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Oakville Beaver, 13 Mar 2002, C3

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Contact: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 250) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com W EDNESDAY, M ARCH 13. 2 0 0 2 · P a g e C 3 Please forward announcements for Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4; Fax 905-337-- 5567, email blokhuis@haltonsearch.com, or call 905-845-3824 Ext. 250, BEFORE NOON Monday to he included. Notices are listedfree o f charge. M illenn iu m Q uilt E xh ib it - 40 quilts from across Canada, at Hopedale Presbyterian Church, 156 Third Line, to March 17. Open Monday to Thursday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., and Sunday, 1 - 4 p.m. Admission $3. Women With Wings Network holds its monthly networking/dinner meeting on Tuesday. March 19 from 5:30-9 p.m. at Otello's Banquet Hall, 2273 Royal W indsor Drive/Ford Drive. Guest speaker is Rebecca Heaslip, president of leadership insight. Cost for members is $30; non-members, $35. Call 905829-8899. RSV Pby Friday. March 15. Dessert Bridge f o r Seniors is Wednesday, M arch 20 at The Kensington. 25 Lakeshore Rd. W. at 1:30 p.m. Bring a partner. Admission is free. Call 905-844-4000. Canadian Orpheus Male Choir will be in concert on March 23, 7:30 p.m., at Oakland* Regional Centre - fundraiser for Oaklands and Community Living Oakville (CLO). Tickets. $ 15. $ 13 for sen iors over 60 and juniors under 15. avail able at CLO. 1108 Speers, 905-844-0146; or Oaklands. 53 Bond, 905-844-7864. Oakville prem ier o f In n u film , Huliajuk. at Sheridan College SCEAT Theatre on March 23, 1 p.m. followed by discussion with filmmaker John Houston, $25; and 6 p.m. gala screen ing, cocktails and dinner (black tie optional) $150. Fundraiser for Halton Lung Association. Call 905-847-1033. H ealing Power o f the M ind: Tibetan B uddhist Perspective o f H ealing W orkshop hosted by the Women's Centre at Halton Regional Centre Auditorium. 1151 Bronte Rd.. on Saturday. March 23, 10 a.m. - I p.m. Call 905-847-9104. Cost is $15. Drop into the Older A dult Room (open Monday - Sunday 1 - 4 p.m.) at Iroquois Ridge Recreation Centre, have a cup of tea and find out what's going on for Oakville's 50 plus population. Drop In Badminton every Tuesday from 9 a.m. - 12 noon. Calling all artists - A rt and Artisans by the Lake is looking for artists to par ticipate in 5th annual show and sale at Appleby College on May 4. For infor mation and application form, call May Court Club o f Oakville, 905-634-0641. Proceeds benefit Breast Cancer Support Services and Halton Women's Place. WEDNESDAY M ARCH 13 M en are fro m Mars, Women are fro m Venus workshop series based on the book by Dr John Gray. Registration is at 7 p.m., classes 7:30-9:30 p.m. p.m.. at the Glen Abbey Recreation Centre, 1415 Third Line. March 13, Understanding and Comm unication Skills; March 20, Scoring Points with the Opposite Sex; March 27, How the Past Affects the Future; and April 3, How to Keep Passion Alive. Call Deborah Filler @ 905-338-9553. Early bird specials for advanced registration or $25 per person at the door. St. John Am bulance M arch Break Babysitting Course, W hat Every Babysitter Should Know, March 13, 14 and 15. Cost: $49. Call 905-469-9325. Oakville Cham ber o f Commerce After Hours. 5 to 7 p.m.. Comfort Inn & Suites, 2085 North Sheridan Way, Mississauga. Free to Chamber members. A C E - A ctive Choices f o r Everyone, for 50-plus adults, wellness program with low-impact exercises, speakers on health education, personal safety, general interests, meets Wednesdays at Oakville Red Cross, 167 Navy, 10 a.m. Call 905-845-5241. Wednesday Night Oakville M ixed Euchre League: Pick-up league, atten dance is not required every week. Single players welcome Call Leah or Brad 905-681-4577. Glen Abbey Toastmasters Club wel comes guests to overcome their fear of public speaking. Every Wednesday night, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., at St Volodymyr Cultural Centre, 1280 Dundas St. W. west of Neyagawa. Wednesday Evening F un R uns meet at The Running Company, 118 Thomas, 7 p.m. for 5K, 7K and longer course. Free. Call 905-815-1952. THURSDAY MARCH 14 Mothers and mothers-to-be interest ed in breastfeeding babies welcome to attend Oakville La Leche League meet ing. 8 p.m.. at 1079 Tanglewood. Call 905-337-3501 or 905-849-4138. H alton a n d Peel P rofessional Executive Network (HAPPEN) net working support group for unemployed business professionals, 8 a.m.. in Mississauga. Speaker: Ross MacKay, president, Ross MacKay & Assoc., Hum or is No Laughing Matter. Members $5, non-members $10. Call 905-339-0268 or www.happen.ca First O akville Toastmasters, Knights O f Columbus, 1494 Wallace Rd., every Thursday 7:30 to 9:45 p.m. Call Deborah Bartucci. 905-257-6927; or John Smissen, 905-827-1546. FRIDAY MARCH 15 Bereavement Group, Trinity United Church, 1250 McCraney. Fridays 9 a.m. Everyone welcome. Call Babs Hodgson. 