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Oakville Beaver, 13 Mar 2002, C5

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The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday March 13, 2002 - C 5 T h e O a k ville B eaver L A -Z -B O Y » S o fas fo r L ess! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: 905-632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm houses for M i* houses fors SHORT-TERM Clean, spacious 1&2 bedroom fur nished suites at much de sired location.... Burlington Towers 905-639-8583 BURLINGTON Downtown Luxury 1-bedroom + den. 2 baths. 5 appliances, garage. BBQ. Apr 1st. $1,395. 905632-5393_______________ $ 1 ,9 5 0 M O. S tu n n in g , W e s to a k T ra ils , la rg e 3 bds, 2 -1 /2 b a th s hom e. M a y /J u n e occupancy. F am ily room w ith vaulted ceilings & Fireplace. Dou b le g a ra g e . A1 R e fe r e n c e s . no a n im a ls . No s m o k e rs L a u ric e A lb e rt, A s s o c . B ro k e r. R e /M ax (905)257-2414 R E N T E R S s to p p a y in g y o u r la ndlo rds m ortgage. F ree re p o rt re v e a ls how easy it is to own your own home. Free recorded mes sage 1 -8 0 0 -6 9 5 -8 3 0 6 ID # 1 0 0 1 . S u tto n G ro u p Summit Realty Inc. C la ssified OPEN HOUSE Fri. 4 -8 * Sat. & Sun., 9-7 Move to the much-desired location... Call for more info.: 905-335*3001 E-mail: lycourt@sympatico.ca for info. Sofas, Chairs and Sectionals of Starting From Uncompromising Quality and Style. ^ ^ An Extraordinary Selection \ | 1 f l f l QQ of the Finest Custom Fabrics. V SC U U 1VW Imagine. Genuine La-Z-Boy at I I £ 1 prices that will Delight you! W W W B u r lin g t o n P o w e r C e n tre · Q E W B r a n t S t. * 9 0 5 - 3 3 1 - 7 6 0 0 Circulation: 905-845-9742 · Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-1% · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 eoMEWMim... C U M B E R L A N D VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited ,, A t' G R EAT DEALS U S S A T E L IT E SA LE TYC0URT APTS & T0WNH0USES 1366 Tyandaga Parle Dr., Burlington Park-like setting near golf course & QEW Bachelors. $675/mo.; 2 Bdrm Apts. $925/mo. * 2 & 3 Bdrm Townhomes from $1030. Some with fireplace. Includes 4 or 5 appliances. \ Ail new with warranty. Direct TV. Single LNB ^ system with HU card program S349 Free install kit with every unit. Other systems & products availabie. Open Mon-Thurs . 9-6; Fri., 9-7 Burlington Towers Extra-Large I, 2 & 3 Bdrm Suites W ith 2 balconies! Easy QEW access, tec. centre with large indoor pool, underground parking, plus. plus..... UPPER G len A bbey sem i on ravine lo t. 7 m onths new. 3 bedroom. 2.5 bath. Gas FP *2 3 9 .9 0 0 905825-6434 RIVER O aks, b e a u tifu l 3 bedroom hom e. C entre Hall, hardw ood, detached garage. 241 Lexington Rd. 905-257-6903 S E LL yo u r hom e quickly. No contracts. No com m is sion. www burioakhomes.com or call 905- 630-0583 SHORT term furn ished re n ta l- nearly new execu tiv e 2 bedroom plus den tow nhouse. W alking d is tance to dow ntow n O ak v ille . H ardw ood floors, cath e d ra l c e ilin g s , model home condition. A p ril 1st. $2400/mo 905-827-2388 TR A V E LS U ITE S .N E T ... Log on! 'N e w * C o rporate Luxury Accom m odations. 1-4 bed roo m s/ baths. All am enities. 40++ locations. D a ily. W eekly. M onthly. From $39.95* per night. (Visa M asterC ard/ AmEx). Leeve mess: 905-681-7355 FURNISHED Bu rlington Luxury! 1&2 bedrooms from $1.395/mo. utilities includ ed. Immediate Short/ long term . (905)632-8354 . (905)632-6189 and Sat. & Sun., 9-5 4943 Union Rd,, Beamsville. O N 905-563-9285 or vist www.HUWORKs.TV Extra Large 1-Bedroom May 1st. Call How 905 ^ lor Rental Call 905-639-8583 w w w .o n tim .c o m email: htinwrsftHiinumxii SSSs RIVER O AKS : 3-bedroom free hold in good ne ig h bourhood. 5 appliances, at tached garage, w a lk-out rec.room w ith fire p la c e . May 1st. $1600/m o. L.Davies R E.. 905-333-4347 BURLINGTON: 2-bedroom, immediate/ May from $995./ m o .* utilitie s. 3-bedroom , May. $1080/mo.+ utilities. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths One outsid e parkin g. Near schools, shopping. Park-like setting. (905)333-1190. FREE ROOM * board Female only. Excellent foodown room - la u n d ry- TVphones, in exchange fo r housekeeping duties Car avail. 905-632-4730 BEDROOM su ite , brand new 8-pce.. so lid C herrywood sle ighb ed. Chest, T ri-d re sse r w /m irro r. 2nightstand s. All D ovetail. Never opened, still boxed. Cost $8,499. sell $3,999. 905-971-1777.____________ BEDS. New. Double. $220; Queen. $240. C om plete w/frame. Futons. Free Delivery Refurbished VCRs. 17-25* colour TVs. p ortable CD players. 