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Oakville Beaver, 20 Mar 2002, C2

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C2 - The O akville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y M a rc h 20 , 2 0 0 2 Volunteers needed for MS walk The Halton chapter o f the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ontario (Halton MS Society) will hold its third annual Super Cities Walk for MS on April 21. starting and finishing at Oaklands Regional Centre. This year's goal is SI80.1XX). Registrations are currently being accepted, entertainment has been arranged, logistics are being finalized and organizers are excit ed. reports Theresa Toner-Burke. volunteer Super Cities Walk co ordinator. This year's Honourary Chairs are Bob Decker, top fundraiser, and Mayor Ann Mulvale. Volunteers are required to work three to four hours, morning or afternoon, on April 2 0 and 21 to get things organized. Duties will include helping with breakfast, the luncheon bar becue, form a Finish Line Cheering Section, and bag distrib utors. If interested in helping, call Theresa Toner-Burke at 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 7744. T he H alton M S society recently received a cheque for m ore than $4,IMM) from O akville T ra falg a r High School funds raised from a student auction and a donation from cafeteria staff. Shown at front front from left are Dan Valley O T H S student council vicepresident; Jo a n G allagher, chair, and D iane M arch ese (holding d a u g h te r C h ristin a), directo rs, MS Society, and M ichelle S to ck still, O T H S stu d en t council president. Shown at back from left are cafeteria sta ff Bonnie K ersten, Ja n e Yule. Jack ie M acD onald. Anita Z apfe. and C arso n W ebster. Riziero Vertolli · Oakville Beaver Dining ABBEY ARMS Pub Restaurant rC B I U $ T A L R . l* T r a » Entertainm ent IJ eAS F ii., M ar. 29 Sat, M ar. 30 Sun., M ar. 3 1 OAKVILLE' S BEST KEPT SECRET! Saturday, March 2), 9:00 p.m. (top 4 0 's music) Celebration! Now's the time to make plans to celebrate EASTER with PHILTHY'S MCNA2TY2I Make it an Easter to remember for your children! Book T0DAY1 Midtown" Saturday, March ) 0 , 9:00 p.m. "Barrelhouse Blues Band" Join u s for a traditional roast b e e f dinner w ith all the trim m ings plus d essert Join us between 5 and 10pm for a family style Philthy McNasty's celebration including .CHOICE OF ENTREES. 1/2 HR. FREE POOL 2 FREE VI0E0 GAMES AN0 A SPECIAL EASTER PARTY FOR THE KIDS (kkfc bctor (M ckagec *fo all torved with cfoiro of pop. juieo or m tQ cjnd lock doewt) KIDS EASTER MENU STEAK & FRIES PARENT FOOD fndudes~i choke is id iC t e s a r S M a Soy/de J a r per person, cottee or tea and is \ 3 special t m l i Cudtuy tester Creme Egg) Every Sunday 2:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Join us every Wednesday after 9:00 p.m. A choice 6o i striploin cooked to otic* and csrvod with out steak-cut fries, j g g t j 12oi. NY SIRLOIN KIDS PLATTER A tantalising assortment of chicken fingers, chicken w ing s and fam ous pagos served with fries $ 7 9 5 $21.95 CHICKEN & RIB COMBO for "WINGS 35C" each Eat-in Only $21.95 CHICKEN & SHRIMP PASTA KIDS WING DING Six of our large, tasty chicken wings with mild BBQ sauce and a big fowl of fttnch fries g j 481 North Service Rd. West at 4th Line $18.99 905 825-1109 210 North Service Rd. West, Oakville Town Centre I OAKVILLE 905-844-8703 @T A S rVV t/S yj Friday Sundays to Thursday SG & 9 RESTAURANT Having An Affair? We hate Banquet & Meeting Facilities fo r up to 200 people. Perfect for Wedding Receptions. Rehearsal Ditvien. Bridal Showers, Family Reunions, Holiday Parties Special Occasions EXTRAORDINARY W EEKD AY LUN CH M EN U from only Featuring our Special of the Day including Homemade Soup or Siilad. S ' choice of 2 wonderful Main Gxirees served with Vegetable 6c Potato for only $7.95 t o w n e b k i a u r a FORMERLY 1st CHOICE KITCHEN A ll Y o u C a n C a t C h in e s e B u ffe t Sunday ^ L U N C H B U F F E T 111.30 a.m. to 2 3 0 p.m.) Monday to Saturday i P I N N E R B U F F E T 1 5 . 