A 4 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y M a y 15, 2002 ORTHODONTIST Dr. Kruno Tovilo C ertified Specialist in O rthodontics fo r C hildren and Adults P R I V A T E P R A C T IC E O R T H O D O N T IC S Helping prevent tragedy of fires (C ontinued from page A1) O R T H O D O N T I C S c a n h e lp c o r r e c t M O S T ty p e s o f to o th m a l- a lig n m e n t p r o b le m s C a n a d ia n A s s o c ia tio n o f O r th o d o n tis ts r e c o m m e n d s a ll c h ild r e n see a n O r th o d o n tis t b y age 7 R e c e iv e P E R S O N A L A t t e n t io n w it h A L L P H A S E S O f T r e a tm e n t P r o v id e d b y th e D o c t o r O N L Y S e lf-lig a tin g M ic r o - b r a c e s o r C le a r b r a c e s a r c u s e d e x c lu s iv e ly N O H E A D G E A R o r B A N D S a r c used P l a y N in te n d o 6 4 o r w a t c h T V d u r in g t r e a tm e n t Play Sony PlayStation or watch TV during treatment C o n s u lta tio n s a r c A L W A Y S F R E E . . . W c w i ll d o o u r u tm o s t to m a k e O R T H O D O N T I C S A F F O R D A B L E ! tttt G e t th e n a t u r a l s m ile y o u d e s e rv e O r t h o d o n tic a lly . C a ll us to d a y .... TOWN CENTER ORTHODONTICS 2 4 3 N o rth Service R o a d , W est S u ite 3 0 1 , O a k v ille (905) 849-1717 Barrie Erskine · Oakville Beaver Helen Veldhuis, product manager for Cutler-Hammer, demonstrates the arc fault circuit breaker. Statistics indicate that more than 35 per cent of all resi dential fires are caused by electricity. According to Goodyear, close to 110 deaths occur in Ontario each year due to fire -- 14 per cent of these by caus es in private residences that are electrical in nature. Because o f this threat from arcing -- and now a technological mfcans o f protection -- the O ntario Electric Code now stipulates that AFCIs must be installed in all bedroom receptacle circuits in all new residential home construction -- the first Canadian province to do so. Already in use in several U.S. states, AFCIs are gaining high praise. In an August 2001 letter to Eaton Corporation chair and CEO Alexander Cutler, for example. National Association of State Fire Marshals president George Miller wrote, "Your company's invention of the arc fault circuit interrupter promises to be the most important step forward for fire prevention since the introduction of smoke detectors." Chris Jouppi, General Manager of EATON CutlerHammer Canada, explained that AFCIs were invented in 1994 and years of testing have proven that the technology is one about which the company is very proud. "We're helping the electric industry and fire prevention services to make sure disasters don't happen," said Jouppi. So sensitive is the technology that "good" arc faults -- such as the start-up of electric motors in refrigerators and power drills -- can be distinguished and are disre garded. "Only arc faults with the potential to start fires are tripped by AFCIs." Jouppi added. Sears stores close to you, close to home Major Appliances are available at the following Greater Toronto locations: Taking aim at temporary garden shops By Kim Arnott S P E C IA L T O T H E B E A V E R North Bolton Dealer Store (905) 857-4390 Markham Furniture. 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Mississauga Dealer Store (905) 848-8882 Mississauga Furniture S Appliances Store Hwy. 5 S403 (905) 820-6801 Oakville Place (905) 842-9410 Square One Shopping Centre (905) 270-8111 Major appliances from Sears are Canada's Best Sellers Based on independent national surveys current at time of advertising preparation ·Pay in 24 equal monthly payments, interest free, until May 2004. On approved credit only with your Sears Card Minimum $200 purchase. $45 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of purchase. Monthly payments shown have been rounded up to the nearest cent When billed, any unpaid portion of your Sears account balance win attract credit charges. commencing the following month Excludes items in our Liquidation/Outlet stores. Catalogue and Website purchases. Offer ends Saturday. May 25. 2002. Ask for details. O N L Y35.42* PER M O N TH Available in White and Bisque O N L Y 22.92* PER M O N TH Also available in Bisque and Black Sale price ends Sat., May 25.2002 Sale price ends Thurs., May 23,2002 Use your Sears Card and pay no interest 'til May 2004 on all major appliances Also available at Eatons, Toronto Eaton Centre location NP0530402 Temporary garden centres and green houses are making it tough for full-time merchants to stay afloat, according to two Bronte-area businessmen. Over the last few years, the plantselling industry has seen an increase in the number of temporary outlets selling flowers, bedding plants, Easter arrange ments and Christmas trees, said Danny Mazzilli, owner of Fantasy Fruit Markets. He told Town of Oakville councillors at Monday night's Planning and Development Council meeting that tem porary set-ups hurt year-round local businesses like his. "We're here 365-days-a-year, and this is a very vital and important time for us," Mazzilli said. "We rely on this time of year to help us carry our expenses throughout the year." Added Kevin Joyce, a partner in Cudmore's Garden Centre, "It's easy to make money in this business in April, May and June." The pair is particularly concerned about the temporary greenhouse set up at the comer of Lakeshore and Jones Roads in Bronte. Operated under an arrangement with Sobeys, the greenhouse was recently granted a five-year approval to set up shop in the Bronte Village Mall parking lot for the months of April through June. At Monday meeting. Ward 1 Councillor Ralph Robinson introduced a motion to appeal that decision, granted by the Committee of Adjustment (COA), to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). Robinson suggested there was too little public input into the original deci sion to allow the greenhouse, that a fiveyear variance is not a minor one, as was applied for, and that the greenhouse has a negative impact on the Bronte streetscape. "It's a large structure of a rather grotesque appearance located at one of the main intersections in downtown Bronte," said Robinson. But Bob Roubos, who runs the greenhouse operation, believes the Town shouldn't be involved in regulat ing competition. "That's what this is really about -- competition," he said. Roubos grows about 4,000 varieties of bedding plants on two farms in Stoney Creek and Thorold, and operates other temporary retail outlets in Hamilton, Stoney Creek and Mississauga. He says the application for the minor variance, a building permit and engi neered drawings of the greenhouse cost him about $2,000. Roubos. added that a number of similar temporary gardening centre operations are in place throughout the town. After a short in-camera discussion, councillors voted 7-5 not to appeal the COA decision permitting the Bronte greenhouse. S E W IN G M A C H IN E S T O R E R E P A IR S T O S IN G E R Major appliances online at www.sears.ca a n d a l l o th e r m a k e s d r m o d e ls S ears O akville P lace Mon.-Fri. 9:30 am-9 pm. Sat. 8am-6pm. Sun.11 am-5pm. Sears Furniture & Appliance Store M ississauga Mon. Fri. 10 am 9 pm. Sat. ioam-6pm. Sun.11 am-5pm. Copyright 2002. Sears Canada Inc W M. E X PE R T P IN K IN G S H E A R S & S C IS S O R S H A R P E N IN G ^ M 198 SPEERS R D . 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -2 0 3 3 In s id e O a k v i l l e V a c u u m