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Oakville Beaver, 15 May 2002, D4

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D 4 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y M a y 15, 2002 K M I t i * M Maintenance/ Housekeeping Supervisor required for a new Long Term Care Facility in Oakville. The successful applicant will be responsible for the hands-on maintenance ol the facility as well as super vision of the Housekeeping and Laundry department. Salary $34,000 plus benefits. SUPBICUTS · · · · NOW HIRING · · · · for OAKVILLE, BURLINGTON & HAMILTON locations H A IR S T Y L I S T S F /T & P /T In o u r C h e m ical-F ree environm ent O p portunities fo r a dvancem ent E xcellent b e nefit package In-store advanced cu ttin g classes P ay-back school incentive program A ll equ ip m e n t supplied e xce p t shears H ourly w age and com m ission PURCHASING AG ENT Sure Flow Equipment In c , a world leader in the manufacturing and distribution of industrial valves, is seeking an experienced individual to purchase valves, pipe and weld fittings. Familiarity with ASME an asset. Please forward your resume to: Sure Flow Equipment Inc. 3179 Mainway _ Burlington, ON L7M1A6 S u re flo w or fax 905-335-2991 . MATERIALS A N D M ANUFACTURING ONTAR IO Fax resume to 905-669-6724 Oakville Healthcare Division, Attn: Phil Vinson Wenonah Day Camp, located in north Burlington, has several staff positions (male & female) open for the 2002 Summer Camp Season JU N IO R PR O G R A M STAFF (15-16 yrs. of age) Please forward resume to: Patrick Bedford, Director WENONAH DAY CAMP 3584 Commerce Court, Burlington, ON L7N 3L7 Ph: (90S) 631-2849, Fax: (905) 631-2850 Employment Opportunity Accounting!Administrative Assistant Materials and Manufacturing Ontario (MMO), is seeking a full-time experienced individual for its accounting department. MMO is a not-for-profit Centre of Excellence supporting industrially relevant research at Ontario universities. A wide range of computer skills, including AccPac for Windows and Microsoft Office For Windows are required for the position. Responsibilities include: Accounts Receivable (including sub-ledger reconciliation), Bank Deposits, Accounts Payable and Administrative support. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 5 years experience in similar responsibilities. Please fax your resume to: toll free 1-888-888-7778 ext. 1552 Truck Leasing Exciting Career Opportunity with Oakville's Premier Salon & Spa r r r i nMuin nap position m home decor store available in O akville. W eekends a must, some experience re quired. Sheridan College students from Interior Dec orating D esign program encoura ge d to apply. Please fax resume to: 905338-8937 Licensed Truck Technician Due to continued growth. Penske Truck Leasing is seeking the above for our Burlington facility. Duties include repairs, maintenance, pick up and delivery of trucks. Successful applicants must have diesel truck experience. AZ OR DZ would be an asset. We offer competitive hourly wage, excellent benefit packages and advancement opportunities, as we are a growthoriented company. You will receive training on the lat est technologies on a wide variety of trucks. For immediate consideration send your resume to: Penske Truck Leasing, Attn: Service Manager, 5379 Harvester Road. Burlington ON L7L 5K4 or by fax to 905-632-9323 or by email to armando.casaluce@penske.com I MAGE S I N T E R N A T I O N A L SAION 8. DAY SfA LOADERS WANTED W e d n e s d a y , F rid a y & S a tu rd a y 6 a m -1 2 n o o n Lifting involved, safety shoes necessary. C all 905-844-0577 A s k fo r L o ri O AK VIILE BEAVER We will be opening our second location in Oakville on June 1st and require: Director of Finance & Administration at (905) 823-4141. We thank all applicants; however, only those under consideration will be contacted. · HAIRSTYLISTS · ASSISTANTS (Minimum 3 yrs exp.) · ESTHETICIANS Please call Judy a t 905-338-3333 « lo :* 4 1 tecnntcai netp Ultrasonographer ARDMS or eligible s ales help & agnets 530 sa le s help & ag n e ts 705 handyman 515 515 ·aaKmU aI netp tecnm cai Full-Time & Part-Time For Greater Hamil ton, Burlington or Oakville clinics Health/LTD Bene fits Fax resume to office-clerical ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE We are an established Publishing Company with an opportunity for aggressive dedicated salespeople. If you have a proven track record of success in sales this could be the position for you. We have opportunities in both junior and senior roles. We offer salary plus commission, car allowance and benefits. We also offer a great opportunity for advancement. Please send your resume to: 8ox # 2116 C/0 The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 J U N K removal & light m oving, grass cutting. Reasonable rates, senior discounts, references.905847-1741. ask for Frank C O N TR A C T DRIVERS required to deliver our newspapers & flyers to our carriers in Oakville- Wed., Fri. and Sat. Must be available between 7am-2pm. Must have a full size van & cell phone! Call Steve: 905-337-5553 email: scrozier@haltonsearch.com A Local Manufacturer is seeking: Maintenance Technician/ Millwright Valid Ontario Trade License is required. Hours of Work: 12 hour continental shift Rate: $24/hour plus shift & week-end premiums Please forward your resume to: CUSTOMER SUPPORT PERSON (FULLTIME) To receive and process customer orders, generate quotations and ACCPAC data entry. Requirements: ACCPAC (Windows) ex perience. Please send your resume, including salary expectations to: MICO-Medical Imaging Clinics of Ontario Inc Attn: Office Manager 1235 Trafalgar Road, Suite 306 Oakville, ON L6H 3P1 Fax:905-845-7161 Box/ 6379 Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, Ontario L6K3S4 We thank you for your response in advance as we will only be contacting those people selected for an interview 905-662-1774 Ultrasonographer ARDMS or eligible C U S T O M - M A D E draper ies valances, sheers, bed/ table/ chair co-ordinates, fabrics, installation. lOyrs exp. Sherry- 905-634-6706 C U S T O M drapes, altera tions. Russian balloons. 30 years experience. Interior Decorators welcome. Enza 905-272-0496. gardening & landscaping O a k v il l e B eav er EXPLOSIVE GROWTH Ask about our Full-Time & Part-Time For Greater Hamilton, Burlington or Oakville clinics Health/LTD Benefits Fax resume to m iJ m ' W 2070 Appleby Line Burlington, ON (Millcroft Centre) AUTO PARTS MANAGER Required Immediately. Customer service focused; Strong interpersonal & sales skills: Familiar with merchandising and strong automotive background with Canadian Tire or other automotive dealership. Competitive wages, employee discount, medical & dental benefits as well as profit Sharing. Please fax resume including salary expectations to: 905-335-9724 Dan Stinson, Dealer Progressive food processing company, located in Burlington, has an immediate opening for an: A U T O M A T E D lawn sprin klers installed and serviced by professionals Please call Tommaso at 416 -5680942 Student Scholarship Program. Motivated com m unicators required. Paid by piecework. Compensation enumeration type work. No experience necessary. We train accepted applicants. Call Human Resources for interview 905-662-1774 D E N T A L Assistant. Certi fied required for growing. North Oakville Dental O f fice. Full-time. Needs to be friendly, outgoing and a team player. Evenings and Saturdays required. Please mail resume P .O . Box-86033. Oakville. L6H.5V6 F U L L T IM E Experienced H ARP certified periodontal assistant needed for Bur lington office. Fax resume to 905-633-8330 R E G I S T E R E D staff re quired for a Lo ng -Term Care Facility in Burlington Fax 905-631-1824. Call Centre Rep(s) $30-532,000 +++ Join o ur w est M ississauga c lient w ho w ill be relocating to their new C orporate Head O ffices in E ast O a kville ! The C lien t S erv ice team requires experienced C all C entre R e p re s e n ta tiv e s w h o p o s s e s s a b o v e a ve rg e co m m u n ic a tio n and in te rp e rso n a l skills, e n th u s ia s tic a ttitu d e, W o rd / E xcel. As the position will be supporting in-bound c a lls fro m c lie n ts a c ro s s C a n a d a , yo u must be available for rotating 8-hour shifts b e tw e e n 8 a m -8 p m . L e g a l, b a n k in g o r mortgage related experience is preferred. 