The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday A p ril 10, 2002 - C5 IE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE N EW I need a quality printer w ho can get the jo b done. W h o should I call? P hoto & Video C a m e ra s & A c c e s s o r ie s · D igita l C a m era s & A c c e s s o r ie s · Q uality P hoto F in ish in g ter of Commerce E-mail: many jiv social benefits. They have more time for i | families, reduce traffic congestion their and reduce their stress levels and mroe. Oakville's business community offers a wide variety of job opportunities. By supporting a strong local economy we create more jobs for more people to take advantage of this enriched live / work environment. He 2-Year Membership Option Call Lorraine ( SOMERVILLE GRAPHICS INC IF McCutcheon's 226 LAKESHORE RD. E. (1 block west ol Trafalgar Downtown Oakville) foto source- 9051 . 829-9929 845-6613 (e x t. 2 2 ) P rin te rs o f the < . \ik tn lk Cham ber o f Commerce X e u *ie tte r I 2150 W inston Pork Dr., U nit 2 Ookvffle, L6H SY1 r 905- 844-6991 lo lo s o u r c e I fo to % economy Local Campaign r Local n d .g ro w alwa' on your list of where to shop. Just by buying 10% more of your purcl from local suppliers you will have a dramatic impact on the local economy. The Oakville Chamber of Commerce is committed to promoting a healthy, vibrant business community that in turn strengthens the community as a whole. We are proud sponsors of this uy Local campaign and we sincerely hope everyone gets involved. John Breakey, President-Elect, Oakville Chamber of Commerce THE BRONTE VILLAGE B1A r-'-i and BRONTE MERCHANTS proudly support impai^n our on ununitv dcus portant other Bonomv number md on a why the number ca l value le I don't want to sacrifice quality and best price. It is not the intention of the Buy Local campaign to stop anyone from continuing to buy goods or use services from outside our community. When purchasing anything, the reason for our choices is often a matrix of availability, great service, price and convenience, buy Local is not about sacrifice. It is about a conscious awareness to give local businesses the opportunity, to win a litde more of yor business. When all things are equal it is hoped that both local consumers and businesses will take the opportunity to invest in their community. Oakville is hoem to some ol the best consultants, professional service Tactices, financial planners, and information technology companies, uy Local is a way for other businesses to provide these groups with the opportunity to compete for your business. I operate a business in Oakville. How can I participate? First, let all of your employees know you support and encourage the concepts of Buy Local. Next, enshrine this concept in your purchasing policies. Make sure that your purchasing staff seeks out local suppliers to compete for your business whenever they purchase goods or services. Have a little fun by purchasing a few Buy Local tee shirts from the Oakville Chamber and invite your purchasing people to wear them. Further, promote the idea of shopping local with your employees. Finally, get out to some of the Chamber' monthly business networking events to uncover new relationships with other local businesses to work together. I live in Oakville. What can I do? All of us who live in Oakville make choices daily to purchase a variety of consumer goods. Whether we are buying a car, a TV, new dothes or treating ourselves to a fine restaurant, always consider purchasing from a local merchant. Continue to shop around and look for the best selection and value but make sure your neighborhood businesses arc THE OAKVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUY LOCAL CAMPAIGN The President s Isn't It Time You Rediscovered Bronte The Village by the Lake For your Shopping, Dining and Recreational Needs MESSAGE u Laurie Morrison I proud to announce the launch o f our Buy Local campaign this m onth, this initiative is proof o f our ongoing com m itm ent to prom ote a strong and healthy business com m unity in Oakville. As a nine year resident and business owner in Oakville, buying local has always been a priority, understanding the economic impact. I w ant to congratulate the Buy Local Task G roup for their great efforts, dedication and time volunteered to ensure the success o f this campaign. So next time you are out shopping for business or for pleasure, the next time you are looking for suppliers or services, the next time you are planning an evenign out for dining or entertainm ent, remember, think Oakville - think "Buy Local*. n the ongoing spirit o f driving our local economy, I am P ` rtynekiJinancial ^Group Benefits & Financial Services Providing Benefit Plans to Small & Medium Sized Businesses since 1980. rtant? ties such y of the lildren's dally in rom the iportant ses have [ quality 'encrate Oakville ChamberofCommerce ^GREEN LAN D Ken I Hicks CSP. CD PrMKton! 1RRIGATION *7V Lnm Spritkhr S p R rP H ILIP G R O SSE Td: 905-208-0778* Fax: 905-815-0793 -- E-mail: C ROSSROA DS M A N A G E M E N T G R O U P 1-800-361-4074 Pi Master's Computer Systems C om puter Sales & S ervice Toronto Phone: 416-346-5315 Email: kenOcrossroadsmanagement ca Web Site: www Sunny Yoon Tel: (905) 337-2262 Fax: (905) 337-2544 1289 Marlborough Court Oakville L6H 2R9 DOREEN BROWN Manageress Tel: (9 0 5 ) 3 3 8 -3 2 2 0 Fax: (905) 3 3 8 -1 6 1 6 9 0 Reynolds St. OAKVILLE, ONTARIO L6J3K 2 Mosey On Logistic! Services Inc C A ft M K N w w w m Stephen Mosey 90S-469-636S 866-677-1077 S68 Sherin Drive Oakville,Ontario L6L 4J8 Canada Eva & Greg Cooney 126 Trafalgar Road (at Church St., lower level) Oakville. Ontario L6J 3G5 · Telephone: (905) 842-7759 ve M a D« c d v a ir k i l l n g l n c . E OAKVILLE REAVER ave B ig at over 100 Oakville Retailersl I / An idea whose time has come. i i *