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Oakville Beaver, 5 Feb 2003, C5

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The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y F e b ru a ry 5, 2003 - C5 T h e Oa k v il l e B e a v e r L A -Z -B O Y g * S o fa s for L e s s ! S o fa s , Chairs and Sectionals of Starting From Uncompromising Quality and Style. A a a a a a H A n Extraordinary Selection v f j f i n UQ TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: 905-632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm ETCl houses (or sale apartments & flats for rent C l a ssif ie d 170 apartments^ flats for rent houses for sale OAKVILLE. Stunning 2-yr old 3-bedroom. 2.5 bath executive home. Hardwood floors throughout, ceramics. 2 fireplaces, familyroom w/ vaulted ceiling, double ga rage $1950/mo. Call Laurice Albert. Assoc. Broker. Re/Max. 905-257-2414 B U RLIN G TO N East 3bedroom detached. 5 ap pliances. Available imme diately. $l450/mo. +utili ties. Call Dennis Wilson. Sales Rep.. Sutton Group Results.. 905-332-4111 B U RLIN G TO N. Court location. 3-bedrooms, ap pliances. c/air. garage, fonced. ceramic/ hardwood main floor. $1550/mo. -futil ities Debbie. 905-332-3542. BURLINGTON. Brant Hills Executive 4-bedrooms. 2storoy. $1500/mo. futilities. Immodiate. Santokh Pooni. Sutton Group. 905-6817900. RENT Alternative. Rent to Own options or 0 Down Program with credit & oamings verification. Ja y Nelligan. Associate Brokor. Re/ Max Escarpm ent Realty. Roaltor. 905-639-5258 email: ucabuy2 «Jhotmail. com SOUTH Burlington- N el son High School area. 3+1 bedroom, 2 full baths. 5 ap pliances, attached garago, now broadloom & hard wood throughout. Available March 1st. $ 1495/mo utilties. Debbie Conacher, 905-333-3500, 905-315-0630 W ALK ER 'S Line/ Upper Middle Rd.- Lovely, im maculate condo. 3 bed room. 2 full baths, ap pliance. fireplace, air ga rage. walk out to patio. Available February 17. $1200 +utilities. Crodit check, no smoking, no large pets 905-335-4800 FALG A RW O O D Areabeautiful 3+1 bodroom bungalow. 4 appliances. February 15th/short term. $2300/mo. No pots/ smok ing. 905-842-1560_________ N.E. Oakville- 4 bedroom, 4 bath. 6 appliances, a/c. c/ v, new carpet, finished basement, double garage. $1975/mo. 905-849-4829 A L DER SH O T bungalowmain floor. 3+1 bedrooms, appliances, fireplace, a/c. parking (2), shed. Mar 1st. $1350/mo. 4 1/2hydro. 905639-3205._________________ C A R L IS L E - 3 bedrooms. 1 bath, gas fireplace. Large lot. Immediate. $1200/mo + utilities. Nice area. 905878-7081.905-332-9881 K IN G SW A Y/ Ford Dr area. 2500 sq.ft., 4-bedrooms, den, main floor w/ fireplace, double garage. $1650/mo. + utilities. Feb./ Mar. 905-847-5095. Exl.51 BRONTE area 2-storey. 4-bedroom, 2.5 bathroom, appliances, famllyroom with fireplace, fenced yard, a/c, double garage. March 1st. $1700'mo. 905-827-0277 BRONTE Harbour: ren ovated 2-storey house, 3bedroom, office, den. en closed porch, 2 baths, 4 appliances. Perfect for work ing couple. $1800 futilities Immediate. 905-827-6283 evgs. 905-827-7800 days. BRONTE: comfortable 4 bedroom home, famlly room with fireplace. 2.5 bathrooms, separate di ningroom, c/a. fenced yard, appliances. Non-smokers. $1550/mo. Im-mediate. Call 1-800-206-6548. C O N D O M INIUM semi, newly renovated. 3-bed room, 1 bathroom, 2 powderrooms, finished base ment. great location. Upper Middle/ Eighth. Feb. 15th. First/ last. $1600 HJtikftes. 905-339-7077 O A K V ILLE: Glen Abbey area. 4-bedrooms, 3 bath room, $2200/mo. Family preferred. Immediate pos session. 905-847-1770 C A · ~ I .. '4 ^ h h ^ in e s ^ u s to r r ^ a b n c ^ ^ ilM U U ' j U Imagine. Genuine La Z-Boy at prices that will Delight you! 1 B u r lin g to n P o w e r C e n tr e * Q E W 8c B r a n t S t. * 9 0 5 - 3 3 1 - 7 6 0 0 Circulation: 905-845-9742 Real Estate 100-135 Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196»Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 BURLINGTON Semi Open concept, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathrooms, gas fireplace, mainflloor laundry, garage. S217.900. 905-331-9897 MARINE PR., OAKVILLE Tastefully renovated 1 & 2 bedroom suites in adult oriented building on lake, neai Lakeshore and East St Controlled access, dishwasher & extra storage available. Courteous 24/7 on-site staff From $899 C a ll 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -9 6 1 6 TORRANCE ST., BURLINGTON ........... ·* ?. Brant -teps to lakeM'H renovated 1. 