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Oakville Beaver, 8 Mar 2002, Classified, p. 32

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32 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday March 8, 2002 T h e O a k v ille BEAVER B eaver 1HEUAKVHLE BONUS!All classified ads appear @ C lassified S E L L your home q uickly. No contracts. No com m is sion. w w w .burloakhom es. com or call 905- 630-0583. U P P E R G len A b b ey sem i on ravine lot. 7 m onths new, 3 bedroom, 2.S bath. G a s FP . $244,900. 905825-6434 S IN G L E . M ilton. R e n o vated. Reverse rent to own. S1400/m o. M ich a e l W an Realty. Broker 416-379-2268 O F F IC E / shop sp a ce for rent. 2 overhead doors, can be divided. Approxim ately 1650sq ft. S p e e rs Rd/ Third Line area. Days 905827-6358, Nights 905-8479137 FO R le a s e - retail industri al unit betw een 3rd & 4th Line. 1250 sq.ft. Frontage on Sp e e rs. $1200/m o + u tilitie s. 905-847-1805 or after 6pm 905-319-0977. »««oakvillebeaver.com Thesite your community clicks on! E-mail: classified@ haltonsearch.com TO PLACE AN AD CALL 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 OR 9 0 5 -3 3 7 -5 6 1 0 FAX: 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -8 1 6 5 MON. - FRI. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Circulation: 905-845-9742 OFFICE RENTALS W hy a re la tio n s h ip w ith G len A b b e y E xecutive S uites '? All-inclusive, furnished, professional office spaceground level entry- easy access to QEW/403 & 407professionally answered telephones in your company name- management dedicated to customers needsflexible terms- Oakville, Ontario. Tel: 905-847-7082 email: gaes@sprint.ca March 2002 Openings available. Brokers Protected. M A R C H / A p ril, 1-b ed room. $750/mo.+ utilities. A p p lia n c e s . R e fe re n ce s. A ctive M anagem ent, 905333-5606, Ext.71__________ F O R Rent - 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartments close to all a m e n itie s $895. to $1275. per month. In cludes utilities. Parking ex tra Immediate occupancy. 205 Q ueen M ary Dr. 905844 9670________________ O N -T H E - L a k e - Bronte: Im m aculate. 1-bdrm. loft. C a b le , p arking, laundry. $1500/mo, inclusive. Suite single. 905-827-2266, after 4pm. _______________ O A K V IL L E : 392 Pine Ave. at C o rn w a ll & Trafalgar. Ren ovated , large suites. W alk to E verything. 1&2 Bedrooms from $845. 905842-1429 ________ O A K V IL L E . N ear all amenities. 199 Queen Mary 2-bedroom , M ar./Apr.. $1050./m o.; 3-bedroom , Mar/ Apr./ May. $1360/mo. (parking) 905-844-9006 O A K V I L L E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large R en ovated 1&2Bdrm . New a p p lia n ce s, w indow s. From $845./m o 905-844-5474 Spectacular Lake Views 5200 Lakeshore On the Water Appleby £ Lakeshore · Freshly painted suites 2 -B E D R O O M apartm ents available. Apr./May. 2077 P ro sp e ct St., Burlington. C le a n , quiet b uild in gs. C lo se to G O & M alls. 905639-7805 D O W N TO W N O a kv ille , large 2-bedroom , A/C, · $1100/mo. Apr.lst. Call 416420-3952 or 905-842-9275 B U R L IN G T O N 1&2 b e d rooms. $695-$795/mo. (in cludes parking). Well locat ed, quiet b uild in g near downtown, buses, highway, lake. 905-333-0869. O A K V I L L E G le n A b b e y la rg e su n n y 2 b e d ro o m s on ravine, walk out to bal co n y , fir e p la c e in liv in g room , 5 a p p lia n c e s , minutes to Q .E.W .. 