905-681-9496. B E D - Q ueen, o rth opedic p illo w to p m attress, boxspring, headboard/ fo o t board. frame. New. in plas tic. Cost $1275. sell $550. Wrfl deliver 905-971-3315. BR AS S and glass table s e t- 6 chairs, brown c o r duroy. Good condrtion $150. 905-257-0161, after 6pm. C A R P ET. I have several 1.000 yards ol new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet W ill do livin g ro o m & hall for $349 includes car pet. pad & in stallatio n (30 yards) Steve. (905)639-2902 CH ES TER FIE LD & chair, light cream background, pastel floral pattern. 4-yrs old. $ 3 0 0/bo th. 9 0 5 -2 5 7 8255 after 7pm. CO M PUTER (personal), desk & chair. Kenwood CD player. Also, children's bike's (2) and trycle . $25/each. 905-319-6288____________ C L A R K E 8* drum flo o r sand er. re b u ilt- as new. (b ills). $1200 firm 905632-1074_________ . DINING RO O M 13-pce.. C herryw ood set. 96* dou ble p ed estal tab le w/ le aves. 8-ch a irs. Lighted C hina C abinet, all D ove ta il. N ever opened. Cost $12,250. sacrifice $4,750 905-304-9994 DIRECT-TV systems $299 program yo u r own cards $200. H and HU p ro gram m ing. C all 905 -87 31642 or 416-991-2761 _ FIREPLACE, gas 2-sided, only 4-yrs. old. R etail $2700, asking $1250. Call 905-336-1734.___________ FRIDGE (Frost-free), selfcleaning stove, Moffat, al mond, excellent condition. $500/pair Treadm ill. Powerw alk Plus m anual. $50. 905-335-3089 FUTON (white tubular frame) authentic m attress, pastel cover. Square pine table, single pedestal. Teak T.V tables Nesting tables (white). 905-337-3060____________ GOLF Clubs, m en's 3-PW hand irons, original Snake Eyes, not clones. Dynamic gold steel shafts, half cord grips. Used 6 times. $400/ obo. 905-631-0170 GRAND P ia n o - (S te in way) Mode L. East Indian rosew ood. 6 ft. . excellen t cond ition, purchased only 1-1/2 years ago. Must sell. asking 70K. ^(416)432-8024 G U ITAR , Black. Peavey EVH W olfgang with hardshell case. Good con dition $1300. 905-333-0789 LIVING RO O M couch and matching love seat, salmon and cream, excellent condHton. $800. 905-332-1622 MOVING Sale 'M orretts*. elegant cam el-back. 3se a te r sofa. Sanderson flo ra l, cream background, $350; lo veseat. fea th e r back cushions, cream background, plaid pattern, pastel shades rose/ cream. $350; antique large blanket box $700 obo.; coffee table gla ss/ b ra ss/ lig h t wood $75 905-842-5802 O FFICE G uest C hair, armrests, velvet seat/ back, chrom e. E xce lle nt condiMon. >40.905-632-3253 QUEEN size so lid cherry bedroom suite, triple dress er w/mirror. armoire, 2 night tables, headboard w/frame. $1500/obo. 905-335-7933 S A T E LL IT E H/HU P ro grammer. cables and pow: er supply included. New in package $150. 905-961 -2073 T R E A D M IL L - W eslo. e x ercise. fold-up. Cushioned platform w/incline. M onitor d isp la ys tim e, distan ce, pulse, speed. $1250/obo. 905-632-2092____________ UT ILITY tra ile r, heavy duty. 10 ft. Brand new. Call 905-842-4492 W EDDING G own. A lfred Angelo Designer, size 12. A-line, slightly off shoulder. Paid $1300 Asking $600. 905-469-8402 W R E S T L E M A N IA 18. 4 s e a ts a t co s t. C a ll 9 0 5 616-5272 LE ASE T a k e o v e r- 2001 Civic. 4dr.. auto. - 18K. 3-1/ 2 years rem a ining. Help me. lo st jo b !!. 9 0 5 -8 4 9 8077 1998 Honda CR -V, 5speed. 87K. black, after market am/fm CD. keyless entry. $18,300. 9 0 5 -3 3 6 9826 1995 Jeep C h e ro k e e S p ort.. w hite. 4W D. 4 OL HO. G ood running c o n d i tion, as is $6000. 905-3159990 1990 S undance 4-door, 238K.. air, new tires & ex haust. Runs great! $1000 M l* . 906-645-5877. 2000 M ustang conve rtible b lack. I3 3 ,0 0 0 k m s ., 5speed, a ir, CD, lik e new. $22,500 or $3,000 +$420/ mo 905-580-9145 1996 Dodge Neon black. 4-cyf.. 5-speed, tinted wind ows. m int con d itio n , new tires. $4900 obo. Must see! 905-333-8229____________ 1991 Toyota Camry- 119K, Auto. pw. pi, pt. cruise, air. safety & E-tested $5995/ obo. Call 905-632-6905 days. 905-689-9547 nights. TOYOTA Corolla, 5 speed, manual, colour green. CD player, front and rear, dual a ir bags. 23.000km . one ow ner, service, like new $12,000 call 905-842- 1297 (O ffice) or 905-844-5877 1994 Dodge S h a d o w green. one ow ner. 158K. new tire s. W ill safety. $4000/obo 905-331-5584 1992 V olksw agen P assat C L . s ta tio n w a g o n . 5s p e e d tra n s m is s io n . Im m aculate condition, asking $ 5 ,5 0 0 C a ll ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 2 1033-after 6pm 1989 Toyota Corola. blue. 4 door, autom atic, safety te s te d , g o o d c o n d itio n 240.000km Asking $2,200. 905)469-0229 198 9 L in c o ln T ow n C a r. R u ns w e ll $ 1 ,8 0 0 C a ll (905)320-8813 Come See the Difference! 511 G uelph Line, B u rlin g to n C o m fo rta b le 1-B e d ro o m S uites fro m o n ly $849./m o. Sunken livingrooms, windows in kitchens, breakfast nooks. 