2 & 3 bedroom suites, considerate 24/7 on-site stafl. controlled access. Close'o schools, shopping & transi: 1.2 & 3 bedrooms Irom $850 C a ll 9 0 5 -6 8 1 -8 5 0 6 CD M EW M EW ., CUM BERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliances · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking WE specialize in Condo minium Sa les & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real E s tate Ltd.. Realtor. (905)333-4347 O FFICE & Storage Com pound 200sqft office & 1/2 acre lit in fenced storage lot for rent. Harvester Rd/ W alkers area. Call John Lease Truck Inc. 905-333* 3307 INDU STR IA L unit. 1450' drive in. reasonable rent. 905-648-2526 I industrial /commercial space Quiet lake-front building, near Appleby Line, dishwashers avail swimming pool, sauna, billiard & paity room, controlled access, a/c, responsive 24/7 on-site stall, renovated 1 .2 & 3 b e d ro o m s Irom $980 C a ll 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -6 9 6 8 EN G A G E M E N T/ wedding ring- custom made. 14ct, pear shaped. l .66ct total Value $7700. Best offer 849-7375 LARGE oak table with 2 leafs and 6 chairs $400 Legacy car CD player for 10 CD`8: $75 905-825-3959 LITTLE Folks maple sloigh cnb. high end model, slightly larger than normal cribs Excellent condition Only 4 years old. Paid $469. selling for $299. Call 905-525-5678 Burlington________________ MOVING Sa le household items (no appliances). Call 905-632-6331. leave message._____________________ PIAN O - mahogany up right player. $1000. Sofa w/love seat. $300. Oak table w/6 chairs & matching hutch. $600 905-8271477 SO FA. Cooper, ivory, down-filled back cushions, good condition. $250. Call 905-335-0411 TEM PUR Swedish mat tress. doublfc. as advertised on T V. 8 weeks old. PaKJ $2050. asking $1500 firm. Scandinavian Toak bed, double w/slats & side ta bles attached & mattross Mint Condition S500 firm. 905-842-8968_____________ B.I.D. AUCTION SERVICES OlTSTAM>l\<; Al CTIOV NOTICE iKWXVmiMi Ml .ST»: MMJ) -DIKHT nil>M I1IK m ix. | ESTAIES · u y i IDAIlOVi - CONSKAMEYIN * IKKSHKIU) nINH IS. ·mm W X> MSTTEi ·COUiCTIBItt · ·G W HTm »^:vu^ra)m rno\' u\lv;K m M ^Jm : ., aims | iHWovDinrmin -iifcniRmu. w m c m t v shiion Coniteniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited O A K V ILLE. 3-bedrooms. 5 appliances. C/A. garage, driveway. $H85/mo. -futili ties. Available Feb.15th. Call Sandy 905-338-7482 BURLINGTON. Lakeshore area. 3-bedrooms, newly renovated. 5 new appliances. $ 1200 /mo. futilities First/last. 2 parking spots. Immodiate. 905-547-8136. BURLINGTO N (Millcreek) 2-bedroom townhouse. 5 appliancos. Available M ar.1st $1350/mo fu tili ties 905-464-4134; 416658-4871. after 6pm I memombuia · s im jrra iB n * viuhjit. savings iampsI 1 · (;r w > ktiih( i kicks · r\s · ovDS^sitraoS'DOUS* ! I C atalogue Sale -Will he m > 1 i! hi drtail w ith no buyers prem ium sb y. P U B L I C A U C T IO N SUNDAY FEB. 9 AT I :t*M (PREVIEW I2:\(K)N) TOE BURLINGTON HOLIDAY INN 3063 SOUTH SERVICE ROAD, BURLINGTON (Vlaidi for Mgnyl LAKESHQR* RD. BURLINGTON Near Brant Street, stunning lake views, dishwashers available, swimming pool, fit ness centre, billiards, card access, near shopping, transit, renovated Bachelor 1. 2 & 3 bedio >:ns Irom $710. C a ll 9 0 5 -3 33 -91 4 1 daycare available EXCE LLEN T home day care has immediate open ings. Trafalgar and Upper Middle area. Receipts and references. 905-842-6341 ECE- Registered home daycare (Guelph Line/ Mountainside) has space available. Infants welcomo. Hot meals, crafts, lots of T.L.C. 905-331-9147 MOTHER of 2 will care for 1 or 2 children (my home). Days, evenings & w ee kends. full-time or part time. Aldershot/ R B G Centre. 905-523-7606 OVER 1000 ITEMS TO BE SOLD NO HI YKKS FKKS OR PRLMIl MS ARRIVE K\RI.Y - IJMfTKl) SKATING Sale to m dudc: Modem & KMatc Jewellery, Estate Coins, collectibles, furniture. Riftware. nostalgia iienis. designer lamps, sports mem orabilia collection, foyer m irror.. I aberpe s h lc collector ef$s. jade desktop globe. TVS. Stereos, cordless phones, com pact disc players, DM) pla\ers. large selection of acccnt furniture, art glass, ' painUngs, signed hockey }erscy>, d o cks, wildlife Iptures, porcelain figurines, A.J. Casson (1898-1992) Original Signature Artworks. Limoges, Tiffany lamps, (irand K iser water fountain. Chinese artifacts collection, im portant collection o f fram ed artworks, sldgh bedroom suite, poster bedroom suite, s o b . Im escal & chair ensem ble. Pioneer 600 watt Imme theatre s>Mem. various dining room suites in cherry; mahogany, oak. Chippendale, Queen Anne and Nostalgia m anners. Tabriz area rugs, room and foyer sizes. Terms: Cash. Visa. MC. Interne as per posted & announced, additions & deletions apply. Information: call 9 0 5 -9 - 1 0 -0 7 1 .1 \ \ \ \ w . p r o a u c t i o n . c o m for mailing list PRIME Burlington office space. 