop for fresh maple syrup products. Peter C. McCusker · Oakville Beaver TH URSDAY M A R C H 6 Halton A nd Peel Professional Executive Network (H APPEN) networking support group for unemployed business profession als, 8 a.m., in Mississauga. Speaker: Deborah McGrath, O utclass the C om petition. Members $5, non-members S10. Call 905339-0268 or www.happen.ca. Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Oakville Seniors Recreation Centre, 263 Kerr St., 1 - 4 p.m. Cost: S20. By appointment only, call 905-815-5966. WINTER GALA: C an cer surv iv o r Skye M acD onald, 11, and h e r friend C harli S tew art are offered some sausage rolls by Alya S aab, stu d en t o rg an izer o f last w eek's W in ter G ala at T. A. Blakelock High School, a fun d raiser for Reach fo r the Skye, the C an a d ian C an cer Society and the H ospital for Sick C hildren. T he o th e r three student o rg an izers w ere A lexandra Howel, Susan P ro b e rt and S unaina S h arm a. The event was attended by Jo an (lib b , president and Kellie Kay, unit coordinator, of the O akville U nit, C an ad ian C an c er Society, and L inda I.eatherdale of Reach )1 businesses. The Fred A staire Dance for the Skye. T he evening featured mu sic, dancing, and food donated by loc: l S tu d io 's dance team p erfo rm ed , as did m usical p erfo rm ers Blush, and Theo and Bianca. Upper Middle Road. Admission is $10 fam ily or $3 per person. Fundraiser to benefit the EvenStart Program for children in Oakville. Come skate with Spiderman and Barbie. Tickets sold at the door on event day. Free March Break Workshop - The C a t' s Meow. Join the Oakville Humane Society for third in a series o f free family M ake A C raft f o r Kitty workshops at the Iroquois Ridge Library, 1051 Glenashton Dr.. 2 - 3 p.m. To leam more about the There's No P lace Like H om e events or to register for the M ake A C raft f o r K itty workshops call the Oakville Humane Society at 905-845-1551. Open H ouse at The K ensington. 25 Lakeshore W.. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Refresh ments and entertainment. Canada, Burlington Hamilton Area Chapter, 1235 Fairview St.. Ste. 348. Burlington. ON, L7S 2K9. or visit www.thyroid.ca. Heart and Stroke Foundation is hosting a C lass A Basic Live Saver Course at the Halton Administrative Offices in the audito rium on Saturday April 5 from 8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Cost: $15 per person. Contact April at 905-634-7732 to register. New at Wellspring Halton Peel, is Dropin Caregiver Connection, a support group for those with family or friends living with can cer. This group meets every second and fourth Tuesday o f the month from 7 - 8:30 p.m. at Wellspring, 2545 Sixth Line. For more information, call 905-257-1988 or drop in. Daily Bread Food Bank looking for vol unteers to survey food bank use in'the GTA including Oakville - to the end o f ,March. Call 4 16-203-0050 ext. 289. applicants can leave their names and e-mail addresses for application forms, prior to March 22 at cither 905-338-0171 or 905-8151783. Proceeds benefit Breast Cancer Support Services and Halton Women's Place. M aple Syrup Days M ountsberg, World Day o f Prayer, 1:30 p.m.. St. Dominic's Church, 2415 Rebecca. Theme. Holy Spirit: F ill Us. written by Women o f Lebanon. Performance School o f Music, 1600 Kerns Road. Burlington, presents a gala evening featuring pianist Karin DiBella, artist-in-residence (piano) at Brock University in St. Catharines, 7:30 p.m.. Ticket, adults $20, students $15. Ticket line, 905-319-8025 Advice to Business Owners: local volun teer group o f experienced business people offering practical and profitable advice to small and medium sized business owners. Meetings held every Friday. Call 905-3811999 or visit www.businessadvisory.com. SATU RD AY M A R C H 8 Fire & Ice, an evening o f contrasts with O akville Chamber Orchestra. 