2 outdoor pools....Call 905-637-9725 S P E E R S / F o u rth Line area 2-bedroom basement apt. s e p a ra te e n tra n c e , lots of parking, large back yard. pets OK $850/mo in c lu d e s a ll u tiliitie s . Apr. 1st 905-842-0308 O A K V IL L E . 3-bedroom a pa rtm e nt, upp er trip le x . A ll am enities, laundry, parkin g. Apr 1st. $ 10 50/ mo. electricity. 905-8459088 O A K V IL L E . Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary 2-bedroom . M ar./A pr $ 10 50./m o.; 3-bedroom . Mar/ Apr./ May. $ 1360/mo. (parking) 905-844-9006 O AKV ILLE: 392 Pine Ave at C o rnw all & T rafalga r. R enovated, la rge suites W alk to E verything. 1&2 Bedrooms from $845. 905842-1429 DOW NTOW N O akville, la rge 2-bedroom . A/C. $1100/mo Apr 1st. Can 416420-3962 Of 905-842-9275 SP AC IO U S 1.243 B e d room s. F reshly painted, brigh t. C o m p e titiv e rent. Burlington high-rise. W ellmaintained. Convenient lo cation 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 . Noon-8pm O A K V ILL E . Q EW / T ra fa l gar. 1-bedroom from $859/ m o.*; 2-bedroom from $949/mo.*; 3-bedroom from $ 1079/m o.* W ell m ain taine d building. N ellie, (905)339-2028. ( ` included 2% prom pt paym ent d is count) IN M em orlam / Card of thanks Booklet available by c a llin g B u rlington Post. 905-632-4440 or O akville Beaver. A sk fo r Loraine. 905-845-3824____________ lost & found M IS S IN G : c a t. 8 m o n th o ld m a le n e u te re d , g rey tabby Third Line/Lakeahore. ·A lb e rt". N o c o lla r, has daw s Please help us find him! 905-847-0370 FOUND C a lico short hair cat Appleby and Upper k * M e *e*y* cal 905^37-7325 FOUND- Black ca t. A l dershot area. *Dorby* call 905-637-7325 FOUND- C a lico cat, New St A Drury Lane. 'Annette* C al 905-637-7325 FO UN D: B lack/ w hite DSH cat. Falcon/ Plains Rd We call 'Raindrops*. Phone 905-637-7325. FOUND: pair of prescrip tio n glasses. C anadian Tire parking lot (Fairview, Burlington). Call 905-574- ` Career Training & Skills Upgrading Computerized Programs" To ensure your future success see us at Ttie Halton Job & Career Fair on Mar .19 HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE 639-8583 OPEN HOUSE 3 bed room . condo tow nhouse. end -un it, 10 m onths new. S184.900. 1283 Blanshard Or. near W alkers/Mainway unit 1.Sal. March 16th 2-4pm T H R E E b e d ro o m T o w n house Condom inium 2286 M arine D rive. B ronte V il la g e $ 2 1 9 ,9 0 0 . O pen H o use S u n d a y 2 -4pm (519)240-4734 For Rental SSSs T H IR D L ine/ Speers, to GO. buses, shopping Im maculate. spacious 1-bed room. den. livingroom, eatin kitchen, private entrance, fridge, stove, laundry. No pets. N o n-sm oker. $775/ mo. 905-815-9585 ENJOY spe c ta c u la r view from newly renovated luxu ry apartments. Gym. billiard room, pool, la undry fa c ili ties. Prime Burlington loca tion 9 05 -33 3-91 41; 905637-6701. APRIL Bronte Marine. 2· bedroom , balcony. Large cle an secure, w e ll-m a in tained quiet building $980/ mo. in clude s u tilitie s . No pets. 905-469-1357; 905337-2722. 3020 Glencrest Road. Bur lington. 1, 2 & 3-bedroom a pa rtm e nts a vailab le M arch/ A p ril. From $895/ mo 905-632-0129 O A K V IL L E . S teps from downtown. Bachelor apart ment. Apr.15th. $700./mo. U tilitie s/ parking included. Q uiet building, wheelchair accessible 905-844-1934 2-BEDROOM Suites among refined te n a n ts in lu xury building close to Burlington Mall Can the *Princess'. 905639-8009 or the ' Regency*. 905-681-8115 EAST B u rlington; 3-bedroom ranch, ground floor. 4 appliances, parking $875/ mo. 905-632-5690. Albert McDonagh L td . Realtor UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 2418Glenmx>d School Dr.. Burlington ^ condom inium s torrent Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/Speers/QEW Bachelor from S759* (Harvester & Guelph) 3-Bedrooms All The Advantage of C q p Jq Si.000/mo. 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement C .Y .W .t lu ll/ part-time. cHfferent shifts at new and ex isting Adolescent Residen tia l program s in H a lton/ Peel Regions. Homemak ers/ night shifts. Experience in re sid e n tia l setting an asset. Post secondary ed ucation In Child Care or re la te d fie ld required . Fax 905-527-9923 F/T expe rienced New B u siness C o o rd in a to r re qu ire d im m edia tely for O akville Life Insurance Of fice. Fax resume to Martha 905-829-0613 BR AM PTO N. Looks like new: D etached 4+1 bed room. 3+1 bathroom s, re placed roof, furnace, wind ows. carpet. 12 appliances, side entrance, fin ish e d basement, double garage. CAC/VAC. skylig h t, e n clo sed patio $28 4,90 0 C al tor appt. 905-456-1232 POWER Of S a le - 2051 Laurelcrest Place. (3rd Line & West Oaks Trail area. 4bdrm . 