600sq ft ground floor. F-eshly painted. Commerce Court Fairview/ Walkers Line 905-336-1950.________ OAKVILLE Downtown Retail space approx. 1100 sq.ft. w/basement. $1425/ mo.-f utilities; 1400 sq.ft. $1475/mo.+ utilities. 905337-7135._________________ [ | W ] mortgage, loans CALL Sinclair- Cockburn, 905-844-1245 1-yr 4.15; 5yr 5.35. ARM 1.99. Also eq uity mortgage programs, regardless of incom e or credit. APARTMENTS STARTING AT ONLY $875. ONE MONTH FREE!! (on 1-bedroom u n its) Convenient location near GO Stn · Gorgeous views · Indoor pool & sauna · Newly renovated suites · Tenant controlled Heat and A/C · Security · Includes all utilities and cable BEST VALUE! BURLINGTON 1 .IN S 9 L With on-site Maintenance EXECUTIVE PENTHOUSE Spacious executive duplex penthouse, 20th floor spectacular views, private patios, 5 appliances, Amenities included. ROUNDTREE MANOR TO W NHO M ES Across Irom Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925+ 905-639-8583 www.ontim.com BURLINGTON SQUARE 760 Brant St. (at Ghent Ave.) Call us a t 905-639-4677 O AKV ILLE. Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Bachelor, immediate, $780.; 2-bedroom, immodiatem $1040/mo- $1050/ mo.; 3-bedroom. March, $12257mo. (+parking). 905844-9006 BACHELO R apartment available in well main tained Oakville building Commuter's Dream! Easy access to 403, 407 & QEW. $700/mo. 905-845-0987 83 Wilson St.. Oakville South side of Lakeshore. 2-bedroom. 3rd floor, 1 out door parking. March 1st. $900/mo.+ hydro. 905-8450751 FRESH LY painted, hard wood floors! 2 Bedroom apartments available Mar./ Apr. From $949/mo.+ park ing. Clean, quiet. Brant/ Prospect. Near GO & Malls. 905-639-7805 BURLINGTON- 2 bedroom apartment in 4-plex, core area. $750/mo. March 1st. Adult building no smoking/ pets 905-634-3479, leave message.__________________ B U RLIN G TO N. Cosy basement apartment, sep arate entrance, $695/mo. all inclusive, cable, parking, laundry. Mature nonsmoker. 905-632-1036 BURLINGTON near Lake 1-bedroom apartment. 4unit building. $600/mo. + utilities. Suit single nonsmoker. M ar.1st. No pets. References. 905-637-2325. BURLINGTON. 2-bedroom apartment. 5725/mo. utilities included. Immediate/ Mar. 1st. Quiet building, near lake. Call 905-634-8089 (3pm6pm)______________________ B U R L IN G TO N / Brant & Fairview. 1 bdrm, newly renovated apt. Close to GO & malls. New appliances & free parking. Immediate 905-634-2495____________ BURLINGTON: 2 bedroom condo unit. Second floor, quiet building, spacious, immaculate, great location; New St /Guelph Line. New carpets, freshly painted, utilities, parking included. $ 1000/mo Available immed iately. No pets. Appointments 905-634-1047______________ B U RLIN G TO N, available Mar/lst, Upper Middle/ Guelph Line area. Bright lower level 2 -bedroom apartment, newly renovat ed. Suitable for profession als. C/A, dishwasher, whirl pool tub, cable, laundry room, parking. No smoking or pets. First/ last. Refer ences. $950/mo. inclusive. 905-331-8617 O AKVILLE spacious re furbished bachelor 1 and 2 bedroom available minutes from Q E W . GO Station, shopping, dining. Utilities included. Please call 905845-7545 to inquire about our limited time rental in centive. DOW NTOW N Burlington 2-Bedroom apartment. 1 Parking. Available Mar. 1st. S926/mo. inclusive. Call or leave message. 905-3357929 ________ DOW NTOW N Oakville. Lakeshore. Large 1-bedroom loft, private deck. C/A, $1250/mo.+, Feb. 1st. Tho mas. 905-842-9275. 416997-0687 SPACIO US 1.2&3 Be d rooms. Freshly painted, bright. Competitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. 905-333-9846, Noon-8pm_________________ 1A2-BR S U IT E S . Hydro included. Across from Bur lington Mall Mature ten ants. Princess. 905-639* 8009 Reoencv 905-681-8115 W ATERDOW N:John St. Walk to Everything. New Appliances, New Windows. Comp. Reno. 1. 2& 3 Bdrms starting at $770. Util. Incl. (905)689-1647. 905-690-4454 1-BEDROOM includes heat, parking, 2 appliances, freshly painted, clean quiet building. 905-634-4178 905-634-6253 PLAINS Road (Burling ton). 2 -bedroom. small, renovated building. Park ing, laundry. Security. Im mediate/ Mar. $787/mo. + hydro. 905-631-7368. ALDER SH O T (west Bu r lington) newly renovated bachelor with full kitchen, available immediately. $625+hydro 905-633-8547 SUBLET 2-bedroom, Mar.1O ct.lst., Prospect/ Brant. Spacious, bright, top floor, 8storey building. S949/mo. Reduced to $849/mo. for remainder of lease. 905632-9289, 905-920-3142 BRIG HT Bachelor with kitchen. Quiet neighborhood, no-smoking/pets, utilities included, laundry, parking. Available March 1st. $65Q/mo. 905-634-4805 795 Oynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Properly Mgmt LUXURY 3-4 bedroom townhouses. familyroom. basement, backyard. From $1099-f parking & hydro. 