BARGAINRATE CAR INSURANCE WITH BARGAIN4UTE SERVICE IS NO BARGAIN Oonl 'run jutt onyunc W a vn e M c G ill 2345 VCyecroft R d * 2 1 ,O akville `ui.m t . a u a r > _ _ * 90V & 47.5671 An Oakville Beaver Automotive Feature · To advertise in this section call 905-845-3824 or Fax 905-337-5568 W I . D M s i ) . A P I <11. 10 . J<H>J · lMjieltfi has developed an entirely new w heel, an exclusive 17x7-inch fivespoke design in alloy with A lum inum Super S ilver finish. T he R acing H arts roll on B rid g esto n e P o ten za RE040 215/45Z R 17 u n i-d irectional h ig h-perform ance tires.S parco, a leading racing accessory m anufacturer will supply a num ber o f racing-inspired com ponents such as drilled alum inum foot pedals w ith rubber inserts for better heel-and-toe control and an alu m inum Sparco shift knob to m ake shifting the close-ratio fivespeed gearbox with its shortened throw s even m ore fun. O ther changes to the interior include silver-faced analog gauges, suede like seat bolsters and leather-w rapped N A RD I steering w heel with color-keyed stitching. For a state-of-the-art M P3 audio system . M azda again turned to K enw ood C ar A udio, the com pany responsible for the first-ever O EM M P3 system in last year's M azda M P3. The M azdaspeed Protegd features a new in-dash C D / receiver -- the K enwood Excelon K D C-M P919. T his pow erful 450-w att, four-channel (50-w atts per channel) system features six speakers, an eight-inch subw oofer and a 250w att am plifier. Both the subw oofer and am plifier are m ounted under the package sh elf in the trunk. BEST WHEELS A Mazdaspeed version of the Protege adds a turbo. Racing Beat wheels, Kenwood MP3 player, and Sparco interior as a very special limited edition limited to just 2,000 cars. Japan's prem ier perform ance w heel m anufacturer. R acing Hart, developed its first set o f M azda-exclusive alloy w heels for the M azda MP3 in 2001. For the M azdaspeed Protegd, R acing Hart OAKVILLE N ISSA N Flee 616 York St. Oakville 1 B ot) M cln to tfi Mract: 905-827-7191 We lease all makes and models. Turbocharged Mazdaspeed pumps up the power T he 2003 M azdaspeed Proteg£ has bum ped up the pow er to m atch the looks and sound o f last year's su c cessful M P3. The 2003 M azdaspeed Protegd is a substantial step forw ard in the perform ance arena. W orking in partner ship with w orld-class autom otive racecar en gineers on chassis, drivetrain and turbo developm ent. M azda has p roduced its h ig h e st p e rfo rm in g , m ost re sp o n siv e Proteg£ to date. Available in the fourth quarter o f 2002. and lim ited to only 2.000 units for the US and C anada, the 2003 M azdaspeed Protegg boasts an aggressive appearance and enhanced perform ance package, including an intercooled turbocharger, lim ited-slip differential, ultra lowprofile tires, larger w heels, m ore pow erful Europeanspecification four-w heel disc brakes, and a 450-w att MP3 audio system by K enw ood. M azda selected C allaw ay C ars, Inc. to assist its en g i neers in taking the M azda 2.0-liter DOHC 1-4 engine to a m uch higher perform ance level. Pum ping up the M azdaspeed P rotege's heart rate is a G arrett T25 tu r bocharger system . D elivering an estim ated 170 hp solidly to the ground is a T ochigi Fuji S an g y o KK S u p er L im ited -S lip D ifferential, assisted by larger 24m m driveshafts (versus 22mm for the standard Proteg£). M