7:30 p.m., Milborough Line o ff Campbellville Road west o f Guelph Line at Campbellville. week ends to April 13, and daily during March Break, March 8 - 16, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Experience a Canadian tradition. Smell the steam o f boiling maple sap in a wood-fired evaporator, make maple candy in the candy house, take an interpretive horse-drawn sleigh ride through ihe sugar bush, enjoy pan cakes and syrup in the pavilion, and pick up som e fresh maple syrup and maple products from the country store. A lso visit the Play Bam and lake in a Birds o f Prey demonstra tion. Canadian M ental Health Association, Halton is urgently looking for volunteers to assist at evening Bingo events in Oakville. Call 905-693-4270 ext. 25 for more informa tion. Oakville Kiwanis Meals on Wheels is looking for volunteers to deliver hot or frozen meals. Volunteers require two hours one day a week on regular or occasional basis. Hot meals delivered Monday to Friday, 11 a.m. 1 p.m., and frozen meals 9:15 - 11:15 a.m. on Wednesdays. Training provided. Call Judy Bindon or Connie Dyksterhuis at 905-8421411 weekdays 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Do you have a background in teaching or social work? The Club, after-school tutoring program for children in Grades 3-8 , needs volunteers I -2 hours a week at local elemen tary schools. Call Oakville Big Sisters at 905338-0238. SU N D A Y M A R C H 9 Official opening and dedication o f new premises for Branch 114 Oakville, Royal Canadian leg io n , at 36 Upper Middle Rd. E.. (former Oakville Rod and Gun Club building), 2 p.m. Call 905-845-6271. May Court Club o f O akville's N ext Generation Group is hosting a Family Ice Skating Party, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. (skating from lla .m . - 12:50 p.m.) at River Oaks Community Centre, 2400 Sixth Line north o f BULLETIN Thyroid F oundation of Canada, Burlington Hamilton Area Chapter has avail able the latest Health G uide on Thyroid Disease. If you would like a free copy o f informative brochure: Com m on C oncerns o f Thyroid Patients, send a self addressed stamped envelope to Thyroid Foundation o f Catling all artists: Art and Artisans by the Ijik e is looking for artists to participate in the sixth annual juried show and sale at Appleby C ollege on April 26. Interested tt(U$ Only one place can give you the strength of a million women. Curve* ha* hrlped over one million women reach ibeir a? And with each one. we've learned a little m orr that will help you reach yourv There* only one Curvet, but we have over 4.000 i» to serve you. " Permanent Results Without Permanent Dieting" 77/e Curvesfor women® weiglit loss program L E S S IS M O R E ! . . . T h e L ig h te r S id e to P e r m a n e n t M a k e - U p Tills Ls th e b e st ailvice I can give. M y n a m e Is A nn-M arie F u rn ess w ith Finesse P e rm a n e n t M akeU p a n d H jur R em oval, located ;it Briarw rxxl C o sm etic Surgical C e n tre . By executing a lighter ver sion o f w hat m ay lx- e xpected I ahvays- suggest subtlety. I lx*lieve w o m e n a re striving to look as n at u ral as possible, not made' up. G e n tle natural e n h a n c e m e n ts give a softer look for todays w om an. M y favorite P e rm a n e n t M ak e-U p p ro c e d u re is a n E w L is li F .n lia n c e m e n t. T his Ls o n e o f th e m ost difficult b e ca u se I am aetvially applying th e p igm ent in lx-tw een th e lashes, not ;ilx>ve th e lash e s like an Eyeliner. T h e b e au ty o f it Ls th a t n o o n e know s you h a d a ny w ork d o n e d u e to th e natural look o f i t E y ebrow s a re tile focal p o int o f d ie fact?. N ot only d o evebrenvs fram e th e face, w h en properly e x ec u te d they h ave the* ability to a lte r th e e n tire facial shape. L i p lin e r acids definition an d c an brin g b a ck th e natural colour a n d sliape you o n ee had. I w ork in an industry that is always evolving. 1 started o u t o n m y seiirch o n h o w to perform P e n ru u ie n t M ;ike-U p l>etter than a n d different from anyone else. W h a t m akes m e a confident P e rm a n e n t M ake-U p Artist Ls in th e h e a r t M y passion to leam an d c o n tin u e to learn, so I can d o m y very best o n w h o e v er I a m w orking on! W h e n so m eo n e com es to m e for a consultation. I ta k e th e tim e to listen a n d tiy to d eliver exactly wluit they a re Itxiking for. W h e n you a re w orking o n th e face y ou m u st re m e m b e r y o u r w ork Ls p e n ru u ie n t, it is crucial to k e ep y o u r w ork soft a n d precise. I te n d to have a lighter IuukI. giving m y client th e oppo rtu n ity to c o m e back for a touch u p a n d at th a t tim e w e c an always go d a rk e r o r thicker. I tm ly love th e w ork I p erfo rm a n d fortunately for m e I feel privileged to b e w orking in Dr. S te p h e n B row ns Surgical Facility. 