905-639-0950 C H ILDC ARE for 5yrs & 11 yrs. at your place for Tues. Thurs. alternate friday's W est Oak area. 905-847-6222_____________ C H ILDC ARE needed in our Waterdown home 3 days/ week 1 pre-schooler, 1 school age. Experience and references required. 905-690-4387 BEFORE/ after school care for 2 girts. 10 and 7. prefer ably in our home, March to June. Upper Middle/ Third Line. 905-847-0358 Cl l e i articles wanted OOOO v W A N TE D - All China. S il ver. Crystal. Tea Cups. Royal Doulton. Swarovski. Glass. Jewellery, old toys, collectibles, estates. Call John/Tracy. 905-331-2477 TEAK furniture, teak di ningroom sot. retro or mod ern furniture wanted. Call 905-387-9087_____________ I_____________ _________ I HEART of Bronte. 50 East St.. close to lake/ Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom, im mediate/ April. $975/mo.; 2bedroom. Immediate. $1095/mo. (sparking) 90S825-0816 2-BEDRO O M clean quiet building near R B G . Great view, very reasonable. 905522-3362 1-bedroom $795, 2-bed room $885; hydro, park ing extra 80 Speers Rd Oakville. Speers & Kerr. 905-842-0565 1-BEDRO O M large b ase ment apartment, imme diate. $750 including utili ties. Ford Drive/ Kingsway area. No smoking/ pets 905-829-2486 2-BEDROOM basement apt Sixth Line/ Upper Middle. No pets, non-smoker, sep arate entrance. 1 parking. 905-829-2486______________ V f J furnished rentals BU RLIN GTO N Highrise Furnished, large, attractive 2 -bedroom available im mediately/ Feb. 1st. Heat/ hydro included. $1077./mo. No pets. 905-632-0961 T R A V E LS U IT E S .N E T ... Log on! 'N ew " Corporate Luxury Accommodations. 1-4 bedrooms/ baths. All amenities. 50++ locations. Daily. W eekly. Monthly. From $44.95* per night. (Visa MasterCard/ AmEx). Leave mess: 905-681-7355 BURLINGTO N Lakeshore Executive 1-bedroom, beautifully furnished and equipped. Sl450./mo. Im mediate. No pets/ smoking. L.D avies R .E .. 905-3334347 EX EC U TIVE residence, small building, close to all amenities. Available imme diately. From $1499/mo 416-948-9715______________ FU R N ISH ED Burlington Luxury 1&2 bedroom pres tigious condos. From $1299/mo. 24-hr: security. Immediate. 905-632-8354; 905-632-6189 _____________ STUCK between homes? Beautifully furnished ups cale townhouses! Oakville/ Burlington. Daily, weekly, monthly. From $99/day 905-616-3667 www fumishedcorporaterentals.com LARGE 1-bedroom + den, near lake (Bronte) Heat, hydro, laundry, parking in cluded. Immediate. 905827-9153. LARGE 28.3 bdrm, newly renovated suites, pool & amenities. Short/ Long term leases available. Very reasonable price. Close to Sheridan College. Please call 905-842-8338 PRIME Oowntown Bur lington, Upgraded building. 1.2&3 Bedroom Suites. New windows. Scenic views. 478 Pearl. 905-6321643; 477 Elizabeth. 905634-9374 NORTH Oakville condo3 bedroom. 2 bathrooms, FP. available February 02/ 03 Underground parking. $1550/mo, all inclusive. Long term preferred, adult building. 905-332-6085 NEWLY renovated, freshly painted! 1&3 Bedroom,s Feb.1st. 1363 Lakeshore, Burlington across from Spencer Smith Park, 905637-8431. 7-days, 9am-6pm, (Ring Apt. #101) Oakville 2 & 3 Bedroom Suites Low Rise Condos Wall to Woll Carpet Vertical Blinds Balconies or Patios 5 Appliances Open House Mon.-Wed.-Fri. 10-4 & Sat.-Sun, 10-2 GEORGIAN COURT ESTATES 611 Surrey Lane. Burl. Immaculate 2&3BRs. with lull basements! Utilities included. Rental Incentive Tel: 905-632-8547 Pilgrams Way 905-847-5043 Glen Abbey 905-825-3327 2-BEDRO O M S: S870./ mo. (Utilities included). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11am-7pm, Mon.-Sat. 905639^5761 > ___ U N IQ U E park-like setting, beautiful gardens, backing onto Tyandaga Golf Course. 2-bedrooms. 3*-appliances Quiet lowrise. Mature tenants. Attentive on-site staff. Suit executive/ single/ couple. $1025/mo.+ parking. Immedate/ Feb. 905-336-6379._____________ 2-BEDRO O M Apartment Available Immed./ March/ April, from $895./mo. Con veniently located Wood ward/ Guelph Line. Burling ton 905-632-4265 1&2 bedrooms available Starting at $875/mo. +parking. Indoor pool, sauna. Ravine setting. QEW/ Tra falgar area. 905-844-1106 1&3-B EDR O O M a vail able Feb/Mar/1st, 3020 Glencrest Rd. Burlington S845/mo. 905-632-0129 MATURE non-smoking · W ANTED Black Mink & caregiver required for my 9 large fur coats, any colour month old son, In our Will pay cash!