2.5 baths, la n d scaped. immaculate condi tion. Immediate occupancy. $280,000 416-209-1598 1-Bdrms S879* Living 905-639-9212 W ESTO AK T R A IL S : A l most new 3-bedroom semi. H ardw ood, ceram ics, gas fire p la c e , ensu ite. 4 a p pliances. attached double garage. Prefer no pets or sm oking. A p r.2nd. $1800/ mo. L.D avies R E.. 905333-4347 RO SE LAN D to w n h o m e 2 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, lire place, garage, a/c. ravine. $1200+ utilities. 905-3327382 MILLCROFT. 3-bedrooms. 11/2 baths, approx. 1500 sq. ft., ceramics, gas fireplace, air. 5 appliances, attached garage with opener. No pets. $1650/ mo. + utirties. Avail-able end of Apnl 905-315-7023 GEORGIAN Court Estates. King/ Plains Rd . Burlington Large 243 bedroom townhouses. full basements. C a l 905-632-6547_________ NEW R e novations- A v a il able Mar. 15th. 2-bedrooms. 1 parkin g. $850./m o.+ u tilitie s . North Burlington. 905-319-9104____________ O A K V ILL E - 2&3 Bedroom townhouses available AprilMay. 4 appliances. Hopedale M all area Lakeshore Management. 905-876-3336 BU R LIN G TO N . C lean 1bedroom + den, 2 baths. 5 app lia nces. C /A. garage Apr.11st. $1025/m o. 905632-5393________________ B U R LIN G TO N . Luxury tow nhouses. 3-bedroom s. $ 1 175/mo. 4-bedroom s. $1275/m o. Fam ilyroom . basem ent, yard. U tilitie s extra, p arkin g $40. 905639-0950 BURLINGTON. 3-bedroom. 1.5 bath, finished basement, near Burlington Mall. $1050/ mo. plus utilities. Available Apr 1st 905-632-9236 3-BE DRO O M townhouse condo. 5 a pp lia nces, ga rage. fin is h e d basem ent. Apr. 1st. River Oaks. O ak ville 905-466-6310 RAVINE semi- 3 bedroom. 2 bath, walk-out basement. 4 appliances. FP. c/a. $1300+ u tilitie s . A va il/M ay 1st (905)842-5079 EX EC UTIVE 3-bedroom townhome. 2.5 baths, c/air. finished basement. $1700/ mo. +utilities. Apr. 1st. Sixth Line North. John 416-9415980 2-Bdrms from S979` Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view Tel: (90S) 845-9502 "(2% prompt pay. disc.) FOR R entIb e d ro o m a pa rtm e nt, clo se to all am enities A p ril 1st. 262 Reynolds Street, Oakville. 905-338-8876 B A SEM EN T apartm ent, new. near A p pleb y GO. Shared entrance, parking, no pets or sm oking. First/ last. $625/m o. in clusive. ImmedUrte. 905-631-0006 B A SEM EN T apartm ent washer/dryer, fridge/stove, la rge yard, p arkin g for 2. $325. bi-w e e k ly in clude s utilities May/1 st 905-3315225 1-Bdrm-f Den & 2-Bdrm Suites with solarium! Rec. fac., 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! Sheridan College See us at the Job fair Tues. March 19 Burlington Convention Centre IO F FO R ESTERS =905-312-2387® SPENCERS Landing. B u rlington new lu xury 2bedroom, 2-bath, balcony. 5 appliances, c/air, parking, security, indoor pool No pets. May 1st. $1295/mo. includes utilities 905-5732623.___________________ OAKVILLE GO. 2-bedroom den. 1.5 baths. 9th floor, south balcony, gas fireplace. $ 1 175/mo inclusive 416255-9311 "SAND S'* Downtown B u r lington near the lake. 2bedrooms. 2 baths, balco ny. C/A. 5 appliances, pool. 1 parking. 1 locker, no pets. Im m ediate $1250. C all L.D avies R E.. 905-3334347 8 0 0 3 FO UND: Black DSH cat. Falcon/ Plains Rd. We call 'C loudy*. Phone 905 -63 77 3 2 5 . __________ ______ FOUND: Black/ white DSH cat. Francis/ Plains Rd We call *C h a p p y\ Phone 905637-7325 FOUND; set of keys. Ran d a ll & T ra fa lg a r, C all to kltntlty. 906-338-6608 LO S T: la rge set of keys. W yecroft Road area. Oak v ille Reward 905-6324444 X237 BURUNGTON Townhousenear Royal B o tanical Gardens. Freehold condo, less then 12 months old. 3 bedrooms. 1 5 baths, walk out finished basement, large kitchen, a/c. garage, monit ored lawn. 5 app lia nces, custom made blinds throughou t $184.000. 905-522-3393 BURLING TO N south ce n tral. 3-bedrooms. 1.5 baths, new frid g e / gas sto ve / washer/ gas dryer Upgrad ed windows/ patio/ garage doors. C u sto m -fin ish e d basem ent. New gas fur* nace/ air conditioner. Ren ovated kitchen (m aple). >188.900.905-637-1389. TR A F A LG A R / Dundas Spacious 3-bedroom s. 2.5 baths, finished basement, d air. c/vac., garage w/opener. $199,000. Open House S a t./S un. 3-6pm . 2350 Grand R avine Drive. unit#31 or by appointm ent 905-257-6975 Unique Designs! W a lk to G O 2067 Prospect St at Brant St. Huge 1&2 Bdrms From S825/mo » Comer Suites Avail » Gleaming parquet flooring » Over-size balconies I Undergound parking I On-sile customer service.... 