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Oakville Beaver, 8 Mar 2002, Classified, p. 35

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The Oakville Beaver, F rida y M a rc h 8, 2002 - 3 5 general help wanted Handle With Care Our School Pus drivers carry precious cargo everyday.-If you are seeking a rewarding career, join our team. In our drivers seat, you can make a difference in a child's life. We have immediate openings in Burlington, Flamborough £ Oakville THE ORIGINAL GARDEN CENTRE hiring for our upcoming Spring Season · DRIVER/ MECHANIC · SHIPPER/ RECEIVER · LOADERS · SALES STAFF >OFFICE HELP Send or fax resume to: 1194 Dundas St. E., Oakville, ON. L6H 7E4 call 905-257-2577, fax: 905-257-0625 C H E M I C A L B le n d e r fu ll time required to make soap. C h e m ic a l e xp e rie n ce an a sse t. W age negotiable. Fax resume: 905-272-1213. L U C R A T IV E o p portu nitywork o nlin e around your sch e d u le . Part-tim e/ fu ll time, $25-$45/hr. 1-888373-4607 w w w .su ccessre quest8.com_______________ W O RK -A T-H O M E - Health in d u s try , $ 1 ,0 0 0 P /T $ 5 ,0 0 0 F /T p e r m onth. Training a v ailab le .C a ll for infor-mation 416-631-7156 or www.worVathomevc.com C A B IN E T Installer w/own tools/ v e h icle . Full-tim e. M inim um 5 -y e ars e xp e ri ence required. Competitive salary. Call Joe 905-8475891; 416-580-7667 or fax resume: 905-827-6339. "C H I C K S W ith M o p s' R esidential cleaning serv ice needs team members. Part/ full-tim e. C a r/ refer e n ce s required. N o su b con tra ctors p le a se . $10$12.00/hour 905-466-8799. Administrative Assistant required part-time, year round. Flex, hours, Mon.-Fri., between 9am-5pm. Approx. 16-18 hrs/wk with the ability to cover/ trade shifts which may involve 32-hr work week occasionally. Must be competent in Excel. Word, able to work with people/ public, filing, etc. A/P experience an asset. Start Apr. Forward resume:: Jennipher Orr, c/o Millcroft Golf Club 2155 Country Club Dr., Burlington, ON L7M 4A8. jenniphero@monarchgroup.net. No phone calls please. B A Y Portrait Studio. Bur lington, requires self reliant s a le s p erson for in-store promo. Must be enthusias tic and confident. Join our team! 416-708-1359 I salon & spa help S E N K A S p a & Beauty C lin ic requires im m ediate ly. An E sth e tic ia n . parttime, with or without clie n tele. E le c tro ly s is e x p e ri e nce an a sse t. C a ll (905)332-6262___________ A/R - A/P CLERK General Motors Dealer requires a fulltime A/R-A/P Clerk, immediately. Dealership experience preferred. Computer skills essential. Forward resume: ft $r LAIDLAW EDUCATION SERVICES C all o u r R e c ru itin g H otline, to d a y ! 1 -8 7 7 -9 1 4 'K tV S L a jMUw-Utut E sju aI opportunity Employer N EW F a c e s N eed ed For 2 0 0 2 - A ll ages/ size s and ,, petites. M/F for catalogue F U L L -T IM E H a irstylist work, fashion/hair show s. and e xp e rie n ce d E sth e ti TV. $20-$90/hr. C a ll 905cian and mature reception 336-5455. ist required (or busy Salon. B e n e fits inclu d ed . 905681-0863 BILINGUAL Attn: Bob Bremner Fax: 905-845-4394 410 South Service Rd. West Oakville, ON L6J 5C1 VINYL FENCE MANUFACTURER Exp. installation crew required. CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. required part-time. Computerized data entry and light warehousing duties included. D R IV E C le a n T e c h n icia n required for Oakville Active G reen & Ross. Start April 2002. P le a s e fax resume: 416-255-4793, Attn: Peter Steele___________________ B IL IN G U A L D eskto p O p erator. Part-time/ Fulltime. E xc e lle n t French a must. E xp erience in Pag e M a ke r and W ord. Fa x resum e: 905-639-0328 or e-m ail: accuOnas.net____________ C A R P E N T E R S lo r fram ing