azda also added a heavy- duty clutch disc and pressure plate to handle the increased horsepow er from the turbocharging system . Racing Beat, a w ell-know n tun er o f M azda vehicles for m ore than 30 years has m ost recently created ex cit ing perfo rm an ce and afte rm a rk et p ro d u cts for the Proteg£. MP3 and M iata. was asked by M azda North A m erican O perations' R esearch and D evelopm ent team to lend its e x p e rtise in the c re a tio n o f the new M azdaspeed Protege. The M azdaspeed Proteg£ com es com plete w ith sp e cially engineered front M acPherson struts, a strut tow er brace, h ig h e r rate coil sp rin g s, re -v a lv e d T okico dam pers, and larger d iam eter stabilizer bar bracket and bushings. The rear suspension boasts R acing B eat-tuned inde pendent struts with Twin T rapezoidal L inks (T T L ), coil springs and larger stabilizer bar. Z~ -- 1 PURCHASE FIN A N C IN G FOR 3 4 M O N T H S t N O PAYMENTS FOR 90 DAYS C !» O N ALL MODELS' cash purchase fro m lease fro m {» 2002 MRZDR PROTEGE 5 ._________________ Si * * 1 ® £ · 2.0L DOHC 16-valve engine · 16" alloy wheels · C O player · 6FX Package ond rear spoiler · cruise control · lorge fog lights · rear wiper · anti lock broke system (UBS) · dual air bags · remote keyless entry · power door locks £ windows · white face gauges · $2,995 down or trade equivalent on lease. Lease payment includes freight and P.D.E. per month /48 m onths 2002 MRZDR MPVDX cash purchase fro m V - · New 3.01200 hp V6 engine · new 3-speed automatic transmission $ · oir conditioning · RM/FM/CD stereo with steering wheel mounted audio controls · dual air bags · 2nd row side-by-side seats and 3rd row rumble-under sects · dual sliding doors with roll down windows · 4,995 down or trode equivalent on lease, lease payment includes freight and P.D.E. lease fro m * per month /48 m onths 2002 MRZDR 626 LX · 4 speed automatic transmission · Rir conditioning · Power windows · Cruise control · Electronically tuned RM/FM stereo with 100W ampli fier, CO. clock and 4 speakers · 2-action keyless entry system with 2 transmitters · 2.0L DOHC 16-valve engine with multi-port electronic fuel injection *Front & rear stabilizers · Dual body-colour power remote-control heoted door mirrors. +$2995 down or trade equiva lent on lease, lease payment includes freight and P.D.E. UJhere G o o d Serulcs Is fl Fact. HotJust R Promlsel cash purchase fro m lease fro m OR e > ;c } * per m onth /48 m onths Oakville Get In Be Moved 1291 SPEERS R O A D mazoa (N o rih side belween 3 rd Line & 4 lh Line) 905- 827-4242 *See dealer for details W EDNESDAY A P R IL 1 0 T H TH U R SD A Y A P R IL 1 1 T H F R ID A Y A P R IL 1 2 T H SATUR DAY A P R IL 1 3 T H I 2000 FORD FOCUS SE 1999SUNFIRE GT CONV. 1999 Mercury Cougar 1999 JEEP CHEROKEE S O dow n $0 $0 $0 PAYMENT $149 i mm PAYMENT $185 I D0VJN PAYMENT $159 \ 1998 GMC SAFARI PAYMENT $172 1999 CHEV MALIBU 1998 SUZUKI ESTEEM GL 1997 CHEVROLET VENTURE dow n PAYMENT $159 ·NO PAYM ENTS TIL 0 C T 0 8 E R 2002 O.A.C. IN TE R E S T E X T FRA ** ALL PAYM ENTS ARE BI-WEEKLY. $0 DOW N, 60 MO. TERM . LIC EN CE EXTFRA. O .A C . CALL DEALER FO R DETAILS 4315 North S ervice Road Burlington 905-331-8500 w w w .a u to p a rksu p e rsto re Em ail: in fo @ a u to p a rksu p e rsto re B etw ee n A p p le b y and W a lke rs Line O ff the Q E W in B u rlin g to n THE D R IV IN G FORCE WHERE SELECTIO N IS EVER YTH IN G