403 & GO . Non-smoker, no-pets. $ 1 175/m o. A p ril 1st (905)845-6164___________ B U R L I N G T O N on the L a k e la rg e o n e an d two bedrooms. April, M ay Call (905)637-3447 3-B E D R O O M with den just renovated $1,200. 2 b e d room n e w ly re n o v a te d $850. 2 b e d ro o m b a s e ment apt., hardwood floors all in clu siv e , v e ry private $950/monthly. in Oakville. Im m e d iate p o s s e s s io n . A d ria n o C21 M ille r R .E . (906)845-918 0 __________ BACH ELO R b a se m e n t a p artm e n t, fe m a le p re ferred. Oakville, River Oaks area. Park, utilities, cable internet included. $550/per month. Available April 1st. 416-391-6795 leave m e s sage____________________ ST U D IO apt. central O a k v ille $5 6 5 ., u tilitie s and cable incl. 905-845-5631 COACH house, North O a k v ille near S h e rid a n & GO. 1-bedroom . Nonsm oker. Imm ediate. A pril 1st. $750/m o. u tilitie s induded. 905-257-2923 O A K V IL L E . Q E W / T ra fa l gar. 1-bedroom from $859/ mo.' ; 2-bedroom from $949/ mo.*; 3-bedroom from $1079/ m o.' W ell m aintained building. Nellie. (905)3392028. ('Included 2% prompt payment discount) 2 -B E D R O O M apartm ents a v a ila b le M ay 1st from $925./mo. Conveniently lo cated W oodw ard/ G u e lp h Line. Burlington. 905-6324265 H E A R T of Bronte. 50 East St., c lo se to lake/ B ronte Harbour. 1-bedroom, May, $975/mo.; 2-bedroom, Im mediate. $1,110. (+parking) 905-825-0816 B U R L IN G T O N . 1&2 b e d room s a v a ila b le Imme diately/ April. Heat/ hydro Included. From $720/mo.+ p arking. No pets. 905632-0961_________ O A K V IL L E : Bronte 2-bedroom, immediate. $1050/mo. includes heat, hydro, parking, locker. Clean quiet building. 905-827-8228___________ B U R L IN G T O N - sp a cio u s 2 bedroom , 1.5 b aths in cle a n , quiet 5-p le x with backyard. M ay 1st. H a rd wood throughout, no smok ing/pets. Convenient park ing w/safe access. $875/mo hydro. 905-637-3243 O A K V IL L E K e rr St.. A v a ila b le A p r.ls t: 1-b ed room, $835./mo; 2-b e d room, $935/m o. in c lu d e s parking. Call between 9am6pm 905-339-2437________ N E W L Y renovated. Ireshly painted! 1&2 B edroom s a v a ila b le M a r .1st. 1363 Lakeshore. Burlington across from Sp encer Sm ith Park. 905-637-8431. 7-days, 9am5pm, (Ring Apt. #101) 1&2 Bedroom Apartments a v a ila b le in w ell- m ain ta ine d O a k v ille building. C lo se to schools & profes sio n a l se rvice s. E asy a c ce ss to Q E W & 403. 905844-2646 or 905-845-0987 N O R T H S H O R E Tow ers, Ap ril/ M ay/ June: 1-bdrm from $760./mo.; 2-bdrm from $825./mo. (+ $33. parking). Utilities included. No Pets. Quiet Building. Di ane, 9am -7pm . 9 0 5 -6 8 1 1307* Burlington__________ L A R G E 1-bedroom , B u r lington. Suitable for single non-sm oker. Separate e n trance, laundry, appliances, parking, gas fireplace, wet bar. N ear all am enities. $795/mo. utilities included. A v a ila b le A pril. 4 1 6 -2 5 9 3960 « · 4- J l' . . V 1 J O A K V I L L E . S te p s from downtown. Bachelor apart ment, Apr.15th. $700./mo. Utilities/ parking included. Quiet building, w heelchair accessible. 905-844-1934 BASEM ENT apartm ent washer/dryer, fridge/stove, la rge yard, parking for 2. $325. bi-w ee kly in clu d e s utilities May/1 st 905-3315225____________________ E N J O Y sp e c ta c u la r view from newly renovated luxu ry apartments. Gym, billiard room, pool, laundry fa c ili ties. Prime Burlington loca tion. 905-333-9141; 905637-6701.________________ · Mature treed setting · Recently renovated corridors 1 1 H J Open Houses ALD ERSH O T- Open House: Sunday March 10th, 2-4pm. 927 David Court, off LaSalle Park Rd. C a ll B ra d le y Chichakian, Chase Realty. 