required full-tim e. R e sponsible person. Oakville, Burlington, M ississauga ar e a s. P le a s e le a ve m e s sage, 416-450-1733. U NIQ UE O PP O R TU N ITY Throat Threads Apparel is a progressive and fast growing importer of Fashion Clothing & Accessories representing the Canadian Sales and Marketing divi sions tor top designer labels. We are currently seeking candidates for the following two positions: LO W V I L L E G O L F C L U B ENTHUSIASTIC? FLEXIBLE? EAGER? MOTIVATED and ENERGETIC Sales Representatives required for our locations in Requires the following staff for the 2002 season · Bar/Service Manager · Bar/Service Staff · Cooks · Greenskeeping Staff · Starters/ Marshals · Beverage Cart Staff BURLINGTON & OAKVILLE Must be capable of working PART-TIME Days, Evenings and Weekends as required. Wine knowledge not required Training is provided. Please drop off your resume before March 13th at one of the following locations: Above average compensation pkg, excellent self employ ment opportunity. Please fax resume to Attention: Operation Manager Fax resume: 905-331-2872 905-333-6696 SUPERINTENDENT c ou p le required for re s i dential highrise in Oakville. D uties inclu d e cle a n in g , m aintenance, tenant re la tions. Som e experience in m ech a n ica l, e le c tric a l, plum bing, etc. 2-bedroom apartmen + wages. Fax re sume: 905-844-4632 _____ D IV E R S E entry le ve l p o sition with tool and industri al supply b usiness. Inside S a le s . M ust have good keyb oard in g s k ills and strong willingness to learn. P le a s e la x resum e co m plete with work related referenoes: 905-338-0412. U n d e rC o v e rW e a r F a s h ions requ ires agents. C a r an asset. Earn trips to Aus tralia! M any m ore perks. Bonnie, 905-388-2053. 1877-331-3319 Fax resume to: 905-335-6311 or apply in person Sat. March 9th 10am-2pm or Sat. March 16th 1Qam-2pm Vineyards The Wine Shoppe Sobey's 1500 Upper Middle Road W. Oakville Walker's Place 3305 Upper Middle Rd. Burl. While we thank all those who apply, we will only re spond to those under consideration and ask that no response be made by phone. LEASING CONSULTANT Required full time for Burlington's finest apart ment community. Various administrative duties, leasing of apartments, updating all systems and dealing with tenant concerns. Should be experi enced with Microsoft Office. A background in sales or marketing an asset. Flexible work schedule to include some evenings and weekends. To join our team F A X resum e with cover letter to: 905-639-0996 COSTCO See us at the Halton job Fair March 19 at the Burlington Convention Centre W O R K Irom hom e for In ternational com pany. Full/ part-tim e. A m b itio us p eo ple. $700/wk. p o ssib le . 416-631-7144; w ebsite: eamincomeglobally.com R E C E S S I O N Proof! W ork from home on your comput er. Full training. $500/mo.+ part-time; $5,000+ fulltime. w w w .123catchit. com 1877-419-2807_____________ M A IN T E N A N C E person/ H andym an required parttim e for re sid e n tia l tre a t ment homes in Halton/ Peel a rea. C o m petitive w ages. Fax resume: 905-824-1470. DOG Trainer- teach group obedience in Oakville area 1 year professional experi ence required. 1-888-6289314____________________ A C C E S S to a C o m p uter? W ork at Hom e O nlin e $500-$ 1500 P T. $2000+ FT. Website: Product Administrator & General Administration & Credit Please access our website for details and where to apply: www.throatthreads.Qom Click on the link Careers at Throat Threads Apparel Burlington, Ontario, Canada I office-clerical F U L L T IM E help o nly for mailing, typing. E-m ails & packaging. Burlington lo catio n. P le a s e c a ll 905616-0442 sales help & agents sales help & agents Great Opportunity Inside Telephone Sales we are