905-631-0033 FREE- 1 Month for Quali fie d A p plicants! G eorgian A p artm ents. 1,2 8 3 B e d room s. M a r./A p r./ May. Heat/ hydro included. Park ing extra (No pets) Burling ton. 905-63 9-04 56. M-F: 9am-4pm. 6:30-8pm 1.2&3 Bedroom A p a rt m ents from $875/m o. In door pool. QEW/ Trafalgar area 905-844-1106 NO RTHSHORE Tow ers. A p ril/ M ay/ June: 1-bdrm from $76 0./m o.; 2-bdrm from $82 5./m o. (+ $33. parking). U tilities included. No Pets. Quiet Building. Di ane. 9am -7pm . 9 0 5 -6 8 1 1307* Burlington BR ON TE Harbour. S p a cio us 2-bedroom suites availab le. H eat/ hydro In cluded. $1225/m o. C all S herry. 416-835-2220, 8am-7pm 2-Bedroom s New Paint, refinished hard wood, patio ++. Tyandaga Terrace 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905)336-0015 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905)336-0016 MAIN Floor with character and fireplace. 1-bedroom + den. fu ll basem ent, near Joseph B rant H ospital, $750/mo. Heat paid. Imme diate/ Apr Active Manage ment. 905-630-5185 C AN A D IAN A . Quiet, wellm aintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1.243 bedrooms available Imme d ia te ly / M ar 5220 Lake shore. B u rlington. 905-632-5486. | ! w l houses for rent SOUTH BURLING TO N: S p otless 3-bedroom , 2.5 bath semi in lovely neutral decor. 5 appliances. C/A, main floor familyroom, recroom , p riv a te & fenced yard, inground pool. A p r.1st. $1650/m o. L .D a vies R.E.. 905-333-4347 SH AR P! B u rlington 2storey loaded w/upgrades. 3-bedroom s. 1.5 b a th rooms. Finished basement. F irep lace. C /a ir G arage. Landscaped yard. $1350/ mo. M a y ls t. Nigel M aun der. Sutton G roup. 905681-7900 RENT to Own options or 0 Down Program based on credit & earnings v e rific a tion. Contact Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker. Re/Max Escarpment Realty. Realtor. 905-63 9-52 58; cre a tiv e optsOquickciic.net________ 2 bedroom house with fin ished basem ent. Close to downtown Oakville. $1200/ mo u tilitie s . Imm ediate. 905-847-3564 after 5pm IN C R ED IB LE O pportunity Why rent? If you can own! C oncerns w ith D o w npa y ment? No problem! Houses, condos, townhomes. O.A.C. C all Direct 905.333.9752 J e ff T aylor, Sales Rep., Sutton Group Results Reality Inc. 905.332.4111_________ WATERDOWN. 3-bedroom bungalow. 2.5 baths, gas FP, c/a, m ain flo o r laundry, double garage. $1400/mo. utilities. May 1st. No pets. 905-689-0105 BRONTE lakeside 3 bed room plus loft, clean, quite, clo se to harbor. 1650. May/1 st 416-993-4647, agreen O sympatico.ca OLD Oakville, `cutesy* home, sh o rt-te rm . 4 appliances, fireplace, beautiful locatlonstep out to shops. $1650/mo. Can 905-645-8254_________ O A K V ILLE bungalow, ga rage. 3+1 bedroom , c/a, walkout deck. Includes ap pliances. very clean. 1699+ utilities. May/1 st 905-469-6130 O AKV ILLE S/W Executive four bedroom, family room w ith firepla ce, double ga rage. fenced lo t. $1950+ 416-741-5397 BU R LIN G TO N , la rge - 3 bedroom , 5 appliances. 2 car parking, fenced yard b acking onto park. Near schools/ highway. No pets. $1,275./m on th. A p r.1st. 905-332-5975,906-467-7248 EAST O a kville and north B u rlington. E xecutive 4 bedroom homes. $1,450. to $2,150 Available now 905642-4328 _______________ NOW or A pril! 3-bedroom bungalow with appliances, garage, $1200/mo+ utilities. R eferences. A ctive M an agement, 905-3336506. ExL29 4-BEDROOMsemi-detached, (basem ent occup ied). 4 appliances, C/Air. $ 1450/mo., utilities included. Walker's/ M ainw ay. A va ila ble A pril. 905-336-6652.___________ 2-BEDRO O M bungalow . $875/mo. -utilities. No ap pliances. W est A ldershot near Hwy#6. A va ila ble Apr. 1st. Call 905-525-0808 FURNISHED TOWNHOUSE. South ce n tra l B u rlington. Lovely 2-bedroom, 2.5 baths, b e a u tifu lly furn ished . 5 app lia nces. C/A, private patio , wood firepla ce. $1650/m o. May 1st. C all L Davies R E . 905-333-4347 EGUNTON 9th Line $2000/ mo plus utililities. 4 bedrooms, den. 5 new appl, double garage, openers, security system, plantation shutters, one year new, Avail/May 1st. Maple Leaf HMC Inc. 905842-8383 THANK-YOU to St Jude and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for prayers answered. A. E visit us at the Halton Job and Career Fair on Tues. March 19 Burlington Convention Centre 267 companions * * * * * PRIM E Downtown B u r ling to n . U pgraded 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartm ents. S cenic vie w s B e autifu l grounds. 478 Pearl. 477 Elizabeth. 905-634-9374 W ATE RD O W N: John St W alk to E ve rythin g New Appliances. New Windows. Comp. Reno. 2 Bdrms. Util. Incl. from $845./mo. (905) 689-1647, 905-690-4454 LA KEFR O N T B u rlington! Large clean 1&2-bedroom apartm ents available May 1st. 2338 Lakeshore Rd Call 905-637-3447 1-BEDRO O M upstairs a pa rtm ent, sepa rate en trance Near JBM H, lake, hwy. No parking. Im m e diate. $650/m o. inclusive. 905-637-9167 2-BEDRO O M apartm ents. 110 South F oster Park. O akville. Includ es e v e ry thing . Im m ediate. 