905-844-0573. Playtime. Fridays 1:30 to 4 p.m., 21/2 to 5 year olds; Boogie Woogie, Fridays 9:15 to 10:15 a.m., 18 to 24 months; and Time Together - Fridays 9 to 10:15 a.m., 30 months and older. Registration required. Offered at 337 Kerr Street. Call the Oakville Parent Child Centre at 905-849-6366. SATURDAY MARCH 16 Bronte Group Runs/W alks leaving from Vinnie's Cafe each Saturday morning at 8 a.m., starting March 16. Runners and walkers welcome. Routes from 2-20K. All welcome. Rain or shine. Call 905-847-1327. Keys to Relationship Success semi nar presented by the Canadian Single Adult Ministry and Single Adults Alive, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. at the Calvary Baptist Church, 1215 Lakeshore Rd. W.. by Daniel Rutley, author o f `Escaping Emotional Entrapm ent' and Ruth Stockdale, Director of Single Adults Alive. Early bird price $49 - $65 at the door, including workshops, workbook, panel discussions, continental breakfast, lunch, and an evening party launching the new CD of John Himanen and his band, Onesimus. To register, call 905639-8244 or e-mail csam@idirect.com. Lions Club o f Oakville hosts 2nd annual Pancake Breakfast, 7 a.m. noon. Thirsty Penguin Restaurant at Canlan Ice Sports. Receive 1-litre bottle of Canada No. 1 Ontario Maple Syrup for $20 donation. Proceeds to club's community projects. Relay fo r Life team captain recruit ment and cancer survivor participation, 11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Oakville Place opposite The Bay. Also luminary sales for Relay for Life, volunteer recruit ment for April campaign, and daffodil sales. Saturday Fun offered at Oakville Parent-Child Centre, Kerr Street and Sixth Line locations, 9:30-11:30 a m Enjoy a special time with your child in a creative play environment. Call 905-849-6366." COMMUNITY UPDATE FOR THE PHILATELISTS: Jessica D onahue, 7, was one of m any youth participants at the O akville Stam p C lu b 's annual show last weekend at S t P au l's U nited C hurch. A m ore seasoned philatelist, Ben Dibben, a native of London, England who now lives in Toronto, stopped by to check out some stam ps from his native hom eland. The Oakville Stam p Club held its annual show last Saturday at S t Paul's United Church on Rebecca S treet Dubbed O akpex 2002, the show fea tu red exhibits by youths as well as dealers. A nother highlight was the club's book sale. T he Oakville S tam p C lub was founded in the 1960s by a small group of people who first m et in a m em ber's basem ent. The clu b 's first president, Dan H azzard, followed by subsequent presidents, helped the club grow steadily throughout the 1970s and 1980s until it boasted m ore than 100 m em bers. In 1983, the club hosted the Royal Philatelic Society's 55th annual Convention in the fo rm er Galaxy C lub and m ore than 2,000 people showed up to take in the exhibits from across C anada. Since then, the club has become a sm aller group, but is always looking for new m em bers to take it forw ard. T he club m eets at 6 p.m. on the sec ond and fourth Tuesday of the m onth, from Septem ber to Ju n e, at St. T hom as A quinas Secondary School located at Rebecca Street and Dorval Drive. For m ore inform ation about the O akville S tam p C lub call 905-8455344 o r w rite at P.O. Box 69643, Oakville, ON L6J 7R4 Chantal Ayotte · Oakville Beaver Saturday M orning Fun R uns, meet 8 a.m. at The Running Company, 118 Thomas, 5K, 7K and longer runs. Free. Call 905-815-1952. MONDA Y MARCH 19 Tots and Us, for caregivers and chil dren - playtime, music, stories and snack. 10 a m . St. Paul's United Church. 454 Rebecca. Call 905-845-3427. Bronte B unch - walk for fun and fit ness along W aterfront Trail every Monday. Meet at back door of Coach & Four in Bronte, walk starts 7:15 p.m. Bring flashlights. Socialization after wards. Call Sylvia. 905-827-8768. TUESDAY. MARCH 79 Oakville Newcomers'Club, social club for women new to area to want to meet new friends and get to know the commu nity. meets at 707 Galaxy Club, North Service Road East. 7:30 p.m. Weekly activities include walking, book clubs, bridge, sports, days and evenings - some activities open to couples. Call 905-4650447. Beginnings B ereavem ent Group, new peer support group meeting at Knox Presbyterian Church. Lakeshore and Dunn, every Tuesday 7 - 9 p.m. Call Ken Hodgin, 905-825-2573. W om en' s Employment Network Networking Sessions -Tuesdays 9 - - 10 a.m., at Women's Centre, Hopedale Mall. Ste. 210. No cost. Call 905-847-9104. H alton V O N F oot Care C linic, S ir John C o lb o rn e C entre for Seniors, Tuesdays 1 to 4 p.m. Cost: $20. By appointm ent only, call 905815-5960. H ALTO N C A TH O LIC DISTR IC T S C H O O L B O A R D ADULT LEARNNG CENTRE Your Link to the Future 14 Citizenship Preparation Classes March 19th to May 2nd Tuesday & Thursday Evenings 6:30p.m . to 9:30p.m. Please bring this invitation with you to view recent paintings o f Qdaion t Tnae/a <fee/ety Including monotypes and hand-coloured black 6 white photographs and watercolours, from her recent on-location painting trip to ESL Steps to Employment - Sales March 25th to April 12th Monday to Friday 8:30a.m . to 12:30p.m. Register N o w ! z /u s c a /u /, Sundays, March 17 and 24, 2002, 1lam. to 4pm. (or by special appointment week days) Eighteen Barclay Square, 223 Rebecca St., corner o f Dorval Dr. Refreshments served. Also available - Kids Sum m erArtSkool and KidzCraftsW eek registration forms. -Adult Workshops on How To H and-Colour Black i f W hite Photographs. -Commissioned Family and C hildren' s Portraits For more information call: Dawn Angela Seeley: (416) 917.2772 or dawnseeleij@xjahoo.co.uk 905-849-7555 171 Speers Road Oakville

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