currently accepting applications for an inside telephone sales position: Print Advertising We are a large and well known corporation with excel lent opportunities. Full or part-time positions will be considered, depending on your schedule, working out of our Burlington office.This position requires an indi vidual with the following characteristics and qualifi cations. * * Highly self-motivated. * * Strong initiative requiring little direction. ** Creative with a willingness to invent revenue creating ideas and projects on a daily basis. ** Excellent planning and time management skills. ** self -confidence and excellent phone skills. ** You want to be the author of your own success story. Good compensation including salary and commission plus bonus. Monday thru Friday with flexible, hours Your weekends are your own. Some customer service/ sales experience is required. Send your Resume to: LEGAL SECRETARY F/T, Experienced in Real Estate, Teraview & Conveyancer for busy legal office. Fax or email to: WYLDEWOOD GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB hiring for the following positions GREENSTAFF, GARDENER AND HOUSEKEEPING STAFF Oakville ' s largest most elegant privately oumed Salon, Day Spa & Boutique is opening in April2002. Located in the Oakville Entertainment Centrum, Winston Churchill & the Q.E.W. We are looking for talented professionals to join our team! Sheridan College See us at the Job fair Tues. March 19 Burlington Convention Centre Brechin & Huffman FAX: 905-333-4298 or EMAIL gbrechin@bhhlaw.net FO R TH E 2002 G O LF SEASON Please call 905-878-4848 or fax 905-878-4760 Designer Stylists, Barbers, Stylist Assistants, Nail Technicians, Aestheticians, and Receptionists We offer benefits, education, training, incentives and much more! Send Resumes c/o Susan Chartier To fax # (905) 828-4353 L Or phone # (9 0 5 ) 829-2201 , An Oakville office requires a JUNIOR RECEPTIONIST Some telephone exp. using multiple lines and Micro Soft office ex perience required. CONTRACTED Rural Route Carrier Tuesday & Friday delivery in Milton. Inserting of flyers a requirement. Pick up of product at w arehouse in Burlington. C a ll L is a (905)878-5947 e m ail: sc ro zie r@ h a lto n se a rc h .c o m g jVillon ( i u t u i KELLY SERVICES Visit us at the www.123ucan(toit,CQmToll Free: 1-888-742-3143 We are searching for enthusiastic & Creative staff who are: · camper focussed, and enjoys facilitating sale programs in a camp setting · interested in woHcing in a team atmosphere · Trustworthy, dependable, flexible and good communication skills · 17 years of age If you are interested, mail your resume with cover letter to: Putting Edge is looking for a General Labourer. This postition is responsible for shipping & receiving, assisting the art department, woodshop duties, and general cleanup. There will be some heavy lifting and carpentry experience is an asset. If you are a hard working, self-motivated individual we want to hear from you. Position is located at the head office in Oakville. Interested candidates should contact Caren Ross at: (phone) 905-855-5744, (fax) 905-855-5745, or careers @putting-edge.com Halton Job & Career Fair on Tues March 19/02 Automotive Detailer Fast paced body shop needs self-motivated Detailer. must be a team player. Valid drivers license required, good wages and benefits. Please fax resume to the Attention: Office Manager at 905-337-2716 R E C E P T IO N IS T required full-time for busy real estate office. Sh ou ld p o s s e s s p le a san t p e rso na lity, know ledge of com puters, able to work with minimum su p e rv isio n . R e a l E state experience an asset. Apply: Sutton Group About Town, 1235 Fairview St. Burlington, or fax: 905-681 -8121. B U R L IN G T O N Law Firm requires part-time R e c e p tionist/ A dm inistrative A s sista nt. M ail resum e to: Burling to n P ost, Box# 1901, 2321 Fairview Street, Burlington. ON L7R 2E3 Telephone Sales Position Box 1899 c/o Burlington Post 2321 Fairview St Burlington, Ontario, L7R-2E3 at the Burlington Convention Centre Call 905-689-9812 T A Y L O R M oving & S to r age Ltd. re qu ire s M ove J U B IL E E Fruit Market. 