- 905-633home. Full time position 7531 commencing March 31, 2003 Own transportation CfClIl firewood necessary. Please fax or email resume/ qualifica G UAR AN TEE D dry 100% tions with salary expecta hardwood. Properly sea tions to: 905-829-0045 soned. Ontario's largest pfiugbeilCcogecoca Firewood retail. Marc's Quality Firewood. 905-257babysitting 6366 B A B YSITTER required occasionally in my home. Upper Middle/ Dorval area. 3 children, ages. 8.9&2. Students welcome. 905847-9464 Medical & 1 Dental Reception Courses ·CERTIFIED ·COMPUTERIZED HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE 905 · 6 3 7 · 3 4 1 5 FURNISHED room in modem townhouse, Appleby/ Upper Middle. Immediate: $450/ mo.; or share facilities: S650/mo. First/ last. References. 905-335-0423 N .B U R L IN G TO N New condo. 1 bdrm fprivate bath. $500/mo. Inclusive. Access to gym. 905-319- 9119 FU RN ISH ED bedroom, utilities, cable & parking in cluded. $400/mo. Francis Rd.. Burlington. Call Mike. 905-632-4694 QEW/ Walkers. Burlington. Large room, $500/mo. Share kitchen/ laundry. Phone not included. March 1st. 905-332-5859. B R IG HT nicely furnished basement room, kitchen ette, private bath, suit non smoking individual, no pets, separate entrance, no bus access. $625/mo. First/ last. 905-257-1560 OAKVILLE: Attractive room, garden view, furnished, utilities, parking, laundry, cable. S450. Mall, library, buses 905-616-2330 PEACH faced love birds6 months old. +cage & stand $50. 905-681-8251 Call after 5pm The Oakville Beaver Circulation Dept, is currently looking for a Part Time Driver. 10-15 hours per week. Applicants must: have a good knowledge of Oakville ·have their own reliable vehicle >have a valid driver's licence P le a se send your resume and availability schedule to: Alex Calhoun @ acalhoun@ oakvitlebeaver.com or by fax. 905-337-5557 IN-HOME tutoring improve confidence, academics, thinking skills for next year. Preschool to Grade 5 905315-9769 TEACHERS College student available for tutoring elementary grades and High School English students. 905-331-3318 1993 Mercury Grand Mar quis. Excellent condition. 8 Florida winters! E-tested. certified. $4900/obo. days. 905-639-7666; evenings. 905-333-0274______________ 1998 BM W 328IS 74.km black on black Immaculate $26,900 Call 905-2573953 1992 Sunbird S E - 4dr.. auto, air, pw, pd, CD. Certi fied. E-tested. A-1 shape. $300Q/obo 905-847-2126 1996 Plymouth Voyager L E blue, 2-sllding side doors, 2-bench seats, regularly maintained, ex cellent condition, 129,000kms.. $9,000 obo. 905-844-2066 2000 Honda Odyssey LX, dark green. 72,km. great shape $25,500 905-2573953______________________ 1994 Acura Integra- green. 4 door, auto. ABS. a/c, power windows, power sunroof $8500. Call 905-465-0824 2000 Chrysler 300M. mint condition, 84K. slate grey, beige leather interior, ask ing $17,999 obo. 905S I 0-5329 Space... Space... -I- More Space! Eat-in kitchens Big closets Super size balconies Beautiful views BED, single, brass head board, complete, excellent condition, cash S95. Call 905-631 -0706._____________ DRYER- Electric. Excel lent condition. $100 Firm. 905-335-2059 general help wanted general help wanted SCHOOL AGE CHILD CARE SUPERVISORS Responsibte/nexible individuals required to wort in our before and after (split shifts) sthool age child tare programs in the Hamilton/Burlington area schools. Programs provide are for children aged 5 to 12 years, before and after school, on PA days. Chnstmas holidays and March Break. Requirements: Must be 18 years of age & have previous coaching/supervisory experience, ie. Lunch room Supervisor, girt guide/boy scout leader, sports coach. 1 & 2 BEDROOMS IN OAKVILLE from only $835.! 905-844-2646 No appt. necessary TYAND AGA Terrace Apartments, Burlington. Freshly decorated (1&2 storey) 2 -bedroom apartmenis with w/o to private cedar patio. Situated on private, park-like grounds at 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr., 905-336-0016; and. 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr., 905-336- i t 7*r i t -fc NEW LYRenovatedfor rent 1. 2 & 3 bdrm. apart ments. Close to all ameni ties. $1150 to $1390./mo inclusive. Parking extra. Im mediate occupancy. 205 Queen Mary Drive 905844-9670__________________ 174 Felan Ave.. Oakville 1 bedroom $700/mo. +hydro. Available Mar. 1st. Parking. Call 416-407-3556 or 905338-1216 GUELPH Line/ Q EW - 1 bedroom apartment avail able March 1st. S800/mo, newer kitchen & applianc es. 416-948-9715 GUELPH Lne QEW Large 2 bedroom apartment available March 1st. Small building, recently renovated. $ 1010 / mo. 416-948-9715 CANADIANA. Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1.2&3 bedrooms available imme diately/ March. 5220 Lakeshore, Burlington. 905-632-5486. A king pillow-top mattress set with frame. New in plastic. Cost $1599. Sacri fice $650. 