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Oakville Beaver, 13 Mar 2002, C6

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C6 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday March 13, 2002 DEERFIELD GOLF CLUB NOW IN OAKVILLE A/R - A/P CLERK General Motors Dealer requires a lulltime A/R-A/P Clerk, immediately. Dealership experience preferred. Computer skills essential. Forward resume: A ttn: Bob Bremner Fax: 905-845-4394 410 South Service Rd. West Oakville, ON L6J 5C1 The Dorsey Group Insurance Planners Inc. requires LOWVILLE G O L F C L U B Requires the following stall tor the 2002 season » Bar/Service Manager · Greenskeeping Stall » Bar/Service Stall · Starters/ Marshals * Cooks · Beverage Cart Stall Fax resume to: 905-335-6311 or apply in person Sat. March 9th 10am-2pm or Sat. March 16th 10am-2pm · WAIT & KITCHEN STAFF · CLEANERS · GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE Bronte Road & OEW Contact Lynn: 905-847-5555 EXP. T e le m a rk e te r.......... required im m ediately. No selling. 2-3 tim es a weekn ig h t. 5-9pm . B u rlington office. $8. +bonus. Mature person with transportation. 3325-B Mamway Call 905335-3751 Elena or Lmda * Dr BERNSTEIN H e a l t h (y D ie t C lin ic s A Requires: H u n gry fo r a n ew jo b ? MEDICAL RECEPTIONISTS & NURSING PROFESSIONALS Strike a balance between your professional and personal life with no more nights, weekends or shiftwork. CLIENT SERVICE BROKER with insurance experience Please drop off resume to: 3100 Ridgeway Drive, #8 Mississauga (403/Dundas), or fax: 905-820-6246 Inviting you to share our success in treating obesity and related diseas es. If you possess strong interpersonal skills and enjoy working in a fastpaced team environment, fax your resume to Human Resources at 905474-2396 or e-mail to hr@drtxJiet.com and visit us at www.drbdiet.com Competitive salary, benefits, orientation & training provided. If y o u 're e n th u s ia s tic , re s p o n s ib le , lik e fle x ib le h o u rs, an d are s ta rv in g fo r new c h a lle n g e s , A & W m a y be th e p la c e fo r you . W e 're c u rre n tly lo o k in g fo r fu lltim e Shift Supervisors. M a n a g e m e n t tra c k p o sitio n. C o m p e titive pay & bene fits. E x cellent work atmosphere. Apply in person: Patrick Torpey, Mapleview Centre NOW HIRING Full & Part-time ALL UNEMPLOYED START NOW! Must be 18+yrs F/T Only MAINTENANCE HOUSEKEEPING SUPERVISOR for new long term care facility in Oakville. The successful applicant will be responsible lor the hands-on main tenance of the facility as well as supervision of housekeepings laundry depts. Salary: 34K + benefits. FAX RESUME TO Health Care Div. 905-669-6724 Attn: Phil Vinson United Way of Oakville Campaign Administrative Assistant Assist campaign staff in preparation materials, stra tegic planning, presentations, status report & mailouts. Maintain filing system, accurate account files. & track incoming direct mail. Must have 1-2 yrs. admin istrative experience, fast & accurate word process ing. strong interpersonal skills. Salary range: $2025.000 depending on experience. Submit resume by March 29, 2002 to: Connie@uwoaKyille.oni or fax to: 905-845-0166 Call Alexis @ 905-577-0808 As we grow again we require the following professionally minded people: · CONSTRUCTION FOREMAN & LABOURERS (M/F) · MAINTENANCE FOREMAN & LABOURERS (M/F) 540 540 Looking fo r a fast paced. fun, friendly environm ent then we want you to be part of our teaml Offering F/T &P/T Positions, also hiring hotel restaurant hotel restaurant Managers & In-Store Crew ALL POSITIONS! Little C aesar's w ill train enthusiastic, am bi tious individuals. Please fax your resum e to 905-847-2600 o r p ic k up an a p p lic a tio n at: 1395 Abbeywood Dr., Oakville email: zipeto@sprlnt.ca________ Assistant Managers & Supervisors & Donut Baker (Exp. Preferred) a W e offer: Flexible schedules Regular performance reviews Above average wages Paid breaks Paid training Free uniforms Benefit Program available Staff incentive programs Don't Forget Classified Deadlines Mon., 5 pm for Wednesday paper Wed., 5 pm for Friday paper Thurs., 5 pm for Sunday paper Reply by email, fax or in person: E-mail: letsburlington@on.aibn.com Fax: 905-639-7412 3235 Fairvlew St., #5, Burlington Students/Grads $18.05 Base/Appt New office needs Full and Part-time CUSTOMER SALES/ SERVICE Union Energy Opportunities We are a Union Energy company requiring immediate personnel lor lull & part-time positions: For B8Q. patio lurniture and fireplace sales. UNINSTALLERS BBO's & Fireplaces Valid gas litter license required. We o ffe r Competitive salary/benefits and a winning team environment. Fax resume stating position of interest to Nick, 905-639-1506 Large building Supply Company requires full time individual for Technical Position Requirem ents: ·Firm understanding of architectural principles ·Architectural technology background an asset ·Must have good co-oridination skills and ability to work within a teamwork environment. ·1-3 years experience ·Computer skills and ability to run basic window programs. Interested applicants to fax resume: (905) 876-9993. No exp. needed- will train. Conditions apply. 905-842-8045 SUPERINTENDENT c o up le req u ire d to r re s i dential highrise in Oakville. D u ties in c lu d e c le anin g, m aintenance, tenant rela tions. Some experience in m ec h a n ic a l. e le c tric a l, p lum bing, etc. 2-bedroom apartmen wages. Fax re sume 905-844 4632 R E S ID E N T IA L Care F a c ility re q u ire s M a in tenance person fu ll-tim e . P lease c a ll M onique or S h erry. 9 0 5 -3 3 5 -3 4 6 3 or fax resume: 905-335-1202. I salon & sp a help ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE We are an established Publishing Company w ith an opportunity for aggressive dedicated salespeople. If you have a proven track record of success in sales this could be the position for you. We have opportunities in both junior and senior roles. We offer salary plus commission, car allowance and benefits. We also offer a great opportunity for advancement. Please send your resume to: Box *2 1 1 6 C/0 The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT A p p ly in p e rso n to : 5051 H arveste r R d .,B u rlin g to n Located at the com er of Appleby Line & Harvester Rd. ph # 9 0 5 - 6 8 1 - 1 8 4 1 T iu trfo ite m F U LL-TIM E H a irs ty lis t Is req u ire d fo r busy salon. B e n e fits in clude d. 905* 681-0663 T A LEN TED Hairstyhst/Esth e tic ia n re q u ire d im m e diately m busy Oakville Sa lon. Salary/commission/rent chair. C a thryn. 905-844- Community Notices Deaths CAMPBEU, Margaret Louise - It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Margaret Louise Campbell at the age ol 68 She died suddenly at her home in Oakville on March 9. 2002. 8eloved wife of Lewis G. Campbell C.L.U. and loving mother of Stephen Henderson. Cathy Graf and husband Joe. Loving stepmother to Adam and wile Carol, Mike and wife Cheryl and Kelly Campbell. Wonderful grand mother to Brielle. Dana. Cecilia. Kyla. Geoffrey and William Margaret was a warm and loving person who was tilled with lots of laughter and great spirit. She will be sadly missed by many. Visitation was held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home. 64 Lakeshore Road West. Oakville Irom 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, March 12, 2002 Funeral service 1 p.m Wednesday, March 13. 