905-525-5948 S E W E R S lor home decor store wanted. Work as your own separate business. Please call (905)338-8856 htor Janet______________ W AREHOUSE P erso n, start immediately $9.50/per hour Clean drivers licence an asset. Fax to: (905)8448310______________________ R E Q U IR E D * painters with experience in rental apart ment units. Experience in plastering. Contact Manuel 416-729-4189 T H E Added Touch re quires immediate part-time office phone & warehouse stall. Suitable lor those who can work flexible hoursdays, evenings & w ee kends. Basic computer competence an asset. $8/ hr. Fax resumes to Susan at 905-338-1486 S U P E R IN T E N D E N T N e w waterfront condo. Very dean adult 90 unit building. Salary plus bene-fits plus luxury two bedroom suite. Fax resume 416-621-2027 25 People Wanted to lose up to 30 pounds in 30 days. Natural/ Guaranteed/ Doc tor Recommended. www.uwiHbeslim.com O W N E R / Operator required immediately hauling tankers in/ out of Burlington area. Above average wage. 905377-1937 salon & s p a help MANAGER TRAINEE We offer a competitive starting salary, benefit package and opportunity for advancement. Email Resume to: mstrasshurnenatwincnrpinc com ' Or Fax To: 519-746-2526 J U D G E S Jury. 1222 Walk er's Line. Burlington. R e quires experienced Cooks. Apply to Scott or Kevin. Tel: 905-319-1655 m LOST & FOUND C A L IF O R N IA Hair Works is looking for full-time hair stylist with clientele. Future investment potential. 905634-4466 Industrial Electrician Must possess current certificate of qualification Electrical Control and PLC experience required Must have strong mechanical abilities Prior maintenance experience in a food processing or related environment · Must be willing to work shifts We offer a competitive wage rate and benefits package. To apply, please send resume to: BOX 1908 C/0 The Burlington Post 2321 Fairview Street Burlington. ON. L7R2E3 · · · · S IG N Maker* Experience senior person with excel lent computer skills re quired by established sign company in O akville. E x cellent opportunity. Fax re sume to. 905-338-7437 www.theselectiongroup.com Te l: 905-238-1300 Ext. 222 Fax 905-238-0753 T H IR S T Y Penguin Sports Bar (Oakville): Wait Staff. Line Cooks Full and Parttime. all shifts, immediate. Call 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -4 9 2 6 ; fax 906-845-6064______________ F /T 4 P /T Experienced Line Cooks. RattleSnake Point Golf Club. 5407 Hwy. 25. Milton O N . Please fax re sume to Steve Demarsh. 905-693-1900. P IT C H E R S Restaurant. Oakville. Now hiring F/T & P/T Wait Staff; P/T B ar tenders. Line Cook & Kitch en Help. Call Sabina or Bemie. 905-338-0804 B E N N Y 'S Deli, full or part-time help. Must be available weekends. Apply 8am-3pm. 1455 Lakeshore (at Brant). Excellent wages! J A N lT M lA L cleaning service. Insured, bonded. Looking for commercial contracts. Also willing to clean residential 905-575* 0290 or 905-921-9237 Found Something? Place your "Found"ad FREE of charge. Burl. & Flamb. 905- 632-4440 Q U A L IT Y home cleaning to suit the unique needs of your home. 289-259-2797 (Burtnqton)________________ TO have your home cleaned the way you would like by extremely clean, hard working ladies, call 905-634-2646 Reasonable rates' M A N with new 2002 cube van & new 2002 extended van looking for fulltime contract or steady work. Li censed for all Ontario with CVOR. 9 05-330-3935. 