0 0 p.m. to 8 : 3 0 p.m.9 Friday to Saturday $ 1 4 9 $ 3 Holidays I* 1/2 P ric e for children u n de r 12. 1 0 % O F F for seniors 1-3 y e a rs are Free] Buffet ta k e -o u t available FREE BUFFET O N YOUR WRTHTAV? HV. is nqukrd' BU FFET O V E R TO IT E M S March Special... Every Tuesday LADIES EA T FO R 1/2 PRICE 10% OFF FREE DELIVERY On all Pick-Up Orders Over $20.00 Before Taxes (Noc applicable for set dinners) O rders Over $ 18.00 (Before Ta) $2.95 Delivery Charge if under (Limited area only) (a t M 649 Fourth Line Speers Rd.) Oakville Exotic Charm and Savory Cuisine at Agabi B y P a u la H e n riq u e s Advertising Feature His heart is in his food. He works diligently and quietly, his hands a slave to the kitchen, and the art o f cooking in his soul. Agabi M editerranean Restaurant ow ner Essam Farag knows Middle Eastern cuisine and prepares each meal to perfection. Voted Best G reek/M editerranean R estaurant in the THERE' S AND THEN Oakville B eaver's R eader's Selection Awards, it's easy to see why when you visit Agabi. Its clean and cozy atm osphere mixed with historical artifacts give it an exotic charm. Egyptian papyrus paintings, each depicting its own ancient tale, adorn the walls, personally brought from back from Essam 's native Egypt. Egyptian music serenades you as you dine, giving you a truly authentic meditteranean experience. W hatever your fancy: Greek, Lebanese or Egyptian, Essam prepares your meals in an open concept kitchen, for a truly fresh and healthy lunch or dinner. A must try is his best selling Chicken Shawarma. The thin sliced chicken is slowly roasted, then lightly grilled. The menu is vegetarian friendly offering exotic and flavorbursting items like the Assorted Vegetarian A ppetizer - a plat ter filled with tabule, humm os, baba ganosh. and tom ato feta. Try the Soup o f the Day, freshly prepared meditteranean f f l *S0(JVLM(l 'SHAWARMA ` fALATEL 'TABOUU ·BEEfKOflA *GREEKSALAD| ·SHASHLIK b MUCH MORE! THERE'S ftUPi F@©0 > T *e R<U>e A tA .T tv 't Bronte. 119 Jones St. (905) 465-0571 Oakville. 142 Lakeshore Rd. E. (905) 844-3334 www.rudenative.com ExperiencetxraiittienticttaliancuisffieinanelegaTtatniospherav: Dance Floor, Upscale Pool Tables, Cigar Lounge L u n ch Specials s ta rtin g s6 95 0 /9 5 J jl M o n d a y - S a tu rd a y D i n n e r s p e c ia l t o r 2 ' · Easter Buffet Brunch 11:30 a.m.-230 p.m. | Reservations only *24.95 · Spring Dinner & Dance April 6th, call for tickets.* Every Friday Live Entertainment with Frank Rondell Tribute to the Legends of American Pop Music style, to beat w inter's chill. Agabi means love in the old Egyptian language, and it cer tainly holds true for Essam 's savory cuisine. The menu items are reasonably priced, making it affordable for both lunch and dinner gatherings, or if you prefer, take-out. The restaurant is also available for functions. Agabi is located on 134 Lakeshore Rd., (with free parking!). 905-338-1888. Restaurant & TAKE-OUT · DINE-IN MEDITERRANEAN RESTAURANT Book NowFor Communions, Weddings & AHYour Special Functions' 4 0 7S p e e r sR d ., # 4 , 134 Lakeshore Rd.W. Oakville 905 .338.1888 OPEN Mon.-Thurs. 11-11, Fri.-Sat. 11-11:30 a*38fi Oakvilie. (9 0 5 )8 1 5 9 6 8 9 www.elitefestunflLcom f r f . 1 5 i! i h - i3 If Lounge

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