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Oakville Beaver, 3 Apr 2002, A7

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday April 3, 2002 -A7 u m ii s TO THE E lim ill Green ribbons inappropriate on councillors Ward 4 Councillor Allan Elgar miss es the point. I am sure that Mayor Mulvale has no concern about ribbons in the audience, but certainly has an issue with their presence on the lapels of the councillors during a public hearing! A public hearing is an important component of the planning process, where the piUHic shares its concerns and questions regarding a particular plan ning matter -- in this case. OPA 198. I have sat in the audience on a num ber of evenings and for a person not of the " no growth persuasion," but certain ly willing to listen to all " reasonable sides" to this issue; the environment was far from welcoming! To see members of council (namely -- Elgar. Flynn and Robinson) on three occasions adorned with green ribbons, raises the questions as to whether or not it was worth speaking at all. Others in attendance expressed their belief that at a public hearing, it was " shocking" for councillors to be so disrespectful of the viewpoints of the people they serve. Oakville Town Councillors need to be reminded why they are there and whom they really serve. If they don't understand this process, I think that it will become abundantly clear at the next municipal election. W HEN ASKED TO EXP LAIN H O W W E CAN LEASE AN E -C LA S S FOR JU S T $639 A M O N TH , O U R C FO T O O K T H E FIFTH . Our very best, not-to-be missed offer of the year? Or a simmering accounting scandal ready to explode? Well, right before our accounting team left for their unexpected trip to the Bahamas, they assured us that yes, S639 a month for the world's favourite Mercedes-Benz is legit. So hurry in before they're all taken away. The cars, that is. Mercedes-Benz The Future of the Automobile MERAY MOTORS & COLLISION Q EW & DORVAL DRIVE · OAKVILLE 905-845-6623 www.meraymotors.mettedes-benz.ca E. CLARKE Oakville has a two-tier education system Thank you to C. Haley for pointing out that the Halton Board of Education is continuing the process of building a two-tier education system in Oakville. That is north versus south. We. in southwest Oakville, have watched the quality of our schools, teachers, and education resources dete riorate over the past 10 years. The fact is that the good teachers migrate to the new facilities that pro vide the needed educational tools and resources. Who can blame them? Parents in our part of town all have teacher/principal horror stories. Our children share textbooks in our neighbourhood schools while our new neighbours to the north share `a diversi ty counsellor' and multiple computer labs. Health and safety is a day-to-day issue at the schools our children attend (Gladys Speers and Q EP). Yes, our children w ill be forced to walk to Blakelock rather than two blocks to Q EP next year. I guess the worry about health and safety at Q EP is no longer a concern. We are second generation Oakville (southwest) taxpayers and our children continue to suffer under the Board's two-tier policies. Lim ited tim e offer to custom ers approved by Mercedes-Benz C redit o f Canada Inc. Figures are based on a 24 m onth close4-eod 36.000 kilom etre lease on a 2002 E320 Sedan w ith an A IR (annual lease rate) of 4.3% and an acquisition cost o f $68,350 excluding freigh t and POL Customer is responsible at lease inception for a dow n paym ent, cash or trade equivalent of S 10,350, the firs t m onthly paym ent of $639 .0 0 , a refundable secunty depo sit o f approxim ately one m onthly lease paym ent, freigh t and PDI. taxes and registration and license fees. C ustom er agrees to m ake 24 equal paym ents o f $ 6 3 9 .0 0 , for a total of $ 15,336 plus applicable taxes and registration fees. C ustom er is also responsible for insurance, m aintenance and repairs. If custom er decides no t to purchase th e vehicle at lease end. custom er m ust return vehicle to the dealer and is liable fo r a k ilom e tre charge o f $ 0 .2 0 /k m over 36,000 kilom e tres, excess w ear and use, if any. C ustom er has th e optio n to buy th e vehicle at lease m a tu rity fo r $47,161.50 plus any o ffic ia l fees and taxe s.O ption s are extra. Dealer m ay lease for less. See dealer for c o m p le te d e ta ils. <02002 M ercedes-Benz Canada Inc., Toronto, O ntario. Find out about your... O P T IO N S The conference that works for women! Find out about... ^ your employment and career options training programs and technology job prospects for the future balancing work and family O A K V IL L E «») QUOTATION Q -ll- 2002: FIVE ( 5) TRAILER UNITS 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE Participate in... panel discussions US- small group workshops ^ information sessions and displays ^ internet demonstrations QUOTATION Q -12- 2002: TWO (2) 6x4 GATOR TYPE UTBLITY/ATV UNITS QUOTATION Q-13-2002: ONE ( 1) NEW FOUR WHEEL DRIVE FTVE-PLEX LIGHTWEIGHT FIELD ROTARY MOWER SEALED QUOTATIONS on forms provided will be received by the Purchasing Depart ment, 1223 Trafalgar Road. Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6, until 12:00 noon, Local time on MONDAY, APRIL 15,2002 Specifications, quotation forms and quotation envelopes may be obtained from the Town of Oakville Purchasing Department. 