905-512-3774.____________ S U N 2-4pm - *26-2470 Headon Forest, Burtington3+1 bedroom townhouse, 3 baths, m any upgrades, $168,500,905-331-8281 O F F I C E sp a ce a v ailab le . Ap p leby/ H a rve ste r area, designer/ creative person preferred. $300./Mo. A vail ab le im m ediately. M ike 905-631-5800____________ D O W N TO W N O a kv ille. E x e c u tiv e O ffic e s at Lakeshore/ Trafalgar avail ab le to share with e s ta b lish e d O a k v ille law yer. 2 offices, kitchen, reception, 2 w ashroom s, filing area. Can Roger. 905-274-3618 D O W N TO W N O a kv ille. 1054 sq.ft. & basem ent. $23/sq.ft. gro ss. 340 Church Street. Immediate possession. Call Ralph M c Cormick, Broker, Prudential M c C o rm ic k & A s so c ia te s Real Estate. 905-844-2950 · Galley kitchens · Sparkling hardw ood · Outdoor pool & patio Walk to GO 2067 Prospect St at B rant St. 2 BEDROOM SUITES FROM S990/M0. 905-681-7126 O A K V IL L E 3-bedroom central location, on bus ro ute. $1190/mo all inclusive. M arch 15th. (905)607 7828 after 6pm.___________ B E A U T IF U L L Y decorated 2-bedroom o verlo o king S p encer Sm ith Park, h o s pital, QEW, downtown. Sat ellite , parking. Apr.15th $800/mo. 905-634-0094 P L E A S A N T , bright new ly renovated, 1 bedroom basem ent apartm ent, old O akville. W alk to G O and downtown. Non-sm oker, cable, utilities, parking. Im m ediate. $ 800./Mo. 905842-6413 $ 1 7 5 0 /M 0 . 2-bedroom + loft, 2 baths, spacious familyroom . South Burlington. W alk to lake. No p ets or sm okers. B a rb a ra B e e rs. A s so c . B roker. R o ya l LePage. 905-634-7755 O A K V IL L E . 1-bedroom apartment available im me diately. No pets. Referenc es. Speers Rd./ Kerr area. 905-842-2153____________ 2 -B E D R O O M S : $840 / mo. (U tilitie s included). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. O ffice O pen 9-4pm, Mon.-Sat. (905)639-5761 Huge 1&2 Bdrms I I I t I From $825/mo. Corner Suites Avail. Gleaming parquet flooring Over-size balconies Undergound parking On-site customer service... 905-631-0033 Tallest Building P R IM E Downtown B u r lington, U pgraded 1,2&3 B edroom Apartm ents. S c e n ic view s. B e au tiful g rounds. 478 P e a rl, 477 Elizabeth. 905-634-9374 K k r J furnished rentals BURLINGTON- Furnished 2bedroom large, a ttractive apartments available Mar. 1st. Heat/ hydro included. From $1050/mo. No pets. 905_________ 632-0961 S H O R T -T E R M C le a n , spacious 1&2 bedroom fur nished suites at much d e sired location. .. Burlington Towers. 905-639-8583 S H O R T term furnished re n tal- nearly new execu tive 2 bedroom plus den tow nhouse. W alking d is tance to downtown O a k v ille . H ardw ood floors, cath e d ra l c e ilin g s, m odel home condition. A pril 1st. $2400/mo. 905-827-2388 T R A V E L S U IT E S .N E T ....... L og on! ' N e w ' C o rp o rate Luxury Accommodations. 14 bedroom s/ baths. A ll amenities. 40++ locations. Daily, Weekly. Monthly. From $ 39 .9 5 ' /night. (V isa M aste rC a rd / Am Ex). L/M: 905-681-7355_____________ F U R N IS H E D Burlington Luxury! 