905-331-1304 Oakville 905- 845-3824 N T Administrator/ Tech ni cal Support- Software De veloper (M ississauga) seeks individual with at least 2 years practical ex perience in managing N T networks. IIS servers, fire walls. etc. The position in volves some client inter face. so excellent commu nication skills are a prereq uisite. email: NTmanOhelpstar.com Fax: 905-632-8165 Office Administrator P/T, possibly leading to F/T for busy office. Exp. with MS Word & Excel. Mature, well-or ganized with good tel ephone manner. Own transportation a must. Fax resume: 905-337-1566 e-mail: jobs® lacosta-restaurants.com S A L E S Administrative As sistant. Software Developer (Mississauga) seeks an in dividual with excellent writ ten/verbal communication skills providing administra tive support to our sales team. Minimum two years experience in an adminis trative capacity required. Must be proficient on Mi crosoft Office applications. Pleas email: S A jobO helpstar.com O F F IC E Receptionist/ Secretary required 4days/ wk. for busy optometrist of fice. Please inquire 905842-3411 CommunityNotices Garage Sale OAKVILLE STUDENTS YES YOU! Summer Work $18.05 Base/Appt · · · · Scholarships avail. Full training provided Cust. sales/service Conditions apply Deaths CASSIDY, Rita Emily (nee M oreau )- Died peacefully, at the Guleph General Hospital on Thursday May 9, 2002. Rita Emily Cassidy, was the wife of the late John P. Cassidy. Survived by her sister Evelyn Mathieu, beloved mother of Susan, John, Michael, Mark. Jim, Kathleen, and Christine. Loving grandmother of Kevin, Sandra, Mike, Anne, Shannon, Ryan, Keira, Brandon, Bryson, Andrew, Torie, Brendan, Callie, and Hanna. And a special great-grandmother to Dylan. Mom you always gave so much of yourself. Resting at the Gilbert MacIntyre & Son Funeral Home, 252 Dublin Street, Guelph, where the family will receive friends on Monday 2-4 & 7-9PM. A Funeral Mass will be celebrated at Church of Our Lady on Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 10:00AM. Interment Marymount Cemetery, Guelph. A vigil for Rita will be held on Monday Evening at 8:30PM. As expressions of sympathy, and in lieu of flowers, donations to the Arthritis Foundation or the Heart & Stroke Foundation would be appreciated by the family. (Cards available at the funeral home or e-mail info@gilbertmacintyreandson.com). Thanks to the staff and wonderful nurses in 4 East at the Guelph General Hospital and the staff and residents at Oxford Lodge who made most of Rita's last year an enjoyable one. Deaths MOORS, W illia m - Surrounded by family on Monday May 13, 2002 at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital at the age of 71. Retired former employee of the Ford Motor Company. Beloved husband of Martini (nee Meulendyk) loving father of Dorothy Ford and her husband Dale, John Moors, Liz Makar and her husband Paul and Teresa Moors. Poppa will be missed by grandchildren Kaitlynn, Brett. Meghan, Nicole and Robyn. Brother of Antoon, Nelly, Mien, To-ney and the late Jan (of Holland) and Carl (of Oakville). The family wishes to express a heartfelt thank you to the caring staff of the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Friends will be received at the Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville (905-844-3221) on Wednesday from 2-4 and 7-9p.m. The funeral mass will be held at St. Andrew's Roman Catholic Church, 47 Reynolds Street, Oakville on Thursday May 16, 2002 at 11a.m. Interment at Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. Reception to follow at St. Andrew's Parish Hall. Donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. THERIAULT, Donald Edward- Passed away on Tuesday, May 7th 2002 at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital in his 64th year, Donald beloved husband of the late Irene Theriault loving companion to Gerry Kirch. Much loved by his daughters Debbie (Mike), Donna (Arthur), Rene, Son Bud (Evelyn) and Step-son Michael Kirch. Cherished poppy to Keith, Sean, Tyler, Riley, Samantha and great-grandson Deven. Survived