A2 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday May 29, 2002 P IC K A DOOR, A N Y DOOR for 2002, F o cu s offers it's wiaest range of m odels ever. A n d a tot m ore than y o u m ight expect. Ford worker fractures skull in mishap The Ministry of Labour is investigating a Saturday morning industrial accident at Ford of Canada which left a 61-year old Oakville man with a fractured skull. According to Halton Regional Police, the mishap occurred around 10 a.m. when some Ford employees were loading vehicles onto double decker rail cars in the shipping area near Royal Windsor Drive. To do this, workers place a large piece of metal between the rail cars and fix it into position to allow the vans and trucks to be driven onto the rail cars then have access to one rail car to the next. As the victim, Edmond Kubesheskie, began to unbolt the piece of metal, another employee drove a truck from one rail car to the next and the weight caused the metal to drop onto Kubesheskie's head. Kubesheskie was transported to Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital where he was diag nosed with a skull fracture then was transferred to Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital in Burlington. The Ministry of Labour is investigating the acci dent. expectmore PURCHASE FINANCING Correction An article in the May 22 edition of the Oakville Beaver incorrectly stated that Halton Women of the year nominee Carole Jewitt, was honoured for her work with the Multiple Sclerosis Carnation Campaign. While she does work with that cam paign, her main volunteer work is with the Oakville SupeiCities Walk for MS. 36 months 48 months 60 months 0% 2.9% 4.9% Focus 3 DOOR Featuring the fun-to-the-max ZX3. Standard · fog lamp 5 · single-disc CD player · leather-wrapped steering whee /*J __ expectmore ZERO Down $336+text $1000 Down $306+taxt $2500 Down $262+taxt Focusmm m s E sports sedan Smart, stylish and affordable - 16V Zetec engine, 5-speed manual transmission, air conditioning, tilt steering, speed control, power windows, mirrors and locks. Stk. S2S249. MVP $18,706- expectmore ZERO Down $368+taxt $1000 Down $338+taxt $2500 Down $293+taxt focus nm m sport wagon 16V Zetec engine, automatic transmission, air conditioning, tilt steering, speed control, power windows, mirrors and locks. Stk. #2S256. MVP $20,491' expectmore C Y E A R 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 k m PQWt RTRAIN W ARRANTY Focus 5 DOOR 100.000km Powertrain Warranty covers the vehicles powertrain against defects in factory-supplied materials and workmanship The 3-year/S0.000km Limited Warranty covers the complete vehicle (except items listed in the Warranty Guide) against defects in factory-supplied materials and workmanship. Ford of Canada 's Corrosion Warranty covers against corrosion perforation on body sheet metal panels for 5-yearsAmlimited distance. The Focus ZX5 - a new take on functionality and performance. Standard · 16" alloy wheels · tilt/telescoping steering column · 60/40-split folding rear seatback and seat cushion 'MVP includes S1000 customer Cish Freight (S780I and i l l taxes extra Cashback, finance rates and RCL programs cannot be combined tLease 3S month RCL 60.000 km total allowance OAC. See dealer lo r details Cww and th e, ckjjjC M nc6 O e h -b m tl JEN »AK-LAND 1 FORD LINCOLN 570 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville a i t h e q i w 80 lbs, H tr b a iM a g * fto r /U fa ? * e » i« « i · < ---------- <* a c fa w th u f, & fte -0 O K g , fy e d ! /" 1395 A b b c y w o o d R d., Pilgrims Way Plaza A bbeyloodOr 905-844-3273 w w w .o a k la n d fo r d lin c o ln .c a Annual OTMH OTMH 6th Classic Run/Walk w rn EratSti Sunday, June 16 - 9:00 a.m . U IO S S IC 3 km k m Family F a m ily W Wa lk & R # *5 m Run R un 3 alk 5k km This year th e funds raised w ill be fo r th e M aternal Child U nit. The event is held a t W allace park. P r e - r e g is t r a t io n B a r b e q u e o n S a tu r d a y , J u n e 8 a t O a k - L a n d F o rd L in c o ln Oak-Land Ford Lincoln - Presenting Sponsor 3 8 0 D u n d n s S t. E U nit 9 IX l Ttwd Line Rd. & 2 E- -W - QEW -w- IXI Over 905-469-4532 905-257-2404 170 locations & g ro w in g Call today for your FREE one-on-one consultation. Excludes product. Based on fu ll program. www.herbalmagicsystems.com Quality Furnishings R ic h w a F U R N IS H IN S O L U T I O N S FOR H O M E & BUSINESS BATHROOM MAKEOVER ONE DAY NO DEMOLITION! · No More Regrouting · No More Mold & Mildew · No More Leaks C h e r iy W a ll U n it o r1 1 8 OR WE GUARANTEE IT Seamless Acrylic Wall Acrylic tubs have a life expectancy of 25-30 years. 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