905-567-9459 ANTIQUE apt.-size dining set; sideboard; bedroom sets; cedar chest; 8-pce. Kaufman diningroom suite walnut; great condition. & more! 905-849-8682 A N TIQ U ES, rustic & painted furniture. Dressers, jam cupboards, etc. M a hogany sleigh bed super single. $350. Pickets & Primrose. 300 Main Street. Milton 905-878-4747 A P PLIA N C E S- Washer/ dryer. Fridge/ Stove, excel lent condition. Will sepa rate. Also brand new Pana sonic DVD player top of the line. 905-335-2059 _____ BE A U TIFU L Oak dinning set. 9 piece. Paid $4000, asking $1500 obo. 905632-0123| 905-637-3599 BED, queen pillow-top mattress, box, frame. Never used. Still packaged. Cost $1,025. Sell $450. 905567-4042 BEDROOM set. 8-pce, cherrywood. Bed. chest, tri dresser, mirror, night stands, dovetail construc tion. Never opened, in box es. Cost $9,000. Sacrifice $2800. 905-567-9459 BEDS, New. Double. $220; Queen. $240. Com plete w/frame. Futons. Free Delivery. Refurbished VCRs, 17-25' colour TVs. portable CD players. 905681-9496. C A R P ET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster 8 100% nylon car pet. Will do livingroom & hall for $389. Includes car pet. pad & installation (30 yards). Steve. (905)6392902 CLEA R -O U T Sale! All very reasonable. 2 profes sional drafting tables 1 with Vemco drafting machine; Commercial grade execu tive desk set, Taupe and Unshaped reception desk. 1-Roland pen plotter. Dslze; Ikea pine student desk; Pool table; out board motor. 45Hp, mercury. 905631-7988 COMPAQ Pentium Laptop computer- New Lexmark X-75, all in one. new 3 in 1 Webcam. Microphone, Windows XP. 2002 Norton Antivirus. U S B Ports. Opti cal mouse $1250. 905336-2671 CRIB /mattress (maple) $120; chest of drawers complete with mirror and end-table $100; microwave $40. 905-338-9797_________ DINING set: solid oak oval pedestal table. 2-leaves, six Windsor chairs $1100 905319-9636 Leave message DININ G R O O M . 13-pce. cherrywood. double ped estal. 8 chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail con struction. Still in boxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrifice $^000. 416-746-0995 DRUMS- (CB) 7 piece set. Excellent condition. $400 obo. 905-690-4784 Call after 5:30pm BURLOAK- Clean town house to share. Laundry. A/C. parking. $450/mo. in clusive. Call 905-681-6262. AP PLE B Y / New St , Bu r lington. Quiet, non-smok ing. easy going house to share. $420/mo. inclusive. 905-637-7345. G UELPH Line/ New Street- Bright, furnished bedroom Share all facili ties. Parking Prefer working lady. 905-637-6120 3 Private furnished rooms one w/FP. share rest of house Suitable for mature adult. $750/mo. inclusive. Non-smoking/ pets. Glen Abbey Available imme diately 905-469-1869 B v C K l snowmobiles S N O W M O B IL E - 99 P o laris XC700 sp.'2600km. mint condition. 03 trail per mit, lot's of extras. $4700/ obo, double galv. trailer included. 905-334-1290 cell. lost & found FOUND silver bracelet at Mapleview Mall in parking lot. Call to identify. 905631-5341 FOUND: Calico, female, young. Upper Middle/ Ap pleby Line. We call ' Pink ie" 905-637-7325. m shared accommodation E C E .C h ild I Youth o <Recreation d iplom a applicants w elco m e. * Training Available. Q Q 15__________________ CENTRALLY located, wellmaintained, spacious 1&2 Bedrooms. Must see to appreciate. 3055 Glencrest Road. Burlington, 905-6373921______ DOWNTOWN Burlington. 1275 Elgin Street. Avail able March: 2-Bedroom; 3bedroom penthouse. Freshly decorated, spacious, well maintained & quiet with upgraded fire alarm system for safe highrise living. Call 905-637-0321 NORTHSHORE Towers, Feb.- Apr.- May. 1&2 bed rooms from $732/mo. (+ S33. parking). Utilities in cluded. No Pets. Quiet Building. Diane. 9am-7pm. 905-681-1307* Burlington FREE First Month with ap» proved credit! Georgian Apartments. 1.2&3 Be d rooms. Dec./ Jan./ Feb. Heat/ hydro included. Park ing extra. (No pets) Bur lington. 905-639-0456, M-F; 9am-4pm. 6:30-8pm QUIET building. Bronte/ Lakeshore area. Large 1bedroom. S865. available M ar.1st. Heat, hydro & parking included. Close to everything. Call Steve, 905827-6783 STEPS from downtown Oakville. "Devonshire Apartments" Great lake views. 1-bedroom, April. $925; 2-bedroom, March. $1250./mo. Utilities/ park ing included. Quiet build ing. wheelchair accessible. 905-844-1934_____________ EXTRA large 1&2 bedroom newly renovated suites. Available immediately for short & long-term leases. C/air, pool & amenities nearby, close to Sheridan College. 