104 ' M anagem ent A s sista n t in our Burlington head office. Allan'St.. Oakville, requires Duties include: calling our full-tim e produce clerk. corporate clients, working P le a s e ap ply in p erson with o p eration s/ sa le s with resume. team. Knowledge of Word G A R D E N IN G com pany P e rfe c t T e le m a g ic P ro (Oakville) seeks hard work gram required. Mon.-Fri, no ing fun individuals, Exp. an weekends. Email resume: asset, willing to train. If you russ O a ta y lo rm o v in g .co m have good attitude, good Fax 905-632-8130. work ethic, enjoy the great outdoors! Fu ll-tim e, s e a sonal, own transportation. Send resume: Polyanthus Lan d scap es 1322 Hillview Cres. Oakvtite L6H 2C7 R E S ID E N T IA L C a re F a c ility re qu ire s M a in tenance p erson full-tim e. P le a s e c a ll M onique or Sh erry. 9 05 -335-3463 or lax resume: 905-335-1202. C O S M E T IC IA N - required part-tim e, evenings/ w e e kends. E xp e rie n c e prele rre d . A p ply S h o p p e rs Drug Mart. 520 Kerr Street, Oakville, Fax: 905-845-3407. I n t e r n a t io n a l com pany expanding. Put your P C to work. $1500+ parttime $3-5.000 + full-time. Fu ll training provided call 1-886-248-1560 Free admission STRIDE, requires a part-time Sales Representative to actively secure packaging and assembly contracts for its 3 sites in Halton. Sales background, self-motivated, experience in packaging & assembly business. Payment is salary plus commission. Forward resume by Mar. 31/02 to: Anita Lloyd, Executive Director, STR ID E, 217 Main Street E., Milton, ON , L9T 1N9, Fax: (905) 693-0596, e-mail: F/T Mover/ Logistics Manager required lor Piano House Burlington. I sales help & agents OUTSIDE SALES POSITION part/full time, with local printing company. Training provided tor a highly motivated individual. Base +commission. Car required. ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE We are an established Publishing Company with an opportunity for aggressive dedicated salespeople. If you have a proven track record of success in sales this couid be ihe position for you. We have opportunities in both junior and senior roles. We offer salary plus commission, car allowance and benefits. We also offer a great opportunity for advancement. The YMCA o f H a m ilto n / B u rlin g to n Attention: Day Camp Department 79 James Street South, Hamilton, O ntario L8P 2Z1 Fax: (905) 529-6682 Email: tom_stewart@ymca.ca W e ld e r / F a b r ic a t o r Small fabricating shop in West Mississauga requires full-time T.I.G. welder. able to work independently. Experience.in light gauge stainless steel welding essential. Fax resume to: 905-828-5698. ,«***· Qualifications needed: self starter, clean abstract and able to lift pianos. Compensation based on qualification. Please fax resume to: Y 905-631-1929 C A L L centre lo cate d in Burlington hiring tele m a r k eters for m a g a zine s u b scriptions. $10 base + bo.nuses 9Q5-867-J907,Rob. , , Fax: 905-335-2032 or email: pat@mmpburl.com M A R K E T IN G I need someone to learn my busi n e ss. Need le a d ersh ip a b ility/ d e sire for above averag e incom e. N estor e x t78. 905*81-$515 YMCA Wr build lining kid*, wrong lamiltrji, arcing communiuci Please send your resume to: Box #2 1 1 6 C/O The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 *· i

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