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6I 5A6; Telephone (905) 338- 4197. The Tbwn of Oakville reserves the right to reject any or all quotations and the highest or lowest as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted. RJ. Coumoyer, CJLM., P.Mgr. Director, Purchasing and Office Services ^ 2-DAY CONFERENCE Tuesday, May 28 & Thursday, May 30, 2002 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. H o l i d a y In n 3063 South Service Road, Burlington, Ontario Pre-registration is required, so call today. Open to Halton women a t no charge. Call: Halton Region · (905) 825-6000 Toll free: 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866) Extension 41 76 or Visit; www.optionsconference.ca Transportation to Burlington is available. C o u n c il & S t a n d in g C o m m it t e e M e e t in g s ; Monday, April 8,2002 |Planning & Development Council Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. TUesday, April 9^2002 Community ServiqfjfcSbmmittee 7:30 kajCcsftville Room Admliwath/e Services Comm. 7:30 p.m. - Trafalgar Room In partnership with: W. HILLIS & T h e C e n tre f Region d Peel WotJtiiq fo * IfC tf Friends of the Library thank Oakville Place For the sixth consecutive year, Oakville Place Shopping Centre has hosted a Reading Room Raffle on behalf of the Friends of the Oakville Public Library. The recent raffle, for which Oakville Place and its merchants donated a fullyloaded computer system and related "reading room" furnishings, as well as six Early Bird Prizes, raised almost $7,500. In addition to the prizes, which had a total value of approximately $5,000, Oakville Place provided a wonderful venue and generously covered expenses related to promotion of the event. The Friends will use the proceeds to fund enhancements to library programs such as community "Book Nooks" for pre-school children, and to provide spe cial equipment not covered in the library's budget, such as reading machines and software to assist visually challenged individuals. Oakville Place is to be commended for their community spirit in continuing to sponsor this fundraising event. Friends thank manager Doug Peters, marketing director Kim LaRonde and all their staff for their support. The Friends look forward to continu ing this valuable community partnership with Oakville Place. Skiih Development &Training l+ l Human Resources Development Canada D6veloppement des ressources humaines Canada TUssday, April 9,2002 2002 Budget Committee Oakville & Trafalgar Rooms 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Apr! 10,2002 Thursday, Apiti 11,2002 2002 Budget Committee Oakville & Trafalgar Rooms _______ 7:00 p.m._______ Presented By: Perris Training and Development ONE DAY BATHROOM MAKEOVER N O D E M O L IT IO N ! · No More Regrouting · No More Mold & M ildew · No More Leaks C o u n c i l & C o m m itte e T o u c h t o n e P h o n e L in e 815-5959 T o w n o f O a k v ille 2002 B u d g e t C o m m it t e e M e e t i n g S c h e d u l e WE GUARANTEE IT Seamless Acrylic Wall Acrylic tubs have a life expectancy of 25-30 years. More Economical than Replacing A S SEEN O N T V & A T Y O U R Tuesday, April 9*, 2002, 7:00 p.m. Budget Chair Opening remarks Budget Overview Presentation (Operating & Capital Budgets) Delegations to be received including bat not limited to the following topics: o Algae Control o Pesticide Reduction on Town Owned Property o Cat By-Law o Traffic Signal - Sunset & Rebecca Drive o Creek Erosion & Trail Rehabilitation o Road Surface Treatment Program o Transit Service Budget Committee Deliberations **PUase be advised that the Budget C om m itttt w ill only b t considering the reduction o f the use o f pesticides on Town property. The Community Services Committee It s till deeding with Uu policy issue regarding pesticide (a reduc tion o r elim ination program ) on private property. A ll residents w ill be given notification o f the date this issue w ill be scheduled to come before the Community Services Committee. Wednesday, Aprfl 10*, 2001, 7:00 p jn. Delegations Continued (if necessary) Budget Committee Deliberations - continued Thoraday, Aprfl 11*, 2002, 7:00 pan. Delegations Continued (if necessary) Budget Committee Deliberations - continued Review of deferred items and additional information Wrap up Afl B adfrt Cn-- nittai w--flim will be held in the Oakville / Trafalgar R oom at Am Oakville Municipal Bufldii*, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Oakville residents are invited to participate in the process. If you wish to register as a delegate, please contact Kathy Patrick, Committee Co-ordinator, at 845-6601. ex t 4235. Copies of the Preliminary Budget Book for 2002 are available for viewing in the Clerk's Office at Town Hall, at all Oakville Public Library Branch locations. In addition, highlights of the Proposed 2002 Budgets are available on the Town's website www.town.oakville.on.ca. KATHARINE BOCKING. CHAIR FRIENDS OF THE OAKVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY B A TH F IT T E R S in c e 1984 LOCAL M ALL! OVER 1 M ILLIO N SATISFIED CUSTOMERS! VIEW US AT: · Centennial Mall, Brampton · Westdale Mall, Mississauga · Georgetown Marketplace · Bronte Mall, Oakville · Meadowvale Town Centre, Mississauga Hopedale Mall, Oakville · Central Pkwy. Mall, Mississauga · Milton Mall, Milton Your Opinion Counts The Oakville Beaver welcomes let ters from its readers. Letters will be edit ed for clarity, length, legal considera tions and grammar. In order to be pub lished, letters must contain the name, address and phone number of the author. Letters should be addressed to F o r m o re In fo rm a tio n o r a F R E E in hom e estimate The Editor, O akville Beaver. 467 Speers Road. Oakville, On., I.6K 3S4. or via e-mail to editor@ oakvillebeaver.com. The Beaver reserves the right to refuse to publish any letter. C A LL (905)206-9949 www.bathfittermiss@hotmail.com 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD · OAKVILLE, ONTARIO · L6J 5A6

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