1&2 bedrooms from $1,495/mo. utilities includ ed. Immediate. Short/ long term. (905)632-8354; (905)632-6189____________ s h o rtterm rentals TREASURE ON THE MARKET TODAY! Lovely 4-bedroom house on quiet cres. s.w. Oakville. Stunning new custom kitchen, granite counter-tops, hardwood & ceramic tile floors, new bath room, jacuzzi tub, large yard, deck. pool, ma ture trees. Many, many upgrades. Open House: Sat. 11am-5pm,Sun 1pm-5pm Priced to sell $299,900.905- Move to the much-desired location... B urlington Towers Extra-Large 1,2 & 3 Bdrm Suites With 2 balconies! Easy QEW access, rec. centre with large indoor pool, .underground parking, plus, plus..... E S T A B L IS H E D busy cal6 O w n e r retiring! E xc e lle n t street exposure and poten tia l. L iq u e u r lic e n c e etc. Milton W endy M cCloy 905 828-1122________________ P F R T p r o f e s s io n a l I I t J directory M O N E Y P ro b le m s? G a r n is h e e s? Too m any p a y m ents? O p tion s to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, B ank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6 3 1 0600 i l S U ] mortgage, loans C A L L Redwood. 416-4949 8 8 3 ext. 321 or 1-800328-7887 ext. 321. 1 year 3.3 3 , 5 y e a r 5.60 , A R M 1.24. A lso refinancing, eq uity m ortgag e p ro g ram s. 2nd mortgages available. L O W R A T E S .................. Mortgages. 1sts, 2nds, self em ployed, bank turn dow ns. P ho ne R ichard , M ortgage F in a n c ia l 905336-9966 ^ business opportunities Call 905-639-8583 for Rental www.ontim.com $$$'s em ail btowers@lara.on.ca 847-5625 WATERDOWN-Open H o u se - Sun. M arch 10th, 2-4pm , 64 Segw un Rd. N early new, 3 Ige. b e d rooms. 2.5 baths, fireplace, c/v, c/a, 2 car garage, pro fessionally landscaped Ige. lot $269,900. 905-690-2069 T H R E E b e d ro o m T o w n house Condom inium 2286 M arin e D rive, B ro n te V il lage: $ 2 1 9 ,9 0 0 . O p e n H o u s e S u n d a y 2-4 p m (519)240-4734 Come See the Difference! 511 G uelph Line, Burlington Com fortable 1-Bedroom Suites from only $849./mo. Sunken livingrooms, windows in kitchens, breakfast nooks, 2 outdoor pools....Call 905-637-9725 Extra Large 1-Bedroom May 1st. Call How 905 in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bjshelo-Qrom $7j9* 1-Bdrms from 1879* 2-Bdrms from $979* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905) 845-9502 639-8583 For Rental $$$s O A K V ILLE Downtown. S p a c io u s im m acu lately renovated 2-bedroom apartm ent. Parking . On L ak e sh o re Road/ K err Street, from $ 1 100/mo. + u tilitie s. Im m ediate No pets. 905-337-7135; 905331-1301. "(2% prompt pay. disc.) S O U T H V IE W , O a kville. Beautiful basem ent apart ment. huge bedroom, eat-in kitchen, dishwasher, livingroom. fire p lace , laundry, separate entrance, C/A. full bathroom . $1.000/m o. in c lu d e s cab le , u tilitie s. 2sp a ce p arking. A p ril 1st. First/ last. 905-338-7293___ 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur lington. 1, 2 & 3-bedroom apartm ents a v a ila b le M arch/ Ap ril. From $895/ mo. 905-632-0129. Tycourt Apts & Townhouses 1360 to 1422 Tyandaga Park Dr.. Burlington Park-like setting near golf course Ideally Located 1275 Elgin St, Burl. Very spacious, well maintained, quiet living. 1&2 Bdrms - Mar/Apr Fresh paint, refinished hardwood, some new kit. cabinetry & upgraded fire alarm system for your safety & peace-ofmind. Walk to hospital, lake, shops & schools. & QEW APARTM ENTS Bachelors, 1-Bedroom, 2 Bedroom From $675. B U R L IN G T O N south c e n tral. 3-bedrooms, 1.5 baths, new fridge/ g as stove/ washer/ gas dryer. Upgrad ed windows/ patio/ garage do ors. C usto m -fin ish e d basem ent. New gas fur nace/ air conditioner. R en ovated kitchen (m aple). $159,900. 905-637-1389. C E N T R A L Burlington- new, semi detached condominium townhome. Small executive enclave. 