1 a m an in d e p e n d e n t o p e ra to r a nti I feel th e sta ir a n d m yself w ork well to g e th e r as a team . F o rtu n ately for m e. at any given tim e d u rin g th e consultation th e re can lx* u p to seven staff m e m b e rs w illing to show ofT m y work. P e n n ;u le n t M ak e-U p can b e p e rfo rm ed 011 just ab o u t any age. M y clients ran g e from d ie ages o f 18 to 90. T h e m ost m a tu re w o m a n I w orked o n w as 9 0 years old, sh e w a n ted eyeliner a n d eyebm w s. T his buly could not se e o r d raw p ro p erly to .p u t 011 a straight line. A fter jx*rfonning P e rm a n e n t M ake-U p it m a d e h e r life so m u c h easier. P M U is aLso used o n p e o p le th a t a re allergic to m ake-up. T h e re a re m any stories to tell alx>ut P M U so you will ju st have to call m e to a rrange for a free consultation iuid see wluit I c an d o for you. (9(X5) 8 4 9 -1 1 2 7 . C all A nn-M arie a t F inesse P e rm a n e n t M ak e-U p a n d H a ir R em oval located at 4 08 N o rth Service Rd. E .. at 9U=>-849-l 127 P E R M A N E N T MAKE-UP L im ite d tim e o ffe r $ 1 0 0 EYELINER: · Upper & lower eyeliner · Adds d B p th & definition to eyes o ff fu ll eye lin e r p ro c e d u re EYELASH ENHANCEMENT: · This procedure supplements sperse eyelashes · Lashes appear fuller, all the work is done in between the lashes. EYEBROWS: · Adds style & definition to sparse or half formed eyebrows or no eyebrows at ell · 'Hair Stroke Method' - individual hair strokes · A very natural look Weekly nutritional guidance Determine your best dieting method Body fat testing No expensive foods to purchase Optional exercise program included UPLINES: · Adds definition, helps prevent lipstick from bleeding. · Lip filler - edds colour to body of lips z u o rn e n es« Don't wait... C mII or stop by today! ANN-MARIE FURNESS A certified p e rm a n e n t m akeup specialist 30 nmmU' nuiu& & uraglu las actum 1131 NOTTINGHILl GATE #207, OAKVILLE 8^7-8964 tfino. In « .» H l Gu 1 aHfrr Jrud, Affiliated with D r S tep h e n Brown. Bnarw ood C o sm etic Surgical C en tre 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -1 1 2 7 408 North Service Rd. E., #1, Oakville ,«% C U A M N S mu can show the world a younger-looking you. If you'd like to look - and feel - years younger, Dr. Otto Weiglein can help. He's an internationally trained plastic surgeon with over 15 years of experience, whose face lift techniques and laser resurfacing have helped hundreds of women turn hack the clock. You'll be glad to know that Dr. Weiglein cares. He'll talk with you, explain everything and strive to give you the care you need, for the look you want. . Id the o ta -w h lo n a * cleanb% something you are looking for CHECK IT OUT! t/ WE ARE: family owned & operated fully insured fully flexible W E PROVIDE: -lourly syste m o f service \ / old fashioned, excellent q uality work cleaning supplies L E T Y O U R H O U S C S H IN E T H E W A V Y O U L IK EIT 1 HOUSECIEANING FEES Length of a p p o in tm e n t 3 H ou rs » 4 Hour® 5 Hour® > Hour© Fee c h a rg e d $ 7 5 .0 0 $ 9 2 .0 0 $ 1 0 5 .0 0 $ 1 1 4 .0 0 for your complimentary consultation (call before Friday, March 14, 2003 an $80 value) Call (905) 634-5573 Now > hour* & up 19.00 p er hour* Minimum charge $ 7 5 .0 0 · G S T EXTRA It's the lowest price for the Best service!/ CARPET i UPHOSTEKY CLEANING AVAILABLE A5 WELL) Otto Weiglein BSc, MD, FRCS Certified Plastic Surgeon Inspected Private Facility No Hospital Stay Required The Centre /or Personal Surgery 520 Locust St. Burlington Reader's Choice W inner for Best Plastic Surgeon Hot Just the eurface V u e lc o m t 55.00 C oupon O FF Uhs f ir s t H O USE CLEA N IN G " · I d ; ( 9 5 6 )5 2 2 -7 7 1 4 * AppJU* t o NEW a m m g -rrw -.ts oniy v flU * it'h t h i s £5upcr, (905)634-5573 or 1-800-558-7508 Call Kathy at (905) 822-7714 M ississauga, Ont. L 5K2SI 2624 Comet Court

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