905-815-1628 TYANDAGA South- Bright above ground windows, basement apartment. Large master bedroom, walk-in closet, den. large livingroom, eat-in kitchen. Bl dishwasher, in-ground pool, storage.a/c, shared laundry,non-smokers, suitable for couple/ mature adult, small pets/no dogs. S875/mo shared utilities, references Feb.1. 905-3199075 ________ ____ BRIGHT, spacious 2-BR apartment in prestige area of Burlington Many ameni ties included. Available Mar 1st 905-332-8979 LAKESHO RE/ Maple 1bedroom. April. $875/mo. 2 -bedroom, immediate, from $950.; 3-bedroom, im mediate, from $1150. Parktog extra. Heat/ hydro in cluded Lakefront view. In door pool Bus stops at door. Near Mapjeview/ hospital. Great highway access 905-632-5258 OAKVILLE- Kerr/Lakeshore. 2 -bedroom on ground floor, fridge, stove, basement $850/mo.+ Albert McDonagh Ltd. 905-632-5690 BU RLIN GTO N n ew 2bedroom, main level of du plex. 1-bath, garage, walk out to large yard. 5-ap pliances, all utilities Includ ing cable. $1350/mo. Mar. 1st 905-319-8698 1997 Pathfinder LE V6 auto., loaded. 64.000 kms., sunroof, CD, certified. Etested. $16,950. Call 905331-6219. Resumes to Karen W estwick: 500 Drury Lane. B urlington, ON L7R 2X2 Tel: 905-632-5000 X6261 Fax: 905-333-1767 e-m ail: karenjw estw ick@ ym ca.ca BRAND New 1 Available Feb. 15. 3 bdrm, 2.5 baths. I400sqft. Great location. Close to Hwy's, Tansley rec. center, shopping. Near W alkers Line & South of Upper Middle. $1600/mo. Non-smoker/ pets. 905331-7450 ___________ NEW large Executive townhome, BronteWoods. Bur lington. 3-bedrooms. 2.5 baths, 3 appliances, A/C, garage. $1350/mo. + 905319-3838__________________ BRANT/ Q EW . Burlington. 3-bedroom end unit town house condo in great com plex! Finished basement, 1 1/2 baths. 5 appliances, C/ A, fireplace, garage, fenced rear, near GO. $1225/mo.+ utilities. Feb. 1st; also available- 3-bedroom with un finished basement, $ 1100 ./ mo. Warren Hill, Trafalgar Property Management. 905-338-1130 BURLINGTON 2-bedroom available April. Park-like setting. 3 appliances. 1.5 baths. One outside parking. Near schools, shopping. 905333-1190. BU RLIN GTO N Tanning Spa requires permanent fulltime staff between Bur lington & Milton locations. Flexible hours. Salary + commission. Fun environ ment. Car necessary. Fax resume. 905-319-5955 FO RTINO 'S - Waterdown Now Hiring PIT Natural Foods Clerk. Must be avail able days, evenings & weekends. Knowledge of organics and health sup plements an asset. Fax re sume to Michelle Griep: 905-690-2660 or drop oft at 115 Hamilton St.N.. Waterdown CAR Rental Jockey (Wash, vacuum, drive) Fulltime. Clean driving record, hon est, punctual Oakville Call 905-337-9373__________ A New Career in 200311 Herbal Magic Oakville has expanded. 3 positions available immediately. Ba sic health knowledge an asset, or will train the right candidates. Suits outgo ing, personable individual. Call 905-469-4532__________ BAY Portrait Studio, Bur lington. In-store promo. Earn great $$$! Flexible hours. We train. Call 905634-1799. I general help wanted Y YM CA W r b u ild t u o r ig kJili. i i r o n g fam jliei t iio r ig c o m m u n itie s Beautiful Lakefront 5348 Lakeshore 1 & 2 Bedroom Avail. Immed./Feb. Quiet building. New appliances. Laundry on each lloor. Parking. W ATERD O W N - New 1bedroom with den, 10 ft ceilings, 5-appliances. 2parking. storage, Available immediately. 905-524-4960 BURLINGTON North con do with ravine view- a must see! 1-bedroom + Den Feb. 1st. First/ last. Popular location. $895/mo.+ utili ties. 905-319-3057 2-BEDROOM unit, 1100sq.lt. Clean quiet building. A/C, 5appliances. parking at door. Bronte location, no/pets. $975/mo ^utilities Call evenings 905-842-1738 I houses for rent RURAL Executive Rental. Beautiful ranch bungalow with acreage in desirable rural setting, 2 car attached garage. Inground swim ming pool, spa room and much more. $2100 +utilities. References required. Call Kerr Realty Management Ltd. at 905-876-0407____________ O A K V IL L E (Hwy 25. North of Dundas) 2 bed rooms. large lot. Immediate. $950/mo + utilities. Call Kevin 905-825-3535 CE NTR AL Oakville. R iv erside Dr. Large bungalow. A/C, FP. new floors, paint, carpet. Apr./1st $2500/mo 905-849-8027 NEW / Appleby Line. Avail able April/1 st. 2-bedroom house on large lot. 1-car garage. $1450/mo. includes heat/ hydro. Non-smoker, no pets 905-825-5842 SUPERCENTRE- Split-level. 1.5 baths, garage, fireplace, famllyroom. $1360/mo.; Downtown Burlington- 2bedroom bungalow, recroom S995/mo.; Off Guelph Llne3-bedroom townhouse, 1.5 baths, rec-room. balcony $1030/mo. Albert McDonagh Ltd905-632-5690 W ATERD O W N - 3 bdrm, 2.5 baths. C/A. finished basement, no pets. Mar.1. $1200/mo. +utilities. 