3 bedrooms, one floor living. Garage. Neutral decor and loads of upgrades. W alk to everything. $299.900. 905-465-2391 B U R L IN G T O N 3 bedroom townhom e, 1.5 bath, u p graded w indows, tile and hardwood, fin ish e d b a s e ment, a/c, pond, deck, ga rage, ideal lo catio n. $155,900. 905-334-2405 TOW NHOUSES 2 & 3 Bedrooms From $995. Some with fireplace. Includes 4 or 5 appliances. Call today to view : 9 0 5 - 3 3 5 - 3 0 0 1 E-mail: tycourt@sympatico.ca for info. Largest Apt. in the Neighbourhood! 2333 Truscott Or. (at Southdown Rd.) MISSISSAUGA Offering 1-2-3 Bdrm Suites as low as $839/mo.! Over 30 styles to choose from... Some with sunken livingroom or split level! nzi B O O K K E E P I N G S e rv ic e s available in home office for com p u te rize d or m anual syste m s. E xp e rie nce d, trustworthy. Pick-up/ delivery. 905-336-2759 "House-Like" Living in Low-rise Townhome Apts. 2-Bdrms in 1-floor & 2-storey designs. Ground floor units with walk-out to private landscape patio! All freshly painted with refinished hardwood & brand new appliances - B R O N T E Harbour - 3 bed room bungalow, C A /C V , 2 b a th s. F in is h e d bsm n t w/gas FP . Inground pool. $1,600/mo. + utils, nancy Matthews, sales rep. BRM R e a lty S e r v ic e Inc. (905)845-3924 Call (905) 637-0321 MADEIRA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Res. Condominium Property Management Committed to Customer Service and Protecting the Value ot your Home. 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted From $900.: 1-Bdrm · 1-Bdrm+Den · 2-Bdrm · · · · All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths Indoor pool & saunas Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access Quiet! Convenient! W ell-M aintained! Spacious! ALL JUST FOR YOU! Call 905-823-1300 S P A C IO U S 1 ,243 B e d room s. F re sh ly painted, bright. C o m p e titive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. 9 05 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm 1 ,2 4 3 B edroom A p a rt m ents from $875/m o. In door pool. QEW / Trafalgar area. 905-844-1106 O L D O a kv ille. B eau tifully m aintained, very cle a n , quiet b uild in g downtown. Step out to shops. 1-bedroom from $985; 2-bedroom from $1250./m o. 2bedroom + den. from $1425/mo. No lease. 905845-8254 (leave message) N O R TH G len A bbey, new 1-bdrm basement, kitchen ette, separate entrance. 1parking. No smoking/ pets. $750/m o. Apr. 1st. 905469-6066^ B R O N T E Harbour, S p a c io u s 2-bedroom su ite s a v ailab le . Heat/ hydro in clud ed . $ 1 225/m o. C a ll Sherry. 416-835-2220, 8am-7pm Tyandaga Terrace 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr. 3055 Glencrest Rd. Burlington 1 & 2 Bdrm Suites <£) (905) 637-3921 (905)336-0016 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905) 336-0015 B U R L IN G T O N Downtown. Spacious, carpeted 2-bed room apt. C le a n quiet building. Available Apnl 1st. $820/mo. 905-336-6690. E X E C U T IV E m ain level (Burlington core). Elegant, o ld home w/high 9' c e il ing s, o rigin a l wood trim/ stained g la ss. G ourm et's kitchen, large livingroom , diningroom. 2-bdrm s, up grad ed carpet/ ce ra m ic, partially finished basement sunroom, pool. 7 applianc es, No pets/ smoking. Suits adults. $1500 +utllities. 905-637-0149 __________ E A S T B urlington; 3-b e d room ranch, ground floor. 4 appliances, parking. $875/ mo. 905-632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd.. Realtor Tel: 416-621-9416 Toll Free: 1-877-757-7729 Fax:416-621-2027 BURLINGTON SQUARE (905)639-4677 Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm LAKESH ORE/ M aple, B urlington. 