by his twin brother Ron and sisters Colleen, Priscilla and Debbie. Friends were received at the WARD Funeral home, Oakville. Funeral service was celebrated at St. Cuthberts Anglican Church on Saturday May 11th 2002 at 1 o'clock. Donalds ashes will be interred in New Foundland. As an expression of sympathy donations May be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. Donalds family thanks all for your love, support and prayers during this difficult time. To contact family please call the WARD Funeral 905-844-3221 Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of ROMEO ALBINO ZORZI, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Romeo Albino Zorzi, late of the Town of Oakville in the Re gional Municipality of Halton, retired, who died on the 21st day of January, 2001, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or be fore the 28th day of May, 2002, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have no tice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any per son of whose claim they shall not then have notice. DATED at Oakville, this 30th day of April, 2002. David Anthony Zorzi Estate Trustee in the Estate of Romeo Albino Zorzi By his solicitor, ROBERT BONADEO Barrister & Solicitor Suite 201,407 Speers Road Oakville, Ontario L6K 3T5 GARAGE SALE Sat May 18 8am - 2pm 1228 Parsons Lane (Glen Abbey) Rain or Shine Call Now! Call 905-842-8045 vKOrktorstudenls.com/on MUSIC PEOPLE Summer & F/T positions avail. Do you enjoy music, meeting & talking with people? Due to rapid ex pansion. we require indi viduals immediately! Po sitions avail, in Miltron. We are a 6 0 yr old com pany offering excellent entry level positions in Marketing, Reception & Teaching. Must be per sonable. enthusiastic. & able to accept respon sibility (car asset). All training provided. Excel lent remuneration. P H / F X : 4 1 6 -5 3 7 -0 0 0 6 The Best in Childcare & Montessori Century Child Care & Montessori Centre A fte r being in business fo r ten years w e have all th e program s you m ay need. Frazzled by this new JK/SK Program? · S eparate so cia l/ education and M ontessori room s fo r e very child. · French enriched · Full days (you choose) · O utsta n d in g preschool · JK /S K 8 to 1 ratio. · S tructured 9-4. Take the worry out ol before and after school care as we are open year round 7:30am-6pm in a beautiful air-conditioned century home with large treed background.Home made meals. Don't forget that important summer camp! Good meals, extended hours and fun, fun, fun 1072 Tanglewood Crt. Oakville 905-849-3614 BURLINGTON MFG & ENG. CO. has an immediate position for The Body Shaping Fitness Studio for Women is seeking Experienced Child Care Weekend Receptionist Aerobics Instructors Apply with resume: 183 Lakeshore, Oak. Tel: 905-849-1919 Fax: 905-849-1913 Must be well groomed & fitness minded. Receptionist/ Technical Clerk Individual to have excellent telephone skills, computer skills and be a self motivated team player. Fax resume to: 905-319-2568 S U M M E R B each V o lle yball Referees wanted im mediately for a fun recrea tional league, weeknights. training pro vid ed (9 0 5 ) 616-5877_________________ k l F* I salon & spa help M A IN S T R E A M , a pro gressive upscale ladies wear store, downtown Oak ville. requires permanent F/ T Sales Associate. If you're a natural salesperson, un derstand exceptional serv ice. are looking for a fun. fast-paced environm ent, we'd love to hear from you. Jayn: Phone 9 0 5 -3 3 8 7771. fax 905-338-5844 Deaths B A S T E A D , P a tr ic ia M a r y - A fte r a b rie f illness on S aturday, M ay 11, 2 0 0 2 at the O a k v ille T r a fa lg a r M e m o ria l H o s p ita l. P a tr ic ia ( L in d e y ) b e lo v e d w ife o f J im B astead. D ear m other o f Lindey and her h u sb a n d D ave M c In tyre , J e ffre y and his w ife H eather. S iste r o f B etty A nn S m ith and her husband P eter and the late John L in d e y . L o v in g g ra n d m o