905637-5403 I condominiums for rent A C T O R S / M O D E LS Spring 2003 lilming requires many new laces. S tarQ u e st M o d e l & T a le n t S e a rc h is scouting all looks, shapes & sizes (newborn to senior) for TV Commercials, Catalogues, Movies Etc (no experience required) Info & audition sessions to be held in OAKVILLE: Friday February 7th @ The Holiday Inn Express 2525 W yecroftRd. Audition lee ot $39 + GST. (includes photo) is relunded if you do not qualify. Please attend anytime between 5:30-8:00pm Call 9am-5pm: 905-639-3301 O A KVILLE: 190 Kerr. 31 Rebecca. Renovated, Large suites. Walk to everything New security system. 18.2 bedrooms from S845/mo. 905-845-1777 OLD Oakville. Beautifully maintained, very clean, quiet building downtown. Step out to shops. 1-bed room from $985./mo; 2bedroom from $1185./mo. No lease. 905-845-8254 (leave message) O A K V IL L E Downtown near Kerr/ Lakeshore. Ren ovated 2 -bedroom in quiet adult apartment building First months free! Large bright unit. $800/mo (park ing included) Available Feb/1 st. or march/1st 905277-4728 O A K V ILLE- 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large Renovated 1&2Bdrm. New appliances, windows. From S845./mo 905-844-5474 O AKVILLE Downtown March Large 2 bedroom in clean quiet building $1080/ mo. inclusive. 416-8140620 O AKVILLE Downtown- 2 storey apartments: 3-bedroom+ den. $1525/mo; 2bedroom, $1190/mo. (util ities/ parking included). Call 905-337-7135 O AKV ILLE, Bronte 2bedroom, Apr.lst or earlier, $1050/mo. includes heat, hydro, parking, locker. Small quiet building. 905827-8228. 2 great 2yr olds need a live-in nanny Monday-Friday in Burlington home. References. Call 905-6818931______________________ FILIPINA Nannies, live-in/ out available. No Fee to Employers. P lease call Amah Intl. 416-221-3303 FU LL-TIM E Nanny (ex perienced) required live-in/ out, Start a.s.a.p. Light housekeeping, Burlington. 905-319-9681. LIVE-IN Certified overseas Philipina nannies/ elder care/ physically challenged. Minimum wage, no fee to Employer. O EA 416-6996931 _______ RE SPO N SIB LE experi enced Nanny required for 1-yr. old girl, my home/ yours. Shift worker. Bronte. 905-469-6679 Carlisle Golf & Country Club & Century Pines Golf Club Now accepting applications for the following positions: QUIET FAMILY LIVING! 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) Ground's Crew Maintenance Waitstaff, Bartenders, Cooks, Pro Shop, Halfway Counter Apply in person to: 3-BEDROOMS $9997mo.+ JOBS AVAILABLE Production work in the MILTON area. S11-$12/hr. All shifts available. Fax resume to: 523 Carlisle Rd., Carlisle, Ontario or Fax resume to: 905-689-2249 REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY · FULLTIME 1 -1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, lull basement. 905-639-9212 NEW Renovations- Avail able March. 3-bedrooms, parking. No basement. S950/mo. +utllitles. North Burlington. 905-319-9104. GUELPH Line/ Upper Middle. 2 -bedrooms, fridge, stove. $800/mo. +utilities. first/ last. Available April/1 st No pets 905-336-7901. Please call 9am-6pm. O A K V IL L E - 2.3&4 Be d room townhouses available March- April. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management. 905-876-3336_______________* O A K V ILLE North 3-bed room family unit, includes stove, fridge. 1-basic cable outlet, unfinished b ase ment. 1-car garage. $1050/ mo- $1097/mo. +utilities. 905-842-8353 leave mes sage WASHBAY PERSON Mature, reliable individual with a valid Ontario driver's licence & good driving record need only apply. (No calls please). Deliver resume in person to: Dayna Yesford HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 EASE into the workforce with MAD S C IE N C E ! $20 to $25/hour class We are looking for dependable and Outgoing Individuals who have experience working with children and have a car. Email resume to: hamllton@madscience.on.ca Fax: 905-526-0700_________ G IFTW ARE Assembler F/ T & 1 General Labourer re quired for a Burlington company. SlO/hr Fax resume to John 905-338-3906 TIRED of rush hour trafficWork from home using your PC Earn $25-$75/hr. PT/ FT. Visit www.2bfreeforever. com B U D D S' S A T U R N 507 Speers R d ., Oakville M O TH ER 'S helper want ed for 3 years old boy & 6 month old girl. Light house cleaning & some meals. Flexible hours. Referenc es Burlington. 905-3198865 Vehicle Inspectors & Drivers Required for Toronto Auto Auction Factory Sales Department. Valid drivers license needed. Full time outside work. C H ILD C A R E available in S.Burlington home. Loving playful environment. Nutri tious meals & snacks. First air/CPR 905-633-9118. Apply to John Parm 905-875-2915 ext. 2248 Fax 905-875-3219

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