2002 in the chapel. In lieu of llowers. donations may be made to the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation. MATURE SALES PERSON/STORE MANAGER For fast growing furniture store opening in Milton. Experience with upholstery, fabric and mattress would be an asset. Salary plus commission. Fax resume to: 9 0 5 -8 7 3 -7 3 3 6 or em a il: em eraldisle<&stn.net In Memoriams Hecht, Konrad- March 8th, 1994 Correction Notice PLANT SUPERVISOR H e a i a l adtteas in t ie ad that ra n F it ,2*h f r M ir a n P e t R n d rts £u G d bssi: 0112 -- iSTEBWTOIUi-- IMAGES victorv@ nutram onllne.com WORK-AT-HOME - Health in d u s try , S 1 .0 0 0 P /T * S 5 .0 0 0 F /T p e r m o n th . Training a vailab le.C all tor inform ation 416-631-7156 or www.workatbomevc.com WEEDMAN requires Lawn Care Technicians. Training provided Driver s abstract required. Apply in person: Unit#5 2400 W yecroft Rd. Oakville; call 905-827-1441; tor. 906^27-1499.________ DIVERSE e n try le ve l p o sition with tool and industri al supply business. Inside Sales M ust have good keybo ard ing s k ills and strong willingness lo learn. Please fax resum e com plete with work related ref: 905-338-0412 PARTIM E e ven ing c le a n ers required in Cam pbellv ille area. Must have own transportation. Please call 519-659-3369 We are pleased to announce the opening of our second location. We require F/T & P/T: In loving m e m ory of a de ar husband and fa th e r, so m a n y th in g s h a v e h a p p e n e d s in c e y o u w e re c a lle d a w a y , s o m a n y things to share with you had you been left to stay. But w ith the love in ur hearts you w ill w a lk w ith us fo re v e r. S a d ly m is s e d your wife Ada. fam ily and friends. To place an ad in the Oakville Beaver Community Notices or Milestones sections call Loraine, HAIRSTYLISTS KELLY SERVICES Visit us at the Halton Job & Career Fair on Tues March 19/02 at the B u rlington C onvention Centre Free admission A B S O LU T E LY lie e Into on line. W ork from hom e. S25-S75/hr. Part/ full-tim e. C a ll 1-888-246-962 4 or www 123takecontrol.com RETAIL furniture outlet re quires part-time warehouse help. Some heavy lifting re quired. Needed nights and w e ekends. S tuden ts w e l come. Call 905-842-3663 SW IM M ING P o ol/ p re s sure washing com pany re quires 4-6 people (season a l) Pool s e rv ic e / m a in tenance. painting/ pressure washing experience an as set- not necessary Trans portation required. We also require 1-2 people 25 yrs/ o ld e r w ith good d riving record. S9-$ 15/hr Resumes: bia wrence Q cogeco.ca, Tel: 905-510-0346 (With min. 3 yrs exp.) Experienced Dental Assistant with a min. of 3 years experience reguired lulltime lor challenging and rewarding family practice in Oakville. Em ployment commencing early to mid-April. Fax up-to-date resume to: 905-842-3601 PA R T-TIM E expe rienced d e liv e ry person fo r W est Burlington Pharmacy. Must be bon dable . neat w ith friendly personality. Knowl edge of aty an asset Rep ly to Box *1896. Burlington Post. 2321 Fairview Street. Burhngton. L7R2E3_______ SPAC E a v a ila b le for ad ju n c tiv e therapy in C h iro practic office. Suitable for RMT. Please c o n ta c t Dr. Joyce Allm an, Bronte Chir o p ra c tic C lin ic . 9 0 5 -8 2 7 1633 ______ R N 's , R P N's. H C A's & D ietary Aid needed im m e d ia te ly fo r new fa c ility In B u rlington. W arm frie n d ly environment. Fax resumes: 905-631-1824____________ C D A / PDA req u ire d for te a m -o rie n te d O ak v ille practice. Computer know!ege an asset HARP Certi fied. C e l (905)257-4910. F/T D ental R e c e p tio n is t needed fo r busy O ak v ille office. Some evenings and Saturdays . Fax resume to: 905-842-0128 H Y G IE N IS T needed for alternate Saturdays. Start im m edia tely. G reat pay. Fax resume 905-842-0128 ESTHETICIANS RECEPTIONISTS ASSISTANTS Please call Judy at 905-338-3333 ECE teacher. F ull-tim e O akville. W ell established Childcare Centre. Montesson enriched. On bus route. Call 905-849-3614 W ANTED: for a few hours w eekly, m ature person to vacuum and give other as sista n c e to e ld e rly lady S 10/hr. 905-632-7093 after 2pm._____________ H O US EH O LD M anager B u rlin g to n / Lakeshore W est. F u ll-tim e M on.