1-bedroom , May, $875/mo.+ parking; 2bedroom , M arch. $1037./ mo.+ parking. Heat/ hydro inclu d ed . B e au tiful lakefront view. Indoor pool. Bus stops at door. Near Mapleview & hospital. Great high way access. 905-632-5258 O A K V I L L E : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca. Renovated, Large suites. Walk to everything. 1&2 bedrooms from $825. (905)845-1777____________ W A T E R D O W N: Jo hn St. W alk to E verything . New Appliances. New Windows. Comp. Reno. 2 Bdrms. Util. Incl. from $845./mo. (905) 689-1647, 905-690-4454 C A N A D IA N A . Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very sp a ciou s 1.2&3 bedrooms available Imme d iately/ Mar. 5220 L a k e shore. Burlington. 905-6325486.___________________ Q E W / Appleby: sp a cio u s clean 1-bedroom basement apt. S e p a ra te e ntrance, fire p lace , parking, no smoking/ pets. $775/mo.+ Immediate. 905-333-5022 F R E E - 1 Month for Q uali fied A p p lican ts! G eo rgian Apartm ents. 1,2&3 B e d room s. M ar./Apr./ May. Heat/ hydro included. Park ing extra. (No pets) Burling ton, 905-639-0456. M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:30-8pm BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court 1 Bdrm Suite Avail. April $735./mo Includes utilities. Parking Available Beautiful Lakefront 5348 Lakeshore 1& 2 bedroom suites from $935/mo. Avail, immed./ Feb. Quiet building. New appliances. Washer, dryer on each floor. Parking. W E s p e c ia liz e in C o n d o m inium S a le s & R e n ta ls. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., R ealto r, (905)333-4347 F A M IL Y looking for (mini mum) 3 bedroom home South of Q EW in B u rlin g ton. 1-1/2 or 2 bathrooms. M ust be in good sha p e , have full basem ent & nor mal s iz e d lot. P re fe r fire p la ce & sw im m ing pool. P ric e d from $190,000$245,000. Flexible moving date. 905-633-9043 I housing wanted to buy B U R L IN G T O N Dow n town. Large, bright 1-bed room basement apartment, all in clu siv e . Parking . Laundry facilities. $700/mo. 905-315-8999.____________ O A K V IL L E . 3-bedroom apartm ent, upper triplex. A ll a m e nitie s, laundry, p arking. A p r.1st. $1050/ mo. +electricity. 905-8459088.___________________ K E R R St. Tw o 2 -b e d rooms, Apr. 1st: $850/mo. & $950/mo. 2-storey building, w ell-m aintained . P arking included. 905-257-1.669 L U X U R Y L iv in g - 2 b e d rooms. livingroom , dining room, garage, a/c. Close to Burlington Mall. $1200/mo plus utilities. C all 416-2552068 S P E N C E R 'S Landing. Lu x u riou s 2-bedroom + den. $1800/mo. Call Al M c Curd y, B ro ker, Hom elife A p p le P a rk R e a lty 905681-3000________________ B U R L IN G T O N - B e au tiful 1 bedroom+. W alk out to patio. W asher/dryer, d ish washer, a/c, parking, gym, N o n-sm oking, No dogs $1000. + utilities. May/1 st 905-315-7890 905-690*1896 S T . P au l Street, B u rlin g ton. 2-Bedroom , M ay 1st. $768/mo. (in clu d e s u tili ties, parking). Call between 5-9pm, 905-639-7072 B U R L IN G T O N , B lu e fie ld s Drive. 2 or 3 bedroom mai sonnette tow nhouses. Laundry. No dogs. Apri|1?t. $895/mo.+ 905-336-7207. 905-639-3301 1 -B E D R O O M apartm ent, ground floor of house (not basement), includes: cable, utilities, parking, nice yard, q uiet court in North B u r lington. $800/mo. May 1st. N on-sm oking. C a ll 905336-7292

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