905849-8411. 10am-8pm 2-BEDRO O M apartm ents ava ila b le May 1st from $925./mo. Conveniently lo cated W oodw ard/ G uelph Line. Burlington. 905-6324265 KERR St. Two 2-bedrooms. Apr. 1st: $850/mo. & $950/ mo. 2-storey building, wellmaintained Parking included. 905-257-1669 BR IG HT basem ent suite, $950./Mo including utilities 6 appliances, fireplace, sat ellite. steps from Lakeside Village 905-637-5467 HEART of Bronte. 50 East S t.. close to la ke/ Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom. May, $975/m o.; 2-bedroom . Im mediate. $1,110. (parking) 905-825-0816 NORTH Glen Abbey, new 1-bdrm basement, kitchen ette. separate entrance, 1parking. No smoking/ pets. $750/m o. Apr. 1st. 905- SINGLE gentlemen, young 72. interested in meeting slim lady (or dinner, short trips, etc 905-332-8246 Customer Service ManagerRAPID AID We are looking for a dynamic individual to lead by ex ample. in providing excellent customer service to our clients. The successful candidate would be a coach and team leader to the customer service staff. Work ing closely with the Director ol Sales, this person will ensure quality correspondence to both internal and external clients, understand the opportunity for sales within a customer service environment, and continually look fot ways lo improve the level ol customer service al Rapid Aid A minimum ol 5 years proven work ex perience in Customer Service is necessary with previ ous supervisory/management experience a definite asset. Strong communication skills and organizational skills are essential in this role. Rapid Aid is a leading manulacfurer of hof/cold packs located in Mississau ga area. Please email your resume in confidence to: Cambre.gmell@sympatico.ca 270 nannies llve-iaout LO VING Nanny needed fu ll-tim e fo r 3 children. South Burlington. Live-out. References required. Vehi cle needed 905-333-0053 PART-TI IME Nanny needed Tuesclays. Wednesdays, Thursdayfs. Burlington Mall area 2 clhildren. Car needed A S / IP 905-681-6397. O A K V IL L E C e n tra l 1bedroom w /balcony. Park view . F abulous lo cation! C lose to G O / Lake shore/ shopping/ QEW 905 -84 97496_______ ____________ WE specia lize in C o ndo m inium S ales & R entals Call Linda Davies Real Es ta te Ltd ., Realtor. (906)333-4347 Beautiful Lakefront 5348 Lakeshore 1& 2 Bedroom Suites From S935/M0 Avail. immed./April. Quiel building. New appliances. Washer, dryer on each floor. Parking. MATURE lady required to babysit toddler in my S.E. Burlington home. 2-3 even ings per week, occasional overnight stay required. 905-633-8038 after 6pm. FOR le ase- retail industri al unit between 3rd & 4th Line. 1250 sq.ft. Frontage on Speers. $ 1200/m o u tilitie s . 905 -84 7-18 05 or after 6pm 905-319-0977 WAREHOUSE, 2200 sq.ft., 20' clear height, no posts. Harvester/ Appleby. Burling ton. Available immediately. 905-681-6899 4150 sq. ft Speers frontage $11 per sq ft net $2.75 TMI Between Dorval and Fourth Line Can (905)845-7199 905-639-3301 EXPER IENC ED daycare provider has spaces avail able. nutritious meals, arts/ crafts. I supply references, receip ts, all equipm ent. Palmer area. 905-336-0864 M APLEVIEW area nuturing ECE mom w ill care for your child. FT/PT, My home. Child focused curric ulum Karen. 905-631-8162 DANCE TEA C H ER S The W orld Fam ous A rthur M urray Dance Studios are looking for individuals with an o u t-g o in g p e rs o n a lity ,th a t e n jo y peop le , m usic, travel and a vibra nt w orking e nvi ron m e n t. If th is d e s crib e s YOU and you are looking lo r som ething different than a 9-5 job, this could be for YOU. If you qual ify we w ill tra in you lo r p lacem en t in our Oakville studio Please C all 905-849-0707 BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court Available May 1st: Spectacular Lake Views 5200 Lakeshore On the Water Appleby & Lakeshore Bachelor - $575Vmo. 1-Bdrm - $735./mo. Includes utilities. Parking Available ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 S U B L E A S E : 8th L in e / N o rth S e rv ic e Rd O a k ville Faces QEW Approx 1280 sq. ft 905-849-1067 NETW O R KERS.. are you earning $5,000- $10,000/ mo. from home? If not call Hans Reuter 905-270-7804 24/7 · Freshly painted suites · Mature treed setting · Recently renovated corridors · Galley kitchens · Sparkling hardwood · Outdoor pool & patio 2 BEDROOM SUITES FROM $990/M0. 