-F rl Live-in option. Housework, cooking, grocery shopping, errands; pick up/ drop off 6yr. old child (School, activi tie s ). O c c a s s io n a l c h ild care. Non-smoker. Flexlblp hours. Own car. CPR First Aid. c h ild c a re experience p re fe rre d . R e fe re n c e * Apr. 1st 905-630-4823 B IL IN G U A L D esktop O p erator Part-tim e/ Fulltim e. E x c e lle n t F rench a m ust. Experience in PageM aker and W ord. Fax resum e: 905 -6 3 9 -0 3 2 8 or e-m a il: accuOnas.net DRIVE C lean T ech n ic ia n required for Oakville Active G reen & Ross. S tart April 2002. Please fax resum e: 416-255-4793. Attn: Peter Sleete___________________ Laser P rin ter Repair Technician required. Must have good d riv in g record and v a lid drivers license. Knowledge of G TA an asset. Phone 905-823-5045 Fax resume lo 905-823-3798 or Email: salesOpnntinfinity.com DECK installer. Must have experience & vehicle. Call 905-337-0065, Trevor I offlce-cle n cal HERRING, Ruth (nee Morrison). Quietly at her home on Saturday. March 9.2002 in her 85th year Beloved mother of Greg and his wife Barbara, and Kathy and her husband David Morgan, grandmother of Tim and Matt Herring and Dylan. Scott, Evan and Meredith Morgan, predeceased by her husband Jack. Friends will be received at Oakview on Tuesday. March 12 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. and on Wednesday. March t3 at 9:30 a.m. Funeral service at 10:30 a.m. Interment at Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. Oakville. In lieu of llowers. donations to the Arthritis Society would be appreciated JACK, Donna B. (Past President ol OTMH Auxiliary and a dedicated volunteer) Peacefully on Monday March 11. 2002 al Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital in her 70th year. Donna, beloved wife of Donald. Loved mother of David and his wile Siri Marker. Robert and his wile Kelly and Stephen and his wife Elizabeth. Cherished grand mother of Haakon. Astrid. Erik. Leif. Hailey and Austin. Dear sister of Rhoda. Margit. James and Hugh. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West. Oakville Irom 3-5 and 7-9 pm Wednesday. Funeral service 1:30pm Thursday March 14, 2002 at Maple Grove United Church. 346 Maple Grove Road Oakville. Cremation. For those who wish memorial contributions to the OTHM Auxiliary or the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. Special thanks lo the stall of both Princess Margaret Hospital and Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital for all their care and support. F lore nce E. P alm er In loving m em ory o f m y d ear w ife w ho passed aw ay M arch 15th, 1998. W e are sad w ithin o u r m em ory; lonely are our h earts for the one w e loved dearly. W e th^nk o f her in silence, no eye can see us w eep: but m any silent te ars w hen others are asleep. Love, Pop R em em bered and loved by her husband B ob, children A lison 8i R obert, her grandchildren, gre at grandchildren, and friends > & * * EXPER IEN CED KIDS/ Teens & Petltes F/M a ll ages fo r S p rin g / Sum* mer w o rk in fa s h io n /h a ir shows, m ovies, cata lo g work. $20-90/hr (905) 3365455. WEEDMAN- The Lawn Care company requires P/T Office Staff to assist in adm in is tra tive duties. Please call 905-827-1441 or fax 905827-1499 EU RO PEAN c le anin g lady available for O akville area. Lots of expe rience. Call 905-339-2359 S IM P LIFY yo u r days!! H a rdw orking cle a n e rs to s u it th e unique needs of your home. Call 289-2592797 (Burlington) SALVIAN, Roger Peter - A year has passed, how can it be, my love unchanging and strong tor thee. I nursed you on your dying bed. remembering the pain and tears we shed. I remember the love the two ol us shared, before God took you into his care As I held you one last time in my arms and said good-bye - an angel came and stood by my side. Now