th e r o f R ya n , C ris tin , M a tth e w , B re tt, P a trick , J o rd a n , K aitlin , B e n ja m in , N a th a n ie l and th e late B e th a n y . V is it a tio n w a s h e ld a t th e K opriva T a ylo r C o m m u n ity Funeral H om e. 64 L a ke sh o re R oad W est, O a kville , from 3 -5 a n d 7 -9 p m M o n d a y , M a y 13, 2 0 0 2 . Funeral M ass w as held at 1 1am Tuesday, M ay 14, 2002 at St. D om inic Parish, 2415 R e b e c c a S tr e e t, O a k v ille . In te r m e n t T r a fa lg a r L a w n C e m e te r y . In lie u o f flo w e r s , d o n a tio n s m a y b e m a d e to B ethany's H ope Foundation, 14 N orthdale S tre e t, L o n d o n , O N N 6 A 2 X 6 . S p e c ia l thanks to th e nurses on 4 central and Dr. Isaak. : HAIRSTYLISTS: ; Milton & Waterdown ; I »Top pay guaranteed ! j hourly plus j { commission & bonuses | ! *Fun place to work j ` Excellent benefits | package _ I ` Advanced updating I ·Equipment provided 1 »No clientele required ! I · F/T & P/T Positions < Available j · Flexible Work Hours j iW ANTED j Experienced Automotive Salesperson required lor Nissan dealership We offer: Great product line ·Salary + commission C a r allowance ·Great management support CZAPLYNSKY-SAMPSON, Deborah Ann Peacefully after a courageous 7 year battle with cancer, on May 10,2002 at home, surrounded by her family, at age 47. Beloved wife and best friend of Dennis. Loving mother of Christopher and Adam Young, David,1 Michael, Mark and Trisha Sampson. Dearly loved daughter of Nicholas and Helen. Dear sister of Barbara Sparling. Having obtained Honours in her degrees of B.Com., B.Ed. and Masters of Education, culminating in the Hugh W Bryan Award of Honour from the U of T Faculty of Education, Deborah took her love of learning to the Halton District School Board and inspired so many students and faculty with her joy of living, learning and loving. Fondly remembered by her many friends, family, colleagues and students. Friends may call at the NEWEDUK FUNERAL HOME "MISSISSAUGA CHAPEL". 1981 Dundas St. W. (1 block east of Erin Mills Parkway) from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday. Panachyda 7:30p.m. Monday and Tuesday. Funeral Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 10a.m. with Divine Liturgy from St. Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Church, 3625 Cawthra Road, south of Burnhamthorpe Rd. Interment St. Volodymyr Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, remembrances may be made to celebrate Deborah's life to the D.A. Czaplynsky-Sampson Award for Spirit- Fernhill School, 3300 Ninth Line Road, Oakville L6H 7A8. Neweduk Funeral Home 905-828-8000 In Memoriams Memorial Service in memory of FRANCES JOHNSON St. Cuthbert's Anglican Church 1541 Oakhill Drive, Oakville Ont May 18, 2002 at 1:30 pm You offer strong work ethic team player ·good communication skills -willingness to succeed. Call 905-308-6118 Apply in person to Tim Hoogaars © North End Nissan 610 Martin Si. Milton, On. MICHALOWSKI, Stefan- (Former Proprietor of Stefan's Shoe Repair (Kerr St.) and a WWII Veteran) Passed away peacefully at Wawel Villa on Monday May 13,2002 in his 86th year. Dearly loved husband of the late Janina. Father of Krys (Deborah) Michalowski, Tonia (Greg) Walters and Jon (Donna) Michalowski. Jaja to Tyler, Elise, Tasha, Luke, Courtney and step grandchild Chris Dixon. A memorial service will be held at the Kopriva Tayior Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville 11am Friday May 17, 2002. Interment Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations to the charity of choice would be appreciated. Remember w ith a donation 1 -8 8 8 -9 3 9 -3 3 3 3 toll free · 24 hours a day / 7 days a week w w w .c a n c e r .c a Send to: National Bridal Shows |. c/o Premier Consumer Show | j 467 Speers Rd.. Oakville L6K3S4. Fax:905-337-5571 at n i i j H S o c i£ t 6 c a n a d ie n n e d u cancer

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