905-690-1896 PILGRAMSWAY VILLAGE 2 & 3 h=rfemn flrihPR a\afl±)) 2i il > w r ie BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt M APLEVIEW - Bungalow, w a lkout lo w er le vel, 2+2 bedroom s. 3 baths, open concept, cathedral ceilings. $2100./Mth 905-335-7078 2 children seeking lo ving long term caregiver 3-6pm in home starting Sept/ 2002 References B u rlington 905-336-7579 510 general help wanted 510 general help wanted carbraimm in \a rtiz ib ln fe , QiariUe .5 qgpLiaTES, w d lto w ilc a rp t, LAN G U AG E C lasses C o nversation, Italian . French and Spanish. Start w eek of Mar 18th fo r 8 weeks. Burl. & Ham. Small groups, limited seats! Dis covery Language C entre Tel 905 -52 6-97 00 www. discoverylanguage com B C llT a l furniture CH AIR S . 6 uph olstered 'L a n e * D eacon's chairs. New. Black polycotton Jac quard fabric. Regular $225/ ea.. $750/six. 905-842-9675 Air Athletics Sports Domes, Oakville seeks good keen people, FT/PT Bartenders: Service industry experience preferred, but will train. Honest, outgoing, presentable. Communication and sales ability an asset. Nights & Weekends. Line Cooks: Fast food industry experience, good presentation skills, neat appearance a must. Cleaning, stocking will be required. 905-681-7126 MONEY Problem s? G a r nishees? Too m any p a y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner. Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6 3 1 0600 LA K E S H O R E / M aple. Burlington. 1-bedroom. May, $875/mo.+ parking; 2-bedroom. March. $1037./mo.+ parking. Heat/ hydro includ ed. Beautiful lakefront view. Indoor pool. Bus stops at door. N ear M apleview & hosp ita l. G reat highw ay access 905-632-5258 B U R LIN G TO N . 1&2 bed room s av a ila b le im m e diate ly/ April. Heat/ hydro Included. From $720/m o.+ parking. No pets. 905-6320961 ____ ____________ W ATE RD O W N. Low er dup lex. 1-bedroom +den. gas fireplace. 4 appliances, 2-car parkin g. 1/2 yard. $695/m o. fu tilitie s . Suit couple. F irs t/ last. R e fer ences 905-689-5297 evgs. NEWLY renovated, freshly p ainted! 1&2 Bedroom s ava ila b le M a r.1st. 1363 Lakeshore, Burlington across from Spencer Smith Park. 905-637-8431, 7-days. 9am5pm. (Ring A p t >101) 1-BEDROOM- quiet, clean a du lt bu ild in g , dow ntow n Burlington. Available Apr. $695/Mo. includes utilities. 905-631-0191, 905-643-8979 B U R LIN G T O N - spacious 2-bedroom , 1.5 baths C lean, quiet b u ild in g w/ yard. May 1st. Hardw ood throughout. Non-sm okers, no pets. Parking w/safe ac cess $850/m o. +hydro 905-637-3243. BU R LING TO N. B luefields Drive. 2 or 3 bedroom mai sonn ette tow nhouses. Laundry. No dogs. April 1st. $895/mo. 905-336-7207 kBkmies cr pd±B .Gi site ranipiHt.. T bview ca ll (905)847*5043 O A K V IL L E : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca. Renovated. Large suites. W alk to everything. 142 bedrooms from $825. (905)645-1777____________ OLD O akville. B e autifu lly m aintained, very clean, q uiet b u ild in g dow ntown. Step out to shops. 1-bedroom from $985; 2 -b e d room from $1250./m o. 2bedroom + den. from $1425/m o. No lease. 905845-8254 (leave message) O A K V IL L E D owntown. S pacious im m acula tely renovated 2-bedroom a pa rtm e nt. P arking. On Lakeshore Road/ Kerr S treet, from $ 1 100/m o. u tilitie s . Im m ediate. No pets 905-337-7135; 905331-1301. O A K V IL L E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large Renovated 142Bdrm. New app lia nces, w indow s. From $ 84 5./mo 905-844-5474____________ O A K V ILL E . 1&2 bedroom apartm ent, m ain floor, hardwood floors, parking, yard Q uiet, cle an. 905844-9340, 905-844-6273 O A K V IL L E . 1 -bedroom apartment available im me diately. No pets. Referenc es. Speers Rd./ Kerr area. 905-842-2153 B A C H ELO R a p t . selfcontained, private entrance non-smoker, no pets. April 1st. O akville. $690/m o. 905-845-3756 Ideally Located 1275 Elgin St, Burt. B E A U TIFU L furn ished room , k itchen fa c ilitie s , share bathroom / laundry. Non-smokers. Guelph Line/ Palm er. F irs t/ last. 9053 1 5 -7 0 8 2 ._______ W ALK E R S L ine/ Upper M iddle. Basem ent room , private 3-pce. bath, share k itc h e n / la undry/ poo l/ gam es room . Parking. $500/mo. Immediate. 905331-0504._______________ ROOM for rent. Furnished room in e x e c u tiv e hom e, m any extras, heated pool a ll inclusive. Responsible In d iv id u a l $ 40 0. T ra fa l g a r/U p p e r M iddle. (905) 338-5956 O A K V IL L E : Large, nicely fu rn is h e d room in b a s e m ent. K itch e n e tte , bath, suit 1 person. Non-smoker. S e p a ra te e n tra n c e . No bu s a c c e s s . $ 6 2 5 /m o . F irs t/la s t 416-504-4440. R O O M , s h ared fa c ilitie s . $ 5 0 0 /m o . o r b a a h e lo r a p a rtm e n t. Im m e d ia te ./ A p ril 1st. F o u rth L in e / S p e e rs . S te p h a n ie a fte r 5pm. 905-465-3345 Maintenance/Cleaning Staff: Maintaining/cleaning indoor/outdoor facilities, gen eral maintenance, some lifting. Reliable, willing to learn. Days, nights, weekends C A LL Redwood. 416-494988 3 ext. 321 o r 1-800328-7887 ext 321. 