as I stand by the grave side and read your name, it gives me strength to cover the pain. Rest in Peace my Love I will always cherish the honour of being your wife. Love Always. Sharon. A special mass will be Tuesday. March 19th at 8:30 a.m. at St. Dominic's Parish, lo remember Roger's life. 700 home improvements HALTON REGIONAL POLICE SEE US AT THE HALTONJOB & CAREER FAIR TUES. MARCH 19 BURLINGTON CONVENTION CENTRE M AIN TE N AN C E pe rso n / Handym an req u ire d p a rttim e fo r re s id e n tia l tre a t ment homes in Halton/ Peel area. C o m pe titive wages. Fax resume: 905-824-1470 O AKVILLE GOLF CLUB ·Wail Stall ·Snack Bar Attendants ·Kitchen Helpers/ Housepersons/Cooks Shift & weekend work. Fax:905-845-0096 Email: ogc@idired.com H O U S EH O LD M anager. B u rlin g to n / Lakeshore W est F u ll-tim e M on .-F rl. Live-in option. Housework, cooking, grocery shopping, errands; pick up/ drop off 6yr. old child (School, activi tie s ). O cc a s s io n a l c h ild care. Non-smoker. Flexible hours. Own car. CPR/ First A id, c h ild c a re experience p re fe rre d R e ference s. Apr 1st 905-630-4823 W O O DW O RKIN G com pany requires hardworking, ambitious trainees, fulltime. B e n e fits . C all S tephan, 9 0 5 -3 3 6 -1 2 9 6 . S hipw ay S ta irs , 1795 Iron stone Drive. Burlington.__________ DRIVER /W arehouse p e r son req u ire d fu ll-tim e for O a k v ille area. G class lice n ce n ee ded/ cle an record. Com petitive w ag es, good benefits. Fax re sume 905-825-0669 S M A L L le asing com pany requires an Adm inistrative Assistant. 4 days/week. 95, d o w n to w n O a k v ille . Some reception. Accpac or equ ivalent a m ust. Excel W o rd , m a n a g e e -m a il. Hourly rate com mensurate to e x p e rie n c e . F ax r e sume: 906-338-5546 PART-TIME 3 days/ week. R e sponsible person w ith bookkeeping and customer s e rv ic e ex p e rie n c e fo r sm all east O akville office. Must be able to w ork in a com puterized environm ent using Quickbooks & M icro soft Office including Excel, Access. Word. Fax resume: 9 05 -84 5-95 71; em ail targetconOidirect.com R E C E P TIO N IS T required full-time for busy real estate o ffic e . S hould posse ss ple a sa n t p e rs o n a lity , know led ge of com puters, able to work with minimum s u p e rv is io n . Real Estate experience an asset. Apply: Sutton Group About Town. 1235 Fairview St. Burlington, or fax: 905-681 -8121. BO O KKEEPER, part-tim e, with know led ge of Excel/ W ord/ O utlook. Send info, to 1235 Fairview S t.. Box 315. Burlington. ON L7S 2K9 CUSTO M ER S ervice agent required fulltime with e x c e lle n t c om m u nicatio n and organizational skills for hom e based d is trib u tio n com pany. S/E O ak v ille , selling culinary products lo profe ssio n a l chefs. W ord. Excel. Sim ply Accounting. E -m ail resum e to: mmac netHO cogeco.ca PLU M B I NG Repairs, New Ins ta lla tio n s , alterations. B asem ent drain s, bathroor ns. dryw all. fram mg, tilir ig . No Job Too Sm all. Frank. 9 0 5 -6 3 9 3874 C U STO M -M AD E d ra p e r ies valances, sheers, bed/ able/ c h a ir c o -o rd in a te s , fabrics, in stallatio n lOyrs exp Sherry- 905-634-6706 Rem em ber with a d o n a tio n 1 8 8 8 939-3333 - Classifieds @ 540 1 Hostess/Host days: Alice Fazooli's. casual up-scale restau rant is currently looking lor candidates for day business lunches. Suc cessful candidate w/ work with management team to further develop day business clientele. Flex, hours with excellent start wages hotel restaurant 905- E T ffiT dating services toflfrM-24 hoursaday/ 7days aw eek M EET B u rlington Singles! Try us absolutely free! Ent e r code 4094. H am ilton (905)-297-6666 www.cancer.ca Legal Notices Notice to creditors and Others In the Estate of ROBERT ANDREW ROBERTSON, Deceased A ll p erson having c la im s a gain st the E s tate of R obert A ndrew R obertson, late of the Tow n of O akville, in the R egional M u n icip a lity of H alton, R etired, w ho died on the 18th day of February 2001, are hereby notified to send particulars of sam e to the undersign on or before the 6th day of April 2002, a fte r w h ich date the e sta te w ill be d is trib u te d w ith th e re g a rd o n ly to th e claim s of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned w ill not be lia b le to a n y p e rso n s o f w h o se claim they shall not then have notice. Dated this 1st day of March 2002. Marcus Andrew Robertson Estate Trustee in the Estate of Robert Andrew Robertson by his solicitor, Robert Bonadeo C a n a d ia n C a n ce r S o ciety B f ^ . ^ S o c iM c a n a d ie n n e du cancer 845-3824 LOST & FOUND COSTCO See us at the Halton job Fair March 19 at the Burlington Convention Centre Apply in person: 2015 Winston Park Drive.Oakville. ON L6H 6P5 ABBEY Arms Pub requires experienced Bar and Wait s ta ff to jo in our frie n d ly team. D eliver resume: 481 N orth S e rvice Rd. (at Fourth Line). Oakville; Fax 9 05 -63 3-85 03. Tel. 905825-1109 RUDE NA TIVE B is tro & Lounge now hiring: Serv ers. B a rtenders. H o sts/ Hostesses. Line Cooks and Dishwashers for new B u r lin g to n Loca tion. Fax re sume to: 905-465-0681. BO STO N M anor Bar & B illia rd s . 4460 F airv ie w , Burlington requires fulltime experienced wait staff. Ap ply in person to Andy or Mark, (Tel. 905-637-1984)_ _ W AIT staff for busy dow n tow n O ak v ille resta ura nt. E xp erience necessary. G ood w ages/ Flex, hours. 905-580-9028 L/M.________ FULL-TIME Wait staff /Bar tender required, evenings only. Also required Kitch en h e lp P a rt-tim e . C a ll ( 9 0 5 ) 3 3 8 - 0 8 0 4 a fte r 3 p.m.. ask for Bemie Found Something? Place your "Found-ad FREE of charge. Burl. & Fla mb. 905- 632-4440 Oakville 905- 845-3824 Fax: 905-632-8165 Bridal Show G ettin g i K U j vf a a iw e a Don't Miss Toronto's Foremost Bridal Event For FAST service. your classified ads. FAX: LEGAL SECRETARY F/T, Experienced in family law/litigation lor busy legal office. Fax or email to: Brechin & Huffman at 905-333-4298 or bhhiaw@bhhlaw.net To Place Your Classified Ad Call Barrister & Solicitor Suite 201, 407 Speers Road Oakville. Ontario, L6K 3T5 September 6-8.2002 · International Centre, Airport Rd. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS A ll c la im s a g a in s t th e e s ta te o f D o n a ld K itchener S utherland, late of the Tow n of O a k v ille in th e R e g io n a l M u n ic ip a lity of Halton, who died on or about the 3rd day of D e ce m b e r, 2 0 0 1 , m u st be file d w ith the und e rsig n e d E state T ruste e on or before M a rc h 2 5 , 2 0 0 2 ; th e re a fte r, th e u n d e r signed will distribute the assets of the said e s ta te h a v in g re g a rd o n ly to th e c la im s then filed. D ated at O akville this 25th day of Febru ary, 2002 Estate Trustees, by their Solicitor, THOMAS H. MARSHALL, Q.C., . P.O. Box 955, 296 Randall St.. Oakville, Ontario L6J 5E8 905-844-0464 N a m e _______________________________________________ Address, City .Postal Code. 905-632-4440, 905-337-5610 or Fax 905-632-8165 Wedding Date. Fax. .E m a il. 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -8 1 6 5 U P B E A T , frie n d ly and cheerful Inside Sales Rep. needed. Sales experience required. Must enjoy talk ing on the phone. S 10/hr. plus com m ission, full-tim e days, perm anent. C all M ichele at Sandtron A uto mation. 905-827-8230 BR AN T C h ild ren 's C entre requires fulltim e Teacher. ECE or e q u iv a le n t. C all 905-634-5518 o r lax: 905634-5510 SEND THIS FORM FOR YOUR 2 FOR 1 ADMISSION COUPON BY FRI.. AUG. 23. 2002 Send to: National Bridal Shows c/o Premier Consumer Show 467 Speers Rd., Oakville L6K 3S4. Fax: 905-337-5571 PLEASE RECYCLE T H IS PAPER a division of

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