1 year 3 .3 3 . 5 y e a r 5 .6 0 . ARM 1.24. Also refinancing, eq u ity m ortgag e pro g ra m s. 2nd mortgages available business services BO O K KE EPING S ervices available in home office for c o m puterized or m anual system s. Experienced, trustworthy. Pick-up/ deliv ery. 905-336-2759 I flats for rent BRONTE 1 bedroom apart ment on Lakeshore above store. 1 car p arkin g only. $795/mo. 905-632-9744 O N -TH E - L a k e - Bronte: Im m aculate. 1-bdrm . lo ft. C able, parkin g, laundry. $1500/mo. inclusive. Suite single 905-827-2266. after 4pm.____________________ "H O U S E -L IK E " L iving in Low-rise Townhome/ Apts! 2-Bdrms 1-floor & 2-storey designs. Ground floor units w /w a lk-o u t to landscape patio! Freshly painted, re fin ish e d hardw ood, brand new appliances- All for you! Tyandaga Terrace. 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr., 905-3360015; 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr 905-336-0016 Very spacious, well maintained, quiel living. 1&2 Bdrms - Mar/Apr Fresh paint, refinished hardwood, some new kit. cabinetry & upgraded fire alarm system for your safely & peace-olmind. Walk lo hospital, lake, shops & schools. Call (90S) 637-0321 2-BE D R O O M S : $ 8 4 0 / mo. (U tilitie s in cluded). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. O ffice Open 9-4pm . Mon.-Sat. (905)639-5761 Camp Counsellors Forward resume stating preferred position: Attn: General Manager Air Athletics Facilities. Fax: 905-465-1143 W INE m aking sta rte r kit extra carboy, wine corker and bottle washer. $100/all 905-336-3324 A Super place to Shop for all year long. S kates; Hockey equipm ent, tobog gans; Ski equipment- cross coun try/ dow nhill; Sewing m achines; Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service, Burlington. W ed/Th/Fri-12-8pm; Sat-9- LEASING CONSULTANT W ANTEO A ll-C hina. Sllver. C rystal, sew ing m a ch in e s... Doulton, M oorcroft,Quilts. Glass. Watches, cam era/ audio equipm ent, do lls, pain tin g s, c o lle c ti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477 5pm; Sun-12-4pm._______ 5 pieces- Gibbard bedroom furn itu re , cherry wood. 2 Stiffiel table lamps, brass. 905-637-1133____________ A P P L IA N C E S - m o v in g : Washer, dryer, white. Kenmore Almond stove, excel lent cond itio n . W ill se p a rate 905-335-2059 BABY furniture, swing. FP playpen/ travelbed. Infant carseat. highchair & acces sories. Excellent condition. 905-331-7752 BED, All-New King. Extra thick pillow-top Orthopedic mattress set. Still in plastic. Cost $1700. S a crifice , $650. 905-304-5573. BEDROOM suite, queen, oak finish, headboard, mat tress, night tables, dresser, m irro r, chest. 9 0 5 -4 6 9 1787 Quieil Convenient! Spacious! G U AR AN TEE D dry 100% hardw ood. PROPERLY seasoned. Ontario's largest Firew ood reta il. M arc's Quality Firewood, 905-2576366 Required full time for Burlington's finest apart ment community. Various administrative duties, leasing of apartments, updating all systems and dealing with tenant concerns. Should be experi enced with Microsoft Office. A background in sales or marketing an asset. Flexible work schedule to include some evenings and weekends. To jo in o u r team FAX resum e w ith co ve r le tte r to : 905-639-0996 3055 Glencrest Rd. Burlington 1 1 2 Bdrm Suites pets, wpplks I boarding FREE to ca ring hom e. 6 year old neutered male, mainecoon X cat. long hair grey tabby, no health problems lo ving, calm and m ature answers to name, comes for walks. Has been both in door/o utdo or. W ife very allergic Matt 905-681-8885 G REAT Low Maintenance Pets. Leopard Geckos and B e a rd e d D ra g o n s. R e s e rv e y o u rs to d a y! C a ll (905)829-3782 THE CICCARELLI GROUP Due to rapid growth, The Ciccarelli Group will be opening a second location in Oakville. We will require experienced personnel to join our team in the following areas: · Landscape Maintenance Crew Leaders · Landscape Maintenance Labour We Offer: Excellent wages, health benefits, year round work. Please forward resume to: 807 Gamer Road East Ancaster, Ontario LOG 3X9 or fax (905)648-9677 ® (905) 637-3921 O AKV ILLE near Hopedale M a ll s h a re h o u s e /ro o m C a ll (4 1 6 )5 6 2 -1 1 7 0 or (905)469-1096__________ NEAR U pper O ak v ille Shopping M all/ S heridan. Share house. Pool, A/C. $385/m o. A v a ila ble A p ril 1st 905-510-0971 B U R LIN G TO N : room in 2-bedroom la kefront fourplex $70 0.mo. April 1st. Non-smoking, professional. Paking/ la undry included. 905-975-0153 I furnished rentals B U R L IN G T O N Furnished 2-bedroom large, attractive apartments avail able Mar. 1st. Heat/ hydro included. From $1050/mo. No pets 905-632-0961

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